"Run for your freaking life!" Peter yelled running at full speed past his friends. Everyone just turned their head in the direction Peter had come from and took a step back. Not a moment later a short burly man ran past them with an irritated expression on his face.

"Anyone noticed that Wolverine has been chasing Peter a lot lately?" Luke asked casually as Peter scaled the walls Toger out of range from she short mutant.

"Yep. Finally must've pissed him off," Nova chuckled. No one disagreed. Peter could bring out the best, and the most irritable in people.

This time however, Peter was guiltless. Wolverine just needed his special brand of assistance for the usual antics between the burly mutant and Iron Man. This time, the two decided they wanted to mark up Captain America's shield.

And who better to get close enough to decorate the Captain's shield than the fanboy like spider?

It wasn't like Iron Man could get close enough to decorate it, nor could Wolverine with their history. But the little spider? There was no doubt.

But first, they had to catch the spider.

"Ah!" He could hear from further down the hall. "Put me down!"

Wolverine grinned as he figured what happened. He casually made his way towards the whining arachnid teen. He wasn't disappointed when he saw Iron Man holding him by the back of his suit like an angry little kitten.

"This is so not fair you guys," Spiderman grumbled as he crossed his arms in annoyance.

"What's not fair is that you haven't played your little game with grandpa yet. It's time to show the old man a good time."

"I hate you both."

It was comical how the universe aligned just so that Spiderman was placed next to Captain America in a group meeting between the Avengers and the Ultimates. With a handful of ever so pretty magnets and sticky fingers, he attempted to pay attention while also applying said magnets. Of course, he didn't really need to be stealthy with Tony being a distraction, as he often was just be existing.

The magnets were flat but incredibly strong as Tony made sure to make them especially strong.

Couldn't have them come off too easily now could they?

Especially the one that said "Property of Stark Inc." Tony had made it clear that it had to be front and center of the shield. Wolverine just wanted him to suffer the same overly girly magnets that both Tony and Logan had to suffer. So daisies and hello kitty and rainbows galore.

Once set, he was ready to bolt the moment Captain America realized what was on his shield, and likewise realized who happened to decorate it. Tony was a godsend though as he continued on as though nothing was wrong as he stood up with his shield in hand. Peter was thankful that his team was gob smacked and therefore unable to talk. Hawkeye however ruined the effect with his rancous laughter at seeing the newly decorated shield. Before Captain America could get a good look at his shield, Soiderman bolted out of the room.

Tony didn't bother holding back a snicker while Captain America just looked confused.

It didn't take him long to figure out just what had happened as he looked at his shield.


"It wasn't me!"

"I am so sorry sir," Peter practically whined to Steve, "It's just Tony and Wolverine caught me and you how Tony is real persuasive and-"

"Calm down son I'm not mad."

"You're not? Oh thank goodness."

"I know how Tony can be, and I know he's been helping you with your suit."


"I just want you to promise me you won't decorate my shield again."

"Yes sir! Of course Mr. Captain America sir!"

"Just Captain America is fine."

The part three I never agreed to do but did anyway. Poor Peter. He never should have put magnets on Wolverine.