Disclaimer: Go and read the disclaimer of the previous chap!
Note: First letters of the Marauder's are used i.e. J for James, R for Remus…
Muggle Studies
(In Gryffindor common room)
J: What lesson do we have next?
R: Muggle studies. But it's not going to start for the next 20 minutes.
P: Why do we take Muggle studies anyway?
R: I like to learn about Muggles, that's why.
J: I take it because it's a very interesting subject.
R: James.
J: Also because Professor Blueberry is a marvelous Professor.
S: James.
J: Because it's a Slytherin free subject?
R: James.
J: Alright, alright, because Lily takes the subject. I take it so I can have extra time watching her.
S: More like staring.
J: Watching, and I wanna know as much as I can about her background, living in Muggle world and all.
S: Yeah well, you all obviously know why I take the subject. It greatly annoys my mother and I actually pay attention so that I can refer to muggles when I'm home. You should see how mad she gets. It drives her crazy. It's hilarious.
R: And you Pete, just tagalong us because you have no other place to go.
J: And it's time to go.
S: Muggle Studies! Here we come!
S: Hopefully we will get our test's results today. I can't wait to send my 'O' result to mother. Hahahahahahaha!
Accio Reviews! I hope the spell will work :D