Disclaimer: I do not own anything. All the characters belong to J.K Rowling. Obviously *in Snape's tone in Order of Phoenix movie*

Moony and Padfoot: The Babysitters!

"I still don't think that it is a good idea." Lily said worriedly.

"Oh come on, Lily we can handle Harry for a few hours." Sirius tried to assure her.

"Oh, only if James and I both weren't busy at the same time." Lily said.

"Come on Lils, they can handle him, trust me. It's only for three hours. By that time both of us will be back." James tried to reason her.

"Oh honestly, St. Mongo's had to have an emergency for me. I'll kill Alice. She was supposed to cover up for me there. But it's also not her fault, only if her Grandma wasn't ill to look after….James, can't you ask Moody t-"Lily was saying but James interrupted her.

"Hey! You know Moody. He can't hear no for an answer plus he's my boss, I need to be careful around him especially now that I've made him angry on our last mission. He hasn't cooled down yet.

"Come on Lily, don't worry about Harry, we've got him."Remus added.

Lily bit her lip, after a moment she reluctantly agreed. Both of them started getting ready to leave.

"Now remember, Harry's having a nap, wake him up half an hour later. There's some milk and baby food in the kitchen. Feed him once he's up. Then you guys can entertain him, however you like. There are some toys in the family room, he likes to play with them. If anything happens, give me or James a Floo call, ok?" Lily told Remus and Sirius.

"We've got it! We'll keep everything under control. You guys go." Sirius said exasperatedly.

"Oh an-"Lily began.

"Lily, come on. Harry will be fine with them." James told her.

With that the couple left.

"OK, so we have half an hour before Harry wakes up. What should we do, Moony?"

"Wait."Remus supplied.

Both of them went upstairs to check on Harry. He was sleeping peacefully in his crib. His toy stag tightly clasped in his tiny hand while his toy dog and wolf on his either sides.

Surprisingly, his stuffed rat lay far from him, on the other end of the crib. Sirius found this pretty funny. He whispered,"Where's Warmtail?"

"Dunno, he said he was busy, couldn't come." Remus replied.

After half an hour, they woke Harry up with just a little fussing. Once he was up, he looked at the two men.

'Pa'foo! Moo'y!" Harry shouted cheerfully.

"Hey! Prongslet." Sirius grinned and scooped him up.

They went downstairs into the family room, fed Harry as ordered by Lily and then placed Harry on the floor.

"So little buddy, what do you wanna do?"Remus asked.

"Play! Play! Play!" The Eleven month old boy started chanting.

Sirius handed him some of his toys but Harry soon got bored and he started crawling toward the kitchen. Sirius followed him, Harry stopped in the middle of the kitchen and shrieked.

"Candy! Pa'foo, candy!" He pointed at a jar on top of a shelf.

"You want candy?"Sirius asked and Harry nodded.

Sirius picked up the jar and carried Harry on the other hand, they went back to the Family room. Sirius placed Harry on the floor, ruffled his messy hair and opened the jar for him.

Harry started stuffing candy in his mouth, about ten minutes later, Harry started giggling. Remus was reading a book while Sirius was helping himself with some cookies, looked at Harry.

"What's funny, Harry?" Remus asked.

Harry was surrounded by candy wrappers and an empty jar. Suddenly Harry jumped up, shrieked with joy, climbed up the couch and started jumping.

"What? Wait a minute, did he eat….all of the candies?"Remus asked.

"Er…yeah, why?" Sirius asked.

"He has become hyper." Remus replied slowly.

"Come 'ere Harry." Sirius started to pick Harry but Harry jumped away from his grasp, laughing.

"Hey!" Sirius looked surprised.

Then suddenly all the candy wrappers flew upwards and started flying all around the room, as if in a hurricane.

"Whoa! Harry stop." Sirius said but Harry simply hopped on the next couch.

Then Harry's ball started bouncing all around the room and off walls. It knocked over the vase which shattered, and then it smashed into the empty candy jar.

"Harry stop using accidental magic."Remus said firmly.

But Harry jumped off the couch and landed high, on the top of the book shelf.

"Whoa! Now that's some powerful magic."Sirius said, awestruck, but it seemed like Harry had just begun because suddenly his crayons, bounced out of the drawer and started coloring the walls, floor, table, furniture and both the adults.

"Cut it out, Lily's going to be furious."Sirius started to panic.

"Harry please come down here."Remus said.

And Harry obeyed. He literally jumped off the shelf, towards the window. He caught the curtain and started swinging around and laughing. The curtain started to tear up and Harry fell.

Both of the men rushed towards him but neither of them got there in time and Harry landed hard on the ground.

Everything stopped. The wrappers suspended in mid-air, the bouncing ball stopped as it touched the wall as if it was glued there and the crayons stopped in mid-coloring.

After a second, Harry started wailing and everything resumed, this time in double speed. Plus the books in the shelf started falling out, the table fell sideways and the couch was upturned. Remus quickly scooped up the crying boy and started soothing him. But no matter how hard he tried Harry wouldn't stop. Then both of them started taking turns to calm the boy down.


Half an Hour later

Lily apparated outside her house, a few seconds later James arrived. Together they entered their house.

As soon as they entered, they heard a wailing Harry. Both of them rushed towards the source of the noise. They opened the Family room's door. The moment they looked around, they stopped with their jaws dropped.

The room was a mess. A vase, a jar, two glasses of water, a family photo frame and a decoration piece was shattered. The table and furniture were upturned, books fallen out, curtain tore up and the ceiling, walls, floor, furniture and Sirius and Remus were covered in crayon while wrappers flew everywhere and a ball was bouncing around. Plus Harry was sobbing hysterically in Sirius's arm.

Lily hurried in and snatched her son from Sirius's grasp and began soothing him. Slowly his sobs resided and he calmed down and fell asleep in his mother's arms.

"I knew I shouldn't have let you two babysit." Lily said glaring at the two men

Both of them gulped.

"Er…we should better get back home." Sirius said.

"Not so fast "James replied, crossing his arms,"Not before you two clean this mess up."