How about Eren runs away after Levi threatens him or something? Then Levi get worried and they reunite (Eren doesn't run away, he gets lost)
Eren's POV
I kept walking around the apartment, completely bored. I had already taken three naps, and as funny as it sounds, I do get tired of naps. I had already eaten and I couldn't play with Levi because he wasn't here. He went to some office party and apparently he had to go and I couldn't come with him.
I walked into his room and avoided the bed. The sun was going down, but the window was still getting quite a bit of sun, so I jumped on the windowsill and laid down. I liked sleeping in the sun, it was warm and made me feel like I had more energy. The window was open so there was a small breeze coming in that I appreciated.
I was probably only there for about ten minutes when I lazily opened one eye and saw a mouse in the alley. I quickly sprang up and jumped onto the roof of the next building, then onto the tree and I followed to where I had seen the mouse.
I had been trying to catch a mouse for Levi for several weeks now. But I very rarely left the house, and when I did it was with Levi so there was never a chance to go hunting. And he kept the apartment so incredibly clean that we never got any mice in there. It was kind of sad at first, I had always wanted to be a hunting cat, but I was okay with it now.
But that still didn't mean that I was going to give up that dream. Especially when I thought that it would make for a good present for Levi. I knew he hated messes, but as long as it was a clean kill and was careful where I put it, I thought he would like it. Then he would know just how much I love him.
I walked up and down the area of the alley where I had seen the mouse, but I couldn't find it. I looked behind dumpsters and I even got on some roofs to see if I could spot it from up here, but no luck.
What I did find, or better yet, what found me, was Colossal. He was the crazy dog that lived in the apartment building next to ours. Levi forbid be from sleeping on the window sill in the living room that faced their apartment because Colossal would always start barking and he wouldn't stop until he couldn't see me anymore.
I don't know if he had been outside this whole time or if he somehow managed to get out himself, but he was snarling at me a couple feet from where I was perched on a trash can.
Shit, this was not good. I jumped onto the trash can next to me but Colossal ran towards me and straight into the trash can, knocking it over and bringing me with it. I tried to run away but his teeth managed to grab some of my skin around my collar. I sneered at him tried to claw at him. His teeth let go enough to release me but they sunk into the leather of my collar.
For a second I thought about how pissed off Levi was going to get when he saw the teeth marks on my collar. He had gotten it for me for Christmas last year and it was really pretty, it was green and leather and had a little tag with my name on it. I loved the damn thing, especially since sometimes Levi would attach the bell Armin got me.
But right now was not the time to think about that, I managed to squirm my head out of the collar and ran before the dumbass Colossal could realize I had escaped. I got to the end of the alley before I could hear him behind me and chasing me. And he kept chasing me and I kept running. I don't get out too much, I usually like to stay in the house or when Levi has to travel I stay with one of his friends, or when he has to drive there he takes me with him. So I stay inside for the most part, meaning I had no idea where I was when I finally realized Colossal was no longer chasing me.
Levi's POV
Levi ran up the stairs to his apartment, he had stayed at work way longer than he intended to, the meeting he had to attend ran far too long. Usually when he knew he would get home late, he would add extra food in Eren's bowl so he would have something to eat. But he completely forgot about the meeting so he forgot to add more food, which meant Eren hadn't eaten for hours.
Poor cat is probably starving, Levi thought. He pulled his keys out as he ran and managed to get them into the key slot on the second attempt. He toed off his shoes as he entered and immediately went to the kitchen.
"I know, Eren," he started as he opened one of those godforsaken expensive cans of cat food, "I know, you're hungry," he moved over to the bowl with the open can and let the contents slide into it, "meeting ran late, I'm sorry,"
Once all the food was in the bowl, Levi stood, he threw away the can and then it hit him, he hadn't seen or heard Eren since he got home.
He moved over to the bowl, and looked around, "Eren?" he called. He stood straight and stayed silent. He didn't hear anything. He called for Eren again, more frantically this time. But he didn't hear a meow or the tapping of his paws. Levi checked on the top shelf where Eren liked to hide, he wasn't there. He checked the bathroom, nothing. He looked everywhere until the only place he hadn't looked was his room. At this point, Levi was panicking and he hoped Eren was on his bed. But he wasn't he wasn't in his normal chair, and he wasn't in the closet.
Levi went through his apartment again, then again, he even took out the catnip, which he rarely ever did because Eren got really strange whenever he ate any. He used toys to try to lure Eren to him, but that didn't work either. It was dark out and Levi felt a chill breeze through his apartment. That's when he realized the window was open.
"Fuck," Levi grabbed his sweater and pulled it on, then grabbed his keys on his way out the door. He ran down the stairs and out the building. He didn't even think about what direction he was turning, he just knew he had to call Eren to see if he could hear them.
After a half hour of looking, Levi called Hange.
"Do you have Eren?" Levi asked when he heard them pick up.
"Levi!" they exclaimed, "no I don't have Eren, why? Did you lose him?"
"Fuck," Levi was really hoping Hange broke into his apartment and catnapped Eren, at least that would have given him peace of mind knowing his cat was safe, "I just- I think he ran away. I got home late and he hadn't eaten all day but he's not in the apartment and I've been looking for him for thirty minutes and calling his name but I can't find him and he won't come out from wherever he is and I'm worried he's in the middle of the street or in a dumpster of some dog probably got to him an-,"
"Levi!" Hange cut him off, "calm down," it wasn't until then that Levi realized he had been rambling his worries to Hange. His eyes felt heavy and he felt like he was going to cry, "I'll call Armin and Erwin and we'll start helping you look, okay?"
"Okay," he hung up and kept looking.
Ten minutes later, Levi was still looking, his friends had texted him a couple times already, telling him they hadn't found him yet. At some point, Levi texted each of them telling them not to text him until they found Eren. The ringing of his phone only gave him hope, but every time he only read something disappointing. Plus, if they were looking at their phones, they weren't looking for Eren.
Levi ran past a family getting into a car, he saw the little girl holding something in a blanket, he assumed it was a baby doll, until she asked her dad, "can we keep him? His eyes are green! Like my favorite color,"
Levi automatically stopped and ran back, "what is it?" he asked them, out of breath. The parents looked at him in surprise, but the little girl smiled at him and held out the bundle.
"It's a kitty!" she said happily.
"Fuck!" Levi said as soon as he saw what was inside. Of course it was Eren, he was in the bundle, his fur was matted and some parts of the blanket had blood. He looked like he had been sleeping, but Levi's voice woke him up.
"Excuse me, sir. But what business do you have here?" the father asked, he was probably pissed Levi had cursed in front of his daughter.
Levi took Eren from the little girl's arms, she looked like she was about to cry. Eren purred once he was back in Levi's arms, then he seemed to go back to sleep.
"I'm sorry," he told her, "but this is my cat,"
"Oh," she said, she still looked like she wanted to cry but it wasn't as bad, now she just looked sad, "were you looking for him?"
Levi nodded, "for almost an hour, I live by Sina park," he told her, "so I've had to look far,"
The little girl nodded, seeming to understand the distress Levi had gone through to find his pet.
"What's his name?"
"Dumbass," Eren hissed at him and dug his nails into the skin of his forearm, "shut up, Eren. You run away, you get called a dumbass, it's just how life works," but he raised Eren up so he could nuzzle his face, "stupid cat," he said. Eren purred and rubbed his face into Levi's.
"He seems happy," the little girl said, all traces of sadness had left her face, "I'm happy you found your cat,"
"Thank you for taking care of him until I found him," had this little girl not found Eren, he didn't want to think about what could have happened to him, he already looked like he was in pretty bad shape, "but he won't be happy tomorrow when I take him to the vet,"
Eren growled, but fell asleep.
"Stupid cat," Levi said.
"Come on, we have to go," the father said.
"Okay!" she said, "I'm Mikasa! If you ever need someone to take care of Dumbass, I'll do it!' she said happily.
"Well thank you Mikasa, I'm sure Eren would like to play with the girl who saved him," he really was grateful for Mikasa, the least he could do was humor her.
She beamed at Levi until she was directed into the car by her mom.
"Bye Mister! Bye Dumbass!" she called out the window as they drove off.
Levi let out a loud sigh of relief, at least Eren was safe and alive. He started walking back to the direction of his apartment. It took him a while to walk back, he couldn't really pull his phone out of his pocket and call his friends, Eren was too comfortably asleep, if his soft purrs were any indication.
Levi took Eren straight to the bathroom when they got home, he placed him in the sink. Eren didn't even try to fight him when he turned on the water. He let the water run on Eren so he could pull out his phone and call Hange. He told her he found Eren and if she could let Erwin and Armin know as he went to the kitchen to get the bowl of food.
He hung up and then focused all his attention on Eren, he left the bowl next to the sink so Eren could eat while Levi washed him. Levi made sure to wet his entire fur and then followed through with the shampoo. He took a mental note of wherever he touched that made Eren flinch or cry out. Levi was careful to bandage Eren wherever he had open wounds, which were in two of his legs, one of his paws, and he wrapped a gauze around his middle to cover the wound on his side.
"I don't know what made you decide to run away, but you better not put me through that shit again," he said as he carried Eren with him to his room. He was exhausted, he didn't even want to take a shower. Instead he went straight to bed and hugged Eren close to his chest, "if you ever run away again, I'm going to find you just so I could kick your ass. So I wouldn't recommend it. You nearly gave me a heart attack. I almost made a little girl cry. I almost cried,"
Eren nuzzled Levi as he spoke, licking his face and his hands.
"You're an asshole, I hope you know that," Levi said, but he put his arm around Eren and hugged him close., "that's why you're going to the vet first thing tomorrow. I already had Hange call and make an appointment,"
"You little shit!" Levi exclaimed, Eren had scratched at his shoulder at the reminder of the vet.
"You can scratch me all you want, you're still going to the vet. I don't know if you noticed but you can barely walk," Levi said, he grabbed a tissue and dabbed at the blood, "I don't know what kind of fun you were trying to have, but it wasn't worth it,"
Levi laid back down once he was no longer seeing blood on the tissue.
"You're free to sleep on the bed, but if you scratch me one more time, I'm throwing you back outside,"
Eren bared his teeth at Levi but got closer to him and rubbed his head on Levi's chest, he licked at the scratch he had just made, "stop that shit, I'm going to get an infection or something," Levi put his hand to block Eren from the scratch, but Eren just started to lick his hand instead.
With the other hand, Levi pet Eren, being mindful of his injuries and focusing on places he knows Eren likes, like behind his ears and under his chin. He continued this until he felt Eren curl up on top of his chest and he fell asleep, happy and warm.
So a couple of you guys have suggested I do a chapter where Eren turns into a human, or Levi turns into a cat. And I love those ideas but every time I try writing them, I can't. Either I don't like how it comes out or I don't think it fits into the story. So tbh I don't know if I ever will write it for this, maybe one day I'll write it but make it a chapter in Confessions.
Fav, follow, review!