He spent 300 years watching Jack Frost, and before that he spent 10 years watching Jackson Overland Frost for the Man in the Moon. He watched the boy grow watched him and he entertain the young children and protect his sister even when kids older than him would beat him up he would still get back up and fight back "The boy is perfect for Frost, even his name fits." Pitch tells the man. The yellow face man smiled as he watched the brown haired boy pushed himself up after a large kid punched him.

"Ummm I like that he would do anything to protect his sister and the other young kids, he would almost make Spring Spirit to."

"You got one of those the rabbit…Remember?" Pitch said dully, The Man in the Moon chuckled as he looked up at Pitch as the Nightmare King watched Jackson hand a small coin pouch back to a young boy and smiled at him ruffling his hair.

"You want him don't you?"

"I've watched him for a long time, he has a beautiful soul." Rounding over the yellow face man grinned at Pitch

"All that darkness and you want a little more light." Pitch frowned at him

"I never asked for the darkness." Pitched as his eyed went back to the boy, he was now limping home with his sister.

"Umm true. I tell you what I will let you have my Ice Prince if you limit your Nightmares Pitch and think about joining the Guardian." The Nightmare King looked back at the man and frowned

"Blackmail my old friend now how unlike you." Pitch hissed as he stood up "Alright find for the Ice Prince." Pitch said as he walked off

"Until we meet again."

Pitch even watched as the boy saved his sister from the cracking ice on the lake…how fitting… he thought as the boy feel thought the ice and into the icy cold water. He felt bad he had seen many good men and women die but to see a child die it was hard to see. Once the ice had frozen over and Jackson Overland Frost took his last breath Pitch started to walk over to the lake when the moon light fell on him and Pitch froze and tilted his head up at the large around moon "What do you mean I can't take him now?" Pitch frowned "I guess your right fine but I will come back for him." and with that Pitch disappeared leaving the scared spirit to come to term to his new life.

But after another 150 years of the Man in the Moon stopping him from claiming Jack Frost. He kept saying 'He isn't ready.' Or 'He needs more time.' In the end Pitch screamed at the Man in the Moon "When will he be ready 150 years have passed and you have denied me the simple things, friendship, love and joy, laughter. No you gave it to the others but me… me you denied me this a simple thing why! When will he be ready?" He cried, the yellow face man played with the string on his jacket before looking up at the Nightmare King

"He will never be ready…for you."

His anger and hate grew in the next 150 years as he stalked Jack Frost waiting for his chances to speak to the boy and to weaken the Guardians. But when he had a chances to speak to Jack he blew all when the boy yelled at him and Pitch yelled back and hurt him. He let his anger towards the Man in the Moon and those Guardians poison what they could have had. But he left knowing once the last light was dealt with he would come back for Jack and try to speak to him.

But that didn't work out for him either and that left Pitch alone in his darkness with his own chance of light fading, until the idea of the Black Arrow came back to his head like the one he used on Sandy "Though the heart." Pitch whispered to himself as a smile grew on his face as he realised that is what he was going to do. "If I can't have a 'little more light' then I will have a little more darkness!" Pitch yelled out to the moon above him "You will know loss when I take your Ice Prince and make him my Snow Queen!"

He began to wonder if he shouldn't have lied to Pitch if he kept his promises and let the Nightmare King have the boy to being with then Pitch's loneliest and darkness consume him with hate and anger. He sighed sadly knowing that he won't be able to stop Pitch from shooting that arrow but maybe-maybe he could save Jack's light and in turn it might save Pitch.

It was a year after the battle with Pitch and Jack was all smiles and grins as he played with children at his lake creating snow balls and an ice castles for them to play with. But he notices a fearling moving around the lake and he frowned as he threw a snow all at hit sending it on its way. So when the children were called home Jack make sure they all went home safely. Jamie looked at him and saw Jack looking around worried clear on his eyes "Jack what's wrong?" He asked, the snow white haired spirit looked around at him and smiled

"Nothing it's just me… look take this."

"North's Orb?" Jamie asked looking confused at the snow globe placed in his hand, Jack nodded

"Yeah, if… if you see something you don't like use it okay." He said as he kissed Jamie on the forehead and flew out the window.

Jack was right to be fearful when he saw the fearling because as night fall fell North, Bunny, Sandy and Tooth turned up at the lake. He frowned as he watched them "Guy's what is going on?" Jack asked as he walked over to them

"Manny say Pitch is back." North said, the Ice Prince stopped and frowned

"The fearling… I knew something was wrong." He whispered as the sound of hooves make very one stiffen as they looked around at the black sand horses appear and surrounded them.

Something shot though the storm and into Jack's back though his hair. The white haired Spirit let out a scream of pain as his bright blue eyes widen in pain and fear. Thought the dark storm Pitch walked though grinning at the Guardians "It's so good of you to come to the coronation." He told them. Jack's scream burned their ear drum as they watched the black sand cover the white haired spirit as his blue orbs were screwed up in pain as he arched his back in pain as he tried to fight the darkness that was seeping through his body and appearing under his skin like hideous black veins. "Don't fight it Jack let the darkness take over and become your soul." Pitch grinned as he stood there grinning from ear to ear as the screams become choking sobs and then there was nothing as the black sand block the other Guardians from view.

"JACK!" Bunny cried out as he tried to get pass the sand but only to been stung by the black grain

"Oh this is perfect." Pitch smiles as he watches the Guardians watch in horror as it seem hours before the sand storm faded finally revealing Jack hovering in the air that beautiful snowy what hair was now dark as night. He hung limp as Pitch walked over to Jack and scooped him up

"Pitch don't do this, he's still young." North plead, the Nightmare king smirked as he pulled Jack closer to him and nuzzled the top of his head

"Oh North you foolish fat man if you only knew how much I've wanted this boy for 311 years." He purred as he pressed his lips to the top of Jack's forehead and watched how Bunny snarled at him.

Pitch smirked as a Fearling handed over Jack's staff into the man's hand as he held Jack with the other hand as the young spirit groaned in a gain. His mind had become feverish with nightmares and all around Jack knew they were trying poison and take over his mind, this made making Tooth whimper wanting to help the young boy "You can thank our dear old friend for this, I am sure he will tell you why. You will be seeing us soon once my Queen is up to it." He chuckled "I might even invite you the wedding." He said before disappearing in another sand storm.