It was Regina's day off. She had been newly reinstated as mayor a few months ago and she had finally taken a well-deserved day to herself. This was why she was annoyed when her phone rang and Emma's name popped up on her screen. This wasn't the first time Emma had called her for help, which Regina was assuming she was after since Henry was at school and there were no current villains plaguing the town. Usually, Emma had the decency to wait until the afternoon for a magical mishap, but at least she was practicing. Even if it did interfere with Regina's schedule.
Rolling her eyes, she answered, "What is it, Miss Swan?"
Instead of being met with a sarcastic, "Hello to you, too.", Regina was met with an awkward silence.
"I could have done without listening to you breathe this morning, Miss Swan," she said into the phone. "So please, whatever it is you called for, do get to the point. It is my day off, you know."
"Hi," came the awkward and too late greeting. "I, uh, have a litt - well, actually, it's kind of a big - problem" and here Regina was certain she heard a touch of pride, "and I need your help."
"So I surmised," Regina rolled her eyes again. How she ever came to be friends with the Charmings she would never know. "What did you do this time?"
More silence. Then finally, "I think it would be best if you came over."
Shaking her head in protest, despite the fact that Emma couldn't see her, Regina said, "Oh no. It's my day off. If you need my help, you can come over to the mansion. Otherwise, you'll have to deal with it yourself."
She received a frustrated, "I've tried." before Emma abruptly hung up.
Even though Regina wasn't fond of knowing the blonde was in some sort of predicament, she was determined to enjoy her day off. Emma didn't sound like she was in trouble. She probably just magicked Snow's favorite toaster away again. And that was why Regina didn't feel a need to rush to her aid. If Emma wanted help, she knew where to find her.
And that was why Regina was soaking in a luxurious bubble bath, an indulgence she didn't often afford herself. Candles were burning, the scent of apple cinnamon filling her nostrils. Soothing classical music was playing in the background. And Regina's eyes were closed in relaxation.
The way the water caressed her skin felt good, which reminded her of another activity she had long been deprived of. She slowly ran her hands up and down the length of her body, re-familiarizing herself with her curves. She brought one hand up to her right breast and started fondling it gently, giving her nipple the barest of brushes. She was trailing her other hand down her torso when she heard a breathy "Fuck." that did not come from her.
Regina opened her eyes to glare at her intruder.
"Miss Swan," she said sternly, not bothering to remove her hand from her breast even though it had stilled, "what do you think you're doing in my bathroom?"
Emma's eyes widened, as if she was surprised she was caught ogling and she stammered, "You said you would help me if I came. To the mansion. If I came to the mansion."
Regina smirked. Emma was so easily flustered when it came to matters of sex. It was endearing really, seeing the brazen Savior so embarrassed by simple nudity. Regina admitted to herself that she liked the way Emma looked when she was flushed with embarrassment, and the mayor made no move at decency.
"So I did," she replied. "What is your problem, dear?" She looked Emma up and down, which earned her a gulp from the blonde. "You don't look like you've got a problem."
To Regina's amazement, Emma flushed a deeper shade of red and turned away. "It would be better if I told you what happened when you're dressed."
"I'm the one naked, Miss Swan. I have no problem with it. Just tell me what is the matter."
Emma looked toward the robe Regina had laid aside for herself and then back to Regina, her eyes pleading.
"Oh very well," Regina scoffed, getting up from her bath. "Help me out."
Emma hastily grabbed the robe and turned around, only to gape at Regina, standing nude in her bathtub, glistening with the water.
"Well?" Regina said, hand outstretched for the robe.
Slowly Emma handed it to her, but not before Regina caught her giving her a long once over. The queen blamed the hardening of her nipples to the change in temperature from the warm water to the cool air around her.
Stepping out of the tub and wrapping herself in the robe, she once again asked, "And what happens to be so important that you had to interrupt my day off?"
Taking a deep breath, Emma quickly looked Regina in the eye before darting her attention to the ceiling, "Isomehowgavemyselfadick."
Regina rolled her eyes. She did that a lot around Emma. "Honestly, if you expect me to help, you can at least enunciate."
"I gave myself," Emma repeated slowly, "adick."
Regina looked at Emma, her eyes traveling down to the other woman's crotch then back up to her face, "Excuse me, what? I must have misheard you."
Suddenly frustrated, Emma blurted out, "I gave myself a dick, Regina. I've got a cock. Okay?"
And for good measure, Emma tugged her sweatpants down to her knees to brandish her newly acquired appendage at Regina, who noticed with interest that it was delightfully erect.