Hey guys! if you're reading this due to alerts or just continuing the story, I thank you or baring with me and waiting for a new chapter. (Thank you for hose who kept reading the story! Favoring and Following! *Sends you the hugs of feels!*

Reasons it took forever to get out to you: Because I had no idea how to write this! I had lost that spark of when I first wrote this. I had a few different drafts that just didn't sound right to me. it was just within these few weeks that I got this out of my brain and into text lol.

and so finally...ONWARD WITH LE STORY!

Hearing the quiet drones of a nearby fan and the smell of food filled her surroundings, Rin slowly begins to open her tired and puffy eyelids. Pushing the covers off her body, Rin proceeded to make her way to the source of the delicious smell.

She was greeted by a softly humming Luka as she prepared breakfast. Gakupo was simply lounging on the living room sofa.

"Ah! There she is. How did you feel, hun?" Luka asks Rin as she hands her a glass of water and a few Aspirins. Rin groans in response, causing Luka and Gakupo to chuckle.

"Like I've said before, going to drink? Be ready to deal with the consequences."

"Yes, mother dearest. I remember you saying that before. Multiple times actually!"

"And yet, here you are." A clearly visible smirk played on Luka's lips. Rin stuck her tongue out at her.

Rin rubbed at her aching forehead as she tried to remember the events of the previous night.

The moment a sly raven-haired fellow crossed her thoughts, she let out a verbal groan.

"It's coming back to you?" Luka asked worryingly.

"So far, I left the diner where Len was pissing me off. Went to the Dive in hopes to get shit-faced till you came for me. I started talking to this guy with really dark hair. After a few drinks, things became foggy after that…" Rin explained as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

Luka took in all that she had said. Trying to remember back to past conversations, she had remembered Rin had mentioned this Len character in very brief moments.

"Well, eat up and whenever you feel up to it, we can talk?" Luka suggested softly.

She dreaded having to have a 'talk', but loosened when she realized that this was Luka. In this extremely abnormal situation, Rin hoped Luka of all people could shed light to such matters.


After the much needed meal, Rin was ready to discuss her delemma. Gakupo had went out in order for the girls to have their privacy.

For a few moments, Luka and Rin sat in silence as Rin tried to conjure up the words to start off this difficult topic.

"Well, as you know, I'm from Japan. I never told you what had happened as to why I left and came here to live with Mikuo and Meiko…" Rin was suddenly cut off.

"You don't have to tell me if you're not comfortable"

Rin let out a tiny sigh.

"It's pretty important, actually." Luka nodded at her explanation.

"So, I have a twin brother named Len. He and I were very close. People use to confuse one another for each. Even our parents had trouble at times since we were the mirrored imaged of each other" Both rin and Luka chuckling.

"I wanted to be as close to him as I could. It's kind of embarrassing now that I think about it. I would follow him around, have him read to me, dance with me. Hell, I would even cut our hair the same length. We even slept on the same bed till we were sixteen!" Rin laughed fondly at this, Luka giggled.

"But this became an issue with our parents. We were too close. And they had reason to be worried.

"I can't pinpoint exactly when it happened but my admiration for Len started crossing the boundaries…" Rin looked up at Luka to study her expression. Luka gave her a small smile and nodded to continue.

"By the age of sixteen, we were head over heels for one another. At first I would tell myself it was because he was my brother, and I cared deeply for him. And that it was an innocent crush that would blow over one day. But the day we shared our first kiss…well, that is when I stopped denying my feelings.

"He was afraid and I was terrified. We almost did nothing about these feelings because he said I was so dear and fragile to him, and that he didn't want to lose me over something so impossible. But being as stubborn as I was, I didn't give up on my feelings.

"We knew how wrong we were to feel that way about each other. But whenever I was actually around him, those thoughts quickly disappeared to the back of my mind. Our want for being around each other became so strong that we begin to just sneak around behind our family's back. We thought we were careful. But everything came crashing back to reality that one night…"

Rin looked lost in thought as Luka waited patiently.

"There was a storm…we figured it would be loud and that no one would hear us!" Rin's following words came out in a messy rush that Luka had trouble keeping up with

"I guess we were being loud enough because my parents came to our room and caught us!"

Rin closed her eyes, imagining Luka's eyes judging her silently.

Luka had trouble digesting what Rin was explaining.

"Our parents were livid. They told Len to leave and never come back. They thought he forced me." Tears fell down her flushed checks. Luka began rubbing her palms down Rin's back.

"Len went to stay with our friend Miku. I thought he was mad at me. He wouldn't even look at me when were at school. My parents were talking about how sick Len was and that I needed professional help to deal with being molested. I had to get away from them. So with help from Miku, she sent me to come live here with her brother.

"You are the first person I have ever told this too. I mean, Mikuo and Meiko know about it all but beside them, you are the first friend to know this. I understand if you want nothing to d-"

"Whoa, whoa! Who said I wanted nothing to do with you?" Rin finally peeked up at Luka's graceful features. Instead of the look of disgust she thought Luka would have, Rin saw Luka's smile and warmth.

Rin threw her arms around her pink haired companion, feeling previous pressures melt away.

"Thank you for not freaking out, Luka!" Rin shouted with her tear stained cheeks and a slight maniacal laughter.

"It's ok hon, really. There are worst things out there. And sometimes, a person can't help who they fall for."

"It really is inconvenient though." Rin sighed while pulling away for their hug.

"But now Len has come to visit me! I really thought that when we were to meet again, I'd be over him. Especially since I have Oliver now. But if anything, the time we spent apart just made us attract to each other like freaking magnates. He says he wants me to go back with him. I think he wants us to be together…together. But I am so pissed at him! I mean, who the hell does he thinks he is thinking I'll leave everything just for him?!" Rin's face becoming red in anger and frustration. Luka cocked her head in wonder.

"I already feel like complete shit for not telling my friends. Hell, there were times I had to stop myself from pouring my heart out to them when they would asked questions about my life was before I moved here.

"And Oliver…poor Olive! He is so great and understanding but, he has to know my heart was never fully his. I really do love him, but just not as much as I do love Len. Oh Luka, this is all such a shit-storm. I have no idea what to do."

Luka quietly examined the situation in its entirety. Rin seems to want to stay with her friends. However, even though she won't admit it, she so deeply wants to be with Len. And to top it all off, she is still technically in a relationship. Even level-headed Luka was at lost for words.

"You have to tell everyone how you are feeling. You are wreaking yourself silly when the right step in any direction would be to just tell everyone how you feel. Gather up your friends, excluding Oliver and Len and explain what you been hiding. If they truly care about you, they will try to understand or at the very least, not hold it against you.

"Next would be to clear up any misunderstandings with Len. Tell him that you want to stay, or leave, whatever you choose. And maybe even tell him that you want to be with him or not. But also address real possibilities, like you two never being able to have children. No matter what way you look at this relationship, it is incestuous. It is good to establish the boundaries within the relationship.

"And finally, you would tell Oliver about everything. Prepare for every possible reaction. And also brace yourself for that fact that you may never see him again after that." Rin looked at Luka with concern, causing Luka to explain.

"Try to think of it from his point of view: his girlfriend has been holding a big secret from him. This secret involves that his girlfriend has really been in love with someone else that is not him this entire time. Not sure how he will take it when he finds out who it is, but that is the general response from anyone in his positon. He may want nothing to do with you afterwards and you should not try to take it to the heart."

Rin sat on the bed, nodded and trying to comprehend Luka's plan. It was killing her to know that she may lose friends after this, but she can't allow herself to carry this toxin within herself any longer.


Len sat on the edge of Mikuo and Meiko's couch, being scolded like a child by Miku.

"We came here in a friendly manner, Len! We were weren't supposed to cause any more problems for her!"

"You don't understand, Miku! What if she decides to stay?!" Len shouted right back at Miku.

"Then she stays! We came here to visit her, no one said we had to take her back with us!"

"She will want too!"

"You don't know that! She isn't the same Rin you knew!" Miku's words hitting him like icy water.

"Rin has changed. You can't come here expect her to be the timid sister that followed you around like a puppy. After everything you both been through, including all the experiences she has had here, it would be insane to even make that assumption. Did you ever think to stop and ask what she wants? You have to wake up some time, Len." Miku stated before leaving Len to reflect.

Waves of dull pain wreaked through his body as he sat there, realizing that he was doing more harm than good with his abrasive approach. He did not stop to think that maybe Rin was happier here then she would be with him.

And if she wanted to stay, then who was he to try and make her leave?

Len stalked out the apartment, going in any direction to look for Rin.

Will Rin follow Luka' plan? Will Len finally get his head of out his ass? Will it take forever for the writer to get another chapter out? Find out next time!

Also, if you have any ideas on what should happen next, let me know! I am sorta struggling with it so you'll be doing me a favor :)

8/17/16 if you have any questions about the future planning of this story, please feel free to read my profile's recent update.