Chapter 7: The Genius
A/N Sorry about not updating in a long time. I just been busy the last few weeks. Anyway, I going to try and update once a week, every Sunday to be exact. Enjoy and Please Leave a Review
"Wow", I said.
"This someone you want me to meet must be rich."
We has walk for a long while. From the middle of Republic City to an isolated, yet beautiful mansion. The mansion was huge, with windows covered all the sides. It was painted white, with a black roof. The mansion's garden was just as exquisite as the mansion itself.
The gardens was a lush, green-colored. Right in the center of the garden, was a foundation, with the statues of Avatar Korra, Asami Sato, Mako, and Bolin.
"Awesome", I said.
Surrounding the fountain was many different flower bushes, all blooming, and tall hedges.
Kaixsin continue to escort me to the front door.
As we approach the huge, white door, it appear to open by itself.
"Who live here?"
"A genius", Kaixsin reply.
"Ah, Mistress Kaixsin", said the door.
"Argh! Kaixsin! The door talking!"
I quickly airbended the door. The door then flew back, and a tall man in a black suit also flew back.
"What...what just happen? Who are you?"
After seeing Richi airbend the butcher, I slap him hard in the head.
"Ouch. What did I do?"
"You airbended the butler."
Richi look at me, then at the fallen butler, then back at me.
"Yes. The person who live here has a butler."
I slowly place my hands over my eyes.
"Sorry Mr. Hanish"
Mr. Hanish slowly got up from Richi's attack, rubbing his head.
"It's okay Mistress Kaixsin."
The butler then notice Richi.
"Who is friend, Mistress Kaixsin? And how can you airbend if he is wearing Earth Kingdom clothes?"
Before I could speak, Richi spoke.
"Oh, I'm really an airbender, but to bend it, I wearing Earth Kingdom clothes."
Now Mr. Hanish just look confuse.
After slapping Richi in the head again, I grab his hand and quickly lead him through the mansion.
"Bye Mr. Hanish."
"Uh. Bye Mistress Kaixsin."
I eventually lead Richi to the master bedroom.
"Okay", I said.
"Richi. Listen to me very carefully. The person behind this door is very special to me. So I don't want you to said anything. Okay."
Trying to be serious, or at least that what I think, Richi place his hand by his forehead.
"Yes mam!"
With fear of begin greatly embarrass, I open the door into the master bedroom.
"Amazing", I said, walking into the room.
The master bedroom was huge, with two, big windows on the opposite walls and a giant bed right in the center.
The room was painted red, with a pattern of sliver-diamond on them. By the bed, there was a little, brown table with a picture on it. The picture was of two women.
One was tall, with long, straight, dark brown hair. She has deep tan skin, with a round face and sharp chin.
The other woman was tall, with long, wavy, raven black hair. She has light skin, with a similar round face and sharp chin. The two women were standing side by side together, hugging.
"Who are these two", I ask. I pick up the picture.
"That me and Avatar Korra", said a voice from behind.
"What the-?!"
I turn around to face an elderly woman in a wheelchair. She has long, white, wavy hair and light, wrinkle skin. Her head was round, with a sharp chin. She wore a long, black and red robe.
"Grandma Asami", Kaixsin yell. She then ran up to the elderly woman and her her.
"Grandma Asami", I repeated.
"Kaixsin", reply Asami. She hug Kaixsin back.
"I'm so happy to see you!"
"I am too!"
The woman then went into a long conversation.
I didn't know what to do, so I just stood still and waited.
After a long while, Kaixsin finally remember me.
"Oh Grandma Asami, I almost forgot. This is my friend
"Grandma", Kaixsin yell. She then ran up to the elderly woman and hug her.
"Kaixsin", reply the woman. She hug her back.
"I'm so happy to see you again!"
"So am I!"
While the Kaixsin and her grandma kept talking, I just kept standing.
After awhile, Kaixsin finally remember me.
"Oh Grandma Asami, I almost forgot. This is my friend, Richi. He's the new avatar."
As soon as Kaixsin said those words, I instantly freeze. Like as if I was in a block of ice.
I ran up to Kaixsin.
"Kaixsin", I whisper.
"If you don't mind, I rather people not know am the Avatar."
"What not?"
"Well. For one, it help me fight with the robots. Who ever is making them probably doesn't know the avatar is here. And because of that, I be able to surprise him..or her when we find him... or her."
"Yeah well, Grandma Asami is trustworthy. After all, she the genius I wanted you to meet."
"Back when Grandma Asami was younger, she was a big inventor and knew all about machine."
"Ohhhh. So she be able to help us with the robots."
"Yes. That why we're here."
Kaixsin then turn back toward her grandma.
"Grandma. We need your help. It involve the robots."
"Ahh, yes. The robots who can somehow bend. Am I right?"
"Yeah", I commented.
"Well, I can't tell you everything about bending robots but I can tell you they made from pure platinum. Pure platinum doesn't have any earths in it so the metalbenders can't control them. Also, the robots must be remote-control."
"Yes, remote-control. By using remote-control, a person can use the robots to their advantage, while at the same time, staying completely safe."
"Okay. So you're saying there no way to defeat them?"
"No. I said the robots are begin remote-control by someone. I never said they could not be defeated."
"So how do you defeat them?"
I then felt a sudden pain in my right foot. Kaixsin stomp on my feet.
"We don't have to defeat the robots", Kaixsin whisper. "We have to defeat the person or people controlling them."
"Ooohhhh, I get it now. One problem thought."
"How do we find who controlling the robots?"
"I can help", Asami said. "I can track the signal controlling them."
"Awesome", I shouted. "Then finding who ever is controlling the robots will be easy."
"No", said Asami. "It will not be easy. Tracking the signal will take some time. I would suggest staying in Republic City for awhile."
"Got it!"
I look into my pack to see how much foods I has left. Instead of finding foods, I find Zua, sleeping peacefully in my empty pack. I tap Zua in the head.
Zua flew from my pack, hitting me on the way out.
"OUCH", we both yell.
"What did you hit me?!"
"I didn't hit you, I tap you! AND BESIDE, YOU ATE ALL THE FOODS!"
I open my pack widely and show Zua a foodless empty pack.
"Oh. Opps."
"Zua. That was all the foods we pack. What do we do now?"
Before either of us could think, the girl interrupted.
"What going on, Kaixsin", Asami ask.
"That little, yellow spirit is Richi's best friend. His name is Zua."
"What are they talking about?"
"Richi and Zua came here without a plan. Now, they because Zua ate all their foods, they in need of money, foods, and a place to stay."
"Wow", I said. "You know, you didn't have to tell her everything."
"I didn't tell her everything. Beside, you need some help."
"We don't need that much help. I sure Zua and I can think of something."
"Well" Asami said. "Until you and Zua do think of a plan, I think I may have an idea. Just one question."
"How are you at airbending?"
"I like to think I'm awesome at airbending. What?"
Asami smile.
"I have some friends who are in need of a airbender. Do you think you can help them?"
"Mr. Hanish!"
The butler then quickly enter the master bedroom.
"Yes Mrs. Asami?"
"Please really the automoblie. We're heading to Pro-Bending Arena."
She then look toward Kaixsin.
"Kaixsin, please go ahead. I have a few things to discuss with Richi."
"Sure grandma."
Kaixsin left the room.
"So what did you want to tal-"
Before I knew it, Asami rush from her wheelchair and ram me into the wall.
"Listen", she said.
"Take care of my granddaughter. Do you understand?"
"I just going to warm you once, okay? Take care of my granddaughter. She is special to me."
Asami then let me go, before returning to her wheelchair. She then causally roll out.
"Wow", I said. "Kaixsin's grandma scare me."