Hey there, one more chap, I'm surprised at how fast I've written it xD but I said I was eager to write for this story. I fear that I'll abandon all my other fics just to go on with this one lol my readers will hate me u.u

Anyways, mistakes ahead you're warned ~~ I've re~read this so many times that I can't even count anymore. My eyes hurt and my brain is tired of English lol but I've corrected the ugliest mistakes and typos I've found =)

II ~ Can this emptiness be cured?

"Né mama, why do you smile whenever papa plays his violin?" A young raven haired boy asked, with two large sapphire eyes looking at the beautiful female sitting next to him.

The beautiful female seemed surprised for moments, staring at her adorable and curious son and trying to understand the reason for his sudden question. But there was no reason. Children are always curious human beings, and they could ask the most improbable things ever without a reason per se.

Her baby blue eyes softened and her thin pink lips were curved in a gentle smile. She stretched out her hand, caressing her son's chubby cheek warmly and said in the simplest way possible, "Because papa's melody makes mama happy."

The little boy squeezed his white shorts tightly between his shaking fingers and stuttered nervously; anxiously, "T-Then… Then I… I also… I'll play the violin too. I want to make mama happy." The blue eyed boy shook his head softly once… twice and corrected himself, "No; papa and mama and grandpa… I want to make you all happy with my melody too!" He said eagerly, his piercing azure eyes shining with excitement.

Uryuu, who quietly sat down on his bed, squeezed his precious instrument between his arms and cursed those unforgettable memories. A few tears rolled down over his cheeks while his body trembled lightly with sorrow. He was tired of remembering always the same thing, over and over and over again whenever Ryuuken, the man who was supposedly his father, appeared at his home. At this moment of his life, Uryuu didn't have any more reasons to play the violin. His mother had died creating an irreplaceable emptiness in his heart. Even so, after his mother's death he still had his kind grandfather who always supported and advised him the best way he could; yet, he also disappeared from the raven haired male's life. The emptiness inside him just grew unstoppably. But which turned that hollow feeling inside his heart unbearable was Ryuuken's cold behavior. After his wife's death the man changed completely. The gentle and warm father he had been once to Uryuu simply disappeared from this world, leaving behind the heartless man he was nowadays; a man who came to Uryuu's house to simply give him money and advices about how the raven haired boy should live his present and future life. His violin's melody had also stopped sounding. It had disappeared along with his mother's warm smile. Nevertheless, both the smile of his mother and the sound of his father's violin remained deep down inside of his heart, tormenting him but also letting him feel, for short moments, the happiness he felt once in those distant days.

Uryuu sobbed falling back on his bed with his violin on top of him and shut his sapphire orbs making, inevitably, two thick drops of salty water slide down from the corner of his eyes finally falling down over his dark strands of hair and white blankets of the bed.

"I hate it." His mouth murmured too softly as his fingers tightened the white and blue instrument. "I hate it… I hate it… I hate it…" He muttered over and over trying to convince himself. Yet he couldn't do it. He wanted to hate his violin, so he could stop playing it and maybe forget those painful days. But that just seemed to be an impossible wish whenever his real dream came to his mind. He wanted to play his violin and make whoever heard its sound smile. He wanted to show to the whole world that in fact his connection to his instrument was deep and unique. He shouldn't dream with such happy things, however he couldn't help it.

"I have no reason to play it." He said opening his eyes and looking up at the ceiling of his room. It was the pure truth… still he couldn't stop it.

"I'm sorry Ichi-nii." Ichigo's youngest sister trembling and hoarse tone of voice sounded softly in the orange haired teen's ears. He faced her surprised for seconds, however his brown eyes softened once he realized the small frown in her thin lips.

"Idiot~" He said poking her forehead with his middle finger. "You're making it seem as if this was your fault."


"Yuzu, you caught a cold, I could have been the one doing so... or even dad, or Karin. But it wasn't any of us. Still it wouldn't be our fault, as it isn't yours. Now stop apologizing and take a good nap, so you can recover soon."

The petite brunette smiled softly at her brother's words, as he wet a white cloth in cold water and placed it over her forehead. She shivered slightly at the coldness of the soaked fabric, but somehow it felt good against her burning flushed skin.

On the other hand, Ichigo took the small bowl with water in his hands and left the girl alone in order to rest. As soon as he closed the door of her bedroom, he let out a deep breath that he didn't know he had been holding. It was true what he had said to her; it wasn't Yuzu's fault if she had caught a cold, still he knew how hard it was for her to stay still on her bed all day and not being able to make lunch or dinner or even to 'discipline' their dad. Yet, he knew that what it missed the most at their house right now was their mom's presence.

Yuzu was just like their mom: kind, sweet, peaceful, pleasant, warm… She took care of them since their mom had died. Nevertheless, although he, his dad and Karin also took good care of her, he knew that she missed their mom. He knew that even if when she caught a cold like this, she would always have someone by her side to give her strength and try to ease her pain; but their mom's gentle hands; warm touch were missing over her forehead… caressing her flushed cheeks. Their mom's sweet voice was needed there, whispering kind words of relief, support and mainly of love. It was at moments like this that Ichigo couldn't help but feel guilty. Everyone had already told him that what had happened to his mom hadn't been his fault. 'It was an accident', people had said to make him feel better and relieved, yet it happened the contrary; it only deepened his feeling of guilty. If at that rainy day he hadn't ran as the idiot kid he was just to catch a damn frog from the middle of the street, and if a certain car hadn't passed alarming his mom of what would happen to her son, then she wouldn't have died protecting him. How did people still dare to say that it hadn't been his fault if she had died to protect him?

"If only she had survived…" Muttering this, the orange haired male let out a deep sigh frowning, and headed to the kitchen in order to change the water of the bowl he had in hands. Even if only a bit, he wanted to make Yuzu feel safe as she would feel if their mom was there.

A week had passed faster than people thought it would be possible, and so, a new school year started.

"Yô Ichigo! How's your sister?" Keigo greeted the orange haired male.

"Hey… She's better, she went to school too."

"Great, now you can come with us to a goukon*!"

"Refused!" Ichigo stated without hesitation.

"Huh? Why~? Don't you wanna see all the cute and hot girls there?" Keigo's eyes shone just thinking about that.

"No, I'm not interested Keigo."


As soon as their conversation ended, the bell of school rang and the rest of his classmates entered inside his classroom. Between them was the perfect yet arrogant student council president. Ichigo's eyes were stuck on Ishida's pretty and elegant figure. Although it had passed a week, Ichigo still remembered the last events. He still remembered how perfectly Ishida had played his violin; enchanting everyone… he still remembered how his heart had raced with his magnificent melody… However, he still remembered when he had helped him to get rid of the stupid delinquent and when Ishida had revealed his true self. He wouldn't deny and say he hadn't gotten disappointed with Ishida's personality, yet, looking at him right now just made him rethink if in fact the raven haired male was so snobbish.

Unable to take his chocolate brown eyes off of him, Ichigo swallowed hard observing better his thin figure. His anxious orbs ran the boy's body from top to bottom, noticing each detail of his slim frame: the way his dark hair fell over the right side of his face, while on the left side was perfectly hidden behind his ear; the way the white shirt of his uniform was well buttoned; the way the tie around his collar was perfectly tied; the way his grey jeans fit his slim waist, and long legs, and irresistible ass and-

"Wait… WHAT?" Ichigo's eyes grew wide as soon as he realized his own thoughts. What the hell had he just been thinking? Before he could even try to understand himself, sapphire eyes met his brown wide ones making his heart stop for a moment, to then pound strongly against his chest with anxiety, nervousness and mainly with shame. However, once he noticed the raven haired teen's scowl on his face he feared his own future because he knew he was screwed.

As Ichigo had thought, the raven haired male demanded Ichigo to follow him once their first class ended. The orange haired boy was so damn screwed. If only he hadn't violated the boy with his eyes this wouldn't be happening. Damn it, he shouldn't have noticed Ishida ever. If only he had heard Keigo for once and skipped the stupid even of last week… But why was he trying to deny it anyways? He didn't regret having noticed Ishida. But now, inexplicably, the stupid prideful man had all his attention.

"Kurosaki Ichigo, as I thought I have to warn the principal of school about you." Uryuu said facing the orange haired teen. He was definitely decided in doing what he had just said. He had felt in danger after all. Earlier, before his classes had started, he had entered inside his classroom and felt a piercing gaze over his whole being. He had tried to avoid it, but that gaze had become so intense that it had turned into something impossible to avoid, so he had turned his face around decided to find out who was staring at him in such a way; and suddenly, his blue eyes met lustful chocolate eyes staring at his entire body.

Uryuu's heart stopped beating just remembering about it. He knew it. He wasn't safe while Kurosaki wasn't disciplined. He needed to warn the principal of school before it was too late.

"Again that talk? What's up with you anyways? Why do you insist so much in tagging me as a delinquent? Is it because of all the rumors you've heard about me?" Ichigo asked lightly irritated. He just couldn't understand the raven haired male. If he didn't even know him, how could he believe or tag him as something that he clearly wasn't? It had all been created by rumors just because of the color of his hair, and because of the help he always gave to all the weak idiots of this world. If only he could erase those rumors…

"Rumors? I do not believe in rumors. I believe in what my own eyes see, and so I will warn the principal of school because you're dangerous." Ishida stated pushing his glasses up on his nose.

"Huh? Dangerous? I saved your ass the other day, I never bullied anyone and you're saying that I'm dangerous?" Ichigo asked in disbelief and his eyes widened in shock.

"Yes, dangerous Kurosaki."

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Earlier, in classroom, you were looking at me lustfully. I felt in danger, so I will warn Yamamoto-sensei and that way I'll feel safer."

The redhead blushed intensely at the other male's words. So he had been aware of Ichigo's eyes on him after all… And worst than that; he had understood the way Ichigo had looked at him.

"What will I do now?" The orange haired teen thought looking away, when suddenly, an idea popped up in his head. If Ishida Uryuu could be a damned bastard to him, then he also could be an idiot to him.

Ichigo smirked stepping slowly towards the raven haired boy, who reacted by walking back once he realized the redhead's approach.

"Ku-Kurosaki, w-what are you doing? Stay away from me." Uryuu's nervous tone of voice sounded in the other teen's ears.

Ichigo kept walking towards him, step by step, with the wide smirk on his lips. Uryuu on the other hand, reached the wall with his back panicking because the other male was getting closer and closer, looking at him lustfully once again. What if he wanted to beat him up because Uryuu had decided to tell him what he wanted to do? Shit, he should have just warned the old principal and ignored this bastard.

"Kuro…saki… I'm warning you, s-stay away from me or I-"

"Heh… You…" Ichigo finally reached his goal, trapping Ishida's body between him and the wall.

Uryuu was static suddenly. His arms on both side of his rigid body, his sapphire orbs incredibly widened, his face paler than usual and his heart strongly pounding in his chest.

Ichigo brought his mouth to Ishida's left ear and whispered provocatively, "You what, Ishida? Will you attack me and turn into a dangerous delinquent too?" Uryuu's hair tickled Ichigo's nose which made him breath the other male's scent; and oh God, Ishida smelled so good… So sweetly… So uniquely!

Unwittingly, Ichigo reached the back of Uryuu's head with his hand entangling his shaking fingers between soft raven locks of hair, and moved his nose behind the arrogant violinist's ear softly sensing more of that unique smell of his.

Uryuu shivered unable to control himself. He panicked more with the redhead's unexpected action and asked nervously, "W-… K-Kurosaki, w-what are you doing?" He had never been afraid of a delinquent before, yet he feared the orange haired teen right now. He was acting strangely… Besides, he made Uryuu feel incomprehensible things. He didn't like to be so close to Kurosaki Ichigo. The boy was too dangerous.

Uryuu moved his trembling hands against Ichigo's body, nervously supporting them over his chest trying to push him away. Yet, somehow, Uryuu didn't have any strength; the fear was taking it all away from his body.

Ignoring the violinist's questions, Ichigo continued completely dazzled with his sweet scent, deep breathing the soft pale skin behind the raven haired boy's ear. He swallowed hard and pulled the boy's head more to him; doing something that he definitely would never do if he was aware of his own actions. Yet he wasn't. He was completely drunk with Uryuu's addictive scent.

"Kuro- hyaaa~" A high-pitched moan escaped the raven haired teen's mouth. His body shook fiercely against Kurosaki's and the wall, and his hands clutched said boy's clothes. The feeling of Kurosaki's tongue sliding against his skin felt strangely good, which had weakened him much more. He wanted to resist so much but damn it, he couldn't.

Ichigo, on the other hand, woke up from his intense trance with Ishida's reaction and faced him shocked. What had he done? Why had he done such a thing? And why had the arrogant bastard reacted in such a way?

The redhead distanced his face from Uryuu's, slowly facing the boy and what he saw left him totally unable to react. Ishida had his eyes squeezed tightly; his body was wildly shaking having as the only support the wall behind him and Ichigo's white shirt where his thin long fingers were strongly clutched. The pale skin of his face and neck was completely flushed with a dark red color, and his teeth were clenched together cursing his own odd behavior and the damn delinquent. Whoever saw the arrogant, prideful and perfect student council president now wouldn't recognize him at all. Ichigo had weakened the male as anyone else had ever done in his whole life.

Ichigo swallowed hard shocked before such an incredible view. He didn't really know how to react or what to say; nevertheless he couldn't stay still just staring at the other nervous male and waiting for something to happen. So, decided, Ichigo opened his mouth and uttered softly, "I-I'm sorry Ishida, I-"

However, before the orange haired male could even think about finishing his speech, Uryuu gathered all the strength he had left in his body and punched Kurosaki right in the middle of his face. The other boy complained, quickly bringing his hands to his face covering his nose and mouth to try to ease the sudden but expected, in a way, pain he had suffered.

"You… I… You… You…" Uryuu stuttered staring at Kurosaki furiously; too ashamed and still afraid of the stupid delinquent who had clearly abused from him moments ago. "I k-knew it… I… I will, definitely, warn Yamamoto-sensei! How did you dare to… to…" The nervous male tried to look for words, yet none could be found with all the nervousness he was feeling. His hand was pressed against his abused ear, trying to make him forget the sensation of Kurosaki's tongue against his flesh.

"Shit… I have no idea what the hell happened. What do I do now? He hates me even more and it's actually my fault. Fuck." The redheaded thought feeling desperate suddenly. He had simply wanted to tease Ishida, yet once he realized his body was already reacting on its own doing shameful things to the violinist.

Exasperated, Uryuu clenched his teeth tightly, and turned around yelling, "You will see! Tsk, stupid delinquents… That's why I hate them so much!" He then walked away, hoping to not see the other idiot again in his whole life.

However, and because Ichigo couldn't let it end like this; fuck he didn't want to be hated, even though this guy irritated him so much… The orange haired boy ran towards the raven haired male, holding his right hand as gently as it was possible.

Uryuu faced him scared and shocked. Yet, those feelings suddenly were replaced by rage.

"Let me go Kurosaki!" He yelled extremely irritated.

"W-Wait I…" Ichigo began, feeling overwhelmed by the other teen's furious gaze. "I- I'm sorry Ishida, I don't know why I've done that. It was stronger than me and I couldn't control myself." His brown eyes looked away nervously, when suddenly he realized that he was touching Uryuu's hand for the first time. The same hand that created the beautiful melody that had hypnotized him. "Ishida I want… I want… Can you play your violin to me?"

"W-What?" Uryuu asked in disbelief.

"I just…" Ichigo deep breathed and continued, "I love the way you play the violin. It's really strange I know but… I know it but... somehow I feel… Your way of playing is unique you know?" The more Ichigo spoke, the more Uryuu's sapphire eyes widened. He couldn't understand why Kurosaki was talking about his violin so suddenly after what he had done; yet he wanted, somehow, to hear the rest of his words. He was strangely hopeful. Why was that happening, he really did not know.

"Ah shit… What I'm trying to say is…" Ichigo looked straight at his deep blue eyes and finished his speech, "…Your way of playing violin makes me feel alive, Ishida."

Uryuu stopped resisting letting Ichigo take control over his body one more time. His hand wrapped Uryuu's warmly; his thumb caressing the milky skin of the back of Ishida's hand. The raven haired boy felt even more irritated, yet it wasn't at Kurosaki Ichigo anymore. Ishida Uryuu was mad at himself, because with Ichigo's unexpected words a reason for him to continue playing his violin had been born in mere fractions of a second. He was regretting having felt so hopeful towards Kurosaki's words, yet now he was the one who felt alive.

Would the emptiness of his heart disappear? Uryuu didn't know it, but Kurosaki Ichigo eased that unbearable hollow of his heart inexplicably. Kurosaki had brought a new light; a new color and hope to his life.

"This damn bastard… I hate him so deeply." Uryuu thought frowning and blushing intensely, looking away to avoid Ichigo's chocolate eyes. He really hated his eyes. The way they observed him weakened him too much for his liking.

*Goukon – I think everyone knows what that is, but just in case… A goukon is group dating to a place and it is composed by 2 groups of people: females and males. In other words, it's a damn party where you can meet people for friendship or for a more serious relationship

*3* I would harass pretty boys I'm sure x''D

Anyways, hope the chap had been enjoyable x)

Bye~bye, ⌒(*'^*)chuu*