Hey guys! This is just a little short collection of memories of Newt and Lizzy before they were in the Maze. The lines separate each little story. If you guys want me to write anything else about them, like stuff that happened in the Glade and what not, please let me know. Hope y'all enjoy!

It was two weeks after I turned fourteen when Newt finally had the guts to ask me out. I was with Minho and Ben, chatting away, when he approached us with get this, a huge bouquet of roses and a box of chocolates. Now, I'm all for chocolates but Minho, Ben, and I were wondering at the moment, Why the hell and where the hell did he get those flowers. Ava wasn't to keen on anything living, which basically meant she hated everyone. Well, everyone except for Thomas.

"Hi, Lizzy," Newt gave me a small smile. "Could I take to you for a second?" I could hear Minho and Ben snorting and laughing behind me, but I chose to ignore them and followed Newt to our favorite spot in WICKED Headquarters. It was a small window seat, one of the only windows in the place. It had curtains that usually covered the windows, but over time, we'd brought pillows and blankets to the spot; it was our spot to think. Newt was going to go into the Maze in a year or so; Ava told me that my duty lied in helping Thomas and Teresa.

I hopped onto the window seat and scooted over to make room for Newt. "Yes?" I smiled, glancing at the flowers and box of chocolates.

He coughed and placed the two gifts in my lap. "What's this?" I raised my eyebrows at him. The flowers smelled beautiful and the chocolates looked delicious.

"For you," Newt sheepishly said. "I stole the chocolates from Ava's office and the flowers...well, it's a secret."

"Thanks, Newt," I smiled and gave him a hug. "But why now? Is it someone's birthday or..."

"Go out with me, Lizzy? Please?" Newt stared bashfully at me, making me burst into laughter.

"I'd thought you'd never ask."

I was eating lunch with Ben and Thomas when Newt stormed in and promptly punched Thomas in the face. "Newt!" I yelped, helping Thomas to his feet who was groaning and holding a hand to his face.

"Lizzy, we need to talk! Right now!" I'd never seen Newt so mad before. Shrugging at Thomas and Ben I ran after him. He was absolutely fuming when we finally sat down in one of the only private places there was in WICKED. The room was badly lit, but you could see the walls were bright white. Did all the walls in the building had to be white?

I sat down next to Newt on the musty old coach and frowned. "Newt, what's wrong?"

"I heard Thomas talking to Teresa that he didn't have feelings for her. He has feelings for you!" Newt yelled, breathing heavily.

"Okay, and?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at him. So, what. They talked about this. I already knew that Thomas had feelings for me, but I never did anything with him. Ever. And I had been positive that Thomas was finally moving on to Teresa.

"And! He said you two were closer than ever and that you almost kissed!" Newt roared, furiously. His blonde hair was messed up from his hands pulling at it and his frown didn't make him look any less handsome.

"Newt," I sighed, reaching forward to hold his hand. "Thomas is jealous of you. He probably knew you were there and wanted to make you mad. Think about it. He can be a conniving little asshole. Don't let him make you one too. Okay?"

Newt sighed, putting his face in his hands. Glancing back at me, he said, "Nothing's going on between the two of you?"

"I'm pretty sure everyone here knows I'm crazy about one person and one person only. And it isn't Thomas."

Ava was furious. And so was I.

"You are here to help with the Maze, just like everyone else, Elizabeth. I took you in! Don't be so ungrateful," Ava glared at me. Her straight blonde hair was pulled back in it's usual bun and her lab coat was spotless as usual.

"Took me in! If you'd allowed my mother to stay, I wouldn't need you. I wouldn't need any of you!" I screamed, bashing my fist down on her desk.

"And what about Mr. Newton? Hmm? Would you need him?" Ava smiled cockily at me. She knew she'd hit my one weak spot-Newt.

"If you touch him, I will kill you," I seethed, taking a step forward. "If you touch him, I will make sure that everything you've worked so hard for falls to pieces. If you even go near him, I will end WICKED and you."

"Good luck," Ava smiled, all her teeth white and glistening. That is, right before I punched her in the month and stormed back to my room.