Case #1
Minister: Graystar
Prime Minister: Breezewhisker
Note Taker: Silverwing
Witniss: Flightkit, Gorsekit, Brightkit
Witness Charger: Pattermist
Victims: Adderfang, Daisypetal
Lawyer(s): Crimsonstone, Hawkswoop
Against: Frostfur
For the hearing: Windclan, ThunderClan
Minister: Eh hem, may I have everone's attention please? Now, Case file number one... Betrayle to Clans: Adderfang and Daisypetal... Now going on round one, anything to say for yourselves? These three kits *Brightkit, Flightkit, and Gorsekit perk up* have seen you two out together at midnight!
Adderfang: Minister, I think you may have seen the wrong cat, after all, you know I'm really loyal and I-
Crimsonstone: *Iterupts Adderfang* Nuh uh uh Greystar! You got the wrong cat at the wrong time at the wrong place at the wrong event! Adderfang is the loyalist cat I've ever-ever-ever-ever known, so get the fluff outta your ears before you believe what the kits say again!
Pattermist: Auh! How dare you question my kits! Why don't you get the fluff outta your EYES and see for yoursef before you start blabbering with that big mouth of yours!
Silverwing (Who is always very wise and calm, a senior warrior): Now, cats, let's just all calm down before we all say something we regret!
Daisypetal: You cats questioin me? I hate Thunderclan cats, they smell like stinking foxdung and monster smoke!
Flamepetal: *Crouching down getting ready to leap at Daisypetal*
Mistleclaw: *Cuffs Flamepetal around the ear*
Brightkit: Actually, I wasn't really sure yet, the cat looked a bit amber colored, like Amberstone.