I'm just saying this now. Before you see the word singing and take off running, I'm not doing a high school musical thing. There will be a few songs and honestly the lyrics can sometimes annoy me when they are in a story but that's why I'm having the characters being so expressive. There will only be a few chapters, not in a row, of singing and it will be decently placed. Please bare with me. Thanks! VIRTUAL PINEAPPLEZ!

Force using. Hanging out. Schooling. Ya know, the useh

' Ezra pops up infront of the screen and yells "HIYA!"

[ "so much for eardrums"~Zeb]

Mark and Andrew come into view and promptly shush him.

"DUDE, your gonna give the suprise away." Andrew scolded. Mark only smirked.

"Do you even know what the suprise IS, Andrew?" Mark asked with a mischievous grin as he and Ezra pulled out toy dart guns (just picture stinking nerf guns/blasters whenever I say dart gun).

"Guy NO! We are NOT hitting Jane when she comes in for practice!" Andrew reprimanded.

"Who said they were for me?" Another voice calls, then yells "GET HIIIMMMMMMM!"

Suddenly Jane rushes infront of the screen with Mark and Ezra who take "cover" behind a plastic play chair and start firing at a dumbfounded Andrew.

When the firing stops, an irritated Andrew asks, "What was th-"

"INTRUDER!" Mark, Ezra and Jane all yell in sync, "don't worry," Ezra stated with a smirk, "we got him." Jane finished.

Mark sighed, "They grow up so fast." He then held a hand on his heart as he wiped a non existent tear with had a fake look of pride, to hide his amusement, and said, "I'm so proud!"

Andrew glowered, "Ten... Nine... Eight... Seve-"

"What's he doing?" Ezra whispered.

"I think he's counting down the time we have to run," Mark whispered back, eyes wide.

"Five... Four... Thre-"

"RUN!" Mark, Ezra, and Jane all yelled as they hoped up and ran.

Andrew was on their tail.

["They left the camera on." Zeb commented.

"Yeah, but I think they come back." Kanan said, "there seems to be more slides with the in this video."

"So, we've got time." Hera said.

"A... Dart gun?" Sabine questioned.

"Looks like it." Kanan said.

"It looks like we have time, I'm going to get something to eat, yell if they are back on." Zeb said.

"He talks about it like its a show." Hera commented.

"We you act like a fan girl, so it's fitting." Kanan said with a smirk.

"Love, don't even want to go there." Hera glared.

Sabine pulled up a dart gun. "I'm gonna play intruder, it looked fun."

"How are you going to do that?" Kanan asked.

"You'll see..." Sabine smirked mischievously.

They all say watching the screen for a few minuets when Sabine randomly yelled, "THERE BACK ON ZEB!"

The Lasat came running in just for Sabine to pull out her dart gun, yell "INTRUDER!", and promptly shot Zeb. Who was not in any ways amused.

The crew, minus Zeb and Ezra (who wasn't there), laughed. Zeb grumbled.]

Finally Ezra, Mark, and Jane ran back into the room and closed the door before Andrew could enter.

["shoulda done that a while ago..."~Sabine]

"this is kinda defeating the purpose of practice, ya know that right?" Ezra said.

"Who cares if the band isn't at its best, it's MY birthday party were playing at. If they don't like it, they can leave." Jane commented.

"No offense, but our playlist isn't at its best already. We should just let Andrew in and start practice. Who knows, maybe playing through it will give us more ideas for the lyrics."

Jane sighed, "fine."

"Why are we doing a so many girly songs again?" Ezra asked as Mark let a still steaming Andrew back in the room.

"Because it's her," Andrew gabbed a thumb in Jane's direction, "birthday and party."

Jane frowned, "and they're not girly. Did you even read the lyrics?!"

Ezra didn't say anything.

"Ezra." Jane tone warned of danger if he didn't say yes. But he didn't. "EZRA BRIDGER! The party is tonight! Really dude." Jane then crossed her arms.

Ezra sighed, "fine. Give me the stinkin music and I'll read it."

Mark put his hands up in surrender, "I read over the music. I swear."

"Traitor..." Ezra grumbled. "What songs are we playing anyways?"

"You would know if you actually read the music!" Jane exclaimed, waving her hands around for effect.

"I know. I know." Ezra held his hands up in mock surrender, "I'll ensure it won't happen again Sargent." A glare from Jane, "Now will you please tell me the songs we're playing?"

"Fine," Jane huffed. Taking a moment to cool down, "Um..." Jane flipped through the sheet music to get all the song titles, "we're playing... Welcome to my life which is by simple plan... Just One Yesterday by Fall Out Boy... um, Angel with a shotgun by The Cab... and Day One by Matthew West."

"Who are the leads for each song?" Mark asked. (Leads as in lead singers)

"I think it's a group song for Welcome To My Life. Then Just One Yesterday is the song I'm leading, Jane has a solo and also is accompaniment vocals. Jane leads the song Angel With A Shotgun. And Mark, you lead the song Day One." Andrew announced.

"I'm glad I'm not leading. I get to be the instrumental accompaniments to all the songs!" Ezra exclaimed once he finished reading the sheet music.

"We need to practice at least one song on film so we can listen to how we sound." Jane said.

"Let's do Welcome to my life. It has all of us singing so it should be easiest." Mark explained.

"Okay, let's get set up." Jane said, walking up on their home made stage.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~One home made stage makeover later~~~~~~~~~~~

Mark was sitting at his drums, Andrew was tuning his guitar, Jane was adjusting the microphone, and Ezra was messing around with the keyboard + synthesizer to get it to his liking.

"I think we're ready." Andrew stated.

"Everyone have sheet music?" Jane asked.

"Everyone have their own sheet music?" Mark questioned, looking at Ezra who grinned sheepishly.

After a chorus of yeahs, Jane asked, "everyone know the dance?"

"It's simple Jane, all we have to do is look at the person who is singing and make a slight motion to represent what we are singing." Ezra recited.

"Good." Jane nodded, then yelled into the microphone, "NOW IS EVERYBODY READY?!"

All the boys winced, then Ezra said, "no offense Jane, but in order to be able to listen to the music, we need our eardrums."

"And this ISN'T a rock concert, it's barley a practice." Mark, who was still covering his ears, snapped.

"Ugh, let's just start." Andrew said, and Mark counted off.

"One... Two... One, two, three, four!"

*music started*

"Do you ever feel like falling down?" Ezra began, all while motioning downward with his head as the others turned their bodies towards him.

"Do you ever feel out of place." Jane sang while looking around and acting like she didn't know where to go. [which she pulled off in the crews opinion.]

"Like somehow you just don't belong," Mark started and without pause Andrew finished the sentence, "and no one understands you?" They both finished with Ezra and Jane turned towards them and a sad but understanding looks on their faces.

"Do you ever wanna run away?" Ezra nodded towards Jane.

"Do you lock yourself in your room?" Jane smirked and nodded towards Mark.

"With the radio turned up so loud," Same sentence finishing as before, "that no one hears you're screaming." Andrew finished.

"No, you don't know what it's like." Ezra shook his head no.

"When nothing feels alright." Jane.

"You don't know what it's like." Mark, without sentence finishing that time.

"To be like mmeeeeeee." Andrew sang.

Then they started the chorus, in which they all but ditched their instruments for they made a play back track (hehe, rhyme) for them to use during the chorus.

"To be hurt." Ezra and Jane had their hands crossed over their hearts when they sang the word 'hurt'.

"To feel lost." Mark and Andrew looked around with a sad/scared expression on their faces when they sang 'lost'.

"To be left out in the dark." Ezra and Jane then clicked on hidden flashlights.

"To be kicked, When your down." Mark pretended to kick Andrew who was kneeling on the stage.

"To feel like you you've been pushed around." Jane and Ezra bumped into each other, but we're making it look like they pushed each other hard.

"To be on the edge of breaking down." Mark and Andrew where standing on the edge of the stage, looking one gust of wind from falling into where the audience would be.

"And no one's there to save you." Ezra and Jane pretended to struggle against an unseen force before rushing towards Mark and Andrew. Each pulled one back.

At the fake confused faces of Andrew and Mark, Ezra said, "What? We need you for the rest of the song!"

Mark and Andrew just looked at him in fake annoyance for the audience and sang, "No, you don't know what it's like."

Then they all bowed mockingly with smiles on their face as they sang, "Welcome to my life."

"Okay, I think all we need, the rest of the song is relatively similar." Jane commented.

(I've decided not to tortrue you with the entire song)

"I'll record the rest of the songs tonight! At the concert! We're gonna do awesome!" Ezra said excitedly.

(I'll just torture you with the other songs! XD!)

Andrew smiled, "Yeah, our acting/dancing is as good as our singing."

"Pineapples." Mark said randomly, everyone looked at him and had real confusion on their faces. "What?" He asked.

"Oh, just nothing." Jane said.

"Crap-" Jane glared at Ezra, "-eronies?" Ezra tried to save himself, but Jane still playfully slapped his arm. "My datapad is gonna die! Bye journal!"'

Everyone sat in quiet thought for a moment until Sabine broke the silence, "For kids so young, they were pretty good."

"Yeah, a little more work and the're golden." Hera commented.

Zeb hummed in agreement, but didn't say anything.

"I wonder if the video from the're performance at the party is on here." Kanan addressed no one imperteculiar(?) as he spoke.

"Let's find out." Hera said as chopper hit play. (How down es chopper hit play?! I can't work anything on my phone if I have GLOVES on! What the heck?! Also, tootsie-pop commercial. Hehe! XD yay!)

["Hi Joe!"~Sabine. "Whose Joe?" Kanan.]

(A/N: Joe would happen to be the line break, Kanan. Don't ask. Just don't.)

The camera was going in and out of focus on Mira and Ephraim, Ezra's parents', faces. When it finally focused, the datapad was turned towards the small home made stage once again. But now, it was flooded with colorful lights, decorations, and a large banner that read "HAPPY 11TH BIRTHDAY JANE!" In capital letters and kid handwriting. Up on stage, were Jane, Ezra, Andrew, and Mark.

Ezra was at his keyboard and such, Mark at his drumset, Andrew at his guitar, and Jane rocking back and forth on her feet at the main microphone while running tests. All the lights were turned off so no one could see the stage shortly after the video started.

suddenly the pad was placed on a table and Ephraim walked up infront of a large group of kids and adults. "Alright everyone!" Ephraim classed his hands together, "we have some special performers, emphasis on 'special', here tonight! Ladies and gentlemen! Please give it up for... The EMPIRE!"

[wha? ~ crew]

The pad was whipped so it was facing the darkened stage. Fluorescent lights suddenly flooded the stage again in a blur. Suddenly, four soldiers in Imperal uniforms marched out next to the stage in a single file line. They stopped, marching in place before somehow bounding while marching up the steps.

Once the soldiers were on stage and in the light, one could clearly tell that something was different about the uniforms. The uniforms were white, but with random blotches of color covering them. The helmets of two were white, while the other two were rainbow colored in neon.

The soliders, who were standing side by side on the stage, suddenly turned and ran to the position that Ezra, Jane, Andrew, and Mark had been occupying a few moments prier. After tweeting the equipment, they all stood straight in unison.

All of the soldiers pulled off their helmets in unison as well. Jane and Ezra emerged from the rainbow colored helmets, while Mark and Andrew were revealed from the white trooper helmets.

"HHEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOO EVERYBODY!" Jane yelled into the microphone, just like she had in the kids practice earlier.

The crowd, that had been silent up to that point and since Ephraim said the name 'the Empire' was suddenly bursting with life as everyone ran to the stage with little kids bouncing up and down infront of the stage.

"Hi," Andrew began, once everyone quieted down and everyone chuckled, "we are JAME. Yeah, I know. Weird name, right?" Andrew had gestured at the others as he explained, "JAME stands for Jane, miss birthday girl herself, Andrew, which is me, Mark, who is our crazy drummer, and Ezra, mister insane himself." The crowd chuckled at Andrew's description of his friends.

Mark then picked up the role of speaking, "Okay, we're a new band that we recently put together so we hope you all like it! Songs we'll be preforming tonight include: Just one Yesterday, Angel with a Shotgun, and Day One. In that order."

Ezra cut in by adding, "You may not have noticed, but we added one of our tracks to the music that has been playing in the background tonight. The song Welcome to my life by Simple Plan was a cover done by us. All these songs are a cover and we might preform welcome to my life later if you want."

"So, LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" Was yelled from Jane.

"Says the party girl." Was Ezra's comment, "do you always have to yell into the microphone? ... Ya know what? I'm just gonna turn down your mic'."

"NO!" Jane whinned to Ezra.

"Fine, but I will do it!" Ezra pointed a finger at Jane. The crowd just watched this amused and the others in the band, aka Mark and Andrew, laughed.

Once it was quieted down (again) Mark counted off. "One... Two... One, two, three, four!"

A guitar riff, and the band joined in as Andrew began, "I've though of Angels, chocking on their halos, get them drunk on ro-ose water." A pause, "see how dirty I can get them pulling out their fragile teeth, and clip their tiny wings."

Up to that point in the song, the band had been still as their only movements were the ones needed to play the instruments. Jane was helping out with the instruments that made the song unique since she wasn't leading this song. This all changed as Andrew sang the next lines, "Anything you say," Jane joined in with Andrew, "can and will be held against you." Ezra and Mark had their helmets back on. Back to only Andrew, "so only say my," Jane (if you only see Jane, it means Jane joined in.) "name. It will be held against you."

The lights flickered police colors, altering from blue and white to a flashing red, blue, and again (Andrew alone means Andrew only) "Anything you-" Jane, "-say can and will be held against you." Andrew, "so only say my na-ame."

"If heavens GRIEF," the lights flashed the full way to full brightness, temporarily blinding the audience as Andrew sang the word 'grief' loudly. "brings Hells rain." On the backdrop that was behind the stage, it showed a looped rainfall. Ezra was working some equipment along with Jane to make the sounds in the background. Like the person dub-steeping the word 'I'm' as Andrew continued.

"Then I'd " Jane, "trade all my tomorrows for, just one yesterday." Then Jane echoed, "I know I'm bad news." And then Andrew sang (almost like a mini back and forth) "For just one yesterday." Jane echoed, "I saved it all for you."

Andrew, "oh," Jane "I want to teach you a less-on in the worst, kinda way." Andrew, "still, I'd"

Jane, "trade all my tomorrows, for just one yesterday."

Jane echoed (more back and forth) "I know I'm bad news." Andrew "For just one yesterday." Jane echoing, "I saved it all for you.' Andrew finished the chorus with one more, "For just one yesterday."

This is a time skip to the part of the song where Jane has a solo because I don't have the time to (and don't want to in general) type up the entire song with all the goofy things the band is doing. Yet I love the solo, so I'm typing it. HEY JOE!

Janes solo was up, a spotlight was on her and she was center stage.

"If IIIIIIIIIIIIII, spiiiiiillled my guts. The world wouldn't ever, look at you the saaammee waaaaayy. And now I'm heeeerrrreeee to give you all my loovvve."

The boys sang, "o-wo-oa-oh-oa-o-o." In the backround.

Jane continued even though she hadn't stopped much, "so I can watch your face as I take it all away, away, away-ay-ay." As the boys sang in the backround again, ending the solo.

Now the song was much more intense as it was reaching its end. "If heavens " Jane, "GRIEF" again with the lights like everytime, but not AS blinding as the first, "brings Hells rain." Andrew "then I'd" Jane, "trade all my tomorrows, for just one yesterday."

The back and forth, strikes again. Jane sang "I know I'm bad news." As an echoing response while Andrew sang, "for just one yesterday." As its response. Jane echoed, "I saved it all for you."

They both sang, "I wanna teach you a less-on, in," Ezra and Mark did the backround from Janes solo during Andrew and Jane singing, "the worst kinda way." Andrew, "still, I'd," Jane, "trade all my tomorrows, for just one yesterday."

Final back and forth strikes back. Mark and Ezra sang the backround as Jane echoed, "I know I'm bad news." Andrew, "For just one yesterday." Jane sang for the last time in the song while the backround came again, "I saved it all for you." Andrew finished, "Just one yesterday."

The band and crowd all sang the backround 'wo-ah' extended version (as seen in solo) four times as the song ended. Once the song ended, the audience erupted in applause.

"Thank you! That was Just One Yesterday by Fall Out Boys." Mark said.

"Next we'll be singing Angel With a shotgun. Jane will be leading this song." Andrew said.

The crowd quieted as Ezra began the keyboard entrie to the song. The boys all started their, "oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah." And after the second or third time, Jane started the song, "I'm an angel with a shotgun, shotgun, shotgun. Angel with a shotgun, shotgun, shotgun."

Time skip through song. I love this song though I don't agree with all the lyrics but like I said, I don't have the time nor the patience to type up this entire song in my story. So, NEXT!

"... And I'm gonna hide, hide, hide my wings tonight!" Jane finished the song and the crowd erupted into applause and cheers.

"Thank you! That was Angel With A Shotgun by The Cab." Andrew said.

"This next and final song we will be playing tonight unless requested upon is Day One. Amd the lead singer for this song is... Mua!(?)" Mark exclaimed.

Everyone in the band rolled their eyes and it was clear even in the pads far away position to see.

Andrew began strumming. (I love this song to the point I'm gonna right all the lyrics. PLEASE! Check out the lyric video for this song! It's AWESOME with pineapples on top!XD YAY!)

Mark had moved his drumset to center stage (just pretend that on the backdrop, the lyric video is playing. But the music is provided by the band, of course.)

Mark began, "well, I wish I had a short-term memory. Wish the only thing my eyes could see. Was the future being right infront of me. But I can't stop looking back."

(Each sentence is equivalent to one line of the song. Most of the time, anyways.) "Yeah, I wish I was a perfect picture of, somebody whose never not good enough. Well, I try to measure up, but I mess it up. And I wish it wasn't like that."

Mark then moved on to the chorus with the others singing this songs version of 'oh', "I wish I wasn't wishing anymore. Wish I could remeber that nobody's keeping score. I'm tired of throwing pennies in a well. I gotta do something. Here goes nothin'."

Then Mark got really into it. The band was already really into it to, but it brought the song to life, "it's day one of the rest of my life. It's day one of the best of my li-e-ife. I'm marching on to the beat of a brand new drum. Yeah, here I come. The future has begun! Day one!"

Mark started the next verse, "Well, every single day, your grace reminds me; that my best days are not behind me; wherever my yesterday may find me; well, I don't have to stay there.

See, my hourglass is upside down. My someday soon is here and now. The clock is tickin'; I'm so sick and tired of missing out."

Mark sang the chorus again, "I wosh I wasn't missing anymore. Wish I would remember that nobody's keeping score. I'm tired of throwing pennies in a well. I gotta do SOMETHING! Here goes nothin'!" At this point, the entire band is beaming.

"It's day one of the rest of my life. Its day one of the best of my life! I'm marching on to the beat of a brand new drum. Here I come. The future has begun! Day one!" A small break in vocals, "it's day one; and here comes the sun."

Mark than sang something that iif he was to sing with no expression, it would be a chant, "Every morning, every morning, every morning, mercy's new! Every morning, every morning, I will fix my eyes on you. Every morning," harmony began to come in stronger at this point in the song. "Every morning, every morning, mercy's new! Every morning, every morning, Suns coming up, the beginning has begun!" There was a downfall of note (no, it was suppost to happen) and a small beat of silence, then Ezra yelled, "YEAH!"

Mark then went and sang the second half of the chorus again twice, "it's day one of the rest of my life. It's day one of the best of my life. I'm marching on to the beat of a brand ne drum. Here I come. The future has begun! Day one! It's day one of the rest of my life. Its day one of the best of my life. I'm marching on to the beat of a brand new drum. Here I come. The future has begun! Day one!"

Right as Mark sang 'day one' (not the entire song, the part you just read.) the others in the band began with this and Mark joined in, "Starting over, I'm starting over; starting over, I'm starting over, starting now. I'm starting over; I'm starting over, starting now! Starting over; starting over, starting now; I'm starting over."

By the end, Mark had been soloing and the rest of the band was harmonizing. (it's an upbeat and uplifting song if you listen to it. Just reading it, it seems kinda creepy.)

"Thank you all for coming! That was Day One by Matthew West and we hope you all like it!" Jane yelled to the cheering crowd.

"Have a great rest of the party!" Ezra yelled as he and his friends left the stage after bowing to the crowd. The datapad shut off.'

"That was cute." Hera comment, she successfully kept back a squeal. But seriously, five year old Ezra. How is that not a LITTLE cute?!

"They were good." Zeb commented, though the crew doubted that Zeb would ever tell Ezra that.

"Yeah," Sabine agreed.

"Should we watch another? I don't think there will be anymore singing since they preformed." Kanan asked.

Chopper grumbled.

"CHOPPER!" Hera hollered.

Kanan yelled, "What?" At the same time Zeb asked, "What did he say?"

Hera just shrugged, "Pineapple."

The other crew members shared confused (or confuzled) looks.

Hera shook her head, "he said he wanted to watch another one."

"Then why did you yell?" Zeb asked.

"He said it in a very... Creative, way." Hera said carefully.

"Oh." Was the crews response.

"Let's watch another!" Sabine yelled and pressed play before anyone could object.

Ezra was walking down the hall and he seemed to have had clicked record to make a normal journal entrie. Ezra was talking about different things. This, that, a little of that, maybe that story we all know we have when we cut our hair, or maybe that one stupidly obtained injury.

Either way, Ezra was walking down a hall.

"So, later today my parents are taking us out for dinner and I am SOOOOOO excited! Oh! Then afterwards! Their taking me and Janes family to the MOVIES! I can't WAIT! I'm gonna eat popcorn at the movies, and chocolate, and drin-" Ezra was suddenly cut off as a hissing sound cake from the lamp he had walked past and the one he was about to.

""Wha?" Ezra asked as he walked over to the one lamp. The bulb was clearly broken. Then Ezra went to check the second one and the bulb looked fine. Ezra tried to turn the lamp on and being the five year old boy he was, wouldn't give up until the stinkin' thing was on!

Ezra kept Turing it on and off with no prevail. Just before Ezra seemed like he was going to give up, the lamp burst into flames!

So of course Ezra did what any five year old would do in that situation. He screamed. "MMMOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMYYYYYY! DDDDDDDDAAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDYYYYYYY!"

Then Ezra did what a normal five year old wouldn't do, sfter finding that his parent weren't home of course. Ezra stopped and looked at the fire. The fire wasn't spreading and seemed to be going down. Ezra unplugged the lamp and picked up the broken peices, the fire that was consuming the lamp not daring to lick and spit towards Ezra.

Ezra had dropped the datapad, but it was clear that Ezra stuck his hand out behind him and a cup suddenly went into it. Ezra poured the water from the cup onto the fire since the lamp was unplugged and began to pour some sand/ dirt from outside onto it.

Once the fire was out, Ezra cleaned it up and walked back to the pad like nothing happened.

"Well, that's over with." More or less.

"So, anyways. We're going out tonight and I don't want to lose my datapad, so I'm leaving it here." Ezra finished, "BYE!" And the datapad clicked off.'

"That was..." Kanan started.

"Different." Was Zeb's response.

"Unusual." Was Sabine's.

"Unexceptible." Was Hera's

Droid beeps was chopper and Hapera nodded her head at whatever the droid had said in agreement.

"I can't believe that they left Ezra at home alone!" Hera exclaimed.

"Well, they did do broadcast frequently. They couldn't always be there, but they were usually." Sabine defended Ezra's parents, knowing that if he cared for them to much for them to have had been neglectful of him.

"Let's watch another." Zeb suggested and he hit play.

'This time, the pad clicked onto Ezra and Mira sitting side by side over a book that Ezra was reading out loud.

"Ephraim, turn that off! Ezra needs to focus!" Mira exclaimed.


Ephraim hmphed from somewhere behind the view of the datapad. Ezra looked up at his dad and laughed. Pure joy in his electric blue eyes. Mira turned the camera to review Ephraim.

Ephraim was making silly faces towards Mira and Ezra. Ezra was giggling uncontrollably.

"Ephraim! Stop! I JUST calmed him down!" When Mira looked between the two and seemed to deduct that they weren't gonna stop anytime soon she hmfed, "ugh, why do I even try?"

Ezra and Ephraim shared a look with each other and looked at Mira grinning mischievously.

"Oh no. You better no-" Mira was cut off by both boys jumping towards her and tackling her to the ground. Ephraim and Ezra were tickling her and they all were laughing. Though Mira didn't seem to have much choice.

The table the pad was on was bumped and it was knocked sideways to the floor. From a sideways view, Ezra and Ephraim tickled Mira for a while longer before Mira and Ephraim teamed up to tickle Ezra. Ezra was laughing uncontrollably. They all were. They soon stood up, still smiling and hugged while joking.

"Well, I guess that's all the schooling your gonna get today Ezzy." Mira said while kissing Ezra.

Ezra just smiled and ran out of the room. Mira and Ephraim exchanged knowing glances while smiling.

"Oh, looks like Ezra forgot to grab his datapad." Ephraim picked up the datapad.

Mira and Ephraim walked into the living room where Ezra was sitting on the ground playing with some spare parts and sitting next to the piano.

Ezra's back was to his parents and Ephraim handed Mira the datapad as he 'snuck' up behind Ezra. As Ephraim reached Ezra, ezra looked up while smiling. Ephraim grabbed him and 'threw' he over his sholder while Ezra squelled in joy.

Mira stood to the side watching, then set the datapad down on the table. Ephraim had transferred Ezra onto his back so Ezra was riding piggy back and Mira came up behind him and tickled him.

The Bridget's continued to play in that manor until finally they settled and Ephraim remebered the pad.

"Hey Ezzy. You might wanna turn off your datapad or it will die." Ephraim pointed to the table.

Ezra hopped of the couch and ran over smiling while he turned it off.'

"Aww..." Hera cooed.

"See, nothing to worry about." Sabine gestured to the datapad with a carefree grin.

Chopper beeped.

"After this video, we should get something to eat." Kanan said.

"Yeah, and this time, let's ALL go. I DON'T want a repeat of 'intruder'." Zeb deadpanned at Sabine. Sabine just waited for Zeb to turn his head before shooting him with the dart gun again and screaming, "INTRUDER!"

"She's not gonna drop this. Is she?" Kanan muttered to Hera who just shook her head.

"Why you little!" Zeb hollered.

"Shhhhhhh!" Hera shushed, "I'm pressing play!" Hera pressed play.

'This time, the entrie opened on Jane and Ezra sitting on the ground and looking at the screen of the datapad, then a holoprojector(? I don't know if those exsistannce ?) and back at the datapad.

["what did they do this time?"- Sabine sighed.]

"Okay, so we made a montage of Ezras 'specialness' over the past few weeks and we're gonna record it." Jane informed.

Ezra huffed, "More like you made a montage of me and my embarrassing moments." Ezra barrier his head in his hands. Then laughed, "but after watching it, wow. It was pretty funny."

Jane smiled at Ezra then turned the one datapad to face the projector.

The video, no, sorry, montage (?), began. Happy Ezra?

Eza was running through a maze and found his way out first.

The lights exploding when Ezra walked into a room.

Ezra finishing random peoples sentences.

Ezra jumping super high.

Ezra turning directly towards a person who was trying to sneak up on him.

Ezra fighting and anticipating the next move of the person.

Ezra answering someone before they ask.
With his back turned to them.

All of those things, on multiple occasions, were in the montage. Ezra claimed that he seemed to just know which was to turn in the maze, the lights thing would sometimes happen because of faulty wiring or a power surge, the sentences were coincidences, jumping was just something he was good at, he had good hearing, he was good at reading people, lucky guesses. Ezra kept brushing it off as nothing.

Jane kept laughing and Ezra would occasionally nudge her to shut her up.

"Come on Ezra, it's funny!" Jane said. Ezra tried to look hurt but ruined it by laughing.

"Ugh, well that's all for this montage entrie." Ezra said, then as a side not, "I dont really like these." Then with a smirk towards Jane, "next montage is about you. BYE!" Ezra yelled while turning the camera off. The last shot was of Janes shocked face with Ezra smirking next to her.'

Okay, before you read my old authors note (that is still true) I'd like to point out that while I'd love to say that I'll be updating more frequently it is sadly not true. You see, I'm still in school. Eighth grade, to be exact. I also happen to be in advanced classes with a senior reading level. I'm not telling you this to brag, and honestly I'll probably slap myself later for saying all of this. The point is I have to take math Keystones and three finials along with two more concerts, a music festivals for three things, and play the Saxaphone in a Memorial Day parade in my home town all by the end of this month so I'll be busy. I'll try, and I mean truly try (even if there is no try) to update all my stories. Sorry, but hey at least I'll be constantly updating over summer! :D Now for my happy pineapple note...

Ugh! Finally finished! That took forever and a pineapple! My mind was like: hey, maybe if you keep subtly mentioning Day One by Matthew West, they will look up the lyric video. And I was like: that. Would. Be. AWESOME! I love that video brand song but you don't have to watch it. Everytime I see a song in a Fanfiction, I HAVE to listen to it. It's just something that's me. Like PINEAPPLES! XD THANKS FOR BARING WITH ME! Til next pineapple!