
Two years later.

I walked down the hall, water still dripping from my hair, but I didn't give a fuck. My art teacher had given me a fucking B- on the assignment I turned in that day and had given some idiot with no fucking idea of how to paint an A+. What the fuck ever! I was too depressed to wear clothes, but knowing that Axel would be home soon made it necessary so I threw on a shirt that made it about halfway down my thighs and called it good. I would just make it clear that I was not in the mood. With a grunt I plopped down on the ratty old couch Axel had gotten from Zexion after he moved out of the college dorms a year ago-He promised him and Demxy didn't 'do' anything on it but I doubted it- and open a fresh sea salt ice cream stick. The rapper landing on the carpet, but like I said... Too depressed to care.

The TV came to life and I started flipping through the channels aimlessly. The sound of the door opening didn't even make me instinctively pull my shirt down like it usually did whenever I was feeling too lazy for clothes. "Roxy~ I'm home!" He threw his duffle bag with his Sue-chef uniform tucked inside to the side of the entryway and I could hear as his footsteps approached the entrance of the living room on the wall just right of the couch. "Whatcha doing, babe?" I turned my glare from the TV to his grinning face "Don't call me that." Wow, that was a fucking hiss. I knew it wasn't his fault but taking things out on him was so much easier. He held his hands up in defense "Rough day?" I nodded and looked back to the TV that had landed on some random home makeover show "My teacher is a bias FUCKTARD!" He slid down on the couch beside me and I shot him a warning look that he ignored "What did Diz do this time?" "He gave Vann- fucking VANN who doesn't know jack shit about art a fucking perfect grade on the assignment and mine a B-!"

"That's shit. You worked really hard on that one." "Right!?" This was one of the things about being married to Axel, he always knew how to calm me down. He would let me rant about college or the motherfucking costumers at Rikku's Diner where I worked until I ran out of bad thing to say. It looked like tonight would be no different. That is, before he pulled a movie out of his jacket and waved it in front of my face. It took me a moment, staring at the cover then ripping it out of his hands to get a better look "You found it..." He nodded his head victoriously at my surprised expression "But I got from the used movie store so we'll have to pop it in to see if it works. You wanna watch it?" "Yes. Yes I do- hold on. I'm going to make some popcorn." I got up and felt his eyes raking over me, I could almost read his thoughts 'I wonder if he's wearing underwear.' Pervert. But I had been looking for the first Resident Evil movie since before we started dating and now my set was complete. I could die happy... Maybe I'd show my appreciation to him later.

When I came back with the bowl of popcorn, I turned off the living room lights and plopped down next to him as he pushed play and took a handful of weird ass corn... Like, how the hell is popcorn considered corn? Maybe that could be the eighth wonder of the world. Some point of the opening sequence Axel had tugged me closer which I had protest at first, never looking away from the screen as I pushed him away with the hand that wasn't holding the bowl, but somehow he had managed to tug me into his lap, running his hands up and down my legs... It was fine at first, I ignored him, but halfway through the movie his hands where moving higher up my thigh. Taking in a breath I leaned back against his chest and looked up at him with what I assumed was a glare "Stop. L-later... Maybe." He reluctantly stopped and we went back to watching the movie.

This- our marriage- hadn't always been so great. We had held off on getting married a whole year after getting engaged so Axel could finish up college. The wedding itself had been horrible. Axel's dad had tried talking to Cloud who was having none of it, Zack intervened thankfully. But no one had expected Olette to go into labor during the reception, Hayner had passed out and an ambulance had to come and whisk her to the hospital while Pence drove an unconscious Hayner to the hospital. Sora and Riku's flight had been delayed so they were watching the reception from an airport in Destiny Island via face time on Naminé's phone. And then there was Larxene getting shit face drunk, Kairi objecting to the marriage because I was a 'whore'... Yeah, at that point I threw my hands up in the air and told everyone the ceremony was canceled. Then I had Axel drop me off at the hospital and I waited to see the baby... That day, Axel smoked for the first time in eleven months. Two months later, we had another ceremony and it went a lot better. We had a poor people honeymoon in Hollow Bastion where we sat in a hotel for a week, slept, ate, watched TV, and... you know. But it had all payed off in my opinion, a little more than a year after tying the knot, I was almost twenty-one and he was twenty-six now and here we were sitting together on our couch watching a movie on the shitty excuse for a TV and he was so warm and soft... I think I was about to fall asleep it was so nice, ah, but the movie...

I felt lips on my ear and my eyes slid open again "Axel..." His hands on my thighs slowly started moving again and I noticed the credits were playing of the screen. Well, shit. I missed the ending. Whatever, I'd watch it again later. I clamped my legs together as his hand tried to run between my thighs. Suddenly I was wide awake again as his hand was touching something extremely private "A-axel... Ah... Not on the couch!" But it was too late... It looks like Axel's dream of having sex on every piece of furniture in the apartment was going to happen despite me telling him that would never happen when I first moved in.


"Why are you so hot?" He asked after some time just laying on the couch completely naked with me when our climax had come and gone. I hummed in thought and said tiredly "Because, I'm a motherfucking beast." His chest bounced with laughter and shook me along with it "By the way, did you reserve our cabin?" "'Eah..." Oh yeah, gotta continue on the Lea and Sqaul tradition of renting the same cabins for the same two weeks every year. We didn't say anything more for five or so minutes when he suddenly asked "How would you feel about carry the seed of my loins?" I sat up a bit, glaring at his hopeful and amused expression "It's already up my ass, Axel." He shook his head and looked away with a slight blush "Nah, I was using a joke that apparently went over your head to ask you if you wanted... Maybe to have a kid?-not right now! But I mean, someday! You know?" I laid my head back on his chest and sighed tiredly "... Someday." "Really?" "When I'm old and have nothing to live for." He laughed happily and hugged me tightly. "I love you, Roxy~!" "I didn't do anything, though." "You don't have to do anything to make me love you." he flipped us over so I was under him and when he leaned down to kiss me, I kissed him back.

The End

So hey! Guess what you should do? You should totally follow me on Archive of Our Own! My user name is chuchiwan on that website! Why should you follow me? If you like this story, I plan to start putting married life oneshots up on that site! Roxas's twenty-first birthday, oneshots with Dem/Zexy or Riku/Sora, Christmas with the Sqauls, there's even a possibility that I'll write a one shot of Cloud and Leon's high school relationship and how it all started! ;p

Until the next fanfic, I wish you all well!

Chuchi Wan.