"I don't know who are you, but you're going to have to leave," Caitlin said, arms crossed. She was wearing a navy blue pantsuit, like a professor on her way to a lecture. Star Labs didn't look very different from Barry's timeline. The only difference was that Citizen Cold's suit was where his should be. "This place is dangerous."

"Caitlin, I need you to tell me where Wells is," Barry said.

"Wells?" she asked. "Wells died in the explosion." She looked at the floor, not meeting his eyes. Apparently he'd struck a nerve.

"You should go," a man said. Barry looked over and saw Leonard Snart in the doorway, ice gun poised.

"Snart?" Barry asked. "Caitlin run."

Snart chuckled under his breath. "Son, I'm not sure what you think is going on, but you just broke into a chillingly dangerous place.

"Wait," Barry said. His mind wasn't as quick as it once was, but he could still process what had happened. "Caitlin are you working with him?"

"Don't answer that," Snart said, walking toward Barry. "The Rogues sent you, didn't they?"

"Who?" Barry asked. "No, this isn't right." He sat on the floor and put his head in his hands.

Caitlin sat next to him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Why don't you just tell us your name?" she said. She motioned for Snart to lower his gun.

"You're supposed to know my name," he said. "I'm Barry. Barry Allen. Where's Wells?"

Caitlin looked down at her hands.

"Wells died," Snart said. "In the accelerator explosion."

Barry wrung his hands. "None of this is right." His eyes were red with tears still unshed. His entire life was suddenly flipped upside down.

"Was Wells a friend?" Caitlin asked.

"No," Barry said. "No, he wasn't a friend." He thought about explaining his real relationship with Wells. But then he had to explain about the Flash, the Reverse Flash, and his mother's death. But his mother wasn't dead.

"So you broke into Citizen Cold's layer to find a dead man who's not a friend?" Snart asked.

"Citizen Cold?" Barry said.

Snart could not have looked more offended. "Surely you've heard of Citizen Cold? Defender of Central City? Bane of all criminals?"

"Calm down," another voice added. Barry looked over to the doorway. It was Bette, otherwise known as Plastique. She was supposed to be dead. But here she was, alive and well, in a military uniform. Barry recognized the symbol on her sleeve from his encounters with ARGUS. "How did you get in here? This facility is supposed to be secure."

"I just walked in," Barry said as he performed mental acrobats trying to figure out how she was alive. "Where's Cisco?"

"You don't get to ask the questions around here," she said. But all Barry could think about was her exploding in the bay.

"As much fun as this is," Snart said, "I have an interview to get to. You've got this under control, yeah?"

"Go," Bette ordered.

"Give Waller my regards," he said as he left the lab.

Bette returned her attention to Barry. "Why are you looking for Wells?"

"That, uh, complicated," he replied.

"Uncomplicate it," she ordered.

Barry sighed. "When the particle accelerator blew I got struck by lightning. When I woke up I had power, just like you. I could run, I could run really fast. Fast enough to travel back in time, believe it or not. And I think that's what I did. Because where I'm from I'm the hero, I work with Caitlin and Cisco to fight crime."

"Why should I believe that?" Bette asked. Caitlin just stared at Barry.

"Because you believe ten unbelievable things every day before you get out of bed," he said. "Time travel and superspeed aren't exactly outside the realm of possibility."

"If you're so fast then why don't you show us?" she said.

He looked at his feet. "I lost my speed. I'm not sure how, but I lost it, and everything is different now. Where I'm from Wells has speed too. I think he went back in time and changed something. That's why I'm here."

Bette looked Barry up and down, as if sizing him up. "Let's say we believed you. What could we do to help?"

"Well apparently you're ARGUS in this world," he said. "Maybe Waller knows something?"

"Waller won't be particularly inclined to help you," she replied. "I'm not even sure I am."

The gears turned in Barry's mind and he had a sudden moment of clarity. "How about the Arrow? In Starling City?"

"The Hood?" Caitlin asked. "What about him?"

"I knew him, maybe he can help me."

"I don't know," Bette said reluctantly. "He's not exactly a socialite."

"Oh I know," Barry said. "He's beaten me up a few times."

"In that case," Caitlin said, "Let's go get you a train ticket."

Meanwhile, Citizen Cold got ready for his first formal interview. He had only spoken to reporters on the scene of a crime, so this was an exciting first experience for him. He seemed outlandish sitting in Jitters in a blue winter coat. But he couldn't risk someone finding out about his secret identity. He was still bothered by how that kid at the lab knew his name.

"Good evening Mrs. West," he said to his favorite reporter.

"Nice to finally sit down with you, Cold," Iris said with a pad and paper in hand.

The other customers glanced at them, but most kept their eyes on their food or the TV. A few took pictures of them, but most were used to his presence.

"I'd just like to ask you a few questions about you and your team," she said. "I understand you're very busy."

"Ask away," he said.

"Everyone knows that you and Plastique have worked together for some time, but what about this new Blackout we've been hearing about? How does he fit in?"

"We actually met him a few weeks ago," Snart said. "He was causing some trouble with the city's power, I don't really understand the logistics of it. We're helping him get a hold on his abilities, so he may wind up as a permanent fixture of the team."

"And what about Firestorm?" she asked. "Was that similar?"

"It was a little more complicated, quantum physics or something. But he decided it would be safer if he left Central City."

"If my sources are correct, Plastique wanted to detain him for ARGUS. Can you explain that?"

"I'm not sure that I'm allowed to divulge those details," he said with a smile. "But I have the feeling you'd get it out of me eventually. Plastique does in fact work for ARGUS, she was an agent there before she discovered her powers. Her commander decided it would be for the best if she uses her skills to find other meta-humans like her. ARGUS is, after all, supposed to protect America from threats like these."

"And do the behind-the-scenes members of your team work for ARGUS as well?" she asked.

"No, of course not. Plastique is the only member who works for them. Our 'behind-the-scenes members' are scientists, not soldiers."

"Just one mo-" Iris stopped midsentence, her mouth agape. She was looking at something behind him.

He turned around to look at the TV screen. It was a news story about the Rogues. Heat Wave was holding a sign up to a camera. It said "We have Lisa."

Later that day, Bette explained the situation to her commander over a video call. "Is this going to be a problem?" Waller asked. Her scowl was so deep that even her chins frowned.

"It shouldn't be, ma'am," Bette replied. She was standing at attention, hands behind her back.

"He broke into an ARGUS sanctioned facility like it was his home, then told you about his time travel powers," she said. "He may present a threat."

"If he does then the Hood will almost certainly resolve it," Bette said. "If he doesn't then perhaps it will prove that he is an asset."

"Do you believe him? That he's a time traveler from another world?"

"No ma'am," she said. "But I wouldn't exactly be surprised if it was true." Her job was to deal with the impossible, so this was just another Tuesday for her.

"On an unrelated note, I'm having our allies come to Central City. They should all arrive within the week."

"Who all is coming, ma'am?"

"Task Force X and Palmer will certainly be there, I can only hope Firestorm comes," she said. "And one more thing soldier, keep an eye out for a gorilla."