The screen flickered to life to show a most amusing scene.

There was a brunet on the floor, struggling under the weight of the robot-thing sitting on top of him.

"ESCAPE ATTEMPT IN PROGRESS!" the thing was blaring in a deafening, robotic voice. "ESCAPE ATTEMPT IN PROGRESS!"

The camera-person stood for a moment, watching the scene, before saying in a voice brimming with laughter, "Warning acknowledged, Mosca. Disengage."

The robot, Mosca, immediately quieted and stood up, freeing its captor, who then stood and turned to the camera.

Pushing his disheveled brown hair out of his eyes, he made eye contact with the camera, and his face immediately flushed a bright pink.

"C-Chrome!" choked out the twenty-year-old, lunging forward in an attempt to snatch the camera away and turn it off

Giggling in amusement, Chrome dodged out of his reach, the image shaking as she hopped back a few steps.

"Say hi to the camera, boss!" she chimed as her friend made another desperate attempt to catch her.

But he finally gave up when it became apparent he couldn't win, and slumped in defeat.

"Why are you doing this?" he whined.

"Because it's funny," was the reply.

Tsuna just pouted and looked away, grumbling quietly to himself.

"Why the hell did that thing listen to you but not to me?" he demanded finally, turning to glare at Mosca, which was standing to the side, motionless. "Last I checked, I was the Don of this family."

Another second of tinkling laughter, before Chrome replied, "Because Reborn had Spanner program him so that he would respond to any family member's voice except for yours, if he ever caught you trying to escape from your paperwork."

"Wha-!" spluttered Tsuna, looking indignant. "I was not trying to escape!" he insisted. "I was just going to the washroom!"

"Through the hallway window?" asked Chrome in a dry voice, sounding unimpressed.

Tsuna looked away, pouting again.

Luca stared down at the robot standing in front of him like a guard.

It was a bulky thing, obviously built to be sturdy (and possibly to fight), and had two red sensors on its face, to imitate eyes.

It had three tubes of various sizes, where its mouth should have been, making it look almost as if it were wearing a gas mask, and Luca couldn't help but wonder, for a moment, as to their purposes. But then, his attention returned to the screen on its belly, which currently showed a countdown, with a little less than a minute left.

"Identify yourself," it repeated over and over, every few seconds, as the numbers steadily got closer to zero. Luca didn't know what exactly would happen at the end of the countdown, but he was sure it couldn't be anything good.

"Luca Shiota," he repeated again, and after a moment of silence, just like the last few times he had stated his name, the robot buzzed, then said, "Name not recognized. Name not recognized," before returning to its earlier mantra.

Letting out a frustrated growl, Luca tried another tactic.

"Assassin of 3E," he stated.

The robot paused, and Luca held his breath, hopeful.

Suddenly, the countdown halted, and the robot intoned, "Identify current leader."

Breathing out a sigh of relief, Luca replied, "Fiammetta Gregorio."

There was another pause, then the robot replied, "Accessing Vongola database. Please hold."

Feeling laughter bubble up inside him, Luca wondered if he had heard that properly. Whoever had programmed this thing, they sure did have a sense of humor.

Just as Luca was wondering if the robot would start playing music as well, it buzzed again, and said, "Database accessed. Identify yourself."

Groaning inwardly, Luca hoped that, since it now had an updated list of 3E members, his name would be recognized.

"Luca Shiota," he repeated for the nth time.

There was a pause, then the robot buzzed again (Luca was starting to think that maybe the buzz signaled a kind of "end process" message).

"Name and voice recognized. Bomb deactivated."

His suspicions about the countdown confirmed, Luca sighed in relief that he'd been able to give the right answers. Fia definitely would not have been happy to return with the rest of 3E, only to find that the one he'd left behind to keep an eye on things had somehow managed to blow up their base.

"Welcome to 3E's emergency underground base, Japan location," intoned the robot, dropping into a clumsy bow, hindered by its considerable bulk. "I am your housekeeper and assistant, Mini Mosca. Please indicate how you would like to be addressed, Mr. Luca Shiota."

"Just Luca is fine," he replied, intrigued. "Do you answer only to Mini Mosca? Or can I just call you Mosca?"

"I reply to both Mini Mosca and Mosca. Further nicknames I have been programmed to respond to by previous generation are: Minime, Mozzy, Momo, Shithead, Weirdo, and That Thing. Clear list?"

Luca couldn't help the snort of laughter that escaped him as Mosca read out its list of nicknames. As far as he knew, the only other people who had been in this base before them were select members of the tenth generation of Vongola, and the first generation of 3E.

He couldn't help but wonder who had come up with those nicknames, and he desperately wished there was a way he could find out.

Mosca stood motionless, evidently waiting for a reply from Luca, and once the young man was able to stop laughing, he replied, "Keep list."

Mosca buzzed.


Clearing his throat, Luca straightened up, and took a step forward, ready to start exploring the rest of the base, and start making it more homey for when the rest of the gang arrived.

Mosca immediately stepped out of the way, and followed after him like an eager puppy.

If Luca didn't know any better, he would have thought the poor thing seemed almost...lonely.

It was a machine though, and therefore didn't possess the sentience required to have human emotions.

The video cut to another scene of an older, twenty-eight-year-old Tsuna, sitting at his desk in his office at the Vongola HQ, a room which hadn't changed much in the decades since.

His head was down and he seemed to be doing paperwork.

Mini Mosca stood beside his desk, as if standing guard.

Which was exactly what it was doing.

Chuckling, the camera-person called out, "Mosca, come here a sec!"

Mosca stared at Tsuna for a moment longer, before turning and approaching the camera.

Tsuna looked up, his expression sulky. "What the hell? You've been here less than a month, and it listens to you without question. But when I'm stuck doing this thrice-damned paperwork, it won't even acknowledge my existence, unless it's knocking me to the ground for daring to get up from my desk?"

The camera-person chuckled, and the image shook a bit as he switched the camera to one hand in order to reach out and open the screen on Mosca's belly.

Behind the screen was a built-in microwave, and the camera-person put his cup of tea inside to quickly warm it up.

"Don't laugh Ryoma!" whined Tsuna from where he was sitting. "It's not FAIR!"

The camera-person laughed again, saying, "Well, it's not my fault that you're notorious for skipping out on paperwork every chance you get, boss."

"I do NOT!" insisted Tsuna indignantly, getting up and slamming a fist on the table.

Immediately, Mosca's head snapped in his direction.

"ESCAPE ATTEM-" it began.

"HIIEEE!" shrieked Tsuna, immediately sitting back down in his chair and grabbing his pen,in order to avoid being squashed by the little robot and being embarrassed again.

Ryoma burst into hysteric laughter at this, which earned him a murderous glare.

"Ryoma Terasaka, the moment I finish this paperwork, you are so DEAD," vowed Tsuna.

"Whatever you say, boss," replied Ryoma in an amused voice before the screen cut to black.

SkyGem: Hello my lovelies! Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out! I promise I haven't forgotten about this fic! It's just that I've fallen into a rather nasty habit in the past few months. I guess it's just the laziness of summer getting to me. Not to worry though! The daily updates will be starting up again from today onwards!

Anyways, this chapter was lots of fun. We get a more lighthearted look into this world, and we get some insight as to why the underground base isn't in a state of disrepair yet. Poor little Mosca has been there all by himself for all this time, keeping the place tidy. I really enjoyed writing the characters' interactions with him, and I hope you guys enjoyed reading it as well! Please do leave a review and let me know what you thought! Ja ne!