A/N: I hope you all enjoy. I feel it might start a little slowly but I promise it picks up quickly. Please let me know what you think.
"Rose no!"
"April, it doesn't matter how loudly you scream at the television, the characters cannot hear you."
"Mum you don't understand the emotional ties to the characters, especially Rose and the Doctor, he is, well he is perfect." April grabbed a handful of popcorn and threw it at her mother.
"And now you're talking in an English accent again." Her mom laughed and threw some popcorn back at her daughter.
"Mum I can't help it when you watch all the episodes over and over again it just sort of happens."
"Yeah I know, you told me the second time you watched this season. What episode are you on?" April's mom had actually gotten into her daughters favorite show, Doctor Who.
"The one where Jack, Rose, and the Doctor wake up in the random television shows. I hate when Rose gets zapped even though I know what happens it still just hurts my heart."
"Well it's getting late after this episode you should probably head up to bed."
"Yeah I think I will just head up now, it's not like I don't know what happens." April laughed and turned off the TV.
"Night mum."
"Night daring sleep well."
When April got to her bed she almost passed out as soon as she hit the pillow, it was one o'clock in the morning. She had been binge watching Doctor Who all day from the most recent episodes back to the beginning. Oh how she loved her Doctor.
She drifted to sleep with Daleks, sonic screwdrivers, and pink and yellow on her mind.
April woke up the next morning not in her own bed.
"Crap where am I?" She took in her surroundings, it was all familiar yet she knew she had never been here before.
"Oh uh hello how did you get in here?" April looked up to the voice speaking to her.
"Rose?!" No there was no possible way this was happening. Rose freaking Tyler was standing in front of her, oh my God she was on the TARDIS. No, no this is impossible they are just in a television show.
"What how do you know my name?" Rose leaned back away from the girl who was just passed out in the console room.
"You- you're Rose Tyler, a-are we on the TARDIS?" April sat up and looked around yeah definitely the TARDIS. "Where's the Doctor?"
"You know the Doctor? Who are you, how'd you get here?"
"Okay well it is kind of hard to explain. But I-"
"Rose Tyler! So I figured we would go to the next galaxy over ya know stop look at some shops, maybe get some chips." The Doctor had entered the console room. Oh my gosh it's 10, oh no I wonder how far along we are in the plot, how much longer Rose will be hereā¦.
"Oh wait what who is this? Hello? How did you possibly get in here? We are in flight that is impossible. No literally you can't be here, how are you here, wait who are you?" He took out his sonic screwdriver and began scanning the girl on the floor.
"Doctor." April and Rose had simultaneously said his name, Rose glared at the girl, hey that's what she does when he goes on a rant. April looked at Rose, oops she looked mad sorry Rose it's a force of habit.
"Oh you know my name? Hello, who are you?" The Doctor leaned down on the floor near the girl.
"Hello Doctor I'm April."
"Hello April. So how did you get on my ship?"
"Well to be completely honest with you I am not even sure this isn't a dream."
"And what do you mean by that?" Doctor looked at his readings from the scan then back to April.
"Well you see last night I went to sleep in my bed and woke up here, but here isn't real so I must be dreaming. You know?" She looked at Rose for confirmation, knowing that she was slightly hesitant with her first encounter with him.
"What do you mean it's not real? We're standin' right in front of you?" Rose felt bad for April she must have hit her head or something.
"You guys you're just a tv show. I can prove it if you don't believe me." She looked at the Doctor.
"Go ahead tell us something."
"Alrighty I just need to know the latest adventure you guys went on and I can tell you about all of it and the past, I just need a reference point."
"How convincing." Rose did not believe a word she was saying.
"Okay just a small hint then." The Doctor beamed at her he loved games and this certainly felt like one. "We just left a school the kids were too smart for their own good." He smiled at Rose, there that was small if she could tell him what happened based on that she had to be telling the truth, well at least somewhat.
"Oh the krillitanes episode. Well you guys went to the school because Mickey thought something was wrong, oh Mickey where is he? Any way you were Mr. Smith of course." She winked at the doctor. "And Rose you worked in the kitchen. They were putting krillitane oil into the food, well cooking with it I guess you could say. It made the children smarter so they could crack that code. Oh and you guys ran into Sarah Jane Smith, you didn't like that very much huh Rose?" She looked at Rose and she turned bright red. The Doctor noticed the tension.
"Oh okay so you do seem to know." Rose just wanted her to be quiet now.
"Alrighty but you could have found that out some other way. Somehow." The Doctor wanted to know more, see if she knew other things.
"Well Rose Tyler, you're mothers name is Jackie Tyler and your father was Pete Tyler. You and Mickey are kind of a thing. Now you Doctor, are you sure you want me to say in front of Rose?" He pondered the question for half a moment, then looked at her and pleaded with his eyes for her not to say anything too bad; if she really knew. April picked up on the look, she did know this man better than she knew herself.
"You Doctor, you recently regenerated; you are on you tenth regeneration, well technically eleventh but we don't really talk about that do we. You are a timelord, the last one ever, you stopped the time war. You are an amazing man, who hates being alone but fears getting attached because humans, aliens, or even robot dogs can't stay with you forever. I also know what you said and did to Rose after she looked into the heart of the TARDIS, but that's for another time." She winked at him again and he blushed, April Johnson had actually made the Doctor blush. What the heck?!
"Alrighty then I believe you April." The Doctor held out his hand and offered to help her up, of course she accepted.
"You are who you say you are but that doesn't answer the question of how did you get here?" April went and sat down on the swivel chair she had literally dreamed of this, quite often actually.
"I would like to know as well as you. I mean I must be from a parallel universe but travel between them is almost impossible since, well yeah." She looked at the Doctor and couldn't help but feel badly for him, her poor Doctor.
"Yes I know."
"Wait why? We can travel through time and space but not parallel universes?" Rose of course was confused, it was a bit much to grasp the concept of, the only reason April wasn't freaking out was because she had seen this before.
"Because of the energy it takes, when my people were alive you could go from one parallel universe to another and be back in time for tea but now, it's just not so easy. It's practically impossible." It was weird April knowing things no one else did that was always his job.
"Well there's not too much we can do about it now, where would you like to go April? Anywhere you want" Rose stared at her, great first Mickey now this chick.
"Oh no I can't possibly choose, and I don't want to interfere so just where ever you guys were headed next, if you don't mind my tagging along."
"Well then off to chips we go." He smiled at April and winked and Rose and off they went.