Eric Trevelyan never had been to Orlais let alone the capital. The intricate statues and architecture of the city amazed him when compared to the rather depressing surroundings of the Free Marches. They were here to meet with the clerics of the chantry, the very same clerics who declared them blasphemous heretics. Truth be told he was a little nervous, the crowd of people ahead of them could very easily kill him on the spot.

They entered the mass of people and slowly made their way to the front of the crowd.

"Good people of Val Royeux, hear me." Spoke the Chantry mother on the stage.

Uh oh she probably going to incite the crowd.

"The Divine is dead. Long have you wondered what would happen to her murderer, well wonder no more." Gesturing toward the Herald.

"Oh, are we going to burn the heretical Inquisition, the last great hope for the entire world?" Quipped a voice coming from nowhere. "It would be a shame if the world was destroyed by a cleric's ambition."

The chantry mother was desperately trying to find the source of her critic and failing. "Who are you?"

The light bended behind her revealing a tall man in black armor, with his face covered by hood and mask. The chantry mother whirled about taken aback at how this man got on stage undetected.

"I am General Feyn Do'dovah, Dragonborn, commander of the 6th Legion and ally of the Inquisition."

The mother scowled at him. "We don't need uncultured barbarians like you meddling in things you barely understand. We have no need of heretics who have not seen the makers light." She spat.

The Dragonborn gave the mother a glare that caused half of the people present to shiver. "I did not come here to debate culture and religion with you priestess. I came to deal with the Breach, the real threat." He glared at the audience before continuing. "I wouldn't have had to come to this Gods forsaken Continent IF YOU WOULD GET OFF YOUR COLLECTIVE ASSES AND DO SOMETHING!" He pointed accusingly at the crowd. "Pahlokaal mey pah do hi." The power of his thuum caused the earth to shake. "You are all arrogant and stupid. Did you think the Breach and whoever created it is going to politely wait for you pick a damn Divine? That Giant hole in the sky almost killed EVERYONE three weeks ago!"

"And you…" gesturing toward the mother. "Were about to kill the only person WHO CAN CLOSE THE RIFTS. All because you are simply afraid of being wrong and your life's work being for naught."

He gestured toward Eric. "The Inquisition is only trying to restore order and find those responsible for the rifts." Eric noticed a large group of Templars approaching and advancing menacingly towards the Dragonborn. They climbed up the steps of the stage, but instead of attacking the Dragonborn one Templar punched the mother in the face.

Well that was unexpected

"While she angered me to no end was that really necessary." Feyn frowned at him, apparently punching religious leaders are frowned upon in Tamriel.

The Templar ignored him as their leader who Eric recognized as Lord Seeker Lucius spoke.

Well this is bad, very bad.