Thank you so much for opening up this story and devoting some of your time to read it. I hope you find this worth it.
Disclaimer: All of Gravity Falls belongs to Alex Hirsh and Disney
In the time before the stars had opened their eyes, and the wind could speak in the whispered tones of wind chimes, the earth was inhabited by men who could see the future as clearly as their reflection and fairy queens kept courts of gnomes, sprites, and all manner of creatures forgotten to time and history for there are no known written records of this time. There were the mortals of the earth, but they were not in as plentiful in number as they are today (one had more a chance to be born something else). Residing over this age were the Beings divided into two distinct groups, the Recorders and the Weavers, to make the whole. The Recorders were tasked with the duty of preserving all the knowledge and history of the creatures below so that, even with no written records, the days of that time may be remembered in the heavens. The Weavers used the threads of time to form the tapestries of fate. Every event to ever occur or come about has been depicted in the millions of tapestries the Weavers made; if you had ever wondered where prophecies came from, wonder no longer.
It was in this time before, that an ancient accident of magic and fate came about. None of the Recorders Thought or the Weavers of Life could ever quite figure out how it happened or why (for this incident was beyond them all), but one day the dark vastness of space spat out a strange and deceitful creature, which not even the Man on the Moon could control. It played tricks and giggled lies and learned how to escape the authority of the Beings with such disturbing quickness and dexterity that it soon seemed that nothing could prevent It from doing whatever it wanted and suffering no lasting consequence. However, the Beings eventually began to ignore It, for in the day before the glittering stars and the whispering wind, these beings were in a higher place beyond the mortals of the world below and knew the creature could cause no real harm as long as It was kept from them. Therefore, for a time, there was a temporary sense of peace between the creature and the Beings.
It was well known among the beings that a day would come when the Weavers would run out of thread, and when this occurred, the Beings would know their time was drawing to a close and the time of the mortals would come. So when the day came when the Weavers found they only had enough thread for one final tapestry, the Beings felt a resigned contentedness and there would have been no further issue if not for the nature of the last tapestry. It was a thing of nightmare, dyed in blood and silently screaming. Fire, death, enslavement, a burning tree, and at the top, surveying all, was a version of the creature the Beings had never seen. Horrified at what it meant, and feeling their time running out for coming up with a solution, they held a desperate meeting with all celestial beings which included a very miffed Man on the Moon who had been constantly annoyed by the creature and constantly ignored and was now feeling very self-righteous. The Beings were dying and knew they must ensure, since the creature could not be controlled, they must try to keep it contained. There was a place known to the Recorders, a place between the real world and the imagined where strange things dwelled, not quite seen. It was decided to banish the creature to this in-between world, where It could roam once It escaped to the land of the mortals after the Beings were gone and be long delayed in interacting with them. Then came the though from the Beings that perhaps the creature could try to escape back to the dark void It came from and find a place in the Elsewhere to torment. It was then decided to wake the stars, points of purity so true they shed a never-ending light. They were too numerous in number to count and were scattered everywhere there was darkness in the heavens, so in the heavens, so in this way, they effectively caged the creature of darkness.
Finally, there came the issue of what could be done for when the time of the last tapestry came to pass for it was indeed inevitable. It was decided two Guardians would be sent to save them all from the creature. It would be weakened from all its years of solitude and age and the Beings would provide these Guardians with the means to combat it. These Guardians would be a mortal Recorder and Weaver, they would be opposite to one another as they would be alike; they would compliment each other and combat each other. One would have a mind like the sky and the other with feet like the roots of a tree. Each would also be given a star for a heart, the heart of one a wish of light and the other, dependable and bright, steady and ancient. A falling star and a piece of a shining picture would lie in their chests. They would be prepared and armed, filled with purity, ready to face the darkness and, perhaps, save their kind, but they knew the daemon would be cunning and sly and attempt to deceive them. The daemon would know that, while together they were unstoppable, apart they were vulnerable. Split the whole and devour the half and the whole would never be again. He would find the weaknesses of the Guardians and exploit them for he would understand the threat they would pose to his plan, and seek to control the weak link. How they would fare this was, ultimately, left to them.
And so it was done as it had been said, the time of the Beings came to an end and the age of the mortals came with them all blissfully unaware the age before had ever existed at all. Although the creature now and then was able to escape the in-between world by deals with foolish mortals and run amok among the human, he could never stay for long. He was also never able to retreat back to the void, trapped as he was by the stars whose pure light burned him and disturbed his mind. Years were used and recorded, some thing remembered, many not (and some stolen) until the time of the tapestry drew near. Then the Guardians came, with o more fanfare than most with a happy mother and proud father, and with no hint of what large responsibility lay on their tiny shoulders. Two star-filled creatures born of a woman, the last hope of their kind, a boy, the mark of knowledge on his brow, and a girl that flew in a falling stream of light and wonder and madness. On the day they were plucked from the sky the very Earth shivered, the air crackled, and two halves of one man found no sleep, one locked in the darkness of sharp memories, and the other lost in a place beyond. So it began.