I wish I had the guts too tell you why I'm leaving. But I don't. I guess I've become a coward.

Deep breath,Sam. You can do this, you can face them.

We were on our way to Amity Park, the drive was longer then I remember. I couldn't sit still, and even though Danny was assuring me everything would be fine, I had an unsettling feeling inside of me. Everything I had said, or not said to them was turning around in my head. How was I to explain to them what had happened?

How could I tell them?

What was worrying me even more was Danny's family? They treated me like a daughter, but I had taken their son away from then and I had a feeling they were holding that against me. I felt as if I was going to be sick from all the worrying.

"Baby, everything is going to be fine. You need to stop worrying yourself over this."

"How can I not worry, Danny?"

He was concentrating on the road, almost as if he forgot the way home. But I knew he hadn't, there was always hope in him that I would change my mind and want to come home, and after I made this decision, I'm regretting it deeply.

Shortly after, I found out outside the large had that in bold letters spelt out 'FENTON WORKS'. We were home.

"Danny! Sam! Oh it's so good to see you both!" That was Jazz, Danny's perky older sister.

"Jazz!" Jazz and himself embraced in a hug, something they hadn't done in a while.

I felt as if I was going to pass out. I felt all sweaty and dizzy. I was terrified.

Suddenly I was embraced in a hug and almost knocked off my feet.

"Sammy we've missed you!" it was his parents, Maddy and Jack. I know what you're probably thinking. Sam's letting someone besides Danny call her Sammy? Well, Maddy and Jack had done so much for me in the pass it seemed right for them to call me Sammy. They were like the parents I never had. They let me be myself and never tried to change me. Even though my gothic style was a slight faze, they always accepted who I was and wouldn't ever make me change.

"You two must be tired after that long drive, why don't we go inside?"

"I think Sam and I should get some rest mom, we'll see you all in the morning."

I felt Danny take my arm and lead me up the stairs, as if he though I had forgotten where everything was. I wished I could have forgotten where everything was.

"It's going to be fine, Sam. You need to stop worrying"

"I can't help it, what will I say to them?"

Don't be sad I'm gone. I'll always be in your hearts. But only in your hearts.

"Tell them the truth, Sam."

I sat on the end of the bed and I felt Danny place his arms around my shoulders, kissing the side of my head softly.

"I'm scared" I said so softly I hoped he didn't hear me.

"I'll be there right next to you, babe. It's all going to be alright. Everything will be okay."

Around 7am there was a loud explosion. At first we thought it was some kind of bomb, being away for a year changes the way you see life. But once we knew that we were at Danny's family home, we knew that it was more then a bomb. It was one of Jacks creations that had gone wrong.

"Dad, whats going on?"

"Don't worry about it son, I have everything under control." As he said that a small fire from the contraption he was making started. "Everything under control."

I have it all under control. Don't worry we have it all planed out.

It seemed pointless going back to sleep, as we had a big day of shopping ahead of us for Jazz's wedding.

Danny was the best man of the wedding and I was the maid of honour so we had to get fitted, and I only agreed to being the maid of honour if I could pick out the dress that I wore. Even though I knew it would be a light spring colour I still wouldn't trust Jazz to pick out my dress as she would pick out the brightest most floral dress there was as the theme of the wedding was floral.

As for Danny, he was going to wear a tux but the one we had left back at home was getting too small for Danny as he continued to work out, most of his clothes had out grown him and we seemed to always be shopping for new stuff for both of us.

We ate breakfast and then proceeded to get ready for the day.

We drove to the mall and met up with Danny's parents and Jazz.

"So where should we start?"

"Well son, I think you and I should have some bonding time together while I teach you how to pick the best tux that can contain all my ghost weapons!"

"Yeah, I think I'll take Mom and Sam to the dress store, we'll meet you at the food court in an hour alright?"

When we arrived at the store I was overwhelmed by how many dresses they had in there, it was a wedding dress shop but also had a large department for bridesmaid dresses as well.

"I think this one" It was a hot pink dress that came above the knee, flowing out when it got to the waist and had a pink and black flower attached to the side of it.

"No, no hot pinks"

"The theme is pink Sam"

"But not hot pink Jazz"

"What about this one?" Maddie chirped in.

It was a pastel pink laced dress in the style of a skater dress, with a gold belt around the waist and flower detailing. It was perfect.

Black Angel xo