Bruce is 8 and Clark is 9.
Chapter 10: Friends Forever
Alfred's POV
I gazed in the rearview mirror to see the young master staring out of his window looking disheartened and dismal. Ever since his parents died nearly a year ago, nothing makes him happy. If only I could do more.
"Everything all right, Master Bruce?"
He shrugged before sighing, "Alfred, why are we here?"
"The board wanted you to make an appearance to-"
"In Kansas? But, there's nothing here."
"Well yes, but the board wanted you-"
"I'm eight, Alfred. The board should have sent Lucius."
"Mr. Fox is sick, Master Bruce. Besides, you will be running this company in the future and you will be expected to make appearances. We can't all have things we want," I replied as I continued to stare out at the endless rows of corn on our journey to the middle of nowhere.
"Alfred! Look out!"
I barely had time to swerve out of the way of a cow on the road. The car ended up right in the middle of the corn field. I quickly looked back to make sure the lad was alright. He was a bit shaken but unharmed. And good Lord! Why is there a cow in the road!
"Stay in the car, Master Bruce," I ordered as I got out to assess the damage.
I winced at the two flat tires. I only have one spare. Glaring at the cow on the road, I muttered, "Madame, next time I suppose you not wander anymore roads."
Master Bruce called, "Alfred, is the cow and the car okay?"
"The cow is fine but the car on the other hand has two flat tires. I'm afraid we'll have to walk to the nearest town and get some help," I dismally replied.
"Pa! Pa! There he is!"
We both looked at the source of a young boy around Master Bruce's age with black hair and blue eyes riding up on a horse followed by an older man with blue eyes and dirty blonde hair close to my own age.
The man said, "Slow up there, son. Are you folks alright? I reckon my bull caused your wreck."
I replied, "We're both unharmed. I should have been paying more attention to be quite honest. However, I'm afraid I'll have to purchase a set of new tires before we can continue on our journey. If you would be so kind as to point me in the direction of the closest store where I could make such a purchase, it would be highly appreciated."
"Sorry but I'm afraid I can't help you until tomorrow. You see, today's Sunday. Dale's Tires won't be open until tomorrow… But, I might be able to help you folks out with a patched tire and with the radiator."
My eyebrows crinkled in confusion before I turned to see steam slipping out from the hood of the car. Good Lord! That was I also noticed the boy approach master Bruce and offer him a friendly hello.
"Hi, I'm Clark Kent!" the boy stated brightly.
"Bruce Wayne."
I watched the uneasiness of the boy's father as he watched the two of them interact. Perhaps Master Bruce isn't the only lonely child in this world.
"Thank you. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated. I'm Alfred Pennyworth and this is my charge, Bruce Wayne," I replied.
He reached out to take my outstretched hand before replying, "Jonathan Kent. This is my boy, Clark." He then turned back to his son and said, "Clark, ride back up to the house and get Ma to bring the truck out here."
Bruce's POV
It had to be the most ancient truck I'd ever seen. The brakes squealed even when it wasn't moving. Alfred rode in the cab while I got in the bed with Clark. He was way too happy for my liking. He never stopped smiling.
Clark babbled, "And that's our cornfield. We keep the cows over in that pasture. My horses are in the barn. Our chickencoop is by the house. That's our hayfield. We gotta pond over yonder. That's where we keep our tractors and equipment. Pa let me drive it all by myself last week. You ever driven one?"
"Oh… Do you like fishing?"
"Oh… Do you like riding?"
"Oh… Do you like swimming in ponds?"
Clark suddenly stopped smiling before asking, "You okay? You seem kind of sad."
I solemnly replied, "My parents are dead."
"I'm sorry."
I bitterly replied, "So am I."
Alfred's POV
"I really cannot allow you to go to this much trouble on our behalf, Madame," I politely insisted as another helping of peas were spooned onto my plate.
Martha shook her head before laying another drumstick down beside the mashed potatoes. "It's no trouble at all. Everyone needs a little help every now and then."
"And Ma is the best cook ever! Just wait until you try her apple pie!" Clark exclaimed as his mother beamed at him.
I smiled back at them before looking over at Master Bruce. He miserably stirred the peas around his plate. I know he's not exactly accustomed to this type of cooking but he needs to eat.
Dinner went rather quickly with the Kent's upbeat personality. We were also invited to spend the night.
"We really don't want to impose-" I began before Jonathan wouldn't hear of it. "Boloney. Marth has already made up the guest room."
"Can Bruce sleepover in my room?" Clark asked.
His parents glanced over at me as I nodded. "I think that would be quite alright."
Bruce's POV
"So this is my room!" Clark announced as I gazed around at the small room.
The only thing in the room was a small bed, a bookshelf, a desk, and a dog bed.
"It's… quaint," I mumbled before a poster of the Justice League caught my eye.
Clark caught my eye and said, "Do you like them too? My favorite's the Flash! And Green Lantern's cool too!"
"I like Wildcat and Black Canary," I muttered.
"But, they don't have any powers."
I shot him a glare and hissed, "You don't need powers to be a hero."
"I guess so… You wanna play baseball?"
"How about we wrestle instead?"
"No… I'm… not really allowed to. Ma doesn't want me to fight in the house anyway… Wanna see the stars?"
Alfred's POV
Martha and Jonathan looked absolutely horrified as I finished telling them about Master Bruce's parents. They both offered their deepest condolences just as both boys headed into the living room where we were talking.
"Is it okay if we go stargazing in the barn?" Clark asked.
"Just be careful and be back before your bedtime," Martha instructed.
They disappeared outside while Martha went to clean the kitchen. Jonathan turned to me and stated, "I'm glad yall are here. Clark doesn't have too many friends."
"As am I, Jonathan. Master Bruce needs this. He just needs to focus on being a child for a while."
Bruce's POV
"I've never seen the stars so bright," I muttered before turning to Clark, who took his turn to look through the telescope.
"Gosh, it sure is a beautiful night," he exclaimed before stepping away from the telescope only to be met by an old board straight to his face.
The board shattered in a trillion pieces as I stared at him in shock. Clark as completely unharmed. His eyes grew as big as saucers as we just stared at each other.
I exclaimed, "I knew it! I saw you practically pick that bull up and put him on the trailer and that's why you don't want to fight…You're stronger than you let on. I bet you're stronger than anybody. Why don't you tell anyone?"
"I can't. I'm a freak. If people really knew the real me, they would be scared of me."
"So? Fear is how you control people."
Clark shook his head before adding, "I don't want to hurt or scare anyone. I want to help people. Pa says you help people by doing the right thing and showing them kindness even if they don't treat you the same way. Treat people like you want to be treated and the world becomes a better place."
"You can't always do that, Clark. Sometimes you have to fight or bad things happen… What else can you do?"
Clark finally looked up in surprise before asking, "Wait… Aren't you afraid of me?"
"No. I could take you if I wanted to."
"Hey, Bruce?"
He hesitantly asked, "We… we can still be friends, right?"
"No… We can be best friends."