Title: The Perfect Storm
Pairing: Skye and Jemma Simmons [/SKIMMONS]
Disclaimer: I do not own anything but this story.

"She's so complicated that's the way God made her,
sunshine mixed with a little hurricane."

Chapter 3: The Fossilized Woman

Skye is in the training area throwing some serious jabs on the punching bag that is hanging in the middle of the room with a resolute demeanor in her every movement.

Jemma walked in with a tablet in her hand and leaned in the pod-like structure just outside the laboratory and began pressing on the screen while giving frequent glances at Skye.

After a while of throwing constant punches, Skye spoke up.

"Are you going to be my new trainer or you just wanna watch me sweat out?" she asked with a smirk without stopping on throwing out punches on the bag.

Jemma frowned from the playfulness on Skye's tone and immediately answered "I am not here to watch you perspire."

Skye stopped the bag and faced Jemma with a whimsical grin "Are you trying to flirt with me?" she crossed her arms on her chest "Cause it's not working."

"What? I am certainly not trying to flirt with you," Jemma shyly lowered her head hiding the scarlet tint that appeared on her cheeks "Don't make assumptions and keep in mind of what I've said before, I will never fall for your obnoxious shenanigans."

"Never say never Simmons," Skye beamed at her "And if I remember it correctly, I heard you said 'We still had that stupid challenge' when I was shot so it's a step up," mocking how Jemma said it.

Jemma blushed at the memory and glared at Skye who grinned at her reaction.

"If you're not here to watch me then why are you giving me glances?" Skye asked and noticed the tablet on Jemma's hand "Wait! You're recording me," she laughed softly "Oh Simmons, you could have just asked."

"I am not!" Jemma countered abruptly and Skye laughed even more.

"Then what are you doing here?" Skye asked when her laugh subsided but a small smile is still glued on her face.

"May asked me to monitor your training progress," Jemma answered flatly as she looked at Skye.

"Yeah, you're definitely watching me," Skye continued to tease on her.

Jemma frowned and pressed something on the tablet. The punching bag swiftly launched at Skye's direction and hitting her causing her to stagger.

"What the hell Simmons?" Skye asked with a frown and an annoyed tone.

"You just staggered," Jemma softly said as she kept on pressing on the tablet's screen "you didn't fall or got knocked off of your balance, that's good," she looked at Skye and this time, she's the one who let out a sheepish smile.

Skye is still looking at her with a confused expression.

"It's a part of the monitoring process," Jemma started when she saw Skye's face "that one is for your strength, the next one is for your reflexes and endurance."

Skye was about to say something when four mechanical panels surfaced from the floor on each corner forming a square giving her ample space to move. She stared at the two metal panels in front of her and asked "What am I supposed to to do with those?"

"Just go with your instincts, these panels will test how good or how bad your reflexes are and at the same time, test your endurance," Jemma answered and pressed something again on the tablet.

Skye faced Jemma and lifted her arms sideways "Are you sure this is a part of my training or is this a prank?"

Jemma just shrugged her shoulders.

The panels began to emit a bright light and slowly generate a luminous form of a man in front of Skye.

"Is this supposed to be Ward?" Skye joked with a hint of uneasiness in her voice.

The luminous man hastily ran to Skye's position and threw a swift punch at her side. The blow sent Skye reeling sideways and she winced in pain.

"It's just a light, how can that thing even make a direct contact?" Skye asked as she struggled to straighten up.

"Don't underestimate our technology Skye," Jemma answered "This is a simulated training so you will feel everything like they're real so be serious. The outcome of this is really important."

The luminous man started to circle on Skye and her eyes followed it together with her body. The light sprinted and lunged forward and threw a powerful straight towards Skye's face but she luckily dodged it but wasn't able to move when a follow up twist of it's foot kicked her feet tripping her and she landed flat on her back with a loud thud.

Skye groaned and followed by a loud "Damn it!" while Jemma scrunched her face as she imagined how it must have felt.

"That's it for now," Jemma pressed something on the tablet and the luminous man dissolved in thin air and the panels quickly sank below the floor.

Skye is lying flat on her back with her arms flung sidewards, her eyes shut and she's breathing heavily from exhaustion, "I'm dying."

Jemma chuckled and walked towards Skye.

"You can sit upright but you shouldn't be lying down," Jemma instructed.

"Just give me a minute, I can't move my body," Skye said in between hear breath.

"Let me help you," Jemma walked just few inches from where Skye's head is laying and knelt down to grab her shoulders and pushing it upwards.

"How did it go Simmons?" Skye and Jemma turned to look at where May's voice came from.

May is standing at the foot of the spiral stairs with Coulson standing beside her.

Jemma stood up and walked few inches past from where Skye is sitting, she looked at Skye then back to May and Coulson "The result is below average."

Skye quickly glanced up to Jemma "Are you freaking kidding me?"

"Good work Simmons," Coulson nodded to Jemma and the latter started walking towards the lab's direction.

Skye looked at Jemma walking away. She scrunched her face and looked at Coulson who just shrugged his shoulders so she turned to May with a questioning look.

May raised an eyebrow and said "That means I have to push you harder," and Skye frowned immediately then looked at Jemma's retreating form.

"I hate you right now Jemma Simmons!" Skye yelled just before the lab door close behind Jemma.

"Stop, stop," Fitz yelled while holding and looking at his tablet inside the car.

May stepped on the break followed by Coulson's team's car stopping just behind them.

"The signal is coming from uh…" he looked at the screen intently and lifted his index finger up "there, it's coming from that area," he pointed at a forty-five degree angle in his right side.

Skye is the first one to step out from the car followed by May and Jemma and then Fitz. Coulson and Ward stepped out from their own car as well.

"What's this 0-8-4 supposed to be?" Ward asked as they trailed behind Fitz.

Jemma bumped on to Fitz when he suddenly stopped walking, "Fitz!" and glared at Skye when she heard her laugh.

"What. the. hell," Fitz slowly said with a pause between each words.

They all turned to where Fitz is looking. Skye and Jemma's eyes grew wide in disbelief, Ward and Coulson raised their eyebrows and May had her usual stoic expression.

A woman with a long wavy hair and a seemingly flawless complexion who looks like in her early twenty's was embedded in a large rock at the middle of the forest.

Coulson comm'd Trip who is left inside The Bus while Fitz released the DWARF and walked near the mysterious girl on the rock, "Trip, we need the Bus here right now."

One of the DWARF that flew just inches away from the girl's body suddenly shut down and dropped. Jemma walked towards it to pick it up and examine it. When she crouched down, the girl embedded on the rock glowed intensely causing all of them to close and cover their eyes.

"Oh no…" Jemma breathed with fear in her voice as she felt something cold touched her skin.

When the blinding light finally faded, they started to slowly open their eyes and blinked a few times.

"What just happened?" Skye asked while rubbing her eyes gently.

"Oh my God, Jemma!" Fitz ran beside her and crouched down without touching her.

The girl from the rock is now embedded at Jemma's back.

Skye is now at her side too and asked "Are you okay? Can you move?"

"I can move but I can't get up on my own, it's too heavy," Jemma answered.

"Fitz and I are going to help you stand up, just tell us if it hurts somewhere, okay?" Skye instructed and Jemma nodded.

"It seems nothing is wrong besides this girl on my back…hopefully," Jemma said when she's already standing.

"Wow, you look like a Ninja Turtle but with a girl instead of a shell," Skye teased "I'm sure they are going to be envious."

Jemma glared at her, "Now is not the time for that Skye!" her voice clearly annoyed "This is not funny," while pointing at the girl on her back.

"Tell me when it starts to move, okay?" Skye grinned.

Jemma's face paled as she imagined the girl on her back starts to move and creep the hell out of her, "Stop it, Skye!" she tried to smack Skye's arm but the weight on her back made her body start to fall forward so instinctively, Skye caught Jemma's arm and stepped forward and held her waist to lift her body up and steady her.

Skye and Jemma is in an awkward situation when their body is almost touching and Skye is holding her waist like they're in a romantic dance but with an additional body and everyone around is staring at them comically.

"I know you're gonna fall for me eventually," Skye grinned "you just needed someone to push you," Jemma blushed at Skye's stare and this time she was able smack Skye in her arms since they are standing so close to each other.

"Haha, funny," Jemma straightened herself and removed Skye's hand from her waist "Oh I know I won't."

Skye's grin grew to a silly one and said "You can't say that," and she was about to extend her hand for Jemma as a support when Coulson spoke up.

"Let's get you back to the Bus Simmons," Coulson said when he saw the plane hover above them.

"Hold on to me Simmons," Ward offered his arm and assisted Jemma "Okay…slowly…"

Skye squinted her eyes at Ward's gesture and felt a tinge of jealousy but brushed it off quickly.

Jemma is sitting on her bunk bed researching on her tablet when she heard a soft knock at her door.

"Come in," Jemma said and the door opened.

"Hey there Simmons," Skye greeted with a smile.

Jemma sighed, "Skye, I'm not really in the mood right now," and looked back down on her tablet.

"Well, I'm not here to ask you to have sex with me," Skye teased her with a smirk on her face.

Jemma's head shot up to to give Skye a deathly glare with a hint of embarrassment at her own words, "What the bloody hell Skye?"

Skye threw her hands up in defense "Woah, woah, just kidding, calm down," she stepped closer to Jemma and asked "Can I borrow your tablet for a minute?"

Jemma looked at Skye suspiciously, "Why? Are you up to something again?"

Skye laughed and extended her hand, "No, you perv, come on, just a minute," and when Jemma just kept her suspicious stare at her, "I promise you won't get in trouble."

"And now that you mention that, my doubt has increased tremendously," Jemma expressed without removing her eyes on Skye's "and I am not a pervert!."

"I know so can I borrow your tablet now?" Skye asked again.

Jemma extended her tablet to Skye hesitantly, "Just don't do stupid things with my tablet, okay?" and Skye just laughed at that.

Jemma heard the quick but soft taps on her tablet and asked "Can I ask you a small favor Skye?"

Skye glanced at her with a smile and looked back down to the tablet in her hand, "Well that's new, Jemma Simmons asking me for something."

"Well, I don't really have a choice, I've got this massive girl riding on my back…" Jemma stopped when Skye laughed out loud "There's nothing funny…"

Skye cut Jemma "I know, I'm sorry, that just sounded so bad if you know what I mean."

Jemma masked her embarrassment by saying "And you're telling me I'm the pervert one."

Skye just shrugged as she continue to work on the tablet, "Okay, I'm almost done, what do you need?"

"Can you go get me some more pillows? That would make me comfortable since I can't lie down," Jemma pointed at the girl behind her when Skye looked at her.

"I can see that but how are you planning to sleep? Anyway, it's done," Skye handed the tablet back to Jemma "I'll explain that when I get back, I'll go get you your pillows." Skye exited Jemma's bunk but popped her head back on the door.

"Wait, how many do you need?" Skye asked as she peeked her head on the door.

"I'm going to need three," Jemma answered then looked curiously back to her tablet when she saw Skye's head disappear from the door.

She tapped on her tablet and observed the open application that Skye left. She instantly got what the application was intended for.

Jemma was so pre-occupied with exploring the application so she jumped a little when she saw something white appear in front of her open bunk door.

"I'm back," Skye said enthusiastically while struggling with the pillows on her arms.

"Don't do that!" Jemma scolded in a low grunt.

"Do what?" Skye asked, bewildered.

"Frighten me," Jemma answered hesitantly.

"No, I didn't! You're just jumpy," Skye walked closer to the foot of Jemma's bed and placed down the pillows on it "afraid the girl will come to life any time?"

"Skye!" Jemma basically yelled Skye's name in a low tone and glared at her.

Jemma shifted in her position to try to lean on the headboard, Skye saw the struggle so she walked closer to Jemma and extended her hand.

"Let me help you," Skye offered. Jemma looked at Skye's hand then to her eyes. She nodded and used Skye's hand as a support for her and for the girl's weight.

"Not that I'm not grateful but why are you doing this?" Jemma asked while finding a comfortable position for her to lean on.

"Nothing special, I just find you amusing," Skye answered confidently with a sarcastic smile on her lips and Jemma's eyes just followed Skye's movement with a scrunched face as the latter picked up the pillows to give it to Jemma.

Jemma placed one of the pillows on her lower back to make her hips comfortable and she placed the other one on her right side so she can lean on it and finally, she placed the last one on her lap.

"Comfortable?" Skye asked with an amused smile.

Jemma nodded and said "Thank you."

"So let me explain the app now…" Skye walked closer to the bed and hesitantly asked "Can I sit beside you?"

Jemma furrowed her brows and nodded.

A smile appeared on Skye's lips. She removed her shoes and climbed on to the bed, "I'll lean on this one, okay?" she pointed on the pillow beside Jemma.

Skye stretched out her legs and borrowed Jemma's tablet so she can explain it properly and since the latter struggles when moving, she leaned her body closer without touching Jemma's own body. She lifted the tablet between them and tapped on the screen.

"The moment I looked at it I already knew what you did," Jemma said "This is amazing Skye," and she added a praise.

"Yeah, I just tweaked the app that you're using into something more compatible with that girl's structure so you can know if something changes that's invisible to the naked eye, like it's inner body temperature or something close to it. We may not see any changes from the outside but we'll never know if there's something happening inside and it's better to be safe than sorry…" Skye explained and turned her head to look at Jemma who just agreed at what Skye had said "And if you tap this button here, you'll send a signal to my phone like an alarm so I'll know that you need help," she turned her head to Jemma again with a playful smile

"This is really good Skye but I hope I'll never have to use that," Jemma said with an anxious chortle.

Skye shrugged her shoulders with a mock expression.

"And this button will take you to the settings menu just like…" she stopped when she felt something on her shoulder so she turned her head to look at it.

Jemma drifted to sleep in the middle of Skye's explanation and her head fell softly on Skye's left shoulder. Skye smiled and placed the tablet on the bedside table and leaned comfortably on the soft pillow on her back.

Jemma's sore neck woke her up from her slumber. She scrunched her face and slowly opened her eyes adjusting to the brightness of the bunk. The light was left open the whole night. She tried to stretch but felt one of her arm is tugged into something and when she turned to look beside her, she remembered what happened the night before. She fell asleep when Skye was explaining something from the app and she must have leaned her head on her shoulder hence the sore neck.

She found Skye asleep beside her with a pillow on her back, her feet outstretched and her head is on the top of the headboard. Jemma smiled because of the fact that Skye never left her side and even sharing the uncomfortableness of sleeping while sitting. She could have quietly leave my room and return to the convenience of her own bunk but no, she stayed. If it weren't for Skye's usual playful attitude, Jemma might have considered that Skye is actually concerned about her.

Seeing the position of Skye's head on the headboard, she could have a sprained neck when she wake up so Jemma carefully removed her arm behind Skye's left arm and slowly shifted sideways. She extended both of her arms, one to support the back of Skye's head and the other one is to move it to a more convenient position but when she's about to hold Skye's head, the weight on her back made her lose her balance and fell forward on Skye's side and pushing them both sidewards instead.

They landed on a very awkward position wherein Skye's upper body is lying on the bed and her hips is bent to the previous position of her outstretched legs. Jemma is on top of the upper half of Skye's body with her face just a few inches on top of Skye's neck, her left elbow a few inches away below Skye's axilla or the joint where the arm connects with the shoulder, her right arm is above Skye's left shoulder and her hand is holding the back of Skye's head. Jemma's arms are supporting her and the girls weight from completely pushing down on Skye's chest to avoid the possibility of smothering her.

Jemma's elbows are starting to tremble so she needed to wake Skye up.

"Skye…" Skye heard her name like it's being whispered in a dream "Hey Skye, you need to wake up," she heard the voice again "Skye" the voice is starting to sound forceful.

Jemma saw Skye's lips form to a weird smile and realized that Skye must have thought someone is calling her name in her dreams, "Skye! This is not a dream, you need to wake up, Skye, what the bloody hell are you dreaming about?!" she intentionally raised her voice enough for Skye to wake up but to no avail so she did a crazy thing.

Since the nearest part of Skye's body on Jemma's face is her chin, neck and ears, she breathed and bit Skye's exposed skin just above the collarbone beside her neck hard enough for Skye's eyes to shot open in shock and her body bolted upwards causing Jemma's arms to stumble and completely pinning Skye down smothering her.

"What the hell are you doing Simmons?" Skye's voice is still a little raspy. She was about to hold the part where Jemma bit her when she realized that the latter is pinning her down…hard.

"Wait. What happened? Why are you on top of me?" Skye quickly blurted those questions "Wait, did we…" Jemma interrupted her before she can complete her sentence.

"No! We didn't, I'll explain it to you but first, help me to sit up," Jemma requested and Skye did as she was told. She adjusted her body and pushed Jemma up to a sitting position.

When they were back on a normal position, Skye rubbed the part where Jemma bit her, "Well…this will leave a mark," she gave Jemma a very teasing smile "I can get used to waking up like this."

Jemma blushed but glared at Skye for the inappropriate teasing.

"I was trying to get you to a more comfortable position because your neck is bent on the top of the headboard," Jemma started "and that wouldn't be a very pleasant feeling when you wake up" she continued to explain but she sounded more like she's babbling and made Skye snicker a bit "And this ludicrous weight on my back made me lose my balance and fell on you instead," she breathed when she was finished explaining.

"Awwww…" Skye made a 'touched' expression on her face that made Jemma awkwardly look away "You know you're really adorable when you're awkward."

Jemma was about to say something when her stomach growled. Skye laughed out loud while Jemma lowered her head in embarrassment.

"Good one Simmons," Skye teased her "I'll go get us something to eat, wait here," then she exited Jemma's bunk.

After a while, Jemma felt the girl attached to her back started to heat up then she heard some noises like rocks breaking or moving then the weight from her back suddenly lightened enormously. She touched her back, "It's gone…where did it go?" Jemma said before her eyes glowed for a split second.

She didn't have the chance to get her tablet from the table beside her bed.

"I'm back," Skye entered Jemma's bunk holding a tray in her hands, "We don't really have anything good in the fridge so I just made us some toasts and eggs and there's a can that has your name on it so I guess tea for you and a cup of coffee for me," her back is facing Jemma as she placed the tray on the bedside table and didn't notice that Jemma walked towards her and quietly stopped just a few inches behind her.

Skye turned around holding one of the toasts to give it to Jemma.

"Oh my God Simmons!" Skye jumped a little and closed her eyes to breathe out deeply "Don't do that!"

"Do what?" Jemma asked with a very playful smile formed in her lips.

"Sneak behind me! What do you think?" Skye answered in a mocking tone.

"I didn't sneak behind you, silly," Jemma let out a soft impish laugh while looking directly at Skye's eyes, she took a step closer to Skye and lowered her head "Is this for me?" she pointed at the toast on Skye's hand.

Skye squinted her eyes and nodded at Jemma without saying anything.

Jemma smiled coyly and covered Skye's hand with her own, she then lifted it up slowly then stopped when it's just parallel to her face and made an intent eye to eye contact with Skye. While still holding Skye's hands, Jemma then took a bite from the toast in a very provocative manner without breaking their eye contact.

Skye was stunned with what Jemma just did, she raised an eyebrow and let out a very confused "Ooookayyyy…"

Jemma tilted her head with a smirk on her lips "Do you want me to do it again?" and was about to take another bite from the toast.

"Okay, stop! Stop!" Skye removed her hands from Jemma's grasp and placed the toast back on the tray "What are you doing?" she asked with her hands lifted beside her.

"Why, I'm eating the toast that you made for me, dear," Jemma answered in a low sultry voice "And I must say, it's very tasty," she added, her voice getting huskier, then licked her lips seductively which made Skye gulped visibly "I wonder how you taste like…" she stepped closer to Skye, their bodies almost touching, she traced Skye's cheek which earned a follow from Skye's eyes then tucked a small amount of her longer strands of bangs behind her ear.

Skye backed away and let out a deep sigh, "Well this is really weird," her eyes grew big for a moment "Wait, where did the girl in your back go?" Skye asked when she finally noticed that the fossilized girl on Jemma's back was gone.

Jemma just snickered and stepped closer to Skye again, "Let's not talk about other girls right now sweetheart," she traced her index finger on the visible skin on Skye's chest from the open part of her button-down shirt and slowly going down "We're the only one inside this room right now and I'm planning to take advantage of this moment."

Skye quickly stepped forward behind Jemma who then turned around to face the former. "I didn't know that you can become a completely different person when you're hungry," she lifted her hands with her palms facing Jemma "and I'm not saying that I don't like it but I'm just not really used with you being like that," she motioned her hands forward with her palms now facing upwards to make a point.

"Then get used to it," Jemma said coyly and started to walk towards Skye again who's slowly backing away in each step that Jemma takes.

Skye gulped when her back hit the wall, Jemma smirked then stopped when she's close to Skye again, "Nowhere to go now…" she breathed those words in an alluring tone.

Jemma placed her right hand just above Skye's left hip and Skye felt a shiver ran down through her body.

"You might wanna close the door first, right?" Skye asked nervously "You don't wanna get caught, don't you Simmons?" she tried to make an excuse.

"It doesn't matter right now," Jemma breathed and trained her eyes down to the open part of Skye's shirt that revealed an ample amount of skin on her chest "All I want right now is you and nothing else…" she slowly and gently unbuttoned the top part of Skye's shirt.

"Oh my fu—" Skye was cut when she heard someone yelling.

"Jemma! We figured it out, the girl from the rock is a product of a failed experiment," Fitz yelled as he stopped in front of Jemma's bunk, panting then scrunched his face when he realized she's not alone "Skye?" and awkwardly averted his eyes away when he saw them in a very inappropriate position.

Jemma didn't bother to look at Fitz and just said "Go away, I'm busy right now."

"Fitz! Oh thank God you're here," Skye breathed out deeply "This is not what it looks like, believe me," she tried to explain.

"I know, I know," Fitz said in a very quick and nervous tone and Skye gave him a sharp 'You knew?' look, "I didn't know it happened already. When Jemma felt hungry, it made the girl from the rock come to life, the hunger somewhat triggered something to make it happen.""

"Then where is the girl? And why is Simmons like this? Not that I don't like it but it's kinda weird that she's acting all horny and pushy," Skye asked.

"It's inside her…" Fitz abruptly answered and when Skye raised her eyebrows at him "I mean the girl is inside Jemma's body, like she possessed her or something, and she won't stop until she gets satisfied. Oh, I get it now, Jemma's hunger might have triggered it because the other girl is hungry too, the difference is the latter has sexual cravings and that craving must be satisfied."

"And by satisfied, you really mean?" Skye pursed her lower lip in front of her upper lip and raised her eyebrows, Skye felt Jemma's hand started to slowly move upward, "I don't know, sex maybe?"

"Kind of, according to Coulson, she can be satisfied through breeding…" Fitz revealed in an awkward manner "But don't worry, Coulson and the team are on their way to find the solution."

"Breeding? Are you freaking kidding me?" Skye asked, dumbfounded "How am I suppose to impregnate her? Do I look like I have a penis?"

Fitz just shrugged his shoulders and was slightly flustered at Skye's choice of words, "Well I guess she doesn't really care about that as long as she can feel a, uh, a bodily fluid enter her, uh, you know, inside her…" he struggled to explain and his face blushed even more "Her mind and body are altered so she will think of the first person that she sees first when she comes back to life is her lover."

"That makes se—" Skye's sentence was cut once again when Jemma shifted their bodies and pushed her down on the bed "Oh my God, this is really making me uncomfortable…hey Simmons or whatever your name is, look! Someone other than us is here, aren't you feeling uncomfortable being watched while having you know?" she quickly moved backwards on the bed trying to escape.

"Let him watch, I don't care," Jemma grinned sheepishly and climbed up on the bed.

"It's a good thing she doesn't really care about what's happening in her surroundings, she just want to get in your pants."

Skye turned to look at Fitz, "What are you doing? Waiting for an invitation for a threesome? Help me here!"

Jemma is now completely on the bed and started walking seductively on all fours towards Skye.

"Fitz!" Skye yelled and Fitz jumped and ran towards the bed, he grabbed Jemma's arm who frowned and looked at him with devilish eyes.

"Don't you dare touch me foolish man!" Jemma growled, her eyes glowed and pushed Fitz hard enough to send him flying to the wall.

"What the fu—" Skye followed her gaze on Fitz "I'm screwed."

Fitz struggles to get back on his footings, "Skye, we really need help, we can't take her with just the two of us, wait here, I'm going to contact the team," he then ran outside the bunk.

"Good, he's gone, we can now continue without too much distraction," Jemma grabbed the lower part of Skye's button-down and her free hand pushed Skye down on the the bed.

Skye's legs are now in between Jemma's knees and the latter unbuttoned the lowest part on Skye's shirt and parted it to reveal a small part of Skye's stomach and her eyes grew wide when she felt Jemma's finger tracing her skin.

Jemma was about to kiss Skye's neck when she saw a bite mark just above the latter's collarbone and her smirk turned to a frown.

"Skye! They're coming back, we just need more time," Fitz said panting "You just need to stall until the team get in here."

"What am I supposed to do? I don't wanna anger a She-Hulk!" Skye asked.

"I don't know!" Fitz yelled, "I'm not good at this kind of situations."

"No wonder you're still single," Skye mocked Fitz.

"Hey! That's unfair," Fitz defended "And since you're the VERY experienced one, then think of something!" he emphasized the word 'very'.

Skye glared at Fitz and darted her eyes back to Jemma when she felt her finger traced the part where she bit her earlier.

"Fitz, open the cargo hold, we're going in," He heard Coulson's voice through the comm, "Good thing I didn't remove this."

"Okay Skye, they're here, now do your part…keep her distracted, think of something, I'll be back," Fitz instructed and ran outside again.

"I guess I have no other choice then," Skye whispered "I'm sorry about this Simmons, desperate times, desperate measures."

Skye propped her elbows as a support for her weight and held the hand that Jemma is using to trace the bite mark, "You remember that? You gave me that mark," she sweetly told Jemma and interlaced their hands "You did that to wake me up," she smiled at Jemma charmingly.

Jemma smiled at her in return and asked "Tell me you want me to kiss it…" she demanded in an alluringly raspy voice.

"I want you to kiss it…" Skye said in the same low husky voice.

Jemma smirked suggestively then lowered her head and pressed her lips on the bite mark and gently sucked it, playing with it for a while before she gave it a bite making it swell again.

This gave Skye a chance to flip Jemma in a brisk motion. She is now on top of Jemma pinning her down, her right hand is on the latter's waist and she leaned her left arm just beside Jemma's shoulder. She leaned her left knee forward beside her hip and she parted Jemma's thigh with her other knee and slowly moved it forward just below Jemma's most sensitive part but made sure her knee didn't touch it.

Jemma grinned at the gesture, "Oooh rough, I love it."

"Skye!" Coulson's voice made her look at the door and saw him with a huge rectangular metallic weapon-like object in his hands. He gave her a nod when their eyes met.

"You like rough? I'll give you rough," Skye said and Jemma risquely smiled at her.

She removed her right knee from between Jemma's thighs and moved it beside the latter's left thigh and used her other foot as a support for her weight then lifted Jemma sideways blocking her and shouted, "Coulson!"

Coulson then pressed the green button located at the top of the rectangular object and it released a blue light directly hitting Jemma on her back. She held on to Skye's arms so hard it made Skye wince. She struggled as the girl's illuminated form slowly surfaced from inside Jemma's body and completely detaching itself from her.

The light from the weapon on Coulson's hand is still holding the girl mid-air and as it started to fossilize again, it became heavier, "Trip, Ward, help me hold this gun, we need to get her to the isolation room, May contact the Fridge," Coulson ordered and they did as they were told leaving Fitz with Skye and Jemma.

Jemma's body collapsed while still holding Skye's arm dragging her down with her and landing on top of her and the impact got Skye's face burried on Jemma's neck and made a muffled 'ooohmmpp' sound.

Jemma groaned as she opened her eyes the same time Skye lifted her head from Jemma's neck and their eyes connected for a while before Jemma blinked a few times then she saw Skye's half undone button-down shirt and when realization hit her, she blushed furiously and yelled "Skyeee! What the bloody hell are you doing?!" she shut her eyes closed and pushed Skye away so hard, the latter ended up falling on the floor with a loud thud making Fitz flinch.

"Damn it Simmons!" Skye cursed in a loud voice "Is this what I get from helping the hell out of you?"

"Get out Skye!" Jemma glared at Skye when she sat up and the latter looked at her furiously.

"Are you being serious right now?" Skye raised her voice.

"Now!" Jemma also raised her voice at Skye's tone.

"Hey! You two calm down!" Fitz yelled "Jemma, Skye's just trying to help you…let her explain." He knelt down beside Skye to help her stand up.

Skye raised her hand to stop Fitz, "It's okay Fitz, thank you…" she stood up and fixed her shirt "But no, I don't owe her any explanations and I'm not going to help her anymore!" this earned her a scowl from Jemma.

"Skye, come on…" Fitz softly said "We have to fix this, just calm down. Both of you!"

"I am calm! She started it," Skye turned for the door "She's being ungrateful."

Fitz walked in front of her and whispered "Okay, I'll try to fix this, you two can talk when your nerves are calmed down, I'll explain everything to her."

"I'm thankful that you're doing this Fitz but no, I don't care anymore," Skye walked towards the door and Fitz called for her, "Skye…" but she ignored him and left the room.

Fitz slumped his shoulders and sighed. He turned around to face Jemma who is now on the verge of crying.

"Look, I know you're deeply embarrassed and confused right now but I need you to hear me out," Fitz calmly said "I'll explain everything that happened."

"So what is that 0-8-4 exactly?" Skye asked Coulson.

"Right now, I'm not sure if it will be considered as one but Ward is on his way to the Fridge to drop her off and get her examined," Coulson answered

"Fitz told me she's a product of a failed experiment, can you tell me something about it?" Skye asked expectantly.

"She's an experiment by a group called Vaneur, it was supposed to replicate Lorelei's power but when they began to perform a test for her powers, she became unstable and destructive and eventually killed all of its creators but one had managed to attach a chip that can fossilize her before he died and I'm guessing it took a lot of time to work because she ended up in the forest where we found her and stayed there unnoticed for a long period of time," Coulson explained "Unfortunately, the chip short-circuited when one of the DWARF came in a close contact with it and managed to attach herself to Simmons."

Skye scrunched her face at the mention of Jemma's surname.

"So it's tweedle Fitz's fault," Skye said as she looked at Fitz "And who's Lorelei?"

"It was not my fault!" Fitz defended himself.

"She's an Asgardian," Coulson answered.

"So where did you get that?" Skye asked again.

Coulson half-smirked and answered "It's classified," then left to return to his office and Fitz went inside the laboratory.

Trip stepped forward beside Skye who glanced at him, "So what do you think?" she asked him.

"It was damn hot," Trip grinned at her when she abruptly turned her head to him with a frown.

"I didn't mean that!" Skye said defensively and Trip just kept grinning at her.

"Really?" Skye asked mockingly.

Trip laughed but answered "You did great, I'm impressed at how you remarkably handled the situation."

Skye's expression turned to a gloomy one, she lowered her head and whispered "Yeah right, I handled it juuust great," she emphasized the word 'just'.

"Come on girl," Trip gave her an encouraging pat on the back before he left to help May navigate the plane.

"I explained everything to her, just give her time, she'll get over it, she was just embarrassed," Fitz explained.

Skye and Fitz are talking inside the laboratory while Skye is doing the tasks given to her by May.

"Drop it Fitz," Skye blatantly said.

"Okay! But you—" Fitz stopped when he heard the lab door opened and saw Jemma walked in, Skye didn't bother to look but closed her laptop and stood up instead.

"Where are you going? You're not done yet," Fitz asked.

"Picked up my laptop and will request for a transfer of workstation," Skye said acerbically.

"You don't have to do that," Fitz said trying to stop Skye "Jemma, tell her."

"Yes, she can leave," Jemma flatly said as she put on her lab gown.

Skye stopped in her tracks and looked at Jemma, she smirked and said "No, I changed my mind, I like it here," Fitz triumphantly smiled at what Skye had said.

Skye placed her laptop back on the desk near the Holotable and sat back down on her chair "If Simmons doesn't want me here then I'll do the opposite. If my presence annoys her then so be it," she confidently said and Fitz's smile instantly turn to a frown.

"Briefing in 5," May's voice was heard from the receiver.

"This better not end up with you being possessed and horny again!" Skye gave a pointed look at Jemma's direction "Cause I will be the first one to avoid you."

"Good! I don't want you taking advantage of me again," Jemma countered.

Fitz just sighed and headed for the door and whispered a "Bloody women…I don't understand them."

"What's that?" Skye and Jemma asked in unison and turned to look at each other both with a frown armed on their faces.

"We're going to have an undercover mission," Coulson started and May whispered "I hate undercover."

"And we need two females particularly Skye and Simmons," Coulson explained.

"What?!" Skye and Jemma asked in unison again.

"Couldn't it be May? She's the field agent not Simmons," Skye argued.

"I can do field missions, but I certainly don't want to do it with you," Jemma argued back.

Ward just sighed and Trip snickered, Fitz just lowered his head and May just raised an eyebrow at the display.

"Stop! Stop!" Coulson raised his voice a little and when the two stopped and looked at him "I know you both are not in good terms right now."

"We never were," Jemma said and Coulson looked at her.

"If you can't sort it out or set it aside and can cause this mission to be compromised, then I will need you to leave the Bus," Coulson flatly said "Your choice, be one with the team or continue your argument outside this plane?"

When the two didn't answer, "So I guess you're up for this mission then?," and saw the two nodded.

Fitz looked alternately from Skye to Jemma before he spoke up, "What is their mission supposed to be?"

"I need Skye and Simmons to pretend to be a couple for this mission," Coulson revealed and the others instantly turned their heads at the two women.

"Are you kidding me?", "I beg your pardon, sir?" Skye and Jemma's eyes grew wide and asked at the same time in disbelief.

This one took me long since I was kinda busy but this one is way longer than the previous chapters.
And please do tell me if you like this one.
Til next chapter guys!