July 12th 1972

Time flew by after that, Lucius seemed to be more quiet than usual and maybe that was because of the recent death of Mary since he was the last person to see her.

I hadn't seen Gene since Lucius's birthday and I had Mary's death to thank for that, unfortunately Gene would only stay away for so long and today he was here to help father with his campaign. I just hoped he would stay away.

"Cynthia?" I heard Lucius's voice call before I saw my bedroom door opening, revealing the little boy in his usual attire.

I sat up from my desk and looked over to him, "what can I do for you Lucius?" I asked, I think he was started to notice that I had been a bit distant as of late. He was smarter than our parents took for granted. Maybe if they stuck around more they would notice.

"Dads friend is downstairs in the dining room, smoking like always" He stated, his intense eyes studied my reaction as I put on a calm exterior.

"Yeah, father needs Gene to hide Mary's death from interfering with his business, so he will be here for a while" I said as Lucius nodded in agreement. He started walking out of my room until he was in line with my doorway and without looking back he muttered something that sent my neck hairs to stand on edge.

"Don't worry sister, he'll pay" Before I could say anything he was already gone and I don't know how long I sat there staring at the space he once occupied.

What did he mean? Gene will pay? Does Lucius know? But he couldn't have because Gene locked the door when he came in, all the other times Gene had been around Lucius was just three years old, there was no way he could have known what was going on and Gene had been awfully cautious about his visits. He would always lock the doors.

I turned around and sat facing my desk again before finally picking up my pencil and carrying on with my homework. My private tutor said my studies were slowly going downhill and had given me extra homework.

Lucius's words echoed over and over in my head. Was Lucius going to find evidence against Gene? I had no idea.

Suddenly yells of pain could be heard coming from downstairs, startling me so much that my pencil darted across the page. I got up from my desk and made my way downstairs to see what the commotion was and instead I was stopped by father.

"Sweetie I want you to go upstairs and stay in your room, take Lucius with you" He hurriedly said before pushing an emotionless Lucius towards me.

"Why? What happened?" I asked but father just ushered me back upstairs. I took Lucius's hand and pulled him to my room before shutting the door. Why was it always my room? "Do you know what happened Lucius?"

Said boy had already made himself quite comfortable on my bed as I went over to sit at my desk.

"Gene went to light his cigarette on the stove and it exploded" he replied bluntly but my eyes widened in shock. Lucius's earlier statement echoed in my mind.

"Lucius, did you have something to do with that?" I asked cautiously, I know the idea of my six year old brother being a murder was absurd but I couldn't help wonder, but it also could have been Jed, he was always drunk so it would be no surprise to know that he broke the oven rather than fixed it.

"Maybe" he simply said before sitting towards the edge of the bed and stared at me, his intense stare sent chills down my spine, "I know what he did Cynthia, he had to pay for it"

So he did know somehow and he probably killed Gene for it. I had underestimated what Lucius was capable of but instead of feeling sad or scared, I felt proud that he had gotten revenge for me.

Now knowing that someone knew about my abuse I was becoming overwhelmed with emotions that tears started to spring to the edges of my eyes. Finally somebody knew and it just had to be my innocent little brother. Did the discovery of my abuse influence him to kill Gene? Great it's probably my fault that Lucius was now a murderer.

I couldn't stop the tears from spilling over my cheeks and before I realised it my hands had found my face and I was weeping on my desk, hiding my face from Lucius. I never liked crying in front of anyone, to me it was a sign of weakness that I just couldn't let anyone see especially my brother, he looked up to me and I had to set a good example, weeping was not one of them.

"Its ok sister, he's gone now" I could hear my brothers voice much closer than it was before, he was probably standing next to me.

I refused to look at him as I continued to cry. Suddenly I could feel a small hand on my shoulder and pull me to turn to face them before the same small hands gently tore my hands away from my face. From my blurry vision I could see Lucius's chubby face laced with concern and sadness. I could only imagine what it was like to see the person you look up to broken and in a delicate state.

His small baby soft hands wiped my tears away and he gently pulled me down so that I was kneeling on the floor and the same height as him. He then swiftly hugged me, wrapping his small arms as much as he could around my shoulders and pulling me close so that I could cry on his shoulder.

I hugged him back just as eagerly as the tears kept flowing.

"I'll protect you from anyone who dares to harm you again" he mutters in a threatening voice, his grip not loosening.

"I'm supposed to be telling you that" I chuckle, pulling away and wiping the last of my tears as they finally decided to stop.

"We can protect each other" He replied wearing a small smile of his own.

"I won't tell anyone about what you did to Gene, don't worry" I smiled before leaning forward and kissing his cheek, "Thank you for doing that for me, I think I can rest easy now" I said honestly.

August 2nd 1972

It took a while for everyone to calm down but once they did it was declared that Gene's death was an accident. I was relieved.

I was also happy that scum like Gene wouldn't be breathing the same air as me.

However Lucius had become quiet again and this time he had stopped talking to me for 2 weeks straight, avoiding me at all costs. I tried to figure out why but I wasn't successful, I had truly thought that Gene's murder had brought us closer together.

I was about to find out why Lucius had been avoiding me.

It started when I had been doing some chores, I was taking the garbage out and behind me I noticed my sketchbook. Wondering how it got there I thought nothing of it as I chucked the garbage in the bin and walked over to get it before I suddenly saw movement in the corner of my eye.

With my sketchbook in hand I looked over to see Lucius with his hand outstretched.

"Lucius? What are you doing out here?" I asked before looking up to where his hand was outstretched towards, above me was a stupid large stone gargoyle that mother wanted to get and it was supposed to be secured to the edge of the upstairs balcony but right now I could see it nudging until it was about to be controlled by gravity.

Looking back at Lucius with wide eyes I see that he is wearing a very concentrated expression. He couldn't possibly be controlling the stone gargoyle right? Looking back up I saw nobody pushing the stone figure. I wasn't sure how but Lucius was moving the statue, and I was right underneath it.

"Lucius stop!" I shouted and his emotionless eyes connected with mine, "A-are you trying to kill me?" I asked him.

Lucius's eyes wandered before connecting with mine again. A guilty expression written on his young face.

"It can't be helped, father has set me on this path and I can't disappoint him" Lucius muttered almost too quietly for me to hear.

"Father? Does he know about your…..powers?" I asked. Lucius shook his head.

"No, my real father does" he replied, "Lucifer"

My eyes went wide at the name, Lucifer? Has my brother gone crazy? But honestly that would explain the floating statue above my head so maybe it's true?

"And he told you to murder me?" I asked, terrified of the answer.

"Not in his exact words no, but I have to kill people to get stronger and for father to praise me" He explained, "And I know you secretly hate me Cynthia"

"I don't hate you Lucius, I envy you" I said, before I realised what I was doing I started to confess how jealous I was of him, "Before you came along all the attention was focused on me, I was lavished with gifts every other day I was spoilt with love and affection. When I cried mother came to my rescue. When I was sad father was there to make me happy again. We used to go out to picnics regularly, just the three of us" I started to explain, not letting the sight of Lucius's dark eyes intimidate me, "and then suddenly mother got pregnant and all the attention turned to the lump in her belly, you weren't even born yet and I already was invisible to them!"

I could feel the tears sting in my eyes at the memories, it was exactly how I described, and I had become invisible to them.

"Those so called adults acted like children with their new toy as soon as you were born! And they had gotten fed up with their old toy. Then suddenly as if my life couldn't get worse Gene starts abusing me, the longer I went on the more I realised how oblivious they were. I admit maybe at first I wanted you gone, dump you in a trash can somewhere or smother you in your crib. But then as you grew up you became so much more to me, I wanted to protect you. I stuck up with Gene's advances because I was afraid if I didn't he'd come after you instead and as the years went by I started not to care about mother and father not acknowledging me anymore" I could feel the tears roll down my cheeks but didn't move to wipe them away, I wasn't trying to convince Lucius not to kill me, I wanted to tell him everything before he did so that I wouldn't die with any regrets.

"I didn't care because every day you would acknowledge me instead, you would adore me and look up to me even when I didn't want you to and I just want you to know that I don't hate you Lucius, I could never hate you. I just hate our parents" I chuckled towards the end before peering once again at the stone gargoyle above me, "Just make it quick please"

Why was I so quick to throw away my life you may ask? Truth is I have had suicidal thoughts for a while now but I was afraid of the pain. Now I wouldn't be the one doing it.

Suddenly the statue zoomed towards me and I flinched, putting my arms up as if it would make a difference. But I felt no pain or impact upon my skin, in fact all that happened is the sound of stone grinding against stone. Looking up I saw the gargoyle being placed back where it originally stood. I quickly look back to Lucius only to see his retreating form.

What made him stop? What made him disobey Satan?

I didn't want to go after him just yet, being allowed to live have made me realise the new discoveries are ones that I had to witness.

So my brother was-is the son of Satan and he's going to murder everyone in this household, he seemed powerful enough to murder Gene and Mary already so I don't think I would be able to stop him. That is if he did kill Mary, it still could have been an accident but now I wasn't so sure. But did I really want him to stop? Considering he is the Devils son I was taking this rather calmly. Did that mean I was the Daughter of Satan? Lucius said his father told him to kill everyone so obviously he had a visit off of him, maybe he would never visit me so that makes Charles still my father?

For now I decided to avoid Lucius, just because he refused to kill me this time doesn't mean he wouldn't at all.

A few days after our private butcher died, he supposedly slipped on his saw or something but that was the only information I got. But now I had no doubt that Lucius had something to do with it. I had avoided him at all costs since that day, but it was proving to be rather difficult considering Lucius would be running around all the time.

That night I found it difficult to fall asleep, well I found every night to be difficult since these deaths but tonight was worse, I didn't know what to do, my brother was a murderer under the influence of Satan yet I didn't seem fazed by it at all.

I gazed out of my bedroom window and into the darkness outside, suddenly a crow bashed into my window, startling me enough to let out a yelp and nearly fall backwards. A deep chuckle had been the next thing to startle me and I spun around to see a figure sitting at my desk, inspecting some of the sketches that lay upon it.

"He just wanted to say hi" The figure said, it was too dark to see who it was but his voice made an uneasiness feeling set in the pit of my stomach.

"Who are you?" I asked whilst the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end, it was impossible for him to sneak into my room since I would have heard him and now that I witnessed Lucius with powers I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he had just appeared.

"My name is Lucifer my dear" he replied as he put my drawings back onto my desk before turning towards me. In the darkness I suddenly saw two beady red eyes staring back at me. I took an involuntary step backwards.

"Have you come to finish off what Lucius couldn't?" I asked boldly earning yet another chuckle.

"Why of course not my dear Lilith, I have just come to meet the new member of my family" He said before getting up from his chair and walked up to me. He was incredibly tall but that might have just been because I was small, but I came to just below his shoulder. Lucifer crouched down in front of me as if it was reassuring to be smaller than me. I had to admit he was right, this was much better than having Satan leering down over my form.

He took both of his hands and brought them forward to clutch one of mine gently like how a father would address his daughter.

"My dear, you are my daughter now" he said in an unnaturally calm voice, "and I want you to be a suitable role model for your younger brother, I want you to help him in any way with his tasks"

"Will I get powers as well?" I asked and although it was rather dark I could feel him smile sadistically.

"Why of course Lilith, I wouldn't leave out my only daughter now would I?" he said in a tone that suggested a sarcastic or mocking nature, but I daren't question it, "Of course you understand that your powers will be different and less powerful as your dear brother's but they will be valuable all the same"

"I understand, but why?" I asked feeling a lot calmer around my supposedly true father.

"Because clever child, your dear brother has a weakness and that weakness is you" his face erupted into another sadistic smile but for some unknown reason I wasn't afraid, "Like they say, if you can't beat them, join them" he winked at me and I couldn't help smile. I had no idea the devil could be so fatherly.

"Are you really my true father?" I asked him.

"Now I am, yes" he simply said before standing up and gesturing to my bed, "My dear it is past your bedtime, I suggest you sleep and get some energy for tomorrow" he said which surprised me. Satan telling me to go to bed? I must be losing it.

I simply did as I was told and climbed into my bed before I felt him take my duvet and pull it over me. I couldn't remember the last time either of my parents treated me this way, it was nice to be tucked in once again and I was never too old for that.

"Goodnight Lilith" Father muttered before leaning over me and kissing my forehead, his kiss left a slightly burning sensation in the middle of my head before my eyelids got heavy and I briefly thought about the name he decided to give me, Lilith. The name of the first wife of Adam. I knew briefly about her and that she quarrelled with Adam and abandoned him, she also was supposed to be responsible for baby's deaths.

I would have to ask my father about it next time we met, or my tutor.

I drifted off into the most comfortable sleep I've had since the murders started.

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