WARNINGS: this story will contain dark themes. Mentions of defying God and obeying Satan. Mentions of child abuse.

Obviously if you don't like characters who worship Satan then don't read his story.

The child abuse will only be mentioned for 2 ish chapters.

This is a Lucius fanfic as in Lucius the game.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Lucius or any characters from the game, I only own the character Cynthia who is my oc based off of the game.

"Honey, Cynthia wake up it's your baby brother's birthday" The older woman shook the bundle under the duvets awake and gave a sigh of disapproval as said bundle, pulled the blankets further over her young face.

"Then go wake him up and leave me be" The grouchy 14 year old mumbled from under her duvet, clearly annoyed with her mother's unwanted attention.

"Cynthia!" Nancy wasn't a stranger to this kind of behaviour, but it bothered her nonetheless, "You will get up this instant and help me set up the dining room, I'm getting sick of your attitude young lady!"

Cynthia flinched a little when hearing her mother's booming voice before she heard the older woman storm out of her room. The young girl sighed before throwing the duvet back and swinging her legs over the side.

"So when it's my birthday Lucius gets to lie in while I have to sort out my own get together, yet when it's his birthday I still have to sort out the get together? Typical" Cynthia grumbled under her breath as she opened her wardrobe and took out her usual outfit which was a turtleneck sweater and a plaid knee length skirt with knee high socks and matching flat dolly shoes, "Mother will kill me if I walked around without shoes on again" she sighed.

Once Cynthia took the short trip to the bathroom and got freshened up for the day, she started making her way towards the stairs. Suddenly she found herself run into and immediately realised it had been Lucius, only because if it had been an adult she was sure she would have tumbled to the floor and not them.

Cynthia couldn't help giggle before stepping forward and helping the birthday boy up, "Watch where you're going Lucius, I could have been Gene" she muttered s Lucius smiled up at his sister.

Although Cynthia envied the attention the household lavished on Lucius she knew it wasn't his fault, he didn't ask for all that attention so blaming and being mean to him would serve no purpose, although sometimes she truly wished he was never born.

Lucius however adored his older sister, he looked up to her in ways that she wasn't even aware of. Sometimes she would shrug him off and not want to be anywhere near him, or lock herself in her room to stay away from him and Lucius would still follow her around but just out of her sight or sit outside of her room until she came out again. When she did want to be around him he would be hung on her every word, and cherish the time they spent together. He truly loved his sister whether she liked it or not.

"It's my birthday" Lucius announced happily to which Cynthia rolled her eyes.

"Exactly! Yet you're up at half eight already, why?"

"Well….weren't you up early on your birthday?" Lucius asked as he fiddled with his tie a little.

"Yes, but I was forced by mother" Cynthia sighed as she remembered her 14th birthday was just like every other day and it didn't seem like a celebration at all.

"Evil mother" Lucius mumbled, to which Cynthia laughed. She couldn't hate his cuteness even if she tried. Lucius beamed at her, like every other time he's made her laugh, and asked if she could play with her today.

"I don't know Lucius, Mother told me I had to help set up the dining room for when everyone comes over" Cynthia sighed once again and like a natural reaction she reached up and twirled a strand of wavy jet black hair around her finger.

"Please? It's my birthday and I should get to do what I want whether mother likes it or not, besides that's what the maids are hired for" Lucius begged as he tugged on Cynthia's skirt. It still astonished her how fluent Lucius could speak, according to her mother Cynthia could barely form sentences without stuttering constantly, maybe some children pick it up more than others?

"Alright, let go" Cynthia smiled before putting a hand on Lucius's shoulder out of affection.

For most of the day they spent the time either cooped up in Lucius's room, running around the house pretending to be secret agents and spying on the staff or playing hide and seek. When Nancy went to see why Cynthia hadn't turned up to help set up the dining room and discovered them both running around the house, Lucius had said how he wanted Cynthia to play with him and like most days he got what he wanted.

As the day turned dark Lucius and Cynthia were both called downstairs to the dining room to celebrate Lucius's birthday, now with all the staff and family gathered into one room, Lucius went to stand in front of his birthday cake with Cynthia by the side of him and waited as everyone got ready to sing to him.

"Oh he's a jolly good fellow,

Oh he's a jolly good fellow,

Oh he's a jolly good fellooowwww,

Which nobody can deny!"

"It's time to blow out the candles. Remember to make a wish honey"

"That's my boy!"

Everyone cheered and clapped as Lucius blew out the candles. Cynthia cringed as she looked around and spotted Uncle Tom groping Jovita's backside in the most unsubtle way possible.

"Happy birthday son. Did you see that dad? Man do they grow up fast! I bet you can remember my sixth birthday like it was yesterday" Charles said to his father happily, to which Cynthia frowned.

"Um hello? 14 year old here. Can you remember that birthday?" Cynthia said whilst crossing her arms.

"Cynthia" Charles sighed in annoyance, "Not right now ok sweetie? It's your brother's birthday"

Cynthia frowned as her eyes wandered to the floor before Lucius caught her attention, catching him staring at her. Cynthia smiled as if to reassure the boy but he simply looked away.

Cynthia's POV

Typical. You've never said anything like that when it was my birthday father. But that's just it isn't it? You've always wanted a son, someone better than a woman to teach your ways, asshole.

"Mary, could you please clean up. Lucius can help you with the dishes. He can stay up later this evening to play with his new toys, but in bed no later than ten" I hear mother say to Mary.

Wow really mum? Its Lucius birthday and you're making him do chores? I sighed before digging in to the slice of cake Jovita handed me. I smiled as Lucius came to sit next to me, but he didn't smile like he usually did. I wonder if anything was wrong with him.

After the celebrations Lucius was left to play with his new toys and I went to my room to get changed into my pyjamas, as I got undressed with my sweater covering my face I didn't notice my door opening until I felt hands on my bare stomach.

Gasping whist pulling away immediately brought my sweater back down. There stood Gene with a disgusting smirk on his face and a chair placed by my door, acting as a lock.

"W-what are you doing here?" I stutter as I backed away from him, I didn't remember seeing him in the dining room but here he stood. He walked forwards with every step I took backwards until my back hit my bedroom wall and he placed his hands on either side of my head and leaned in until I could smell his most recent cigarette on his breath.

"It's been awhile since I last saw you, I crave our encounters and it's getting harder to find time alone with you now. It was much simpler when you were six yourself" He muttered, making me turn my head away with disgust.

Sure enough what he said was true, under my father's nose Gene had been sexually abusing me since a very young age. It was quite frequent until I got older and father needed him more. The incidents started happening less and less until they stopped. However it didn't stop him making suggestive comments or brushing his hand past me now and then.

"I-I have to get ready for bed" I said, making him chuckle and lean away thankfully. He removed the chair away from the door before opening it and as he was about to leave he looked over his shoulder at me.

"It won't be long before I have to help your father more often, it will be like old times eh?" He chuckled making me sick to the stomach before leaving.

Our last encounter had been when I was 11, he would only…..touch but nothing more. Now that I hit puberty I fear that he may go…further.

Once my bedroom door closed once again I backed up until I ended up sitting on my bed, I slowly lowered my face in my hands and quietly wept. I knew then that if I told either of my parents they would put the blame on me, making up some sort of excuse like I had tempted Gene and send me away because I was a bad influence on Lucius. Or worse, Gene could hurt Lucius.

I went to get changed again but not before putting a chair under my door handle, like it was going to make a difference now, and tucked myself in my duvet. Closing my eyes my last thought was that my life couldn't get any worse. And it didn't. In fact it got much better but I didn't know it was all due to a certain someone at the time. A certain someone who claimed to be my 'real' father. I just wished he made it presence known sooner.

But for now I had to deal with the my father's best man being a paedophile and my parents practically neglecting me.

The following day Mary, one of our maids, had died. I didn't know much about it because mother kept me and Lucius in my room for the whole day, I didn't mind of course and I couldn't help feel a little relieved. Maybe this would keep Gene away for a while? I dreaded the day he decided to bring up 'old memories'.

Lucius is smiling at me again and we talked quietly for a time, I'm glad that he is smarter than most six year olds or I may have lost my mind trying to communicate with him.

"Do you like Satan or God?" Lucius suddenly asked me, making me stop my train of thought. I stared at him for a while, thinking about my answer.

"I'm not sure, God hasn't really been on my side as of late. I know shouldn't blame him but I feel like I'm getting punishment when I don't even deserve any" I said, letting out more than I wanted.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Nothing don't worry" I muttered before picking up my drawing pad and starting to sketch again. I could feel his eyes on me for a while before he went back to pushing around his toy cars.

Could the devil be the one pushing Gene onto me and God is just simply deciding to not intervene? If so, why? Or why would God decide to create a sick monster like Gene? I find that even if Gene got arrested he would be still alive. When someone breaks one of Gods commandments it's only classed as a sin, he doesn't get punished just only denied into heaven. And even then he could still live a happy and long life.

"I love you sister" Lucius suddenly announced, he seemed to notice my distant gaze and paused pencil.

I smiled at him before leaning across and pressing a kiss to his hair, "I love you too Lucius"

Thanks for reading! this is just a test really to see how things go with this story, also because I love the narrative in the Lucius game and my imagination decided to curse me with this story.

Also I switch from 3rd person to 1st person halfway through, I would like you guys to either PM me or Review to say which one you would prefer mainly because I'm torn between he two.

I wanted to make Agnes the abuser initially but I chose Gene cause he dies faster. XD.

I'm not exactly confident that this story will take off, it all depends if you guys review I guess. but Lucius doesn't even have a category on fanfiction which I was shocked at, I mean I cant be the only person who wants to read fanficton about the game right? anyway hope you enjoy!