... A Few Months Later...

-Marissa's Private Locker Room-

Marissa sat down on the couch in her locker room, she looked to the when she heard the door. "Come in.." She yelled and smiled when she saw Stephanie walking in the door.

"Hey honey." Stephanie smiled walking over and sitting next to Marissa on the couch. "I got your message... what did you need?"

"I just need someone to talk to." Marissa sighed

"What's going on honey?... is everything okay with RJ?" Stephanie raised a brow.

"RJ is fine." Marissa said "It's about Randy."

"What about him?... " Stephanie raised a brow.

"Well... I've just been thinking.." Marissa started "He's been out for 3 months and he's been back on the road for more then a month now."

"Yes.. is there problems between you two?... I thought you guys were getting along?" Stephanie raised a brow.

"We are.. really well actually." Marissa smiled "I think the old Randy is back... except a clean version I guess."

"Is that right?" Stephanie raised a brow.

"Yes... he's come so far, And no matter what I've thrown at him he's taken it and still stood by me." Marissa said "I know Randy loves me... and I love him to so much."

"So what are you say?" Stephanie questioned

"I'm trying to figure out if I'm crazy or not." Marissa sighed.

"What do you mean honey?" Stephanie raised a brow.

"I'm thinking about working things out with Randy... And becoming a family again, a real family." Marissa said looking over to Stephanie wondering what she would say, how she'd take it.

"Wow.. Really?.." Stephanie shook her head "Are you sure you've seen the real Randy?"

"Yes.. I know Randy, I know how much he wants this.." Marissa said shaking her head "He wants to stay clean, and he's going to and I think we can work things out... We love each other enough to go through all this and still want to be together."

"But, what if he gets back on the pills?... What if he's not able to stay clean?" Stephanie questioned.

"I can't think about the what if's.. If I did, I wouldn't be giving Paul a chance.. " Marissa said.

"I see where you are coming from." Stephanie nodded.

"So you see why I want to get back with him?" Marissa raised a brow.

"I see.. I just I can't help worrying.. but if you think it's going to work." Stephanie sighed "If you think you can make it work.. and you love each other then I say go for it... Love has a way of overcoming everything." Stephanie smiled

"I'm so glad I've got your support on this." Marissa smiled and hugged Stephanie. "Now, Hopefully Paul is really trying to make things right.. because he's going to be tested when I tell him..."

"Do you think Randy still wants to get together?" Stephanie questioned.

"I hope so... I guess I'll find out soon." Marissa said softly and looking over to the door to see Randy walk in holding RJ who was now almost 11 months old and looking like a mini Randy Orton. "Hey.." Marissa smiled

"Am I interrupting something?" Randy questioned.

"No.. I'm actually on my way out." Stephanie smiled standing up walking over toward Randy ruffling RJ's hair before walking out. Randy looked to Marissa "Everything okay?"

"Yeah.. I actually wanted to talk to you." Marissa said biting her lip.

Randy raised a brow and put RJ on the ground allowing him to crawl around. "What about?" Randy questioned not knowing if this was good or bad.

Marissa sighed and looked down. "Us." Marissa looked back at him and could see how nervous he looked when she told him, she wanted to talk about them. "I've been doing a lot of thinking and well.. I know you've done so much changing and I've seen how much being clean mean's to you."

"It mean so much to me.. I've got to stay clean.. for all of you.. and for myself." Randy said.

Marissa smiled and nodded. "I know that.. and that's one of thing things that has made me come to this decision..." Marissa started and took a deep breath. "I'm just going to come out and say it.. I've been thinking and, Well, I want to work things out.. I want us to be a real family again Randy.. I miss you, and I want to give it another try...And I want it to work this time forever." Marissa said looking up at him, she looked into his eyes trying to search them trying to figure out what he was thinking.

He looked at her blankly for a few seconds before he finally cracked a smile, and reached out to grab her pulling her to him and capturing her lips with his. Randy wraps his arms around her holding her closely to his body. Marissa reaches up and wraps her arms around his neck and adds more depth to the kiss. After what seemed like forever, both Randy and Marissa pull back, fighting to get air to their lungs. Randy reaches out to caress her face "I've waited to hear that for so long." Randy leaned back in and kissed her lips softly once again. "I've missed you so much Marissa... This time we are going to get it right.. I promise." Randy said softly.

"It's got to.. because I don't want to lose you." Marissa said.

Randy and Marissa smiled looking at each other for a few seconds lost in each other's eyes. Randy and Marissa's head shoot towards RJ, when they hear him babbling. When they look over they see RJ on his feet stumbling toward them with his arms open wide. Oh goodness, RJ was walking , their little boy was walking. "RJ... Come to mommy and daddy." Marissa leaned down as did Randy both with their arms open.

"Come on little guy.." Randy smiled

RJ stumbled his way over to his parents almost hitting the ground once he did but his parents both grabbed him up. Marissa taking him in her arms "You did so good baby boy." Marissa kissed his forehead.

"Yes you did, little man." Randy wrapped his arm around Marissa's waist and brought his other arm around RJ. "Not so little any more are we?... your our big guy now aren't you." Randy smiled causing RJ to giggle and reach out to grab his parents neck and hugging them both.


Marissa and Randy walked into catering Randy, with RJ in his arms he had his arm around Marissa, kissing her cheek quickly as they walked through the place. They spotted Paul and Stephanie, standing next to Seth all three of them turning to face them. Randy and Marissa looked to each other, they knew now was a good of time as ever to tell them.

Randy and Marissa made it to the small group of 3 and stopped in front of them. "Hey..Umm what's going on?" Paul questioned.

"Well, Randy and I are giving it one more shot." Marissa said deciding not to beat around the bush and just come out with it.

"Wow.. when did this happen?" Paul questioned.

"A little while ago..." Marissa answered.

"Well.. congratulations.. I hope everything works out for you two." Seth looked up at the two of them. "I should get going.. Sheamus is waving me over.." Seth said looking over to Sheamus who was waving over to him. "But I am happy for you two.. you both deserve to be happy." Seth smiled at the two of them before walking over to Sheamus.

Paul looked between the two of them and over to his wife who gave him a nod. "I hope you know what you are doing." Paul sighed.

"I do, Paul... I do." Marissa sighed.

"Well, in that case... I guess I wish you the best.." Paul said and looked over to Randy. "Now Randy I know we don't along, but I know now we are family and I'm not going to continue to try to come between you..." Paul said causing Randy to raise a brow. "But, I want you to treat my sister right, you better take care of her you hear me?"

"I hear you.. I'll take wonderful care of Marissa.. I know you might not believe it, but I Love Marissa.. more then you'll ever know." Randy said looking over to Marissa sending her a smile before looking back to Paul. "I'll do whatever I have to do to make Marissa happy.. and to keep her happy."

"Good.. That's what I want to hear.." Paul nodded "So.. what do you say we shake on it?.. on our new beginning?"

Randy nodded and reached out to shake Paul's hand. "A New Beginning.." Randy smiled.

Paul smiled and pulled his hand away and reached over to hug his sister. "I mean it.. I just want to see you happy." Paul said pulling away from the hug.

"Randy makes me happy Paul.. He really does." Marissa smiled.

"I'm so happy to see this.." Stephanie smiled "This is something wonderful for all of us."

"You want to know something else wonderful?" Marissa questioned.

"What?" Stephanie raised a brow.

"RJ took his first steps..." Marissa said excited as she runs her hands through her son's hair. "When Randy and finished our talk.. we heard RJ... and well he was coming towards us." Marissa smiled

"Wow.. how many steps." Paul questioned.

"3 or 4 from what we saw.. we caught him before he fell." Marissa smiled up at Randy. "I think he knew mommy and daddy got back together."

"This is great." Stephanie smiled "You are becoming such a big boy RJ.." Stephanie smiled at her nephew.

After they talked for a while Paul and Stephanie walked off and Marissa looked over to Randy. "Wow.. can you believe it?... My brother is actually going to support us." Marissa smiled.

Randy wrapped an arm around Marissa's waist leaning in to kiss her. "It's great... Finally we have a real shot.. without people coming for us." Randy nodded then leaned back in for another kiss before pulling away and smiling at her. Randy ran his hair through her hair and caressed her face he leans in bringing his lips close to hers, but RJ put his hand in his dad's face before he could bring his lips all the way to Marissa's, pushing Randy's face away from his mommy. "I guess, RJ is trying to tell me he's had enough of me kissing his mommy." Randy laughed.

Marissa laughed and shook her head "I guess so.." Marissa shook her head and laughed as Randy tried to go in for yet another kiss only to have RJ do the same. "I guess he's had enough of our PDA's... " Marissa laughed.

"Well, that is something you are going to have to get used to buddy.." Randy laughed "Cause daddy just can't get enough of your mommy."

Marissa laughed and shook her head looking at the two most important people in her life, Randy Orton the love her life, and her son Randall Keith Orton, JR her little RJ the little boy who stole her heart completely, she didn't think she could love one person as much as she loves that little boy.

Randy looked down at RJ and then over to Marissa, finally everything was right, He had his life together, his children were back in his life, and now he had the love of his life back, his life was perfect as far as he was concerned. Life was great there was no way he was going to ruin that now, whatever it took he was going to stay clean. Randy was going to make sure he continued to do right by his children and Marissa, that way he'd never lose them ever again.

A/N- Well it has been a wild ride, this was the last chapter. I really hope you all enjoyed this story as much I enjoyed writing it. Be on the look out for a new story I might be coming out with I'll post the first chapter in a few minutes. It's called Finding Faith and it's a Bray Wyatt/OC story I'm not sure if I'm going to continue it so I'm going to post it and see what you all think so be sure to check it out.