A/N: Happy Ereannie Week 2015, guys! We had 7 themes lined up for this week. This one is:

Day 1: Fight Club

The alley in between the pizza restaurant and the apartment block was always silent at night. Not even a vagrant spends his time pissing around here. All it contained was a few doors and one flickering light hanging halfway down it, giving a nice emphasis on how degraded this area has become. But it was also a place for fun. It was just hidden underground.

And it was the place three young men, all looking about twenty-one, were walking to. The first one to go down the narrow alleyway was a tall man, with light brown eyes and ash brown hair, with the sides and back cut, giving it a darker hue. He had a cocky demeanor to him, strutting down the alley in his white tanktop and black sweatpants.

The next to come down was a smaller man, shaved hair, and bright hazel eyes. He was wearing a grey sleeveless shirt and grey sweatpants. He was also wearing fingerless leather gloves, to protect his knuckles...and his pride. He had a more goofy aura emanating around him.

The last one looked kind of unsure of what he was doing. He was taller than the second man, with messy brown hair and green eyes, which looked good with his tan skin. He was wearing a white t-shirt and grey sweatpants. He looked side to side, nervous, tilting his head to the side to see the back of the first man, "Jean...are you sure this is the right way?"

The second man looked over his shoulder, "Calm down, Eren, Jean and I have done this many times. We are going the right way."

Eren sighed, "You sure, Connie?"

"Of course! Unless...you are chickening out?"

Eren's eyes widened, then turned down, "What? No! I am not chickening out of this!"

Jean looked over his shoulder, passing under the lone flickering light, which shone upon his light skin, "Good...because you are about to have an experience, bro!"

Eren rolled his eyes as he and Connie passed under the light, "Alright...this better be some experience."

"Oh trust me, Jaeger, it will be."

They finally reached the other side, where a stairway led downwards, another flickering light illuminating a rusty white door. Jean descended the steps, turning to look at the other two, "Come on."

Connie went down slowly, with Eren following behind. He could hear the sound of shouting and music somewhere behind the door.

Jean nodded to his two friends before turning to the door and lifting his fist. Gently rapping his knuckles against the metal, it wasn't long before the door opened a crack, the noises from within escaping to the outside world. A voice could be heard, "What's the password?"

"Go fuck your mother, dickwad." Jean said.

"Welcome back, Jean." The voice said, the door opening wide to allow them passage.

Jean smirked, "Nice to see you too, Marco."

Marco was a freckle-faced man with short parted black hair, his light brown eyes following each man as they walked in, "Ah, Connie, great to see you he-woah! Jean, who is this?" He asked, pointing at Eren.

Jean turned around, looking at Eren, "He is a friend. Eren Jaeger. I am dating his sister."

Eren narrowed his eyes, "Barely."

Marco nodded, patting Eren on the shoulder, "Alright, new guy, you first need to know the rules." He said, closing the door.

The four men were in a small room with a door on opposite sides, the other door was red, the sound of shouting and music definitely coming from there.

Marco sighed as he counted the rules on his fingers, "First rule, of course, don't talk about it."

"About what?"

"Exactly. Second, when the person says stop or taps out, stop. We do not kill, we are here to let off steam and have fun."


"Third, no weapons."


"Fourth, no running, from a fight or inside in general."


"And fifth, you can have bets on the side, but only money. Nothing illegal. Got it?"

"Got it."

"Good. That's about it, Eren. Welcome to the Club."

Eren smiled and nodded to Marco, who walked to the red door, knocking on it, "We got two old and one new guy!"

A voice on the other side was heard, "Fresh meat? Fun!" And with that, the sounds of multiple locks and latches were heard before the door finally swung open, and the three men were ushered in.

Eren saw this basement area supported by four pillars of concrete making a square in the center. Everyone, except for a few people, who were either resting or completely knocked out, was crowded around, chanting, "Ice Queen! Ice Queen! Ice Queen!"

Eren leaned in to Connie, "Who is Ice Queen?"

Connie gave him a smirk, patting his back and leading him into the crowd, "Oh, my friend, she is the champion. No one has taken her down yet."

"No one?"


They pushed through the crowd, the sound of grunts and impacts getting louder before finally they emerged on the other side. Eren's eyes widened at the sight of this "Ice Queen".

She was of small height and build, looking fragile and weak. A man who was much taller and stronger than her was running at her full speed. She got into a horse stance and, at the last second, sidestepped, putting her hands on his back and pushing him into a concrete pillar, which sent the guy straight to the floor, his forehead bleeding.

All the girl did afterwards was push back a fringe of her light blonde hair, dust off her white pullover and look out to the rest of the crowd with stunning light blue eyes. She then turned her eyes back to the man on the ground, walking over and putting a foot on his chest, "Do you give up? Huh? Do ya Reiner?" She asked, her voice sounding bored.

The man underneath her foot had a hand on his forehead and gritted his teeth, "God dammit, Annie...fine...I give up."

Annie smirked as she gave a hint of amusement, taking the foot off and turning to the other men, holding her hands up in victory.

Most of the men cheered for her, some did not. Obviously the losing bets.

A taller man stepped out and helped the muscular man to his feet, leading him out of the square to join the rest of the fallen men.

Annie watched him get dragged out before looking around, "Alright boys, one more for me. Then I must go."

Mostly everyone groaned, sad that she must leave so soon.

"I will pick who I fight next." She said, turning her head around. Her eyes scanned everyone around her, eventually setting on one person. She stuck her finger out at them.

"You, with the green eyes!"

Eren's eyes widened as her finger was pointed directly at him. He heard Connie's voice behind him, "Aw shit...good luck bruh." He said, putting his hands on Eren's back and pushing him.

Eren turned his head over his shoulder as his friend pushed him, sending him stumbling out into the square.

Eren could see her in his peripheral, like a lion ready to attack. He turned slowly to see the girl, staring at him blankly, no expression. No hate, no sympathy. Just nothing. Eren gave a horrible smile.

Annie sighed and pushed her fringe behind her ear, "What's your name?"

The brunette man's eyes lit up, "Uh...what?"

"You're fucking name."

"Oh, uh, right," He cleared his throat, "E-Eren Jaeger."

Annie nodded, staying silent, she looked like she was...observing him. Scanning him. Noting every weakness. Like a predator.

And he was the prey.

She got into the horse stance, one leg in front of the other, lifting her fists up in front of her, above her head, her elbows tucked in tight, "Come at me."

"Excuse me?"

"Fine, I'll come at you." She said, stepping in, swinging her leg at the man's head.

Eren had to think quick.

But he didn't.

Basically, the foot hit his head.


He was sent stumbling off to the side, catching himself on a pillar, dazed. The crowd started to shout and chant for the Ice Queen. He shook his head, cursing, "Ahh...fuck...man…"

He looked over his shoulder, seeing the girl coming at him with the intention of punching him with her fist.

This time, he dived to the side, Annie's fist instead hitting the concrete pillar, sending spikes of pain up her arm. Everyone gasped. No one has been able to dodge her yet, or cause her to hit a pillar. Her blood was seen on the concrete, as it broke the skin of her knuckles.

She cursed, noticing as the bastard brunette got up. She turned her head slowly to glare at him, with him staring at her bloodied knuckle, "Oh...shit, I am sorr-"

Suddenly, he felt a small leg hook around his bigger one, and a small hand push his face, sending him flying to the ground. He slammed against the ground, blinking a few times from the shock of the impact. But then the sight of bloody knuckles coming towards him was the last thing he saw before he went out like a light.

He recovered a few minutes later, his eyes opening to see Connie standing above him, asking if he was alright. Eren made a groaning noise and rubbed his eyes, "Fuuuck."

"Well...that's one response."

"Jaeger, wake up." He heard what sounded like Jean say.

Eren blinked a few more times, finally getting his full sight back. He heard a door close shut.

His eyes looked at Connie, "How...How long was I out?"

"A few minutes." Jean said, holding a hand out to Eren.

Eren took it, being pulled up, "Where's Annie?"

Connie pointed to the door, "She just left. She wanted to make sure she hadn't killed you. That was really impressive, you dodging her and all that. And you made her hurt her knuckle. Rad."

Eren looked at the red door, "Yeah, whatever, I gotta go."

"So soon?"

"Y-yeah, I will be at work tomorrow, don't worry. I gotta go." He said, running out the door, past Marco, and out the first door, leaving Jean and Connie in bewilderment.

Annie winced at the pain of her knuckles as she rechecked to make sure the bandages were tight. That son of a bitch dodged me, she thought to herself, pulling her hoodie up over her head. She had a small blue backpack on, which she carried with one arm.

Annie could hear the faint sound of the front door closing, knowing exactly who it was before he could even speak.

"Hey!" She heard Eren running down the alleyway towards her.

She turned her head up, cursing, before turning around to watch him run up to her.

"Uh, hey...Annie...good fight…"

"I guess...how is your head?"

"Oh...it's fine, thanks. I am sorry about your knuckles."

She held up her bandaged fist, "What, this? It's nothing, just never had someone dodge my attack, so it...it caught me by surprise. Anyway, I should-"

"Can you teach me?"

Annie's eyes widened slightly, "Excuse me?"

Eren stood there awkwardly, giving a weak smile, "Teach me...to fight, I mean."

Annie took a few steps toward him, "Why? So you can beat me?"

He shook his head, "No, no, no, not at all. I just...want to feel like I know what I am doing when I get out into the square."

The woman held up a hand, "Hold on. Let me get this straight." She said, placing her face in her palm and sighing, before lifting her head back up, "You...let your friends drag you out here, when you have literally...no...fighting experience?"

Eren stepped back, obviously offended, "Hey...hold on...I have some fighting experience...back in elementary school."

Annie rolled her eyes, "Whatever." She said, turning around and continuing walking down the alley.

Eren cocked an eyebrow and jogged after her, "Hey wait!"

Annie looked over her shoulder as she walked, "Sorry, Jaeger. I don't teach."

"You mean you don't teach, or no one has asked you to teach?"

Annie stopped in her tracks, her eyes staring at the street just outside the alley. She was silent as Eren stood behind her, curious as to what is wrong.

She sighed and turned around, her eyes glancing up at him. She pushed a fringe of her hair behind her ear and, Eren could swear it, he saw a slight smirk appear and disappear, "No one has ever asked me." She said.

The woman took a few steps toward Eren, "Do you know that...makeup store in the mall?"

Eren frowned in thought, before nodding, "Yeah, it's uh...Rose right?"

Annie nodded, "Yeah, I work there. Just go there and talk to me. We can figure out where to practice when we get to that bridge. But right now, I gotta get some sleep." She said, turning around and walking back out of the alley, "Goodnight, Jaeger."


She stopped before the exit, turning to him, "Leonhart. Annie Leonhart. See you tomorrow."

Eren watched her leave as he lifted a hand, "Alright. Goodnight, Annie Leonhart...see you...tomorrow."

And with that, she was gone from his sight.

He stood there, in the dark alleyway, thinking about this interesting girl, for a few minutes before shaking his head and looking over his shoulder at the other end of the alley. He sighed and exited the alleyway to the street, deciding to head to bed early as well.

The Next Morning

"Thanks for shopping at Rose." The short blonde girl said, dressed in an employee's outfit, waiting until the woman left to rest her chin on her fist, sighing as she looked at the entrance to the store. Is he coming? She asked herself, taking out her phone to look at the time, before putting it back.

She sighed again, about ready to take her lunch break, when a tan man walked in, his eyes searching around for the girl. She raised a hand and waved. Noticing this, he smiled at her and walked over, "Hey, sorry I'm late. Traffic."

She shrugged, "It's fine. So you want to start?"

Eren cocked an eyebrow, "W-what, here?"

Annie shook her head, "No...ugh...Mina, take over for me."

Mina walked over, "Why, so you could make out with this...handsome knock out?"

"Excuse me?" Eren asked.

Annie rolled her eyes and grabbed his hand, pulling him along, "No, Mina. Will be back in an hour."

The roof of the mall was devoid of anyone, so for Annie, it was the perfect to practice in. She opened the door to it, raising her forearm to block the sun as she pulled Eren along, letting go of his hand. She lowered her forearm, looking around at the roof, "Is this good?"

Eren looked around, nodding, "Yeah, this is great."

Annie nodded, getting into a stance, "Alright, first lesson, the horse stance."

"The what stance?"

She sighed, gesturing to her legs, "Horse stance, it keeps you balanced and stable. Like you are sitting on a horse. Try it."

Eren nodded and got into the stance, "How's this?"

Annie stood up and walked over. She kept silent for a moment before swiping her leg at his foot. She kicked it from under him, making him slam onto the ground.

Eren groaned as he looked up at the sky, seeing the girl standing above him, "Yeah...that is gonna need some work."

That Night

The flickering light witnessed a small blonde girl and a tall brunette boy walk under it, the girl talking to the boy.

"So, I promise I won't fight you until I know you are ready. Until then, fight the other guys. Don't worry, none of them are that smart or strong. Just use what I taught you."

Eren nodded, "Oh, alright."

Annie and Eren descended the steps, the former knocking on the door. It opened, "What's the-"

"Go fuck your mother, dickwad." Annie interrupted.

"Welcome Annie!" Marco said, opening the door, "Oh...and Eren."

Eren nodded to Marco as he and Annie walked past the threshold. Marco close the door and walked to the other door, knocking on it. It opened, and the two were let in.

Annie and Eren watched as a man was knocked out with a foot. Annie patted him on the shoulder, "Good luck, Jaeger."

Eren and some guy named Nac squared off, with Eren getting into a stance.

"Alright, this is the second fight for Eren Jaeger! Maybe he will win this one?" Reiner, the announcer, said. Everyone laughed, expecting this newbie to go down.


Nac ran at Eren, shouting with rage. Eren side stepped, grabbing his arm and swinging Nac into a pillar, instantly knocking him out.

Eren just stared at the unconscious body, then turned his head up to see Annie, with a blank face, giving him thumbs up. Eren smiled as everyone else stood there, very surprised. Eren was beginning to feel better. Bring them on.

One Hour Later

Annie grunted as she was the one supporting a bruised and slightly bleeding Eren up by putting his arm around her shoulders as they walked through the alleyway, "You did good, Jaeger...you did good."

"I did?"

"Well...good enough. Why don't we just get something to eat?"

"Food sounds good."


When they exited the alleyway, Annie turned them towards the pizza restaurant, pushing the door open with her body, "Come on." She said, smiling at the person behind the counter, "Hey Hitch."

"Annie...who is this?"

"Who? Oh him?" She asked, helping Eren sit down at a table, "He is just a...friend…"

"Fight club friend."

Annie quickly walked up, "Shhh...don't talk about it...but yes."

Hitch rolled her eyes, "No one else is here right now, it's fucking twelve o'clock."

"I know Hitch, but it's the first rule. Don't talk about it."

Hitch crossed her arm, cocking an eyebrow up, "This thing is really becoming a life for you, isn't it?"

"It helps me. Anyway, just one cheese pizza."

Hitch nodded, smirking, "Alright. Marlo! One cheese."


Hitch looked back to her friend, "So...is he like a...friend friend?"

Annie was the one to cock an eyebrow, "Excuse me?"

"You know…"

Annie rolled her eyes, "He isn't-" She realized she was talking pretty loud, so she leaned in closer, whispering, "He isn't that. He is a nice guy, but I am not interested."

Hitch gave her a funny look, "Of course, Annie, of cour-ah!"

Annie in an instant had Hitch's arm stretched out across the counter, "Hitch...I am not interested."

"Okay. Okay! You're not intere-"


"Alright! Just let go!"

Annie smirked and gave Hitch her arm back, "Good."

Annie brought the pizza over, placing it in the center of the table, "There you go Eren, one cheese."

Eren opened the box, nodding at it, "Cool." He said.

Annie also had a few napkins, lifting it up to the wound on his forehead that we bleeding, "Reiner really knocked you good."

Eren nodded, eating a piece of the pizza, he winced, "Ah!"

Annie scrunched her mouth up to a corner, "Hm, sorry."

Eren shook his head, "Nah, nah, it's fine."

Annie nodded, and kept on cleaning up the wound.

Eren smirked, "So...am I a friend frien-ah!"

"I am not sorry that time."

One Month Later

"Block left! Now right! Good!" Annie said, throwing punches at Eren, who blocked a good amount of them.

He blocked one last punch before she stopped, "Alright, I think that is good for one day."

Eren nodded and leaned against a nearby wall, breathing heavily as he regained his energy. He looked over at Annie, thinking of something, "Hey, uh...hey, Annie?"

The girl looked up, brushing some hair behind her ear, "Yeah?"

Eren hesitated, wondering whether or not he should ask, before asking, "Are...are you single?"

Annie smirked, "Depends...have you seen a boy walk in to Rose and kiss me?"

Eren felt heat rush to his face, "W-well...n-no...but…"

"Yeah, let's do it."


"I know where this is leading Eren."

Eren looked down, "I don't know what you are-"

"Just ask me Eren." She said, walking over to him, "I am a...simple lady. I like nice guys who treat women right, have an interest in what I do, do what I do, and accepts the fact that a lady can beat him up…" She got up close to him, "...And still respect himself."

Eren realized that looking down meant he was looking at her boobs, so he turned his head up, giving a nervous laugh as he scratched the back of his head.

"Eren...look at me...hm? Come on," She said, giving his face a light slap, chuckling, "Look at me."

Eren, at the sound of her beautiful chuckle, turned his head down to look at her. She was smirking, "Now...ask me...like a proper gentleman? Just take a deep breath...in through the nose...out through the mouth...okay...now ask me…"

Eren took a deep breath, just as she said, closed his eyes, then opened them, "Will...you go...on...a date...with me?"

Annie laughed, "God, Eren, you are so pent up. But I am glad you finally asked...I have been waiting for half a month for you to grow some balls...but no."

Eren's eyes widened, "What? But I thought you."

"Just no." She said simply, walking away and out through the door.

Eren sighed, "Fuck my life." He muttered, walking through the door, only to be grabbed and pushed up against the wall, face to face with Annie.

"Will you go on a date with me?" She asked him, tilting her head in a cute way.

Eren stared at her, eyes wide, "W-what?"

Annie smiled, "I will take that as a yes. Walk through the park sounds good." She threw him to the ground, "See you tonight at eight o'clock. Wear something good, like a good jacket or some shit. Anyway, I gotta go find a nice outfit for tonight. See ya!"

Eren laid sprawled out on the floor, his eyes fixed on the ceiling as he processed what just happened, "Eight o'clock?"

Eight O'Clock

Eren took out his phone, looking down at it and seeing the three numbers that signify the time of night that is before nine o'clock and after seven o'clock. Which was eight o'clock, obviously.

Suddenly, a female voice called out to him, "Eren!"

He turned his head towards it to see the small woman walking toward him, this time in a white flannel jacket with a black hood, white shirt and blue jeans. Eren had the same kind of jeans and a leather jacket with a red shirt.

Eren smiled, "Hey, you made it."

Annie nodded, "Yeah, traffic...on foot traffic...is a bitch…"

Eren chuckled, "I bet."

Annie gestured to the park, "Shall we?"

Eren nodded, "We shall."

They started to walk, not saying anything for a minute or so, just trying to take in the sights. Or just trying to figure out what they can talk about.

They both tried to break the silence. At the same time.

"So what do-"

"How do you-"

Eren and Annie looked at each other and laughed, with Eren speaking next, "You go ahead."

Annie shook her head, "No you."

Eren sighed, "Ugh, fine. So...what do you like to do...except for beat up big guys?"

Annie gave a short giggle before shrugging, "I don't know. I like to draw. Paint. That stuff. What about you?"

Eren smiled slightly, "I like to write."

Annie looked at him, "Is that it?"

"Well you like to do shit with art."

"But that can be more than one thing."

"There are different genres of writing."

"But no different tools of the trade."

"This is a stupid conversation."

"You started it."

"Alright. Alright. True. What were you going to ask?"

Annie nodded, "Uh...how do you like the...thing?"

Eren looked at her, cocking an eyebrow, "Thing?"

Annie gestured with throwing her fists out in front of her.

Eren's eyes lit up in understanding, "Oh! You mean the fi-"

"Bzt!" Annie put a finger to his lips, shaking her head.

Eren remembered the first rule, "Oh, right, sorry."

She pulled her finger away, waiting for his response.

He shrugged, "I think it's fun so far. I can get my anger out and it's a nice place to make friends."

"After you beat the shit out of them?"

"Well that's how we met."

"Ahh...a romantic story."

Eren laughed, "Yeah."

A moment of silence grew between them before Eren spoke up, "So, who taught you those moves?"

Annie looked up at him, "My moves? Well...my father taught me from the age of, like, six to eighteen, pretty much."

"Wow. That long?"

"Yeah, my father wanted to make sure his little girl took no shit from douchebags and could defend herself."

"Ahh...I am not a douchebag, right?"

Annie gave a short laugh, "Of course not. You are actually very nice. Which is surprising to me considering I have fought your friends occasionally, and they are dickheads."

Eren chuckled, "That is...that is true-well, Connie is okay, but he likes to prank a lot."

"I hate pranks."

"Don't tell him that. He will prank you the most."

"Then I will beat him up the most."

"...That works…"

An Hour Later

Eventually, Eren and Annie decided to stop and call it a night. Eren suggested that he could walk her home. She said no, but maybe next time. Her last question was peculiar.

"Where do you work?"

Eren cocked an eyebrow, "What?"

"You work, don't you?"

"Work?...Oh, shit, yeah, I do that. Uh...I work at Maria's. Italian food, that kind of shit. I am a waiter."

"Ahh...interesting. Well...see you tomorrow Eren."

He waved, "See you tomorrow."

And with that, they went their separate ways.

The Next Day

This damn spot, the young man thought to himself, scrubbing against this one stain on the wooden table, trying to put his arm into it as he scrubbed furiously, the only thing able to get him out of this rampage of cleanliness being the voice of his boss.


Eren shot up from his bent over position, his head turning towards his very short boss.

"Yes, Levi?"

The man's grey eyes pierced into Eren's very soul, before his head tilted to a table, "Table Twenty is waiting for you."

Eren nodded, putting the cleaning materials before walking towards the table, seeing one person, their face blocked by a menu. He approached the table, taking out his notepad, "Hello, my name is Eren Jaeger, I will be your server toda-Annie?"

The person lowered the menu to reveal that is was the small young woman, "Hi Eren Jaeger, I would like the Manicotti, and a glass of wine."

Eren gave her an 'are you serious' face before taking her menu, smiling and nodding, "Your food shall be here soon." He said, walking over to the chef's area, "One manicotti." He said, not waiting for an answer before walking back out the door, making his way towards his very recent girlfriend, "What are you doing here?"

Annie gave him a very fake hurt look, "Just having a meal before I go out fighting."

Eren sighed, "My shift is almost done. Think you could wait up for me?"

Annie did an over exaggerated sigh, jokingly, "Fine. I will be outside."

After Eren finished his shift and he was back into his regular clothing, he exited the building to see the short blonde girl off to the side.

He smiled at her, "Thanks for waiting."

She nodded, "It's nothing. You know...you looked pretty good in that waiter's outfit."

Eren shrugged as they began to walk, "Ehh...thank you? So why did you come?"

Annie looked up at him, "I was hungry, and Italian food is good to eat before you do something that works you out."

"Or you just wanted to see me in a waiter's outfit."

"That is a...maybe…"

"A maybe? Hm...will I be seeing you in Maria's during my shift more?"

"That is also a maybe."

"You are a mysterious girl sometimes, Ann."

"You like it like that, don't you?"

Eren turned his head to look at her, narrowing his eyes, "You tease…"

Three Months Later

"Hey, Annie." Eren said, looking at his girlfriend as they sat in the park together.

Annie looked back at Eren, "Yeah?"

Eren turned his head to face forward, not sure how to say this, "We have been going out for a while...and I thought that...it's just that...we...haven't had our first kiss."

Annie's eyes lit up, the rest of her face staying bored, "Kiss? First kiss? Hm...oh yeah...we haven't had that, have we?"

Eren shook his head, "Nope."

"Well...it's not like we can just force it. It needs to be special."

Eren nodded, "True. I guess when we both know it's the right time, we will do it." He said, putting his hand in hers.

She smiled slightly and blushed at the affectionate touch, "Yeah…"

One Week Later

Eren was nervous. Tonight was the night he'd face Reiner. Annie has trained him enough that he thinks he can take on the hulking brute, but you can't help but be scared looking at him.

So here Eren was, being given some encouraging words from Annie.

The bell dinged, Eren nodded to Annie before taking a deep breath and taking his steps slowly towards the square, the words of the announcer echoing through the room.

"A man who has climbed his way up the ladder, Eren Jaeger, is going to be fighting against our next to best, Reiner Braun!"

Reiner nodded to the smaller man, who nodded back. They stood a distance from each other, many fighters surrounding them, betting on one side or the other.

Then, the bell dinged again.

Reiner came charging, fist raised, trying to knock Eren out in one hit at the very beginning.

Eren dashed to the side, stopping himself on a pillar as Reiner skidded to a halt. He turned to Eren, who smirked and held his hands out, palms facing himself. He curled the fingers on his hand, "Come on, big guy."

Reiner smirked back and lunged at Eren, who dodged under his arm, sending a jab to Reiner's side. A grunt sounded from the big man. He stopped and looked at the green eyed fighter, "You've improved, Jaeger."

Eren lightly hopped from one foot to the other, fists held up, "And you've stayed the same, Braun."

Reiner took a step forward and tried to bring his fist down on the young man. Eren side stepped, grabbed his arm, and brought his knee up to hit Reiner in the stomach. This knocked the air out of the brute, which gave Eren enough time to give an uppercut straight to his face.

Reiner fell back onto the ground.

Eren got down on one knee and raised his fist, bringing it down on the man's face. Properly knocking him out.

Eren exhaled as he stood up, looking around at the half-shocked, half-cheering crowd. Sweat dripped from Eren's skin onto the stone floor, the fight kind of bringing a lot out. But he knew it wasn't over, as some people dragged Reiner out of the square, and a new person took his place.

"And now, Eren Jaeger, our next best, will be facing the one, the only, Ice Queen!"

Eren smiled at the sight of his girlfriend, who smiled back.

She whispered, "Don't go easy on me."

"I don't plan to."

They both nodded and squared off, waiting for the bell.


The two stared into each other's eyes as they circled around, waiting for one to screw up.

Eren decided to just get it started.

He dashed in for a punch, bringing it under his body and out towards Annie's stomach.

She swiped her arm, pushing it out of the way before getting up close and punching Eren in the stomach. As her fist made the impact, Eren blew out whatever air he had left, feeling the pain of the punch, but not getting the air knocked out.

He stumbled back, Annie coming in for a kick. Eren quickly caught her ankle and pushed it away, coming in to punch her in the nose.

This did catch her by surprise, effectively breaking her pronounced nose. She stumbled back a bit, lifting a hand to her nose. She touched it and brought it up to her eyesight, seeing blood. She smirked at her boyfriend.

Eren smirked back, but that quickly vanished as Annie raised her foot and brought it down onto his knee. Eren grunted and stumbled, allowing Annie to come in and bring her fist flying to his face.

Eren flew to the ground, landing on his side. He looked up to see Annie jump on him, raising her fist. As it came down, Eren grabbed her wrist and used his other arm to push her neck, flipping them over so that he was on top.

Eren's emeralds stared down into Annie's sapphires, her eyes wide with surprise as Eren lifted his fist to deliver the final blow.

Annie leaned up, grabbing his face and bringing it close to pull him in to bring their lips together. Everyone fell completely dead silent, staring at the couple as they locked each other into a deep passionate kiss.

Eren was dumbstruck.

Annie pulled out of the kiss, delivering a punch to Eren's jaw, getting him off of her.

She smiled at his surprised face as she got on top and punched his lights out.

"You cheated." Eren said, holding an ice pack to his cheek as he walked down the alley with his girlfriend, who was wiping the rest of the blood from her nose.

She looked at him and smiled, "The rules never stated that a kiss was not allowed. It was totally fair."

Eren sighed, glancing over at her, he smiled back, "Well...long live the Ice Queen, then."

Annie nodded, "Long live the Queen."