"Daddy? Daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy-"

"Yes? What is it Ur?" I groaned and rubbed my eyes open from my peaceful sleep to see my 3 year old daughter Azure, Ur for short, sitting on my stomach and poking my cheek with every 'daddy' coming out of her little mouth. Her blue hair fell in waves at her shoulders and her blue eyes stared at me with exasperation.

"You gotta get up!" She exclaimed excitedly. It wasn't a particularly special day, but that's just who she was- an enthusiastic girl who appreciated the joys of every day. Today was a sunny, summer morning that reached its fingers of light through the large window to the left of the bed and splashed out on the covers of the bed. It was a wonder that I didn't wake up from the heat, but I guess I had just gotten too used to having Ur wake me up.

I propped up my pillow to support my back and struggled to sit up without making Ur topple over. She giggled as I groaned some more while stretching, failing to match her energy so early in the morning.

"Good morning, Ur-chan" I said sleepily while simultaneously yawning. She closed her eyes happily when I kissed the top of her head and swooped her up in my arms to carry her out to the kitchen where I knew Juvia and Silver would be.

Sure enough, Juvia was setting the table with 9 month old Silver in his high chair when I entered the kitchen. Silver was much more quiet compared to Ur, but he took a liking to Gajeel so he was bound to be strong in action and in resolve as he grew older. In fact, he was in complete concentration of his task at hand, eating without Juvia's help.

"Hey, bud" I ruffled Silver's hair and startled him a bit. He seemed to be annoyed that I bothered him during his mission, but he broke out into a grin when he realized it was just me. His unruly black hair was slightly matted down with sweat from his sleep and his blue eyes focused back onto his food. I set Ur down in her seat for her to eat her breakfast before walking over to Juvia across the table.

"Good morning, Gray-sama" Juvia chirped happily in her seat. We all knew where Ur got her cheerfulness from.

"Good morning" I gave her a quick peck, which she met with eager affection, and took my seat right next to her. It was a habit, but not one taken for granted. Never again.

"Eat faster, daddy! I want to go to the guild and play with Nashi!" Ur said between shoveling down food.

"I can't believe she's best friends with flame brain's daughter" I muttered sadly to Juvia. Nashi was a sweet girl a year older than Ur who looked just like Lucy apart from her pink hair. It was just a shame she was related to that idiot. She just shook her head in amusement and paid no mind.

"Nashi will be staying for us tonight since Uncle Natsu and Aunt Lucy have a mission, remember? You'll have plenty of time to play with her. So slow down and chew all your food, Ur-chan"

"Okay, mommy" her pace noticeably slowed and stopped altogether to ask her question "When will Nashi be a big sister like me?"

"Well, the baby will be here around your birthday, Ur-chan. You just have to wait 4 months"

Natsu treasured Nashi just like a dragon would protect his offspring and didn't give a second thought to having another child until Silver was born and he found out Gajeel and Levy were having twins. He was so furious to think we had more children than him, he asked Lucy to have another in the same hospital room where they first held him. It took a couple of months to get her to stop punching him every time he brought up the topic, but once he convinced her that it was more than mere competition, she was ecstatic that he wanted another.

Now that she was pregnant again, they couldn't take their intense, week long missions anymore, but Lucy still wanted to work and everyone knew Natsu wouldn't let anything happen to her. So they would occasionally take up jobs like today's to save up the extra jewels and keep busy.

As for Gajeel and Levy's 3 month twins, they certainly were a handful. Ryos was the exact copy of Gajeel in looks and personality as far as we could tell. Gale, who had Levy's blue hair and brown eyes, was more gentle and easy going. No matter how difficult it got with two boys, everyone knew they loved it. Especially since the scare with their birth, everyone was glad to see the healthy family. Levy was a small girl and carrying twins of a dragon slayer was difficult on her body.

Erza and Jellal had a 9 year old son named Simon with blue hair and the same quiet, but incredibly strong, demeanor as both of his parents. He was very mature for his age. Jellal still hadn't been able to settle down, but it was hard to ever doubt Titania and everyone knew to keep it pretty low key when he was able to visit his family at our guild.

Master stepped down and allowed Laxus to take over the guild. Since he took over, not much has changed aside from the fact that Freed was worshiping him harder than ever and the Master was constantly trying to take the girls to the beach.

Elfman and Evergreen had two daughters who had somehow came to coin the term man fairies as their thing. At first, it was frustrating to both their parents, but they came to accept this as a compromise and it never got in the way of loving both of them immensely.

All the people of Fairy Tail had come to find their happy endings and were creating new stories.

Lyon ended up mentoring kids in magic as Ur had once taught us. He never did settle, he truly loved Juvia and never found another. But he was happy for her and for our family, visiting us occasionally and spoiling the kids rotten. He found fulfillment in teaching those kids and passing on Ur's legacy.

"Alright, I can do the dishes if you wanted to give Silver a quick bath, Juvia" I offered my proposal while standing up with the dirty dishes.

"That's a wonderful idea" The hearts in her eyes were still visible after all these years, making me chuckle. She picked up Silver and carried him to the bathroom to the get the water running. She loved bath time just as much as they did because of all the tricks she'd show them.

"I'll get them done faster if you help me dry, Ur. Once we're all done, we can go to the guild, ok?" She nodded in excitement to see her best friend and scrambled over to the sink. I could feel that cheek cramping grin sneak up on me again.

This definitely wasn't the kind of life I envisioned as a child. I thought it would be all adventure and action. It was all about living in the moment, using that single chance for all the adrenaline and the rush.

But now that I was committed for the long run, I couldn't imagine it any other way.