It was a normal day in the guild until it wasn't.

The sun was shining outside despite the slight chill of fall and a calm wind was sweeping through the streets. It was the same town of Magnolia that everyone was accustomed to. People were bustling around trying to run errands and the stores kept busy enough, but that energy was nothing compared to the inside of the guild.

"Who's next?" Cana declared as she slammed down the last of her drink to beat her foolish competitor who had the nerves to challenge her. It was hard to tell if people were cheering or groaning at how early it was in the morning to already start this.

Erza was blissfully enjoying the last bits of her strawberry cake, not a slice, but the whole cake. Everyone knew better than to disturb her when she was in such a state. They also knew it was only a matter of time before someone starts a brawl that ends with her bringing out her swords so this was always a nice change.

Gajeel watched over Levy as she was devouring the latest book she's been able to get her hands on. His hand twitched ever so slightly when Jet and Droy came up to her side and fished for her attention.

Happy was offering his fish to Carla and wailed when she turned her nose upward in a disapproving manner. His partner was at the mercy of Lucy's murderous glares for using their reward money, yet again, for repairs on their last mission. Natsu tried to appeal to her better side with another mission and was met with a swift kick to his face.

Juvia was trying to get me to accept a shirt she made for me last night. This time, a picture of her in a provocative pose was stitched on the front. Her eyes practically turned into hearts as she imagined me accepting it with a passionate love confession.

Aside from my adamant refusal (I most definitely was not blushing), everything was going fine- just like every other day.

Flame brains was throwing a tantrum about getting hit in the head and blamed me for it. We were going on with our usual brawl, you know, clothes flying and tables thrown, when another annoyance came in.

Lyon burst into the guild with his usual pompous flair and went gaga for Juvia, who was cheering me on and challenging Lucy, calling her love rival. He swept his arms out dramatically to make a clear pathway to Juvia and knelt down on one knee at her feet with a rose in his hand. Everyone in the guild rolled their eyes and paid no attention to him, being as used to this scene as they were to Juvia cuddling me. At first, it was an amusing sight, but after so many attempts, no one bothered to interrupt their daily lives for such a common scene.

"My dear Juvia-chan, would you give me the honor of accompanying me on a romantic evening tomorrow night?" He poured out his heart at her feet.

"Cut it out, Lyon! Stop hitting on my guild mate!"

"Oh, Gray-sama! Juvia is so happy!"

"You can't stop true love from blooming, Gray! Unless, you'd like to admit to anything." he questioned my motive and I knew Juvia was looking at me with hopeful expectations.

I could feel my heart tighten in my chest. My body copied the strained feeling within me and punched Natsu with all my might. I've put up a strong front since Deliora and I wasn't going to back down now. I couldn't let anyone get close to me. I've gotten good at lying to myself, that I didn't care about her. The pressure I've put on myself and the front I've put on for others was built so thick, I didn't know how to knock it down. So instead of giving him an answer, I remained silent and continued to beat Natsu. I've been ignoring this feeling for so long, why would it be any different today?

Except it was.

I expected Juvia to reject Lyon and proclaim her devotion to me as she had time and time again before. I could imagine her voice telling Lyon that I was the only one for her. I didn't expect for her to stare at me for an answer I knew she's been asking since Lyon first pursued her.

Should I let you go?

I should've fought it. I know I should've fought it. I should've grabbed her and held onto her. I should've pushed through the wall. I should have fought with all my might and not given up.

I'm being honest now, but I wasn't then.

With another twang in my chest, I looked away from her and threw another table at Natsu.

Her eyes watered up, I could feel it. I could feel the clouds getting heavier and the air thick with moisture. She squeezed them shut, breathed in a shuddering gulp of air, and gently placed her fingers on the stem of the rose. She gave him a faint smile and said the words none of us ever imagined her saying.

"Juvia would love to go on a date with you"