I don't own Harry Potter in any format, this is a fanfiction only.

Harry looked at his beloved mate sleeping peacefully and he got close to her and gave her a tender kiss, one that she was happy to return as she placed her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. She began to give him a few kisses to his face and then his lips. "I do love having such a considerate mate. One day our girls will be giggling once I tell them how you treat me."

Harry simply smiled and told her they would not need to be told stories, he was not going to stop any time soon. They both got dressed and both walked hand in hand to the Great Hall. It was when they reached the Great Hall, she kissed him on his right cheek, and told him to have a good day at work.

Harry walked over to the table the teachers and the staff ate their breakfast and sat down, only the charms teacher and potion teacher were present. "Good morning, Snape and Flitwick right?"

The potion master looked at him with a smile, something that made others in the castle drop their forks when they saw that "I prefer if you call me Severus, I gather you are ready to be a guest lecturer, so tell me Harry are you looking forward to being a guest instructor at that class?"

He looked at Snape and began shaking his head, "I still think D.A.D.A is a colossal waste of time, but in the interest of good international relations I will have to endure it. I will say it probably till the day I die If you don't know the Dark Arts how can you hope to defend against them? Countering a spell requires more than simply waving a wand and saying a magic word or two, you need to identify, know the range and effects, and even recognize it when it is done without a sound, all in less than a few seconds, you don't know about the Dark Arts, that is impossible."

Snape again did something his own students never saw him do, he laughed, "It is clear you are quite passionate about the subject you teach, mind if I ask you something more personal? What does a soul taste like? I know you animagus form is a Hell Panther, so I imagine you know the answer to my question."

He looked at the Charms teacher and he began to wonder if he should tell him either something that would make him happy or the truth, in the end, Harry was a Professor so he decided to extend some professional courtesy towards him. "I only have experience eating the souls of rather vicious individuals, so I can not tell you how a virtuous soul tastes like, but the ones I ate were bitter, acidic, almost like eating a batch of the most bitter chocolate you can ever find."

"I eat it, sure, much like that chocolate it's good for me, but that doesn't mean it's not bitter. I would imagine much like the person, it is also a good source of energy, especially when I find myself suffering from magical exhaustion, the more I eat things like that, the more I know, and the more my magical core gets stronger. Hope that answers your questions."

Flitwick looked a bit nervous as Harry's breakfast appeared on his dish, it was a rather either a small turkey or a rather large chicken, he had to fight the urge to turn into his panther form, he really wanted to dig his fangs into that delicious looking bird. He did change his hands and sliced it into big pieces with one of his claws, he changed his hand to a more human look and took a piece of it and began to eat it.

"So I gather you are not entirely comfortable eating like you are?" Harry placed his food down on his plate, used a napkin and looked at Snape. He began to wonder why in the world did he ask him something so very obvious, aside from the time I been with Fleur, my only time that I had ever been happy was with mother, father and my sisters back at the zoo. I do miss them sometimes.

"The form I feel most comfortable is not shall we say the one people around me would find the most comfortable to be around, so in order to be able to live in relative peace I have to be in this form, but this limits my senses in so many ways that it would be very hard for me to explain."

"You walk around to say the forbidden forest, but you do not feel it. You see it, you find it majestic, but you never realize how truly the forest is alive, you never hear the breath of the forest or heart the heartbeat of the very forest you are walking on, human senses are so limited that your eyes do not see all the colors, the smells, and sounds there are in the world."

"You go around almost half blind, half deaf, and dull, but this is the way I have to live in order to provide to earn a living for me, my mate, and quite possibly our daughters. I would like to be able to be comfortable and simply dig my fangs and claws into my meals, but that would be quite frightening to the people around us, hope this answers your question."

He looked at me and began to nod his head, "Yet I know your mother to be human, so was your father, although sometimes in our youth I would have doubted that James was indeed human, or humane. Thank you for the restraint and consideration then, I gather you shall be a guest lecturer on DADA classes."

Harry looked at him and smiled, "I can also be for a few potions classes if the headmaster needs me to be, but yes, as a professor of Dark Arts, DADA would be the class I will spend a large majority of my time while here at Hogwarts. Let's face it, if the tournament was not happening, well I would be back home getting ready to teach a new class to my students, so I should not think this would be much of a change only the focus on the subject."

As Harry finished his meal he placed a note on the plate and decided to walk over to the place he could see several young men were standing around Fleur. "Is everything alright beloved?" They all looked at him and then at the blushing face of Fleur.

"These young men were trying to flirt with me, they do not seem to understand that I am a happily married woman, I am glad that you could come and clear this misunderstanding. Honestly, they have been quite insistent and that is quite frustrating."

Harry looked at them and began to shake his head, "I do believe my beloved wife has made herself clear on this matter, I highly suggest that you stop trying to do this, or you might suffer the consequences of such action later."

A red-haired young man looked at him with anger in his eyes, "What? You want to pick a fight with us because we are a better option for her?" Alright, Harry was now angry, but as a professor, he knew better than to let his anger influence his actions.

"Actually the only thing I would do is inform your parents that you have been sent to a hospital to be treated for some severe burns, my wife is wonderful, beautiful, and sweet, but if you make her angry, she will burn you worse than if you insulted a dragon, didn't you parents ever teach you, you should never insult a Veela?"

They finally understood what he was trying to warn them about as they saw the small ball of fire forming in the right hand of Fleur, yep, she did look quite angry.

"Thank you again for helping me with this situation, I hope I will get to see you at some of the lessons we are being made to attend. As for a reward wait, until you get back to our bed, you will see how fiery I can be mister." She pulled on his clothes till he was directly facing her and she kissed him passionately on his lips.

Well, Harry's day had something to look forward to, as he whispered something to her he left, and you could hear her reaction at what he said as he left the great hall. Well, that pretty much made it clear they are married and they were planning to have more than one daughter.

As Harry walked up the corridor he was met by a friend, Mrs. Norris. She was looking at him walk up the staircase and down the corridor, "Greetings Mrs. Norris, hope you are in good health. Now if you will excuse me I need to remember where is the Defense Against The Dark Arts Classroom."

She looked at him and she then looked at the corridor, "It is down this corridor like always, and yes I am doing just fine. Fluffy was kind of sad that you didn't say goodbye to them, but seeing that you got married would make anyone a little forgetful, and sure they are not that angry with you."

Harry began to walk towards the classroom and he and his friend decided to catch up on a few things, things a couple of felines would find interesting and what he should be careful about. She told him the new teacher had a funny smell about him, he smelled of a snake for some odd reason and some rather strange herbs.

As he entered the classroom he thanked her for telling him this, as he quickly deflected a curse that had been cast at him. "And that class is always being aware of your surroundings, constant vigilance, nice deflection on the curse there Harry, for those that do not remember Harry is going to be our guest lecturer for this year."

Harry turned to look at the class, "Well it is not the first time someone has tried to cast a curse on me just because they think I am distracted. Now Professor Moony was would you like me to be, the last thing I want is to be disruptive to your lecture."

He laughed and looked at Harry, "Right next to me where I can see where you are. Now since we have a professor of Dark Arts, the headmaster in his wisdom decided that thanks to Harry being present that today I get to teach you about the Unforgivable Curses. Now class who can tell me what are the unforgivable curses?"

A young woman with brown hair was waving at him, "Yes, Miss Granger."

"They are curses that are so cruel and inhumane that is considered unforgivable, there are three that are known, so sinister that casting one will land you in Azkaban prison for life." Harry had to admit that was a rather nice attempt at answering but that was only a partial answer. Moony looked at her, "10 points for Gryffindor."

Harry was not happy to hear that, he never believed in giving full credit to partial answers. "If I may, Miss Granger is only partially correct, in England, you would get a life sentence but believe me in other parts of the Magical World your sentence would be death. The unforgivable curses must be cast with the intent to cause harm in the most horrible ways possible or kill."

"The three that are known are the Imperius, Cruciatus, and the Killing Curse, now I am to assume that your headmaster has given you a waiver since you will cast these curses. I happen to know all there of these very well myself, should you require my aid."

Alastor looked at him and was happy to hear that. "Thank you for that explanation to both you and Miss Granger, and yes, the headmaster has arranged for me to be able to cast these curses without having to spend the rest of my life in the company of dementors. I will appreciate you aid Professor Potter."