I want to thank zackattack1, TimmyIsAwesome, Gadget, bammybell, StarWriter0303, CrazyTimesAMillion, Thewhatzupwriter26, decode9, and anyone else who has helped out through this nearly year long tale!

This was a fun time writing this story and believe me it feels like I am closing the end of something that was rather fun to writer. So I thought I'd tell you all that there will be a new series that will be starting sometime soon. Just keep an eye on that and also check out Jurassic Squad for more ranger tales!

It was over. The entire battle over. The entire war done. The day was normal, peaceful. Everyone was happy and celebrating the Power Rangers. All over the TVs were clips of the rangers facing off against their serious and final foe. All over the rangers were being known as heroes and yet the citizens had no idea who these heroes were.

The gang met up at the HQ, it was after the last day of school. The gang all made a promise go meet up there to have a moment before departing for summer break.

"So, its all over." Roxanne said.

Nathaniel nods as he turns to Zack, "It feels like yesterday when we just started."

Terra nods, "So what are you doing for break?" She asks.

Josh grins, "The Young family is finally taking a summer vacation."

Sean looks at her boyfriend, "Where are you guys going?"

Jacob smiles, "Camping in Nort Dakota for a few weeks." He said.

Ally nods, "Sounds like fun. I'm going to Ireland with Rory for the break." She said.

Rory nods as he holds his girlfriend's hand, "My grandfather wants to meet Ally."

Roxanne turns to Sean, "So what are you doing Sean?"

Sean shakes her head, "Nothing."

Roxanne smiles, "You can join me on a cross country road trip." She said.

Sean nods, "I'll think about it." Sean said.

Terra turns to the group, "I'm going to Flordia with my brother Jimmy." Terra said.

"Sounds like fun, little tiger." Nathaniel said.

"What are you doing, Nate?" Zack asks.

Nathaniel turns to Zack, "Zara and I are going to New York. She is looking into colleges over there but also sight seeing as well."

Zack grins, "Zane is going to be worried about her."

Nathaniel nods, "I know. I know."

Terra leans against Zack's shoulder, "So what are you doing?" Terra asks.

Zack smiles, "I'm going to Meadowedge for a while to spend time with Zane. Then my dad and I are going on a road trip." Zack said.

Roxanne kisses her boyfriend on the cheek, "Have fun."

"So is this the last day we are gonna be together until next fall?" Ally asks.

Josh sighs, "Maybe."

Zack turns to his friends, "Listen, we may be apart but we are a team. We'll see each other in school and how about we plan that we'll meet up before school starts. Meet here before the first day of school." He said.

Jacob nods, "I agree."

The others nods.

Zack placed his hand in, "All hands in. And say Power Rangers on three."


Five hands in.


The last four of the hands in.


All nine hands are in the center.

"Power Rangers!"


It was four months since the last day of school for the students at Norland High. Its been four months since the final battle. Its been four months since the Power Rangers vanished. Its been four long months.

It was a mid-afternoon day in Norland. Tomorrow marks the first day of school. The first day of senior year for eight of the rangers and junior year for one. It was a year of change. A year of a new beginning.

"Ah, Norland." Zack said.

The now eighteen year old guy has carried a backpack to the direction of HQ. Upon walking in that direction, he spots the twins.

"Jake! Josh!"

The twins turn.

"Hey!" Zack yells as he runs over.

Jacob smiles, "How was your summer?" He asks.

"Good, and you?" Zack asks.

Josh grins, "Camping has been a fun experience." He said.

"I bet." Zack said.

The three walked down the pathway again. The three began talking and laughing. Just like normal teenagers. The guys shoved each other and then laughed loudly.

"Can you girls, knock it off!"

The three guys look up to see Terra, Sean, Ally, Rory, and Roxanne.

"Guys," Zack said.

The three teens join the rest of the former rangers. Roxanne hugs Zack, Jacob kisses Sean, Josh gives Nathaniel a bro hug. Each of the group all gave each other hugs.

"So is this is?" Ally asks.

Roxanne nods, "Yes. Yes is it."

Rory looks around, "I can't believe it."

Terra nods as she feels Nathaniel put his arm around her with a smile, "Yeah. Its going to be weird this year."

Sean turns to them all, "We better not stop talking. We're friends after all." She said.

Jacob kisses Sean on her forehead, "Of course we will."

Josh turns to Zack, "Ready?"

Zack nods, "Yeah. Let's do it team." He said.


The gang entered the very familiar cave, the familiar HQ. The familiar halls they once trained. A place once filled with allies and combat. So many memories has happened here. So much has changed.

"Looks like you're all back." Said Anya.

The gang sees Anya walking down with Lucas right behind. The Twp adults had smiles on their faces and Lucas held a brief case in his hands.

"Are you all ready?" Lucas asks.

Zack nods, "Yeah dad. We are." He said.

Lucas opens the brief case to reveal spots for their morphers. He held the case open and stared at each of the teens.

"Take your time." Anya said.

Josh stares at his morpher, "We'll be able to get them if we need them?"

Lucas nods, "Only for serious threats." He said.

Josh walked over and placed his morpher into the case. Josh walked over from it to return to the others. Rory went next. Followed by Ally.

"Guess I'll go next." Jacob said.

Jacob placed his morphed in the case. As he walked away, Roxanne placed hers in afterwards Sean placed her morpher in. Nathaniel went after the two girls. Lastly, stood Zack and Terra. They exchanged looks.

"Ready, alpha lion?" Terra asks.

Zack nods, "Yeah, little tiger."

At the same time the former Yellow and Red Ranger placed their morphers in the case. After stepping back, the nine watched as Lucas shut the case.

"Now, what's done is done. The world is safe." Lucas said.

"But what about what Zigernot said at the final battle. That the evil isn't truly gone?" Nathaniel asks.

Anya looks at them, "Technically its not your concern anymore." Anya said.

"Aunt," Zack said.

Anya sighs, "We have intel that there is some activity going on in Clover Hills, as well as Reefside and Warrior Heights."

"Why can't we investigate?" Josh asks.

"Because its not your problem anymore, kids." In came a familiar voice.

"Zane!" They all yelled.

Zane entered the room and was given hugs by all of the former Beast Rangers. Zane smiled and exchanged nods with Anya and Lucas.

"But what did you mean its not our problem?" Terra asks.

"Yeah, we are rangers." Ally said.

Zane signs, "Yes but your duty is over. Its time for you to go on with your lives to be normal. It'll be a hard adjustment but you all have to. The only times you get to join the good fight is when help is needed."

"But what about Clover Hill and the other cities?" Zack asks.

Zane messed with Zack's hair, "We've got scouts on it. Believe me, the cities are in good hands." Zane said.

Jacob turns to the rest, "So this is really it." He said.

Roxanne nods, "It is. Its so weird to think we won't he fighting the good fight anymore."

Terra chims in, "But it doesn't mean we aren't rangers."

Zane nods and snaps his fingers to reveal a flame, "Your powers will remain but your morphers will be protected until you all are graduated. Its only fair to have them locked up since you all are here. When you graduate you'll likely travel." Zane said.

Nathaniel looks at Zane, "Do you think we'll meet the new rangers? You know the one after us?" He asks.

Zane nods, "I met you so chances are you'll meet the next generation." Zane said.

Zack turns to his team, "Hey guys. Let's enjoy our last day before school starts tomorrow." Zack said.

Jacob nods, "Yeah man."

Rory nods as well, "How about a movie."

Nathaniel stepped in, "Actually Zara and I have a bowling date with Josh and Luna."

Josh pulled out his cell, "And the girls are almost there."

Sean shrugs, "Ally and I have a family dinner."

Ally nods.

Terra frowns.

A hand is placed on her shoulder, "Don't worry. We'll still be friends, even if we don't hang out every single day." Zack said.

Terra turns to him, "I'm not sad." She punches Zack.

Zack rolls his eyes, "As if."

The entire room was filled with laughter.

"One last time?" Zack asks.

The team nods.




"Power Rangers!"

All of the nine Beast Rangers chanted as they lift their hands in the air. Screaming and cheering, behind the adults stood. Smiling and full of support. A father and aunt reunioned with their loved one. A former ranger becoming a mentor was able to inspire others. So much as changed. So much has happened. Its just it. Another story. Another chapter closing. Elements raised up to the challenge, the beast clawed their way to success. But what's next? Do dinosaurs reclaim what was once theirs?

The finale of Awaken The Beast! I wanted to do like a looking back with them all older but I didn't want that. I wanted a transition to my next stories and stories afterwards. I hoped you enjoyed it and will continue to support my work. Please check out Jurassic Squad and look out for a new story soon. -ICrzy