yeah, so err, this plot bunny has been nagging at me for the last month so I finally caved. Please tell me if it's worthy of more or not! Thanks to DeLacus for allowing me to use her dragon/human idea for future chapters. Ayyo!

Chapter 1


"Atto has commanded it, Nàmo."

"But where are we to search? And for what purpose is it?"

"He has not told me the purpose, Nàmo. We are to search anywhere and everywhere."

There was a silence for a moment, troubled and thoughtful.

"I will try my best, Manwë. When I find the proper candidates I will come to you for the final choice."

"Of course."

And so Nàmo went looking. Far and wide he searched, in the circles of Eä and everywhere, making notes and watching until he had a list of names.

Then he narrowed the list farther until there were five left. Until finally, it was brought before Manwë.


It was just a normal day for me. School, homework, yadda yadda all the rest- and finally the day's work was over. And of course, I buried myself in a book. As always. The Silmarillion, as I thought to myself, is absolutely amazing.

Who wouldn't want to go there? To Middle Earth? And Valinor? And see dragons and elves and men and dark lords- err, that is, the Valar. Ahem. What can I say? I have an utter fascination for Sauron. He is such an enigma. Even Tolkien says that during the second age he was 'indeed not completely evil...' But I digress.

As I was trying to say, sitting on my bed reading the Quenta Silmarillion, eating a bowl of ice cream, and just chillaxing on a nice afternoon is the life. Oh, and listening to my LOTR soundtrack while we're at it. Nope, nothing could possibly be better-

"Celine! I'm home! I brought the Hobbit Battle of the Five Armies with me!" My mom called out from the stairwell below. Erm, I take that back. There is one thing better.

I leaped out of my bed with a squeal, promptly tripped on my flute case, stumbled out the door, and managed to fall on my face right at the landing by the stair case. I yelped. "Kriffing Sith-spit chizzk Nine Corellian Karking Sith-spawned hells!" I picked myself up, staggering down the staircase on one foot.

"For a fifteen-year-old, you have long breath." Mom noted dryly, watching me hop into the living room.

"Hi mom. Nice to see you too. Dumb flute case." I muttered. She laughed at me.

"There's a bag of chips in the pantry if you want any." She added, sliding the movie into the DVD slot. I plopped onto the couch.

"No thanks! I already had a bowl of ice." I replied, grabbing the remote.

We finally got down to the movie and I watched, enraptured. "SMAUG!" I yelled. "Nooooo!" I blubbered as he fell into the lake, dead.

Mom sighed and rolled her eyes. "You're not supposed to cry for the antagonist, Celine!" She said, exasperated.

"Moom! Smaug is the awesome dragon! He needs to be properly mourned!" I whined, turning back to the screen. And then came the confrontation at Dol Guldur.

"Oh. My. Melkor. Sauron is baaaack! Awesome! Er, wait, I mean I wish he were good." I corrected myself with a sulk. Mom threw up her hands and gave up on me. I guess I'm bound to remain a nutcase for all eternity when it comes to dark lords. Oh well.

When the movie was over, I leaned back in my chair and wiped away tears from seeing Fili's death. He never gets enough love. Thorin I could care less. Kili's too loved. I'm not mourning Tauriel, uh uh no. Legolas? I needed a box of Kleenex.

"My new most favorite line." I sobbed. "'Your mother loved you, Legolas. More than life itself.'" And I burst into another fit of sobs. Mom sighed.

"Oh Celine. It's just a movie." She reasoned with me.

I stared at her, horrified. "But mom, you can't be serious! You're not crying!? It's so saaaad!" I wailed. She shook her head with a good-natured smile.

"Yes, it was." She conceded, and left me to recover.


"I have chosen these five, Manwë."

There was another silence as the King of the Valar looked over the list and Nàmo showed him the subjects who bore the names. And Manwë's eyes landed on one.

"That one."

"As you wish. Shall I bring her?"

"Of course."


I expected mom to come back with a snack. I didn't expect for the window to come crashing into the living room, or to see a dark, hooded and cloaked figure grab me and smack his hand across my mouth. Nope. I never saw that one coming.

He- by his voice- whispered into my ear words I couldn't understand. Everything started to whirl, and for some reason I had the distinct feeling that this person was calling me for some reason. Away, somewhere, where I could rest, have peace... Eru, it sounded like a wonderful place.

I think my last thought, because I can't quite think properly at the moment, is that this is just like a lot of fanfictions I've read about people getting abducted and taken somewhere.. Or murdered and falling into another world... And that I wished I could go to another world. Then everything went completely hazy and I fell into blankness. I think I managed to squeeze in the thought 'that's so cliché' in there somewhere before I went into the stars, though.


"Must you have done it in such a way, Nàmo?"

"You asked me to being her, Manwë. You didn't say how. I can't send any Maiar down, and neither will she hear my voice unless I am there corporally."

"Yes, well, what if she didn't heed your call?"

"I doubt it. I made sure it was irresistible."

Sigh. "Nàmo..."

"Oh don't 'Nàmo' me, Vairë does it enough as it is, I don't need more people doing it."

"Always you were the most incorrigible of us all."

"Oh don't be such a spoil sport Manwë, you know that someone has to be to keep us all sane." There was a snicker.

"Is her condition stable?"

"Smooth, Manwë."


"Yes, yes, she is. She's just fine. Her hroä should be ready to undergo changes in a few hours, and her feä is ready."

"Is she alert?"

"No. She's still asleep."

"Good. I will take her to Atto."

"Just be careful. She is strong, but not enough to handle it if she wakes up during the process."

"Atto knows all things, I am sure."

"I wasn't talking about Eru, Manwë. I was talking about when you carry her to the timeless halls."

Another sigh. "I'm not daft."

"Good. Sometimes I wonder."

"Nàmo, one day your mouth is going to get you into a lot of trouble, you know that?"

"Of course! Why else do you think I haven't gotten into trouble in a long time? Because I know when to shut it!"

"Give her to me already."

"Yes, lord." Sarcasm was thick.

"Hush, Nàmo."

And so Manwë gathered into his arms the soul of a fifteen-year-old Tolkien fan and carried her carefully away, leaving behind a smirking judge of the dead, who bent over the body of the feä that had just been taken away.