I'm really sorry...

Disclaimer: I don't own wicked.

No one dared to move... Fiyero opened his eyes and scanned the room for who the scream belonged to. He opened them just in time to see Maddie fall to the floor. He bolted over to her and fell on his knees beside his little sister, blood started to pool around her.

"Maddie! No!" He sobbed. He put his hands over her wound to try and stop the bleeding.

"Maddie keep your eyes open! Glinda go get help!" Fiyero screamed. Glinda nodded and left for help. He started ripping off parts of his shirt for makeshift bandages. Maddie was breathing heavily.

"Y...ye..rr- ?" She asked. He looked up and met her eyes.

"Y- yes" he sobbed.

"Best friends for ever?" She asked.

"Best friends forever" he choked out. She choked on blood.

She shuddered a last breath the fell limp in his arms. He sat there in shock, all this time he hadn't noticed Elphaba who had came and wrapped her arms around him.

"Yero?.." She asked, tears slowly dripping down her own face.

"This is his fault..." He murmured darkly. He turned to Lance, who was standing back amused by what happened.

"Your disgusting! Killing an innocent little girl. For fun!" Fiyero hissed. He picked up the shotgun up off of the floor and aimed at Lance. Lance did the same with his own gun. Fiyero didn't seem to care.

"Fiyero stop! Please! You could get killed!" Elphaba cried. He didn't listen.

Lance and Fiyero shot simultaneously, but only one gun shot was heard. Lsnce dropped to the floor, a bullet where his heart is.

"Rot in hell" Fiyero hissed. Then turned to Elphaba and hugged her.

"How did you know he had no ammo left?" Elphaba cried into Fiyero's shoulder.

"You can learn a lot of things from two years in the Gale Force." Fiyero answered. He turned back to his dead little sister.

"I want to bury her..." Fiyero choked out. Elphaba nodded. Glinda returned with a whole ambulance and was stunned by the sight if her ex boyfriend dead and also Maddie.

"I- is she..." Glinda choked on tears. Fiyero nodded. Glinda sobbed.

"Guys, can you help us transport her back to the Vinkus?" Fiyero asked the crew, they nodded and carried Maddie back to their carriage.

"C'mon Oscar is probably waiting for us at the hotel." Fiyero sighed. They nodded and followed him to the hotel.

I'm really sorry guys. I'm drying the tears off of my laptop screen after writing this. It was really hard to write...

Until next time

Izzy xx

(RIP Maddie, you will be missed)