"So you'll be the Princess and we'll be in a fairytale? I can save you!" Bellamy chirped, throwing up his sword in the air and waving it wildly around near Clarke's unamused face.
"Bellamy, I want to be the knight for once. Let me rescue you." Clarke whined and in the end they compromised the best they could. They both got swords and fought invisible dragons together.
At 6 years old, Clarke Griffin had moved next door to Bellamy Blake who'd been 7 at the time but still in the same class, didn't fancy hanging around with girls. However he'd made an exception for Clarke because she liked the mud and had a swing in her backyard.
Clarke had liked Bellamy, the goofy looking kid next door with the messiest hair she'd ever seen in her entire life because he always had a bad joke to tell her. Plus, he owned a pretty sweet pair of wooden swords.
Abby Griffin, Clarke's mother had moved to the neighborhood after the passing of her husband. She'd hoped it would give them both a fresh start which she felt they deserved. It had been a rough year.
She loved the friendship Clarke had found with the boy next door. It was a constant reminder that she'd done the right thing by moving.
At 12, Clarke and Bellamy had stopped playing fairytales and had started playing video games instead. Bellamy had gotten a games console for Christmas so his time with Clarke was spent locked up in his room, competing against each other. Luckily, they were both as good as each other so they'd never had a fight about it. In fact, they openly just teased each other about how much the other sucked at the game.
At 14, Clarke had told Bellamy about her first ever crush. A boy named Finn Collins who had just moved into her class. Clarke liked him. Bellamy did not. He still held a grudge from the time Finn beat him in a spelling bee and then rubbed his nose in it, despite the fact Clarke assured Bellamy that Finn wasn't like that. Still Bellamy tried to be as supportive as possible towards Clarke's crush, and even offered her advice on what boys liked.
Secretly he sort of wished Clarke had a crush on him, but he didn't care too much. Clarke was just his friend.
At 16 Clarke told Bellamy about her first kiss while she pushed him gently on the tatty swing in her backyard that had been there as long as she could remember. Bellamy had cheered her at first, but still teased her a little about the fact it took her almost 8 months to get anywhere with Finn. Talk about taking things slow.
Bellamy was yet to have his first kiss, but it didn't bother him. It bothered him that Clarke spent so much of her free time at Finns now and he hardly saw her.
They had their first fight two weeks into Finns and Clarke's relationship over something very small. Clarke had promised to come to Sunday lunch with him considering she was such good friends with his little sister and his mother loved her, but she'd never showed so Bellamy got pissed. And they had a fight about how Clarke didn't care about their friendship anymore which she disagreed with.
Bellamy had made it up to her though. As their windows faced each other, he'd put up a big sign in his window saying he was sorry. She'd left one saying she was too and then she'd called out the window to invite him over for coco, which he never said no to.
Him and Finn hung out a couple times after that, but they never got on so Clarke left it alone. She spent time with them separately and tried not to bring up one boy when she was with the other. It worked pretty well.
4 months later, Bellamy had started dating a girl named Fox who was in his class at school. He'd realized she had a crush on him, but hadn't wanted to lead her on. Besides he didn't feel he had the time to have a girlfriend before, but with Clarke spending time with Finn, he thought it was a good idea.
Clarke liked Fox and was very friendly to her, but said she wasn't really that interested in hanging out with the two of them.
The time Bellamy and Clarke spent together became less and less until finally Clarke only really saw him when she popped round with Octavia after school when she was helping tutor her. Octavia was in the year below and needed help with Biology so Miss Blake had asked Clarke to help. They were friendly to each other but still felt a little awkward.
Bellamy had broken it off with Fox about 3 weeks later because he didn't think it was working. He didn't feel the same way about her that she felt about him.
Clarke had found out at school and had made the effort to go hang out with Bellamy the next day. They'd broken out the old games console and played well into the early hours of the morning. Neither of their parents really noticed. Miss Blake was so used to having Clarke round she'd forgotten she'd been up there, and Abby was doing a shift at the hospital.
As she couldn't be bothered to go home that night, she'd kipped on the small pull out bed Bellamy still kept in the corner of his room. They'd used to use it as kids to make a den. They used to pretend it was a castle, or a tent, or their personal favorites, a spaceship. Up until the ages of about 10, both the kids had wanted to be astronauts.
Of course, Clarke was still dating Finn so their friendship didn't go back to exactly how it used to be. Clarke came over once or maybe twice a week which was nice, but they weren't as close as they would have liked to be.
Bellamy carried on dating, but nothing long term. He couldn't find a girl he liked hanging out with for too long, and most of them didn't share his interests. Still, going out on dates felt a lot better than staying in and doing nothing by himself. Plus Octavia and his mum were almost always arguing because Octavia, at only 16, wanted to date a 19 year old name Lincoln. Bellamy joined in the arguing sometimes because he was protective of his little sister, but he felt bad because he didn't know the guy. Maybe he'd be great for Octavia, no matter her age.
He wished he could talk to Clarke about it, but he hadn't seen her in a week or so, so he'd feel bad going to her with his problems. Besides, she'd probably be too busy, so he left it. This marked the start of his keeping secrets from her, which he'd never done before.
This brings us to the present day, which Bellamy was spending like he usually would when he didn't have a date. He was sat on his bed, making notes out of his textbook when suddenly Clarke walked in crying.
"Clarke? What happened? What's wrong?" He burst out, sitting up and Clarke just collapsed in front of him and held him tight. After a moment of hesitation, Bellamy wrapped his arms around her and lent them both back against his headboard while she was silent for a few moments, just crying.
"The jerk was cheating on me!" Clarke burst out and Bellamy felt his blood start to boil. He'd rip his stupid long hair out of his skull, he told himself before he reminded himself that was a very bad idea.
"Turns out he had a girlfriend from his old school, and he was still seeing her. She just moved here, can you believe it?" She hugged Bellamy tighter and he stroked her hair in what she hoped was a caring way. He wasn't great at this kind of stuff, and he was tempted to go and get Octavia to see if she could help.
"I'm sorry Clarke. He's a dick, just forget about him."
"I can't. He's going to be everywhere, he's going to know I'm upset and not over him while he's there with his girlfriend in paradise." She wiped a couple of tears away from her cheek. "Everyone's going to think I'm a complete idiot. He kept me going for so long."
"That's not important." Bellamy said in a soothing tone. That's not important because the guy was an ass, he thought to himself. At least now he had a proper reason to be bitter about Finn.
Clarke laughed weakly again. "I really need another boyfriend pronto." She joked.
Bellamy thought the stupidest thought ever. But seeing her this upset was enough for him to voice it.
"So date me."
Hello, hoped you liked this first chapter, I know it's a little rough around the edges but I'm very excited to be writing it. I'd love some feedback so please leave a review if you have a comment. Next chapter will be up shortly!