Author's Note:

Hey everyone, I just wanted to say that I hope you enjoy my story. It is my first for Steven Universe, although I have done Adventure Time and Minecraft stories before. Also, my grammar may need a bit of work. If you like (or don't like) the story, please comment, even if just to tell me of spelling mistakes or how I can make it better. And now, on to the first chapter…

P.S. This is set after the events of 'jail break', but before 'full disclosure'. Anyhow, enjoy!

Steven had just hung up his phone after answering Connie's questions, and now he and the Gems were looking around at all the damage caused by the ship's crash landing. The upper end of a Gem de-stabilizer was sticking up through the top of a large pile of rubble Steven had started to climb in order to get a better vantage point. Just before he got to the top, he heard a hoarse coughing noise coming from inside the pile, followed by and arm breaking up to the surface in front of him.

"Uh, guys?" Steven yelled down to the other Gems. "I think someone is under here!"

"A human?" Pearl asked, worry clearly evident in her voice.

"I don't know, all I can see is an arm." He replied.

The arm continued to move around until its hand found something good to grab on to, and then the being underneath began to pull itself up. A few pieces of rubble were dislodged by this and fell down, forcing Steven to have to run back down the pile to avoid getting crushed by the shifting debris.

Garnet ran forwards to grab Steven just before a relatively small chunk of the ship would have crashed down on his head. All the Gems now stood and watched as the body continued to emerge from the pile. The being seemed to be a young adult white male with very spikey dark brown hair, dressed in a long metallic black trench coat covering a slightly ripped black shirt with picture of some small nova cloud out in space and what appeared to be very dark blue pants, almost on the verge of being black themselves. As he continued to pull himself out he looked around and saw the Gems.

"Hello!" He called out in the strongest voice he could muster, which unfortunately for him was still quite quiet, although just loud enough to be heard by the Gems. "Could I have some help getting out of here?"

"Are you… Human?" Pearl asked.

"No, I'm not. Is that really important?" He asked. Having nearly freed himself already, he continued to look around waiting for an answer until he spotted the Gem de-stabilizer near him. "It survived?" He nearly shouted to himself as he lunged at it, which caused it to move and start to fall down the pile. "No, no, no, no, Noo!" He quickly face-palmed at his stupidity before pulling his last leg free and falling down after it, trying to catch it before it broke.

A few seconds later he landed a couple feet in front of the Gems, the de-stabilizer just out of reach in front of him. Amethyst picked it up carefully and held it away from him. Pearl pulled out her weapon and pointed it at him in a defensive position, while Garnet summoned her gauntlets. Steven just stood slightly behind Garnet, watching. The mysterious figure slowly raised his face, only to see Pearl's spear a few feet above him and pointed right at him.

"Uhhg…" He groaned as he shifted a bit. Crashing and then falling out of rubble was certainly not the most pleasant experience he'd ever had. "Did it break?" He weakly asked.

"This thing?" Said Amethyst, holding his prize above him well out of reach.

"Yes. Give it to me." He replied.

Pearl was not ready to let this stranger who had willingly said they were not human gain a tool who's destructive and dangerous force she had recently witnessed. "Not yet. What are you if you aren't human?"

"That is a question I'd like an answer to myself." He said. "By the way, is Lapis still here?"

Well, he knows Lapis. Pearl thought. Which means he must have been to homeworld or be in some sort of league with the other Gems. "Lapis is not here. Now, if you will not answer what you are, then who are you?"

"Where is she?" Was all he said.

"Listen, we will ask the questions here, and you will answer them. Until you have proven yourself trustworthy, you are to all intents and purposes our captive." Garnet said.

"Well then, if that's what I am, you'll have to provide some healing for my nearly fatal internal injuries, which, by the way, won't be treatable in current human hospitals, because I'm not going to be much use to you dead." He said with a slight smirk. "And now, please excuse me while I black out."

After a few seconds of debating; Steven, Pearl, and Garnet carried his unconscious body inside so they could figure out what to do with him while Amethyst went to put the Gem de-stabilizer somewhere safe in case they could use it to make the stranger talk once he woke up.

End of Introduction chapter. Hope you all enjoyed! Next Chapter will be out within around a week or so, maybe sooner if it gets lots of comments that like it. Bye!