So, after a long time I am back to writing lemons. As I said, I would rewrite the Story and here is a preview.

The actual chapter is already 3.2k in and coming along steadily. I hope you enjoy yourselves.

Percy and Annabeth survived the war and get granted immortality and settle down alone on an island. Well, not totally alone. Lemon harem and so on I apologize for the spelling mistakes.

"So here we are," Percy announced and stopped in front of the Villas front door next to Annabeth.

"It's nice," Piper offered half-heartedly.

Percy looked back at the crowd of girls. Piper stepped next to Percy and gave him a small smile. She at least didn't hate him.

"Come on, let's not keep the others waiting," Annabeth reminded him.

Reyna and Calypso were very annoyed and Reyna was drumming her fingers on the top of her suitcase. Calypso was understandably not happy about being stuck on an island again.

Rachel even looked downright pissed. Hazel, on the other hand, didn't seem to be angry with her and was curiously scanning her surroundings, her eyes lingering at the beach visible through the palm trees.

Surprisingly Drew looked the most upbeat and was as gorgeous as usual in her mini jeans, stomach free top from Hollister and son glances.

Getting back on their good side would be an issue. He would be stuck with them after all.

What had the gods been thinking? Percy had had no idea what they meant when they said they would reward him but nothing had prepared him for this. They had insisted on turning him into a god and he hadn't put up too much of a fuss because Annabeth had gotten the same reward.

Poseidon's reward had been more than enough, as questionable as it had been. Poseidon had created the shadow realm that they were now on along with the villa and everything realm. It would have been fine if it stayed at that but apparently, Poseidon had also thrown in a bunch of Naiads as servants or slaves to take care of his every need. It would have more than enough if it had stayed at that. The other gods had also shown them their gratitude in the most inappropriate way imaginable.

Aphrodite's gift had turned out to be Piper and Drew. Piper had gotten Khione as a war prize but since she was now also Percy's property he was also in charge of the snow Goddess.

Hades had given Percy Hazel as a present along with Selina, Bianca, and Zoe who had been brought back to life for that occasion.

Zoe had given the god of the underworld a very direct statement of her opinion on being brought back to life to serve as a concubine right there in the council chamber.

Artemis had also given the god of the underworld a piece of her mind.

Reyna Calypso had been collective gifts from the entire council, something neither she nor Leo were particularly pleased about. Reyna wasn't either.

So basically all the pretty girls Percy had known from his past life were now his private concubine and that put him in a very awkward position considering that he was friends with most of the girls. To add the cherry on top all the girls had been granted immortality, seeing as they shouldn't age or anything.

Bianca, Zoe, Selina, Calypso, and Khione had apparently arrived a few days earlier.

Annabeth too had been presented her fair share of gifts but of course, she didn't get any sexual partners. Having a harem was reserved to male gods. That was sexist but that's how things were.

Just when Annabeth was about to open the door it opened revealing Bianca Di Angelo. The former huntress was wearing a wet white shirt and shimmering through it, Percy could see a Bikini.

"Finally! We've been here for days. What took you so long?"

"I'm sorry for making you wait," Percy said staring at Bianca wide-eyed. He had known that she would be here but seeing her again...

Bianca seemed to realize this because she grinned at him, "Yes, I'm alive and well." Then, to his surprise, she gave him a quick hug.

"Come in folks. Leave your bags up front. The naiads will Handel everything," Bianca said and stepped aside, welcoming them into Percy's residence.

While everyone was setting down their bags in Bianca and the other girls themselves to each other and then they followed Bianca deeper into the house. "So, Zoe and Calypso are at the pool. Sadly, we weren't allowed to leave the house because the Naiads didn't allow it without you giving us permission to. Selina and Khione are here too somewhere but I haven't seen them jet. The Naiads are keeping them somewhere else," Bianca explained.

Percy wanted to ask why Selina had been isolated from the others but chose to sort that out later. Khione being put somewhere secure made perfect sense. She was dangerous.

They entered a large living room. It looked great. One wall was consumed by a row of large, floor to ceiling windows and a glass double door. There was also a long black living room table with over a dozen chairs and an assortment of large bean bags, sofas, and couches that faced the biggest TV setup Percy had ever seen.

He spotted Calypso and Zoe lying on deck chairs wearing shorts.

"Nice setup," Drew commented.

"Okay, girls. Do whatever you want for now. You can leave the house of course," Percy announced and then he, Piper, and Annabeth followed Bianca out into the inner courtyard. Next to the pool, there was also a decent sized lawn.

"How are thy doing?" Zoe greeted him and sat up when she approached him. Calypso also gave him a strained smile.

"All things considered I am doing well. You?" he asked.

Zoe frowned, "Apart from the fact that I went from enjoying Elysium to being a Concubine in thy harem I am well. Don't worry about it. It's good to see you."

"What do you think?" Calypso growled. "I spent millennia stuck on an island alone, was free for a few weeks with a guy who came back for me and is now stuck on an island. I guess I'm lucky that I'm not alone again."

"I'm really sorry," Percy apologized.

"Not your fault," Calypso finally said.

Percy stayed silent as Annabeth, Zoe, Piper, and Calypso formally introduced themselves to each other.

"Percy, Annabeth. You should go and check out the rest of the house. We should get together at dinner and talk things over," Zoe announced and gave him a meaningful look.

Percy groaned. He had, of course, fantasized about most girls in the building at some point along with Annabeth. He had also imagined what an orgy with them would be like. Now, that he had to address these girls in person, having them as a harem seemed a lot less appealing.

"Good idea Zoe, and of course you can leave the house. You should also get to know the other girls. Percy, you with me!" Annabeth said and grabbed Percy's hand and pulled him away.

"Do you know where you are going?" he asked as the daughter or Athena dragged him down a hallway and then up a flight of stairs that spiraled up until they stopped in front of a door.

Annabeth pushed open the door and they entered the coolest bedroom Percy had ever seen. Two of the were lined with windows, one side looking out into the inner courtyard and the other inner presented him with a memorable view of the sparkling blue ocean.

Then there was the giant, king-sized bed against one of the walls with a door right next to it. Next to it was another couch and two armchairs facing a large flat screen that was hanging from the wall. Then there were was also a spindly metal staircase that led further up.

At the room's other side was a large desk with two computer screens, a number or large bookshelves filled with books and a comfortable reading space with sitting cushions. There was also a second door. Then there was also what looked like a walk in closet.

"Annabeth?" Percy asked slightly worried, watching as she closed the bedroom door.

"I knew you met Calypso!" she growled.

Percy sighed, "Relax Wise Girl. I don't love her."

Annabeth sighed, walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge. "You're probably right," she trailed off when Percy sat down next to her and grabbed her hand.

"Annabeth, I won't rape anyone! I don't care if they are officially my slaves or something," she promised.

"Seaweed brain," Annabeth said softly like she always did when she was about to explain something to him. "I am not worried that you'll rape anyone. We both know that you are pretty cute and will be living together with a bunch of girls for a long time. No, you will the only guy they will have access to an and we both know that some of them already threw an eye on you. You won't need to rape them, they will approach you."

Percy stared at Annabeth and then laughed nervously. "Annabeth, I swear-" Annabeth cut him off by placing a finger on his lips.

"We will talk about this later Percy. You already stole my heart years ago but thanks to my mother, my body is also yours now and gosh this really is a nice bedroom," she said slyly, her gaze sweeping the room.

Finally, Percy caught along and started grinning. It had happened two weeks ago, about three hours after had moved into a flat together that they had done it for the first time. Then they hadn't stopped and had somehow spent every free moment undressed. That was before the gods had gone crazy one week earlier.

"Thanks for reminding me that having a harem has at least one advantage," he muttered.

"What advantage would that be?" Annabeth asked and pointedly looked away from him smiling.

"Well, for one I can do this now whenever I want," Percy joked and bounced one of the blonde's curled while looking her over. Boy did she look great in her blue tank top and short jeans, an outfit that promoted her delicious curves.

Annabeth laughed and slapped Percy's shoulder before he pulled her onto his lap.

"You're not allowed to slap me. I can bounce your curls whenever I want," Percy insisted and then bounced the curl again and this time Annabeth sat still and smiled patiently.

"Would it be a very shitty move to take advantage of my new power to get you in the sack?" Percy asked

Annabeth sniggered, "Yes Seaweed brain, taking advantage of me would be a shitty move. I think I'll forgive you, though."

"In that case I guess I will just have to be the bad boy that takes advantage of you," Percy said and kissed Annabeth on the lips. He tugged on the hem of her tank top and Annabeth smoothly pulled the garment off and tossed it aside. Under the tank top, she was wearing a gray bra.

"The best part is I can now play with them all day long," Percy announced and grabbed one of the firm mounds through the bra and gave it a hearty squeeze.

"Percy. Are you really complaining about not getting to play with my boobs enough?" she asked and laughed.

Percy grinned sheepishly. "Well, now I can do with them whatever I want ," he said and kissed Annabeth's neck, his free hand cupping one of the blond's breasts.

"I guess you can," Annabeth agreed, smiling. She then reached behind her back and unclasped her bra.

Percy removed his and allowed the blond to remove the garment altogether. After tossing the useless garment aside Annabeth straddled Percy. "So, now that you can take all the liberties with me, is there anything else I can expect to be doing?" she asked.

Percy smirked, "Well, remember the time you told me you didn't like doing blowjobs because you thought they were demeaning?"

Annabeth's groaned, "You are kidding me? Right?"

This it what I will show you for now! Stay turned, I am back. I will update the full chapter in a new Story by the end of the Weekend.

WinterWolf over and out.