A/N: Hi everyone, thanks for taking the time to check out the story. I want to give fair warning, this is a Brazen (Brenda/Jason) story. There will be no happily ever after with Elizabeth or Sam. Though I love Liz and was on team Liason, I missed Brazen. There just aren't enough Jason and Brenda stories out there to read so I thought I would write my own. Liz and Sam are not shown in a very good light during this story. You know those moments when you yell at the TV and tell the character not to say that or do something else... yeah well, you will see my thoughts come through.

About the story: I wanted Brenda to come back and be there for Jason during one of his lowest moments. The story will follow 2007 GH events with some twists and other stories integrated. You will find out along the way more about Brenda.

Edit: 12-01-18

Chapter Inspiration Songs: (link in profile)

Dangerous Girl - by Lana Del Rey (Brenda's Intro)

Broken - by Seether, Amy Lee

Time To Say Goodbye


Chapter 1

Finding Jake

Jason ran his fingers against the hard steel that bound his wrist. No matter how he turned his hand, he found no comfort from the restriction. The sound of metal hitting metal was one he had become accustomed to. He was once again handcuffed to the interrogation room table at the PCPD.

He knew the charges were serious, arrested for the murder of Lorenzo Alcazar wasn't to be taken lightly, but after going over every detail in his mind, he had yet to learn what possible evidence they had on him. He had been careful, he always was.

This had been his third day in lockup and his attorney, Diane, was still desperately trying to get him out on bail. She pleaded with him to give her something to work with, but unfortunately, he kept cutting her off at the knees. His lawyer was worried about Elizabeth Webber testifying. Jason had his own concerns as well but was determined to keep her out of this mess. There were too many secrets wrapped around Elizabeth and her infant son, Jake. Aside from a small few, the world could not know that he fathered her child during a moment of comfort. Everyone thought the child was her husband, Lucky's, and for the sake of Jake's safety— Jason agreed to the lie. It was times like these that made him realize that he made the right decision.

Staying out of Jake's life and letting detective Lucky Spencer raise him, it was for the best. Still, he wished more than anything he could be a part of that little boy's future. The pain of wanting that was suffocating him. Random visits from Elizabeth were not helping, no matter how much he enjoyed seeing her. It was making Lucky suspicious.

Jason had to admit it felt nice to have so many people care about him. He had visits from Carly, Spinelli, Sonny, Emily, and of course— Elizabeth. Out of all the visits, Sonny's brief stay unnerved him the most. Apparently, Amelia Joffe— Sam's boss, gave Sonny information on his girlfriend's past. The redhead producer decided she would stop by to convince Jason of its truth. Sonny insisted that Jason hear her out when she visits.

A sudden whistle from the squad room caught Jason's attention. Most of the officer's eyes in the room looked upon a certain brunette, in a suede dress, walking his way. Her high heels clicked on the floor as she entered the interrogation room. With a big smile, she removed her sunglasses and threw them on the table. "Hi, Hubby."

"Brenda," Jason said, his eyes widening, "What the hell are you doing here?" He couldn't believe she was standing in front of him. The pit of his stomach turned and filled him with concern.

"Aw, I missed you too, Jase," she said, her tone dripping of sarcasm but her face revealing the hidden truth to her admission.

He realized his reply came out harsher than he intended it to. Yes, he had missed her, but he knew she shouldn't be here. It was too dangerous for her. "What I meant was— you know it's not safe, that's why I told you to stay away."

Brenda waved her hand dismissively. "You are my friend," she began, "you get locked up, I come see you. That's just how it is."

Jason sighed, he tended to do that a lot around her. "You might as well sit." He gestured to the chair in front of him. "Which one called you?"

"Emmy," she replied as she sat down and crossed her legs, "then Spinelli, then Robin." She gave him a serious look. "They are all VERY worried about you. I figured something was wrong when you didn't call. I haven't heard from you in over a week."

She studied him a moment as if it had been much longer than 10 days. Springing her hand up, she reached over and ran her fingers through his overgrown hair. "Wow," she commented as he shook his head, forcing her to stop her combing. "I hadn't realized how long it got. You normally have it slicked back when we Skype."

"Yeah, worry about yourself," he said looking her up and down. "Like— what are you wearing? It's short." He admitted to himself that Brenda always looked more classy than trashy, but she was still showing a lot of leg in his opinion.

"I'll have you know this dress is made by a very popular designer. It's called having style. You should try it. Though—" she began as she gave him a once over, "I am digging the blue, it's nice to see you in color."

Jason rolled his eyes. "Yes, I will make sure to get arrested now and then just to appease your color choices." He frowned thinking he could probably make good on that deal.

"Enough of that, what can I do to get you out of here?"

"You—" he pointed at her and continued, "will do nothing. I mean it, Bren, Diane is already doing everything she can. You, Spinelli, Carly— you have to stay out of it."

"Oh," she began, shaking her head, "you did not just lump me in with those two."

"In this case, yes I did. You all have good hearts and want to help," Jason said, hoping to convey that he appreciated it, as inconvenient as it may be, "but I can't have any crazy ideas or escape plans messing up Diane's work."

Brenda slowly curled her lips upward and moved closer. "Trust me, I have had an escape plan in the works for you for a couple of years now— just in case it's ever needed."

Jason gave her a weary look. "You're serious?"

Her brown eyes began to twinkle as she grinned. "Very."

Jason shook his head. She always surprised him, but she rarely thinks about the implications of her actions. "Brenda—"

"Well, well, well, look at what we have here," Ric's haughty tone spoke out as he walked into the room. "It's a blast from the past. Sorry to say, Brenda, but marrying him won't save him this time."

Jason glared at the district attorney who was trying to convict him.

Brenda turned to the man in disgust. "Lansing, how are you not in jail?"

"I could ask you the same question."

"Touché," she replied in a bored tone.

"Now, since I have you here, you can answer a few questions for me about your communication over the last few months with Mr. Morgan, here," Ric addressed Brenda, gesturing between the two of them.

"And, You," she replied, smiling innocently, "can speak to my lawyer."

Jason smirked. Good girl.

"Have something to hide, Brenda?" Ric asked, giving her a pointed look.

Brenda crossed her arms. "It's Miss Barrett to you. And— could you really blame me with the history of corrupt D.A.'s in this precinct?"

"Fine," Ric ground out, his tone annoyed, "should I have questions I need answering, I'll be sure to have your lawyer contacted. For now, your visit with Mr. Morgan is over."

Brenda reached over and squeezed Jason's hand. "You let me know if you need anything."

Jason nodded and watched her walk out. He noticed that she stopped in front of her rookie cop brother, Cooper, and gave him a hug. Jason's eyes narrowed as he saw Detective Cruz take and kiss her hand. That bastard is hitting on her.

Ric watched her leave and licked his lips. "That is one hot piece of ass and spunky too, just how I like 'em. Perhaps I should have waited for her to return instead of Sam?" he said, his leering eyes never leaving Brenda.

"Shut your mouth, Lansing, you don't talk about her like that," Jason said, his enforcer tone coming out.

Ric turned to face him with an evil grin. "A little overprotective of your ex, aren't you, Morgan?"

Shit, this was not good. He should have just kept his mouth shut like he normally did and not let Ric rile him up. He decided he would just stay silent and let the asshole prattle on till he was finished. After watching Cruz's obvious attempts to flirt with Brenda, Jason was glad when she finally left.

As the day went on, Jason's mood soured. He had finished having the most disturbing conversation with Amelia in regards to Sam. The producer informed him about his girlfriend's cons that included marriages to many men and even the death of one.

As if that bout of truth wasn't enough, Sam also knew about his connection to Jake. Every time they would happen to conveniently bump into Elizabeth with the baby— Sam knew. All of her comments and attempts were to make him fess up that he was the father of Elizabeth's son. His trust in her was dwindling.

After a nap in his cell, he was brought back to the interrogation room. Instead of an empty room, he found a very distraught Elizabeth sitting in a chair.

"Elizabeth," he interrupted and gently touched her shoulder, "what is it?"

She looked at him with red puffy eyes. "Someone took Jake, he's missing," she choked out before breaking down into tears again.

Jason's heart stopped. This can't be happening. His son who he had only held a few times is missing. "Okay, Elizabeth, I need you to calm down and tell me exactly what happened."

Elizabeth proceeded to tell him about taking the kids to the park and how Spinelli and Lulu stopped by. She mentioned that Sam also had a quick visit with her after they left. That made him suspicious. She continued to explain how when she turned after tying her eldest son's shoe, Jake was gone.

Jason attempted to console Elizabeth as much as he could, but he himself was finding it difficult to keep his own emotions in check. Things only worsened when the department sent in a psychologist named Lainey to question Elizabeth. As the shrink circled the term 'postpartum depression', Jason could tell this woman had an agenda. She wasn't here to help, she was here to interrogate. God damn cops, they always go after the mother as a suspect in these cases.

He made Elizabeth stop talking to the shrink. The police should be concentrating on finding the real person who took his son.

After being left alone in the room once again, he began to pace. Every so often, he would stop at the window, hoping to catch a glimpse of any new activity.

He noticed Elizabeth run up to Lucky and hug him with a smile. Something must have happened. Jason blew out a breath he had been holding. They must have found Jake.

He waited for the time to go by just as the couple in the squad room did. When a woman with a baby carrier came walking into the building, Elizabeth ran to her and looked at the baby. She turned around quickly and began to cry. "No," he found himself saying out loud. It wasn't Jake.

Defeated, the enforcer was ushered back to his cell for a sleepless night.


The next day things had only worsened. By late afternoon he asked to make a call.

"Bren, I need you," he barely got out before his throat closed.

"On my way," was all she said before hanging up.

Jason sat at the table and rested his head against his hands. His son still had not been found. Earlier, he had a morning visit with Sam and it drained him. His girlfriend finally confronted him. She screamed and yelled about his lies to her and about giving Jake up freely, as if it was some easy thing to do. It was killing him. Sam confessed to her past marriages but she was holding back and evaded any questions about why she was in the park yesterday. He didn't want to believe she had anything to do with his son's disappearance, but she was guilty of something.

After that, Spinelli and Diane's visits did not go well either. He demanded Diane get him out and she continued to defend that her hands were tied. Jason had been so desperate to be free of here that he even ordered his hacker friend, Spinelli, to work his magic to get him out. The computer whiz had concocted a jailbreak plan after Jason was arrested, a plan he now refused to follow through with. Spinelli was afraid it would backfire due to Jason's current state. The kid apologized profusely before rushing out the door. It was then that Jason asked to make the call.

He didn't know what he expected Brenda to do, but he was desperate and needed the support. Over the years, they had secretly been a sounding board for each other. He told her everything, as did she. He trusted her with the Jake secret— he had to tell someone. Jason felt a little guilty for not sharing the information with Carly, but he knew she would have caused more trouble by doing what she thought was best. Brenda had her own opinions as well, but she stood by his choices.

Without looking up, he heard the door open and then felt arms around him. Brenda slid out the chair next to him and sat down. She lifted his face with her hands and looked him directly in the eyes. "I'm here."

"I gotta get out of here, Bren. I got to find my son," he whispered.

She nodded. "Alright, give me a minute to think," the brunette said, creasing her forehead in thought and mumbling to herself. "How can me being here help your situation?"

He stared at her while she yanked out her phone and began to text at hyper speed. After, she stood and began to pace while looking out the window.

"You're not doing anything that's going to get you into trouble, are you?" He was concerned now. He wanted to get out, but not at her expense.

"No." She shook her head. "Do you trust me?"

In the past, he may have hesitated, but now, he didn't need to think twice about his answer. "You know I do."

"Good, then don't worry," she said and gave him a secretive smile.

His friend once again looked out the window and appeared have seen what she was waiting for. "Okay, show time," she prepped herself. Brenda picked up her purse and whispered over to Jason, "Call me tomorrow and I will help you find Jake." With a wink, she opened the interrogation room door.

Confused, Jason watched her walk out. He suddenly jumped to his feet as he saw her fall to the floor. "Brenda!" he called out and sped towards her, unable to stop himself.

"Whoa there, Morgan," a cop said while holding him back and obstructing his view. "It's fine, she has a doctor by her side."

Looking around the body blocking him, Jason realized the doctor next to Brenda was his sister, Emily. Not knowing when exactly she got to the PCPD, he began to wonder if she was one of the people Brenda texted. "Emily— is she okay?" Jason asked, his voice concerned.

"Her blood pressure dropped, I have to get her to the hospital. NOW!" Emily yelled.

Cooper Barrett scooped his sister up into his arms. "Come on, we will take the cruiser and get there faster."

Rushing out, the three of them exited the PCPD.

Jason was nervous, he was hoping Brenda was really faking it. A moment later, he noticed Diane on the phone walking over to him. She pointed to the interrogation room and signaled for him to go back inside.

His lawyer closed the door and closed her cell phone. "That girl is a genius," she said, smirking.

"Do you want to let me in on what's going on?" he asked impatiently.

"Well, I just got us an emergency bail hearing," she informed him before sitting down. "You see, since Brenda is technically," his lawyer put her fingers up and made quotation marks, "family," she continued, "her being in the hospital is grounds for bail." Diane smiled brightly following her statement.

Jason grinned along with his lawyer. Brenda came through, he could kiss her— or maybe just send her on one of those shopping sprees she likes.


The next day, Jason walked through his penthouse door and threw his suit jacket over the desk. His roommate Spinelli looked from his computer and jumped up to run over to him.

"Stone Cold—you," he began, shuddering and fidgeting, "you are— here. Please do not tell me you are on the run from the boys in blue."

"No, Spinelli," he shook his head, "Brenda worked a little magic and got me out on bail."

The kid's eyes lit up. "Venus is home?" he clapped his hands together, "I am most excited to introduce her to the newest Grand Theft Auto."

Jason absently unbuttoned the cuffs of his sleeves. "I still don't know how you two can play those games online for so long together."

"My master's friend is a worthy advisory. Though her skills are mediocre compared to the Jackal, the beauty of her giggle penetrates the ears and brings down the defenses."

Jason rolled his eyes at his young friend but silently admitted to himself that he did enjoy Brenda's laughter. "Okay, let's get down to business, I need to know where we are in terms of leads on Jake's disappearance."


Meanwhile, across town, Brenda lay in a hospital bed hooked up to an IV. She blew out a breath and leaned back placing a hand behind her head. She was bored and couldn't wait for her release papers. To make the situation seem real, she stayed overnight in the hospital. Emily had made it look believable that she was suffering from dehydration. This meant that she had to get fluids and was being watched for observation.

Diane had checked in and told her that Jason was out on bail. She smiled at that. Brenda wished she could be out there helping him find Jake but for now, she had to play her part. She hoped that after they found the baby she would get some time with Robin, she missed the woman who was as close to her as a little sister. Emily and Robin, two women attached to her not by blood but by lifelong friendship.

Emily was really coming through on this trip— she was letting her stay at Wyndemere. There was no way in hell Brenda was checking into the Metro Court, not with the owners being her ex, Jax, and his wife, Carly. She knew she could have stayed with the Quartermaines, since they basically helped raise her, but she didn't think they would be too thrilled with guards hanging around.

Speaking of guards, Brenda took a quick look out towards the door and checked. "Yup, still there." They were usually pretty good at her not noticing them. In the past, she was against having guards, but now, with her profession in the spotlight and the lingering threat over her head— security was a necessity.

With nothing else to do, she flipped on the TV. The brunette sat up when she saw they were talking about Jake's disappearance. The screen showed a blown up picture of the baby.

"Whoa," she said surprised. How can people not see that is Jason's kid? He looks exactly like him. Shaking her head, she thought of how shitty this situation was for him. He was in so much pain. Brenda wished she could fix this situation for her friend. This past year, each time they talked, he'd been horrible at masking his emotions— something he was a usually pro at. His sadness had been leaking through. She couldn't help but feel a little hate towards Elizabeth for doing this to him.

"In other news— supermodel, Brenda Barrett, has been admitted to General Hospital in Port Charles. Reports say she collapsed while visiting her ex-husband, Jason Morgan, who has rumored ties to organized crime. Morgan has been arrested and charged for the alleged murder of Lorenzo Alcazar and is currently awaiting trial."

Brenda put her head in her hands. "Perfect, so much for a not wanting many people to know I'm here."

Just as Brenda had thought a few of Port Charles residents might make her reappearance a little difficult, some of their reactions would not go unnoticed. A certain coffee importer was proving that just that across town.


Sonny's eyes widened as he heard what the news anchor said and practically choked on his drink. The mob boss looked over to his enforcer who had just stopped by the office. Jason was here to inform him of Carly's situation with Jerry Jacks. His ex-wife's predicament pushed itself to the back of his mind as he glanced at Brenda's picture on the screen. "You didn't tell me Brenda was back."

Jason sighed. "I didn't think it would be a big deal," he lied.

"A big deal? It's Brenda," he said, throwing his arms up in the air in disbelief. She was the love that got away, how couldn't this be a big deal? Thinking of their possible reunion, Sonny gave Jason an unsure look. "She's not still mad is she?"

"Sonny," Jason began as he pinched the bridge of his nose, "you blackmailed her little brother into working for you while he was trying to make a decent life for himself. I think that she is entitled to be a little pissed off."

The mob boss scowled. He wished he'd put it together sooner that Cooper and Brenda were related. If he had known, he wouldn't have used him to be his inside man for the PCPD. "How was I supposed to know that screw-up was her brother, if he had just—"

"Sonny," Jason cut him off, "I don't have time for this. I have to go back to checking on possible suspects." Ignoring his boss' protests, the enforcer impatiently grabbed his jacket and rushed out the door.


Back at the hospital, Brenda smiled when she saw the nurse come in with her release papers. After signing them, the model sat down in the wheelchair that was waiting for her.

"Would you like me to have the limo come to pick you up Miss Barrett?" her guard asked from the doorway.

The nurse began to roll her out as she replied, "No thanks, Tom, we are going to be walking today."

He nodded and followed her to the elevator.

Leaving the hospital, they made their way to the park. Brenda felt like she had to do something to help so she decided to question people. She figured parents might be more receptive to a celebrity than some random stranger.

Hours had past and the model was coming up empty. Mostly, she just ended up posing for pictures. The sun was beginning to set when Brenda saw a woman walking with a stroller.

"Excuse me," Brenda said, tapping the mother on the shoulder.

The woman turned, looking to the man beside Brenda and became nervous. Her guard Tom was a big guy so she understood the intimidation. Waving, the model was able to steal back the stranger's attention. The mother stared at Brenda for a moment before a surprised look came across her face.

"I know you," she said, pointing to her, "you're that model— one of those Victoria's Secret Angels, Brenda Barrett."

Brenda smiled and shrugged her shoulders in a care-free way. "Guilty."

"Oh, I loved the piece they did on you in Cosmo. You've have had quite the life. I'm a big fan," the stranger said, grabbing the model's hand and shaking it.

"Thanks," Brenda replied with a grin and released her hand. "I am always glad to meet someone who likes my work." Seeing the woman's excitement to chat, she took that as an opening and continued, "I'm sorry to stop you and I am not sure if you keep up with local news, but a baby was kidnapped the other day. I am trying to help find him, so I am looking for anyone who might have been here that day and saw anything."

The woman frowned. "I did hear about that. It's so sad. I was actually in the park that day with my daughter," she said and took a moment as if she was thinking. "I don't recall seeing anything out of the ordinary. I mean, well—" The woman stopped and furrowed her brows.

"Please, anything could be helpful," Brenda coaxed her anxiously.

"Well, I don't know if it was anything other than a lady having a bad day," she replied as she looked down at her sleeping daughter.

"What lady?"

"I was sitting on the bench over there," the mother pointed to a spot across from where they stood, "I was pushing the stroller trying to get Krista, here, to fall asleep and there was a woman crying on the bench next to us. Come to think of it, she was staring at us quite a bit."

Brenda thought this might be an actual break. "Can you tell me what she looked like?"

The mother tugged on her lip in thought. "There was nothing that really made her stand out. She had long dirty blonde hair, white long sleeved top, slacks— maybe mid to late 30's."

"Did you happen to notice what direction she went in?"

The woman shook her head. "No, I'm sorry, we left before she did."

"You have been very helpful so, thank you." Brenda smiled.

"Good luck. I hope you find him, no baby should be away from their parents," she said sullenly before she left with her child.

"I agree," Brenda said to herself before turning towards her guard, "Tom, call for the limo, please."

Taking her phone from her purse, the model dialed a familiar number. "Spinelli, it's Bren, yes, yes, I missed you too," she chuckled, "I need you to go over the footage again of the park, especially by the fountain. This time you are looking for a certain woman," she explained and went on to fill him in on the details of what the distraught woman looked like. Finishing, she asked the hacker to keep her posted. Ending her call, she and Tom exited the park.

As Brenda entered the limo, she texted Jason to find out where he was. She received a reply that he was at the coffee shop so that is where she directed her driver to go.

When they arrived, Brenda jumped out and went toward the back of the cafe. With a small knock, she opened the door and smiled happily at Jason who was on the phone. He waved her in and hung up. Walking over to her, he startled the model when he lifted her up and swung her around into a rare hug. He even went as far as to kiss her on the cheek which was extremely unusual for the enforcer. Brenda, though pleased, decided it was best not to look a gift horse in the mouth.

"Thank you for getting me out," he said, giving her a grateful look as he put her down. "Spinelli said you had a lead from the park, how did you do that?"

Brenda put one hand on her hip and swished the other hand in the air. "I'm a celeb, people like to talk to me," she said, grinning, "I just hope it pays off. It's a weak lead, but it's something."

Jason sent her a genuine smile which she appreciated. "Come on," he requested, placing a hand on Brenda's back and ushering her out of the office. "I want to go talk to Amelia Joffe. She's still a suspect in my eyes."

The model easily followed along, glad he was allowing her to help.


Inside the limo, Jason unloaded on the brunette. He told her everything he found out about his girlfriend's past. He explained how Sam used to be a con-artist who would finagle money from the men she'd marry and that one of her cons happened to be Amelia Joffe's father. Somehow, the man had ended up dead by Sam's hand. Amelia's main reason for putting Sam in her show was so she could exact revenge on the unknowing woman. Jason also filled his friend in on how Sam had found out about his son.

Brenda sat there for a minute absorbing all the information. "Sam, really?" she asked in disbelief, "and she knew about Jake?"

Jason nodded in confirmation.

The model blew out a long breath. "You know, I have never been a big Sam fan, I try not to judge, but this, Jase," Brenda shook her head, trying to find the right words, "this is beyond crazy. She's like a whole different person than anyone knew."

"I know, believe me, I know," he stated.

"Also, if we are being completely honest, I am not an Elizabeth fan either." Brenda put up her hands up in a 'wait' gesture before Jason could cut her off. "Seriously, just hear me out, Jason." Noticing he was silent, Brenda continued. "Thanks. Now—" She reclined back into her seat. "I get you want your son safe, and I get that you want him to have some type of normalcy in life. Safety is a matter of perspective to the parent. Just because people have guards doesn't mean they shouldn't have kids. Do you know how many careers out there require the use of bodyguards? Usually, all matter of celebrities, politicians— rich folk. You see where I am going with this?"

"Bren, I think my business might be a little more riskier than your typical— what did you call them? Rich folk?"

"Maybe so, Jason, but they are all still in the category of maniacs out to assassinate them or taking their kids for ransom. They are still out there raising families and being the best parents they can be. And as far as Elizabeth, separate from Jake, I gotta say— I'm seeing a pattern."

Jason backed up a little with questioning eyes. "What do you mean?"

"I just mean, I have listened to you talk for months about her and I recall your past with her when I was gone. It just sounds like you are repeating history. Her wanting that picture perfect life with Lucky, but wanting you too. I am telling you this as the queen of bouncing back and forth between guys. Just be careful. I don't want to see you get hurt. I just want you to be happy."

Sometimes it surprised Jason how much this girl in front of him had changed. She no longer called him an idiot and told him what to do. Now, she only offered advice in concern and he appreciated that, even if he didn't take it. Sending her a small grateful smile, he said, "thanks for caring."

"Anytime," she replied, reaching over and giving his hand a quick squeeze. "For the record, I never want to hear shit again about my drama— you have far surpassed it at this point."

Jason couldn't help but chuckle. He realized it was the first time since this whole ordeal began that he let out any type of laughter. It was short-lived though as he quickly sobered when he saw they reached the TV station. "We're here, just let me do all the talking."

Brenda nodded.

They went inside and found Amelia reading over papers. Hearing the duo enter, she raised her head and stared at Brenda. "Brenda Barrett in my studio, it's a pleasure." The TV producer looked from Brenda to Jason. "Are you two getting back together?" she questioned, a sly smirk cornering her lips.

"We're friends," Jason snapped out, "now, I want to know what you were doing the day Jake was kidnapped."

"Why don't you ask Sam what she was doing?"

"Because I asked you and I know you are out to make Sam pay," Jason pointed out before crossing his arms.

Amelia scoffed. "By what, hurting myself in the process? I don't want to go to jail just to make your girlfriend look bad."

Due to the circumstances, Jason stopped himself from correcting the producer of the fact that he and Sam were no longer together. His brief pause gave Brenda time to jump into the conversation.

"Well, maybe you didn't want to get your hands dirty, but you could have gotten someone else to do it. Do you happen to know anyone who was in the park that day with long blonde hair, mid-thirties?" the model asked.

Jason gave her an annoyed look and mumbled a 'shut up'.

Brenda ignored him and rolled her eyes.

Between the friends' silent conversation, they almost missed the bewildered look on the producer's face.

Amelia's eyes widened as if she had a sudden revelation. "Actually— I do," she blurted out as she ran over to her files, "and it makes sense. I really thought the baby cries in the background were odd."

Jason and Brenda looked at each other with hopeful expressions before Jason spoke, "what are talking about?"

Amelia handed him a file. "Maureen Harper. She was a guest on the show. She lost her daughter in a fire and has been completely grief-stricken. When I called about her waver not being signed, she brushed me off and I could hear a baby crying in the background."

Brenda grabbed Jason's arm. "Jase, that would fit the mother's description in the park. She said the other woman just sat on the bench crying and staring at her with her baby. She was there that day."

Amelia grabbed her purse. "Let's go."


Amelia insisted on taking her car and other two only agreed when she explained that they would look less conspicuous. The producer didn't mind limos, but this was going to be a long drive and she wasn't to keen on sitting next to Jason Morgon for the length of it. As she drove, she discreetly listened to the passengers in her back seat.

"Remind me not to tell you to shut up for a while,"

"Aw— I knew you loved me, Jase," Brenda said as she patted him on the leg and he shook his head in amusement.

Amelia watched them through her mirror and a smile began to twitch at her lips. Maybe Elizabeth wasn't the biggest threat to Sam and Jason after all. She wondered if Sam knew of the closeness the friends had.

Forty minutes into their trip, they saw the sign welcoming them to Pennsylvania. Brenda looked over at Jason with a frown. "It's fine," he reassured her, trying to bring her worry down. He had officially jumped bail and crossed the state line.

"It's not, but we'll deal with it." She shrugged before looking out the window. Her face read more worry than her words carried.

When they arrived at Maureen's house, Jason was ready to thunder through the front door. Brenda held him back and Amelia held up her hand saying she would handle it. She didn't want them to scare her off. Having dealt with her already, Amelia knew this woman was more skittish than a newborn dear.

When Maureen opened the door she looked frightened to see the trio.

"What are you doing here?" she asked Amelia, "I told you I wasn't interested in your show." Holding the door only slightly open, the panicked woman looked from Brenda to Jason. "What is she doing here and who is he?" Maureen eyed them suspiciously.

"Miss Barrett," Brenda gave her a small wave as Amelia continued, "is doing a special appearance on our show and this man works with us."

"Yes," the model said, playing along, "I was so touched by your segment and my main charity is working with children, I was hoping you would reconsider."

Suddenly, all pleasantries were stopped when they heard a baby crying. "You have to go, I'm not interested," Maureen said before Jason stopped her from shutting the door. The three of them maneuvered around the woman and rushed inside. "Get out of my home before I call the police," she warned in a shaky voice.

"You won't do that, because you stole that baby from the park," Jason insisted.

Maureen began to break down. "I didn't mean to do it, I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't hurt him— I swear, he's right upstairs. I just wanted another chance to be a mother."

Jason nodded towards the stairs and Amelia ran up to check the baby. The producer let out a sigh of relief when she found the child, sucking his thumb, inside a crib. Lifting him out, she quickly checked him over. Seemly in perfect health, she held him close and made her way back down the stairs.

Maureen continued to cry and talk about the fire. When she pulled out the little hat that said Jake, Brenda wrapped a hand around Jason's arm to steady him. He was trying to be strong but anyone could see he was emotionally overwhelmed.

Amelia came into the living room and instantly handed Jake to Jason.

Happy tears gathered in Brenda's eyes as she saw the pure joy that crossed her friend's face. With a smile, the model laid her head on Jason's shoulder and watched him talk to his son.

"I'm assuming you're his parents," Maureen choked out, "I'm so sorry I did this to all of you. You two really do make a beautiful couple. "

It was the same fact Amelia had noticed but didn't comment on.

"Please tell Sam I'm sorry too and that I'm glad she told you." Maureen sniffled before she sat down.

The rest of them looked at each other. "Told us what?" asked Jason.

"That I took little Jake. She was there in the park, she saw me take him. I thought she was going to stop me but she didn't. I figured she understood that I needed this second chance. I assume she's the one who told you I had him." The woman said, not noticing the shocked faces of those around her. She put her head in her hands. "I'm so sorry."

"I am going to beat Sam's ass," Brenda she whispered forcefully to Jason.

"You," Jason gestured to Brenda "will not say a word to her because you are going to stay away from her. I will handle this," he replied, mirroring her tone.

Brenda blew out a frustrated breath and tabled the topic for the time being. She stayed silent while Amelia talked to Maureen about childcare and getting help. Jason decided that it was for the best as well.

On the way back to Port Charles, Jason continued to look at his son and take in every detail about him.

"He's beautiful, Jase, he's has your eyes— Lila's eyes," Brenda said, smiling, "can I hold him for a minute?"

"Yeah." Jason grinned like a proud parent while he handed him over to her.

Brenda giggled as she held his little hand. "Hi Jake, I'm your Aunt Brenda." Jake watched her with his big eyes. "I guess now is the best time to give you some advice," she said to the baby with a soft voice, "make sure you take your best girl-friend to prom, you'll have a better time."

"Brenda," Jason chuckled out.

She ignored him and continued to talk to Jake. "Black is not the only color out there, make sure you have plenty of different colored shirts in your closet. Also, no matter what you think— girls do not like to be told to shut up." Jake let out a coo making her laugh. "See, he gets it."

Jason rolled his eyes and then smiled at watching Brenda with his son. "Now, with that said," she went on, "know that your father is an amazing man who puts the people he loves first and you, Little Guy, are at the top of that list." She gave him a kiss and handed Jake back to Jason.

Amelia could see Jason was touched by what his friend said. She continued to be quiet for the rest for the ride, locked in her memories. Amelia thought of her own father. The man wasn't perfect, he wasn't a good husband, but he was a great father and now he was gone thanks to Samantha McCall. The producer looked in the mirror once again at the closeness of the couple behind her. Revenge was sweet. She decided that at this moment, she didn't need to do anything else, Sam's life was going to implode on its own.


Elizabeth read the words out loud, her voice monotone. She read the words without connecting them to any meaning. She wasn't even sure what story this was— just that there had been a floppy eared bunny on the cover. Occasionally, Elizabeth would look down and smile at Cam, but it held no happiness. She didn't think she would ever be happy again, not until Jake was home.

When the front door opened, Elizabeth turned from her spot on the couch, expecting to find Lucky home. Instead, she was greeted with Jason— and Brenda? Holding hands? Before she could question this newest development, her eyes latched onto the bundle in Jason's arms. Jake.

Elizabeth moved Cam to the side and ran over to them. "Oh my God, Jake!" She held out her arms and took her son from Jason. "Oh, my baby." She cried over him, holding him tight. "Mommy missed you so much," she whispered to her baby boy. After fussing over him and checking to make sure he was okay. She took notice again to Jason and Brenda, hand in hand, smiling at her.

She couldn't understand what Brenda was doing in Port Charles or why she and Jason seemed so comfortable with each other. She began to become suspicious. Her eyes looked into Brenda's. "Did you take him? Is that why Jason brought you back here?"

This earned her a shocked look from Jason.

Surprised herself, Brenda said, "What, no, why would you think that?"

Before Elizabeth could answer, Lucky walked through the door and ran to Elizabeth. "My son— my son is home," he cried out as he took the baby from her. Brenda saw Jason's face and squeezed his hand for support. He gave her a slight smile and squeezed back.

Did he tell Brenda? It pained Liz to see the closeness between the two of them, but now, she needed to concentrate on Jake. Realizing the group needed to talk, she picked up Cameron. "Okay, I am going to take Cam upstairs so we can all discuss this."

Elizabeth quickly took Cam to his room and set him up with some toys to keep him occupied. When she returned, she took Jake from Lucky's arms.

Jason explained about the guest from the show and how in a moment of grief, she carried Jake off.

Lucky turned to Brenda. "And how do you fit into all this?"

"Jake wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Brenda," Jason answered for her, "she talked to people in the park and got the lead that led us to the woman." He looked to her and his eyes showed appreciation.

"Brenda, it's not that I'm not thankful, because I am, but why go through so much trouble to help us?" Lucky asked.

That's what Elizabeth wanted to know.

"Well, Jason said he wanted to help you both. Since Jason and I are friends, I volunteered myself." She gave her best convincing smile.

"I'm sorry I accused you of anything," Liz apologized to her, still unable to keep glancing at their hands clasped together.

"Yes, thank you, Brenda," Lucky said and then his voice hardened, "thanks to both of you." Trying not to glare at Jason, he continued, "I want the name of the woman, she needs to be arrested."

Jason argued in the woman's defense that she was sick and needed help, not be in jail. He refused to give her name which only angered Lucky and frustrated Elizabeth. They all watched Lucky pick up his phone and dial.

"Hey, Cruz, Jake is home with us," he paused to smile, "I know, we are all relieved. Listen, I need you to send a squad car over to our house to arrest Jason Morgan for breaking bail."

Before he could even hang up, Brenda was releasing Jason's hand and going for Lucky. Jason held her back. "What the hell, Lucky, he brings Jake back and you have him arrested?"

"Brenda," Jason said into her ear.

"No, Jase, Lucky is the one being an ungrateful prick!"

"Brenda," Jason said again in a calm voice while he still held onto her wiggling arms.

Lucky took a step forward. "Brenda, I am grateful, but Jason broke the law."

"This is all about spite because Jason found him and not you or your precious police force." She glared at Lucky then turned to question Liz. "Are you not going to say anything?"

Liz continued her silence, staring at the floor. This was a delicate situation and she wasn't sure what to do.

The model glared at her in disgust. "Unbelievable."

"Are you looking to be arrested as well, Brenda— technically you were an accomplice," Lucky pointed out.

Brenda smirked and held out her arms to him with her wrists together.

Lucky gave the brunette a pointed look. "Will you just leave— before I have to drag you down there with him."

"She's leaving," Jason quickly stated and then turned her around to face him, "Bren, please, just do this for me. I can't be sitting in a cell worrying about you," he begged, his face softening, "Please."

Brenda shook her head and tried to keep her tears at bay. "This is so wrong, Jason."

Lucky and Elizabeth were surprised when the model flung herself at Jason and encircled him in a strong hug. Even stranger was when he equally returned it. Brenda touched his face and gave him a little smile. She promised him she would call his lawyer as she exited the house.

Jealousy raged through Elizabeth while her husband observed Jason pensively. "I thought you were with Sam?" Lucky asked.

Jason never replied to his question.

Sneak peek: Brenda sees Sonny, Jason has a flashback, and Carly's not a happy camper. Don't forget to fav/follow/review. :D