A/N: Here's another story. The pairings will be decided in later chapters, but feel free to leave who you want it to be in the reviews. I was thinking that it would either be Lucy with Soul or Black Star. Anyways enjoy the chapter.

I'm a Mage, not a Witch!

Chapter 1

Lucy was on her way back from a mission she recently di by herself. Her rent was due and she only needed a little bit more jewels, so she took a job that involved her moving boxes for a supply store. She didn't want to be an inconvenience to her team since it was such a simple job. There had been a lot of boxes to move so she had been in the town for a couple.

She was, however, glad that she could ride the train in peace and not have a dragon slayer throwing up every 5 minutes. Lucy did feel a little bad about not bringing her team with her, but there would be plenty more jobs to go on with her team when she got back.

Lucy was just about to relax with Plue in her arms when the train was stopped. She sent Plue back to the Spirit World and look out the window just to notice that they weren't at a train station yet. Weird, Lucy thought. A few moments later she heard screams coming from the cab in front of her. She hopped of her seat and ran to the noise. When she arrived she saw a dark mage hijacking the train.

"Stop right there!" Lucy screamed at the mage. The mage then looked up and just smirked at Lucy. He had dark red hair, vibrant blue eyes, and wore dark pants and t-shirt. He adorned a black cape that covered most of his body except his head.

"And what if I don't?" He asked smugly. Lucy ran up to him and gave him a Lucy Kick. He flew out the window into the forest next to the tracks.

"I want you to get everyone to a safe distance away from the battle," she said to the conductor of the train. The conductor told everyone evacuate from the train. Lucy nodded and ran out to the mage that was still recovering from her kick.

[A/N: the mage will have Zero's magic but he is an OC (I'm not that creative to make up magic)]

"Dark Capriccio," the mage said. A beam of light came out and around it swirled a beam of blue. Lucy jumped out of the way, but it still hit her leg leaving a few cuts and a burn. Lucy groaned in pain when she heard another familiar voice.

"Ice Make: Eagles," the voice said, Lucy turned and saw Lyon standing there with his ice eagles coming out of his hand. He then ran to Lucy to help her up.

"Lucy are you okay?" He asked lifting her up. She couldn't put any pressure on her leg because of her burn. She took out her keys and called upon one of her spirits.

"Open the Gate of the Lion: Loke!" Lucy shouted. Like came out and immediately went to work. With Loke and Lyon both attacking the mage, Lucy looked back at train to see that everyone was out. She grabbed her whip and started making her way to the battle. She started attacking the mage while balancing on one foot.

The battle went on for a good 20 minutes. The mage laid on the ground and he appeared to be knocked out. Loke had gone back to the spirit world and Lyon was going up to Lucy to help her stand.

"If you don't mind me asking, why are you out here without your team?" Lyon asked steadying Lucy on a tree.

"Well, I only needed a little money for rent and so I took a simple mission on moving boxes for the money. I didn't think that they would want to go. And I also wanted all of the reward money," Lucy said wincing at the slight pain in her leg.

Lyon nodded understanding her reasoning. Team Natsu did have a reputation on destroying things. While Lyon had his back turned to the mage, the mage started mumbling a spell and getting up.

"In a world where magic is evil, and people are weapons, you will meet you end," he said lifting his hand and shooting a ray of magic toward the two near the tree. Lucy saw the magic and forced herself to get in front of Lyon and take the hit directly. She screamed in pain as her body started to glow and fade away.

"Lucy!" Lyon shouted. He stalked up to the mage and hit him in the face. "Where did Lucy go!?" he demanded. The mage just laughed and fell unconscious. Lyon shouted in frustration and froze the mages hands and feet. He hoisted the mage over his shoulder and made the long trek back to Magnolia.

Maka and Black Star were training in the forest with their weapons behind the DWMA when they heard a girl scream. They immediately followed the sound to the very back of the forest. When they arrived they saw a blonde girl lying on the ground with her leg cut and burned, and her clothes all torn up. Soul and Tsubaki changed back into their human forms and they all stared at the girl in in the ground.

Maka being the responsible person she is went up to the girl and looked at her wounds. When she got there she saw the girl stir in her sleep and scream out in pain again. Maka tried to get the girl to stop.

The blonde, Lucy, had tears coming out of her eyes as she opened them and saw 4 people she didn't recognize looking at her. She sat up and backed up to a tree looking back at the people. She winced as she tried to stand but her bad leg collapsed under her and Lucy let out a small whimper and a few harsh breaths trying to ease the pain with her eyes closed tightly.

"Hey, calm down," Maka said, "We're not going to hurt you." Her voice was soothing and Lucy looked at her still breathing harshly. "My name's Maka, and these are my friends. Soul is the one with the white hair. Black Star has the blue hair. And the other girl is Tsubaki." She paused as Lucy processed the information. "Your leg looks pretty bad there, why don't we take you to the infirmary and get it cleaned."

Lucy nodded her head while she a mumbled a "Yeah" and she tried to stand again, but when she went to get up she was falling again. I guess that was a pretty powerful hit, Lucy thought. She was on her way down when she felt a pair of arms catching her. She looked up and saw Maka holding her upright. She mumbled a "Thanks," and grabbed Maka's arms to steady herself further.

"Soul come here and carry her," Maka said to Soul as she was supporting the blonde. He walked over and was about to pick her up when she protested.

"No, its fine I can walk," Lucy said weakly. "I've had worse." All the others looked at her like she is crazy. Lucy went to take a step with her good leg and was fine, but when she took a step with her bad one she cried out in pain once more and gripped onto Maka harder so she couldn't fall. At that point Soul came over and picked her up bridal style. Lucy bit her lip at the pain that coursed through her leg. Tears started to come out of her eyes once again.

They started making their way back to DWMA, and every couple feet Lucy would feel a sharp pain in her leg and grab hold of Soul's jacket tighter. She would then apologize let go of his jacket. And every time he would say that it was nothing.

Soul would look at the beauty in his arms and try to be as careful as possible to try not to hurt her. With the tears running down her face you would think that she would be screaming out in pain every 5 seconds, but Lucy was strong and kept her silent screams to herself.

They got up the stairs to the DWMA and went as fast as they could to the infirmary. As they were making their way to the infirmary, other students would look at them in confusion. Some of the guys would get nosebleeds by looking at Lucy, and they would get a swift Maka Chop to the head. They finally made it to their destination, Soul placed Lucy down on the bed and she finally let out a small noise.

"Oh my god," she gasped. "That hurt like a motherfucker," she chuckled and Soul along with her.

"Yeah sorry," Soul said as he stood up l rubbing the back of his head. "You're not from here are you?" He asked looking at the blonde in the bed.

"Where is here, and how did you know?" Lucy asked looking around the room. Maka had went to go get Nygus.

"Well, first you said 'Oh my God' and people hear say Death instead of God. And you are in the DWMA in Death City. Where are you from?" Soul asked.

"I'm from Magnolia in Fiore." Lucy said.

"How did you end up here? And with that gnarly burn?" Soul said pointing at Lucy's messed leg.

She was about to reply when Maka came in with Nygus and Professor Stein. They surrounded Lucy and she became uncomfortable a little.

"What's your name?" Professor Stein asked. "I've surely never seen you here before."

"That's because I've never been here before. I didn't even know this place existed. But my name is Lucy, Lucy Heartfilia," she said sticking out her hand. Everyone proceeded to shake it and introduce themselves.

"What do you mean, you didn't know this place existed?" Stein asked cranking the screw in his head. All the people expected Lucy to be grossed out, but she was just sitting there as normal a person can be.

"I came from Fiore. I was riding a train back to my guild when the train was attacked by a dark mage, that's how I got this," she said pointing to her leg, "and when my friend and I thought the mage was out, he shot out a spell and I pushed my friend out of the way and got hit. I felt an enormous amount of pain, then blacked out, and when I came to I was surrounded by you guys." Lucy finished her story and looked around at the people. They all looked at her with wide eyes.

They all got into an offensive position. The weapons transformed and went to their respective meisters. Soul with Maka, and Tsubaki with Black Star. Lucy went to reach for her keys when she spoke.

"What are you guys doing? Did I say something?" She asked gripping her keys so tight that her knuckles turned white.

"YOU'RE A WITCH!?" They all said in unison.

A/N: Well there's the first chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed it! It was a little longer than I wanted it to be, but oh well. ¯\_()_/¯