Someone asked if I would ever continue my Faking It stories and here is my answer.

I would like to be one of those persons who can ignore how much Faking It writers screwed everything they could possibly screw. You know, one of those very admirable fanfiction authors who can ignore everything canon and hide themselves in their own little world where their ship actually sails and every character is well developed and representation matters.

But I'm not.

Season 2-B was everything a show should not be. And I'm not only talking about what they did to my OTP. You guys know that. There are plenty of Tumblr posts about how crazy and just simply offensive Faking It got. And season 3? Hell. Who even watched that? I know I didn't. However, the spoilers I got were enough to scare me for life.

So no. Unfortunately, I'm not going to write these stories anymore. It was fun while it lasted and I'm incredibly sorry about whoever is still waiting on this. For whoever you are, I seriously tried writing this but I simply couldn't. I'm sorry for disappointing you.

Anyways. I'm very grateful for everyone who supported me at this little crazy project. I'm also grateful for the friends I made through this story. Iracema, Hillary and Karissa – you guys were special gifts this show brought me and I hope to keep you for life.

To everyone else, thank you for keeping me company in this tiny journey.