So here's this, it features soldier!Bunny and human!Jack. I'm imagining this taking place back in the day a bit, so yah.

Song: Once Upon A December - Adrisaurus

Yes, this is a Disney song, if you haven't seen the movie, why are you still reading this crap? Go! Watch it!

The air is cold, frosty, and Jack thinks back to when he didn't have to worry about such things, back when Aster would hold him safe and warm. He sighs, wishing the man hadn't gone off to aid the military, even if it was just for a short time. Curling into himself, the white haired beauty begins to sob softly, crying into his thin pillow, he clutches the fabric of the barely there cushion in one hand, and in his left, he holds a worn, lightly crumpled picture. He's about to drift off, eyesore, red, and raw, when there's the slam of the door forcibly opened , freezing air rushes into the already cold room and the boy's teeth clack together viciously as snowflakes flurry in, floating around his face and playing on the exposed skin of his face, neck, one shoulder, hands, and everything beneath his knee. He shivers as he glances up to see who, if anyone, was there. More often than not, it was just the wind. But there, in the doorway of the small shack is the tall frame of a man. The light streaming in at an angle Jack couldn't see their face, he squints and backs away, trying to see who it was. He gasps and fights the cold to throw all of his small, practically weightless self at the 6'2" Aussie.

"A-Aster?" He nearly bites his tongue off, but he needs to hear his soldier's voice. Warm, strong arms wrap around the younger man's practically emaciated body.

"Ah told yah Jackie! Yah need ta eat!" The boy simply nods and burrows himself deeper into the man's warmth. The larger of the two simply lifts the other up and places him in the makeshift bed, pulling the threadbare blanket over his tiny body. Aster closes the still open door and strips down to his undergarments, needing to warm up the boy quickly and effectively. Getting beneath the blanket, Aster wraps himself around the white-haired beauty to act as a living heater. Ice cold skin meets heated flesh, Jack's head buried in Aster's chest as he stutters, trying to speak clearly.

"I-I m-missed yo-ou A-Aster…"

"Ah missed you too luv. Now, get some rest, we'll take care of feeding you in the morning." The younger male hums in agreement and falls asleep soon after, hoping to wake to his soldier still wrapped around him.

Sorry about how short this is, I wanted to add in a more raunchy reunion scene, but chose against it. So what do you think? I'm pretty sure this is the last chapter, I was going to do another, but… Yah.

Also, I now have a poll open for the future of my writing if you want to take that, it'd be much appreciated!~

Thank you for reading!~