Alright, so here's my first RotG fanfiction, I haven't read the books btw, I'm not quite sure what to do with it or what to say, so here. *Holds out hands and lets it plop into yours.* Have it.

Right, this is based off of Let It Go – Ashe (ashestoashesjc, yes I love him). So I hope you enjoy!

Running, barefoot as usual, through the snow, Jack keeps a reasonably tight grip on his staff as he brings the snow following behind him to the river, then across it, freezing the surface as he glides atop it perched on his staff, covering everything in the cold, fluffy, white, frozen water droplets. He lets out a shrieking laugh as he jumps up, shouting, "Wind, take me home!" A huge gust pushes him up, giving the gleeful boy the feeling of flying.

Touching down on the earth again the winter spirit pushes open the doors to the North Pole, his white hair is blown back by the wind, glittering with snow and ice, his pale skin has a slight pink tinge and his cheeks are frosted over, his brilliant blue eyes are wild, wide, and full of joy, mischief. He sees Phil, the Yeti, and waves before moving on to North's office, his adoptive father had called him home. He knocks quickly on the door, the Russian got oh so testy if you didn't, and slams it open before the man could even think of responding.

Jack twists his mouth up into a pout when he realizes the man isn't there, he turns, ready to freeze a few elves, and almost smashes straight into Bunny. He staggers back a step so he doesn't get a face full of rabbit fur, it didn't exactly taste or feel pleasant in his mouth.

"Oi mate! Watch it!" The bunny hops back a bit as well, not thinking that a chest of frost would feel particularly good. Jack sticks his tongue out, poking a tiny portion of the wet organ through his full pink lips before floating off to his room and shutting the door.

He had been in Burgess when North called him back to the Pole, where Jaime and Sophie forced the latest Disney movie upon him, the young girl claiming he was 'just like Queen Elsa!~' And now that stupid, catchy, castle building song was stuck in his head. He had a fantastic memory and knock for musical memorization so the lyrics came easily as he recreated the fantastical, musical scene, switching out the few gender biased nouns and pronouns. Luckily, he had a huge room.

He first creates a huge mountain of snow, humming the opening tune as he slowly, staggeringly walks up towards the top then pauses to begin the lyrics. "The snow glows white on the mountain tonight, not a footprint to be seen." He continues his snail-like ascent. "A kingdom of isolation, and it looks like I'm the king." He pauses again, a sad, pained expression on his face. He shakes his head in melancholy as he continues to sing in his voice, slightly high-pitched, like icicles cracking and falling to the ground as the weather warms. "The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside. Couldn't keep it in; heaven knows I've tried." He hugs himself, rubbing his hands along his arms, like he's trying to force heat into himself. "Don't let them in, don't let them see. Be the good guy you always have to be." He looks broken lost, like he doesn't know what to do. "Conceal, don't feel." He slashes an arm against his body, like a physical reminder to be strong. "Don't let them know." He clenches his hands into fists and brings them together in front of him, he looks down at his right and relaxes it, his gaze almost soft, but still sad and confused. "Well now they know!" He twirls dramatically 180 degrees looking up at the ceiling. He now looks free, happy. He turns again to face his original direction, opening his left hand, letting snow and frost have a mini eruption upwards. "Let it go, let it go." He does the same with his right hand, then turns to the lefts and fashions some of the snow into an Olaf like shape. "Can't hold it back anymore." He walks up the mountain again, a bit faster this time, letting two spurts of snow to shoot up into the air. "Let it go, let it go turn away and slam the door." He throws both of his hands out, like slamming open two invisible doors. "I don't care, what they're going to say." He pushes both hands in either direction, stirring up the settled snow. "Let the storm rage on." The small smile on his face grows as a small wind picks up outside his open window, mussing his hair. "The cold never bothered me anyway." He rips the thin jacket he was wearing down the front, exposing his tight white tee shirt, throwing it behind him. "It's funny how some distance, makes everything seem small." He turns to look behind him, at his bed. "And the fears that once controlled me, can't get to me at all." His confidence seems to grow as he turns around again, running near a rift in his mountain placed there for this exact moment. "It's time to see what I can do, to test the limits and break through." He flings his hands forward, making a bridge similar to that in Frozen, the ice covered in snow, before jogging towards it, excited it actually worked, he wasn't planning on that. "No right, no wrong, no rules for me." He slows as he reaches the bridge then pauses. "I'm free!" He tests out his new ice bridge with one foot, smiling as the snow tumbles away. "Let it go, let it go!" He runs, kind of, up and across the stairway. "I am one with the wind and sky. Let it go." He steps off the stairway onto the second pile of snow. "Let it go!" He does a little spin, pausing halfway through to admire his staircase. "You'll never see me cry!" He spins again, progressing forward and raising his arms a bit. "Here I stand!" He runs forward a few steps forward and stomps his foot down, freezing some of the snow to a circular piece of ice with a swirling pattern. "And here I'll stay. Let the storm rage on!" He watches as the pattern swirls out, expanding. He hums the tune as he erects a mini castle with his magic. "My power flurries through the air into the ground! My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around! And one thought crystalizes like an icy blast." He adds miniscule details as he finishes the tiny ice sculpture. "I'm never going back, the past is in the past!" He looks down at his crooked staff, then tosses it aside, careful that it lands in the powdery snow. "Let it go, let it go!" He messes his hair up even more. "And I'll rise like the break of dawn." Unable to poof clothing into existence, he simply sends a layer of swirly frost over his clothing already there. "Let it go, let it go. That perfect guy is gone!" He makes his way to the convenient balcony in his room. "Here I stand." He throws out his arms as he reaches the open doors. "In the light of day. Let the storm rage on!" He crosses the patio and throws his hands up as he holds the note. "The cold never bothered me anyway!" He turns away very sassily and shuts the doors as he walks back into his snow filled room.

Suddenly there was clapping from the doorway and he turned to see both Tooth and Bunny standing there with amused looks plastered on their faces.

"Well done Jack! Bravo!" The small fairy applauds, floating into the room. "Though I hadn't realized you enjoyed Disney so much." Tooth giggled right before a snowball broke apart on her face, some of the snow sticking in her feathers and on her face. She gasps and looks accusingly at Jack, who appears so innocent, how could anyone blame him? She scoops up a handful of snow covering the floor of Jack's room and winds up her arm, Bunny grins, knowing the winter sprite was going to get it, but then the crudely shaped ball is lobbed at him, hitting his chest. Their game ended when Tooth launched a frozen projectile at Jack's back when he and Aster where in a silent confrontation, staring each other down, snow balls in hand. The impact on his back had been so unexpected, it tossed him off balance and sent him knocking into Bunny and both of them tumbling to the ground. Tooth rushes over to see if they are both okay, only to find them both motionless in shock, their lips melded together in a kiss, she giggles.

"Come on guys, either make that kiss memorable, or get up and play!" Seeing Bunny's arms secure around Jack's waist, she grins and leaves the room, shutting and locking the door behind her.

Alright, I know that was kind of long, sorry! But I had to do the whole song and dance thing! I was going to do the Demi Lavato version, that's the one Ashe covers, but I ended up doing the Idina Menzel original song instead. Anyways, I hope you liked it!

For this story, I think it's going to be a couple of chapters one-shots then turn into a full-fledged story, I'm not sure… LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!