From Harry: I'm bored. :(

From Peter: where are you?.

From Harry: With relatives. My cousin and his girlfriend are having a baby. *YAWN*

From Peter: What? That's really nice. :)

From Harry: It's really not.

From Peter: Yes it is. baby's are cute.

From Harry: babies are FAR from cute. Pugs...They're adorable. :D And you, you're...Cute. ;)

From Peter: Haha, thanks bud.

From Harry: Pete, SAVE ME!

From Peter: I'm doing homework. :)

From Harry: Take a break from the homework.

From Peter: But I like it. Scratch that. I LOVE it. :)

From Harry: *Eye Roll*

From Peter: Don't be like that. :p

From Harry: Too bad. I miss you. :/

From Peter: Let's hangout tomorrow.

From Harry: No.

From Peter: :( Harry, we do need to talk.

From Harry: NO! Not about THAT. -_- :/

From Peter: We really need to, man. I'm flattered.

From Harry: Dude, don't.

From Peter: I know that kiss wasn't an accident.

From Peter: I'm honored and flattered, that you kissed me. Don't be so ashamed. There's nothing wrong with that.

From Peter: Please don't hide your face. I don't want you to hide. Share your feelings with me.

From Harry: UGH, FINE. I wanted to kiss you, okay?! I been having these strong feelings for you for years. It's no big deal.

From Peter: Really? How long?.

From Harry: I'm not having a Q&A with you, Parker.

From Peter: Hey! I like those.

From Harry: You're so annoying.

From Peter: I know. :D

From Harry: Freshman year of high school. Feelings for you never went away. They just grew. And I had to stay on the bench and watched. I love you, Peter. You have no clue what you're asking for!

From Peter: I'm more than well aware of what I'm getting into. Trust me. I can handle it.

From Peter: I love you, Harry. We aren't 14 anymore. We're 24. And I been having strong feelings for you too. Please, please believe me when I say I'll never hurt you.

From Harry: I know you're a sweet guy and what not. It's just that, I carry a lot of baggage. I'm needy. Are you sure you still want me. You can back out while you still can.

From Peter. There's no way in hell I'm backing from you. From us. I want to be the one you cling on to. Your shawty like plies' song.

From Harry: Oh, brother. Never say that again!

From Peter: Lol. Give me a chance?.

From Harry: Fine. Now can you please bail me out of a boring family lunch. :(

From Peter: On my way. :)

From Peter: I really do love you.

From Harry: :) I love you too.