Hi there! I'm so sorry that this has taken so long, my beta reader has been swept of the face of the earth it seems :( So that mean that this isn't beta read so if you find mistakes don't hate. Thank you to everyone that reads, follow, favorites and review you're the best!
Disclaimer: I do not own a thing except the ideas.
I apologize for any ooc that might happen.
Once again I'm updating via phone so everything needs to be up here.

Happy Reading and see you next time!

Cloud grumbled incoherent things as he carried more ingredients in from the truck. Tifa had given him a long list of things to buy when his wound had healed up properly and he was back on the roads. The swordsman didn't even know why they had this thing planned in the first place. He walked into the kitchen and his negative thoughts melted away slightly when he saw the small family helping eachother prepare the big meals. He put the box of Wutai seasoning on the counter and walked over to the little girl. Cloud managed to steal a small piece of the dough before Marlene swatted his hand away with the wooden spoon she was holding.

" Cloud" she pouted.

"Cloud sniggerd, a sound that had gotten more and more common in the house during the weeks. Tifa gave him a raised eyebrow but a small smile streatched the corner of her mouth. Cloud smiled back at her.

" I couldn't resist" he said and jumped up on the empty counter. Tifa put a bowl in his lap.

" Whisk that instead of stealing food" she said with a wink.

Cloud cought her wrist and brought her back to his chest and gave her a quick peck on the lips. He would never get enuogh of her soft lips against his.

" So who are coming today?" Denzel asked innocently to get the adults attention.

Tifa turned to the boy and smiled.

" You've meet almost everyone that's coming today Denzel" she said and stroke his hair softly.

Cloud watched them with a small smile, even though Tifa didn't notice it she already acted more like a mother then any he had seen for awhile. He slowly started to stir the ingredients in the bowl as he thought of maybe someday bring a miracle of their own into the world.

" Cloudy! I hope you've missed me"

Cloud grimaced at the nickname as he heard the giggles from his family as the first friend arrived. Reno grinned widely at them before winking childlishly at Marlene who smiled brightly at the redhead.

" You're early" Tifa said and smiled as the other Turks joined Reno who obviously had ran ahead to be the first one to say hi.

" Better that then late" Tseng said calmly as he sat down at the bar and studied the food they were making.

" Hey Cloudy!" Reno suddenly shoot up from his place on the chair beside Marlene

" Don't call me that" Cloud grumbled and put down the bowl when he was done.

"Cloud...y can you tell me what's new around the world?" Reno smiled widely.

Cloud had come to terms with the turks, mainly because Tifa had talked him into giving them a chance and he couldn't say he was regretting it but at times like these he really wished he could just throw the redhead out the window.

" That would just be too much of a hassle, don't you think so?" A calm voice said.

Cloud turned around and found Vincent beside him, the ex-SOLIDER shrugged and sighed. Reno jumped as he noticed the new addition to the gathering.

" Were did you come from?" he almost shouted.

" Right now it would be worth all the hassle" Cloud sighed.

" Oh Vincent Hi, I didn't see you there" Tifa smiled brightly at their friend.

" Hello Tifa" he said and nodded.

" There's gonna be food soon" she informed before walking back into the kitchen.

Cloud looked after her silently wishing she had a task for him to do to get away from Reno awhile. The door slammed open and a big gruff man walked in with the biggest smile.

" Where's my girl?" He shouted.

Cloud looked at him with bored eyes and was just gonna tell him not to shout in the house when Marlene shone up like the sun and ran to Barret. They hugged cloesly and Cloud couldn't help but feel the twinge of jealousy when he saw them, she was still legally Barret's daughter after all.

The whole bar was filled with their friends and as Cloud had suspected he was the goal of teasing at this dinner. He had to bite his tounge not to say anything inapropriate infront of the children.

" Soo" Yuffie leaned forward on her elbows and smiled widley " anything new here in Edge?" she asked.

Tifa giggled lightly and thought for a while before shaking her head slowly.

" We're starting school soon" Denzel exclaimed with a small smile.

Marlene was nodding proudly from her place in Barret's lap. The school's in Edge had taken sometime to build but they were now opening up for the kids and to say that Denzel and Marlene was excited was a understatement. The adults around the table smiled at the kids.

" I remember ma days in school" Cid said and smiled smugly.

" Don't give them any ideas Cid Highwind" Tifa said sternly.

The pilot put his hands in the air and shook his head.

" I won't, pilot promise and all"

Cloud smiled at how much Tifa's words were valued in this group, almost like when they were children back in Nibelheim. The group of kids always listened to young Tifa Lockhart. Cloud thought back to the days were he followed her around, at a distance just to see her smile and laugh. She had of course noticed him all the time but she liked the attention from the blonde boy.

" Cloud"

Her voice brought him back to the reality and saw her corious eyes on him.

" Hmm?" he tilted his head lightly before getting what she meant and nodded before getting up and following her to the kitchen.

" That's just creppy" Yuffie eyed the couple

" What is?" Barret asked the ninja.

" They shared one look and knew exactly what to do"

" That's just how couple works" Marlene said matter-of-factly.

"That statement earned a smile even from Vincent.

" You take care now Marl and you know if you get bored of them you call me" Reno smiled warmly at the little girl.

Marlene smiled widely and hugged Reno and the redhead wasn't late to hug back. He knew he didn't have any conection to her but he liked this little girl a lot, like a uncle loves his niece.

" Reno you have to come over more times" she said.

The turk saw Cloud's face and hesitated to answer Marlene before the swordsman surprised him.

" Reno is very busy but if he can he is welcome" he said.

Reno looked at the former hero of the Jenova war. Marlene smiled brightly and hugged Cloud before turning to Reno.

" Promise to come back soon" she said.

Reno smiled and rufled her hair.

" As soon as I'm off doll" he said.

He turned to go before turning to Cloud.

" Thank you Cloudy, you're not an asshat after all yo" he smirked.

Cloud raised his eyebrow slightly.

" Don't make me regret agreeing to this" he said calmly.

Reno rolled his eyes at the sword wielder. Cloud placed a hand on Marlene's shoulder and lead her back inside. Yuffie and Barret were staying the night, the ninja already being asleep in Cloud's old bed, it was very late and Cloud was a bit concerned about the kids being awake this late. Right when he thought about it he felt the added weight to his hip, he looked down and saw Marlene leaning against him; he smiled softly and lifted her up in his arms. Cloud passed Barret and the other looked at him with some sort of muffled hurt in his eyes. Cloud frowned but shuggred it off and put Marlene in bed and tucked her in. He leaned forward and was just gonna give her forehead a peck.

" Night daddy" she mumbled and patted Cloud's cheek before turning to the side.

The blonde man froze and hurried out of the room. It was one thing to look like a family and take care of Marlene when Barret was away but to actually hear the children call him their father even in a sleep devired state. Tifa meet him and a hint of worry flashed in her eyes.

" Cloud" she whispered " what's wrong?"

Cloud just pulled her close, he needed her close right now. His mind was razing, did Marlene really see him as more of a dad then Barret?

" She called me dad" he whispered into her neck.

Tifa smiled and hugged Cloud. She didn't know what they would to right now but it didn't matter at the moment. They'll figure it out somehow.

" It's not the end of the world Cloud" she whispered.

Cloud breathed out, she was right. It could just have been sleep talk. Barret walked up to them with a guilty look on his face. Tifa sighed, what's with the men around her being mopey as soon as something feels weird?

" I...I have to go" Barret said.

Cloud looked up from Tifa to Barret.

" Now?" he asked

Can't you stay until tomorrow at least?" Tifa asked.

Barret shook his head and turned around.

" Big oppurtunity, tell my girl I'll bring her something nice next time" He said and walked down the stair.

Tifa sighed. They really needed to discuss this for Marlene's sake, this wasn't healthy for her or any of them. Cloud stroke her cheek softly.

" Not now" he whispered in her ear.

Tifa smiled at him as he lead her to their room. The black haired woman studied her partner, she really did love him, all of him, all of his imperfections. She stepped closer and kissed him firecely. Cloud reacted quickly and meet her lips witht the same firece passion. They stumbled to the bed and fell down onto it, Tifa landing on top of Cloud. She smiled and kissed down his neck.

" I love you" she whispered

" I love you too" he whispered back and complied when she pulled on his shirt.

Tifa would never tire of looking at his body, the many scars;each telling a story. Smooth skin and chiseled abs. She stroke his chest before he turned her around. He got her shirt off and his eyes stopped at her chest, she knew what he was looking at when his fingers gently ran over the big scar Sepiroth had left. Tifa brought him closer and she could feel him plant soft kisses to the scar.

They spent the night showing eachother in different ways how much they love the other.

Thank you Meteor Panda for being so quick to point out that fanfiction had f'dp up the formatting :)