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So many stories and so many translations THANKS Niagaraweasel without you nobody would read my Stories.

Rochefort dragged the queen out of her chambers by the arm. "We're going on a little trip."

Anne looked at him, terrified. "Where are you going with me? Rochefort, the king will never forgive you for this."

"The king will never learn about all of this. He's far too busy having fun with Milady de Winter. And he trusts me completely."

Rochefort dragged her forward. Anne tried to resist, but the grip of the man she had regarded as her friend was too strong.

"Rochefort, please don't," she pleaded, tears running down her face, but the captain of the Red Guard just kept dragging her relentlessly through the corridors of the palace.

Rochefort could hear a distant commotion in the jail, but he disregarded it, focusing on his goal to get Anne out of the palace.

Athos, Porthos and Milady were fighting their way through the palace into the queen's chambers, where they met up with D'Artagnan.

"She's gone," Athos shouted. "Rochefort took her out of here."

"Damn it!" Porthos cursed in reply.

D'Artagnan checked the adjoining rooms and found the little boy alone in his bed. Picking him up, he went back to his friends. "They left the child behind."

"Take him to Constance," Athos said, his eyes moving to Milady. "Help him to get out of here without getting into a fight."

To Milady, his eyes didn't seem as cold as just a few days ago, but softer and with a little more trust.

"I will." She gently touched his arm. "Be careful."

Athos nodded almost imperceptibly before turning to his friend Porthos. "Let's go."

"This way," Milady called out to D'Artagnan. "We can get out through the servants' quarters."

Rochefort had dragged the queen onto his horse and was riding towards the forest. Constance saw them and called after her friend. "Your Majesty!" For a moment she debated following them, but then she saw Aramis.

"Aramis, Rochefort has fled with the queen."

The musketeer nodded and immediately urged his horse into a gallop. Constance was torn – should she follow Aramis? She turned her horse around and was just about to spur her horse, when D'Artagnan and Milady stepped out of the secret door. For a moment, time seemed to stand still. Constance saw D'Artagnan hold the queen's son in his arm. The sight warmed her heart and in that moment she knew that she wanted nothing more than a child with the man she loved.

D'Artagnan came over to her. "I think he needs a fresh diaper. The little king smells rather strongly."

Constance smiled at him as she got off her horse. "This look suits you."

He kissed her. "We should get one of our own, once you're finally free." Slowly he moved away from her and handed her the child. "But changing diapers will be your job."

Constance smiled again. "We'll see about that," she teased, before concentrating on the important facts again, the queen and Aramis. "You have to follow Aramis quickly. Rochefort rode into the forest with the queen and Aramis went after them."

D'Artagnan immediately went back to his horse and mounted it. "Aramis shouldn't even be here, he's not in the condition to fight. Which way did they go?"

Constance showed him the way. Before he spurred his horse on, D'Artagnan spared one more glance for the woman he loved. "Ride back to the garrison with Milady, as soon as Athos and Porthos are here. Milady de Winter, thanks for your help."

Milady gave him a smile. Even if she didn't want to admit it, she felt good working with the musketeers instead of against them.

Rochefort had taken the queen to the middle of a large clearing in the forest. "Kneel, Your Majesty."

Trembling, Anne complied. Rochefort walked around her and stopped behind her.

"I have waited so long for the moment, when I can be alone with you. I had many women, but all I ever wanted was you," he said, kneeling down and opening her dress.

Silent tears were running down the young queen's face.

"You will learn to love me too and forget Aramis and the king." His hands roamed across her bare shoulders. Anne began to sob. "You can take what you want, but I will never love you or desire you."

Hurt by her words, Rochefort stood up, dragging the queen up and around with him, kissing her hungrily. Anne tried to resist, but she had no chance.

Aramis dismounted his horse, when he could hear a noise coming from the clearing in front of him. He tied his horse to a tree and carefully made his way closer, hiding behind a bush. From there he could see Rochefort kissing the queen of France against her will. The only thing covering her was her thin shift, her dress was bunched around her hips and Rochefort's hands were busy roughly tearing it down.

Aramis' hands balled into fists at the sight. He wanted nothing more than to come to her aid immediately, but he needed to wait a moment longer. The sound of a snapping twig distracted him. Someone placed a hand on his shoulder and Aramis immediately had his dagger drawn and pointed at his attacker's throat.

"Calm down, my friend, I'm here to help you," the youngest musketeer assured him.

"D'Artagnan, you're getting damn good at sneaking up on someone." Aramis put his dagger away again and looked back towards the queen.

D'Artagnan followed his friend's gaze and his blood began to boil too. "The bastard, that will cost him his head."

"We need to do something, but I'm not fit enough to fight. You go around to the other side, I'll distract Rochefort and then you can overpower him from behind."

"Okay, be careful," D'Artagnan said and disappeared into the trees.

Aramis drew his pistol and aimed an hand's width past Rochefort. Rochefort stopped kissing the queen and looked at Aramis.

"Keep your filthy hands off the queen or my next shot will hit its target."

Rochefort dragged Anne in front of himself, using her as a shield. Aramis came out of his cover and looked into her eyes, they seemed empty, helpless and full of fear.

"Don't you dare, musketeer. The queen is mine and I will not hesitate taking her to the grave with me."

Aramis saw the queen trembling even harder. He watched every movement of his enemy and saw that so far he had no weapon in his hand. Fervently he hoped that D'Artagnan would make his move soon.

"Rochefort, please, let me go now and I will not say anything to the king," the queen pleaded.

Rochefort's grip on her throat tightened. "I won't go, I would never leave you alone."

By now, D'Artagnan was right behind Rochefort and quickly had his dagger at the man's throat. "You will pay for what you did to Constance and the queen. You will not leave this forest alive."

Rochefort rammed his elbow into his attacker's stomach, letting go of Anne in the process. She stumbled to the ground, but picked herself up and ran into Aramis' arms, crying.

"Come here, shhhhhhh, everything will be alright, I've got you," Aramis said, wrapping his coat around her shoulders. From the safety of his embrace, Anne glanced back at the fight that had broken out in the clearing.

"Don't look," Aramis said, tightening his hold on her. His eyes were on his friend D'Artagnan, but he also enjoyed the feeling of holding Anne in his arms.

The youngest musketeer fought relentlessly, but Rochefort managed to hold his own and goad his opponent.

"I really enjoyed seeing your little friend huddled on the floor, begging me to let go of her."

"I will kill you," D'Artagnan shouted, the blades of their swords meeting so hard that sparks flew.

"And I left her to my guards, so that they could give her what you can't."

A dangerous fire flared in the eyes of the musketeer. The captain of the Red Guard saw it and grinned. In a lightning fast move D'Artagnan drew his dagger and rammed it into Rochefort's chest.

"You will never lay a hand on the queen or on the woman I love again."

The Spanish spy crumbled to the ground, the last breath leaving his mouth.