What's More Important? Cute Boys or Friends?

Disclaimer does not own.


Zelda was sitting at the lunch table with Samus, Daisy and Maria. (My made up character.) "So, who are you going to choose?" Samus asked. "I don't know! Link is sweet, innocent and quite a charmer. Yet, his tights and height bother me. And sometimes he can go a little...kookoo!" Zelda said. "Yeah, and what about Marth?" Daisy asked. "Well, Marth is nice, sweet, kind, smart and..." Marth then walked through the cafeteria doors with his best friend Roy. Yesterday he wore jean shorts and a white t-shirt. Today he was wearing a Black t-shirt and long dark blue jeans. Falchion was in his back pack. "...and hot!" Zelda continued. The girls laughed. "Well, have you chosen?" Maria asked. "But I simply must let you choose Link becaus I just can't imagine you marrying my cousin." Maria said once more. "Why not?" Zelda asked. "Well, HE'S MY COUSIN!" She said. "What does that have to do with it?!" Zelda asked as she fell off her stool. The bad thing is....she landed on Marth. Marth's lunch went onto Roy's face. Link helped Zelda up. "Are you ok?" He asked. Zelda blushed. "Yeah. Fine." Marth stood up. "I'm so sorry, Zelda. How clumsy of me to um...fall UNDER you." Marth then went to the washroom to help Roy clean off. Zelda sat back on her stool. "Link's really a charmer." Zelda said. "Tell me about it." Samus laughed. "But Marth is nuts. I like that." She giggled. The girls did too.

"I feel so sorry for Peach today. She is sick." Daisy said. "Yeah. I know. She's my best friend." Zelda replied. "Well, maybe we shouldn't tell you this then." Maria, Samus and Daisy walked off to class right then even though the bell didn't ring. Zelda wondered whut happened. Roy and Marth burst through the doors, laughing. Link called out to them, "What's so funny?" Marth and Roy pointed to Zelda's bag, which was spray painted in words "I pee Freely" Zelda glared at C. Falcon because he had been playing tricks on her ever since she came into SSBM. She got up and kept poking the man's chest as she spoke. "This is all a game to you, isn't it?!?! Well, I'm tired of playing!" She whispered to him. Link walked passed Zelda and she heard him whisper "Threatner to men, insulting wierdo." Zelda was definitely having Boy Trouble with a capital T and B.

People kept walking past her and whispering something as tehy passed Zelda. "Stupid Boys..." She muttered. "Link and Marth don't like me anymore..." After class was recess and she told her friends she was so over Link and going to go for Marth. Because Link was dating this other girl from outside school. "Uh oh." Daisy said and stopped. "What?" Zelda asked. "Looks like you're going to be over Marth too. The new girl, Malon has Marth." Daisy said. Zelda gasped as she saw Marth accept Malon's phone number. As Malon walked away from Marth, Zelda grabbed Malon and wrote the word "baby" on her forehead with a permeanent marker. The girls laughed and walked away with Zelda sayign "Wait what other plans we have for you, Shrimp!" Zelda looked at her friends. " I can't believe the new girl, my new friend, is now my new enemy. Well, what do you think is better? Cute boys or friends?" Zelda asked. "Well. I don't know." They answered.


Sorry it is so short. Please stay tuned for the next chapter. It's late the time i wrote this so....please no flames