"You do realize you have me to thank for this right," Amy says to Jon smirking. "You wouldn't have any of this if it weren't for me teasing Rose about you."

Jon holds Keera-Aislin against his chest gently rocking back and forth. "Now may not be the time to remind me of that," Jon says groaning in frustration, "Why wont she sleep? She's been out of the hospital 6 weeks now, shouldn't she be sleeping?"

"Here, give her to me for a bit and take a nap; you look like shite. And Christ you stink! Maybe that's why my niece refuses to stop crying. If I had to be cuddled with you smelling like that I'd scream too," Amy laughs reaching for the baby. "Go take a shower and then get some sleep. I'll keep Keera for a bit. What time is Rose supposed to be back?"

"I didn't ask," Jon sighs, "She's at her 6 week checkup with Martha."

"Shouldn't that have been 2 weeks ago?" Amy asks.

"Yeah, she said she was too tired from interviewing nannies and being up every two hours with Keera- Aislin. Honestly though, I think she's scared Martha's going to tell her she's all healed up," Jon replies yawning so hard that she can hear his jaw pop from across the room and over Keera's crying.

"Why would she be worried about…Oh, you mean all healed up and ready for sexy times," she teases, "Does she not want to have sex? Because literally up until the day she gave birth you two were all over each other."

"Well not quite, we couldn't have intercourse for quite a while before Keera-Aislin was born because of the pregnancy issues and I think she's worried about starting back up. Why am I talking to you about this," Jon mumbles as he walks away, "I'm going to shower. Thanks you for watching Keera-Aislin for a bit."

"You're poor mummy and daddy," Amy coos, "What's all the fuss about little one?" Amy starts humming while patting Keera on the back and rocking back and forth trying to soothe the poor screaming baby.

He's not even going to try and pretend that he isn't eagerly anticipating the outcome of this appointment. It has been so long since he's been able to make love to Rose. She was only 5 months pregnant when Martha told them that intercourse was now off the table. Sure, they'd still fooled around a bit and Rose always made sure he was sated but the connection was just not the same. Also, he misses making sure Rose is…cared for, misses watching her fall apart below him…or above him…beside him…he's not really all that picky. Gods, he misses that look on her face and how just as she'd crest in her climax her eyes would open and he knew she could see him…all of him. He'd never felt that kind of peace and contentment until Rose gave him that look and he misses her desperately.

Jon steps under the falling water and lets it wash away the sweat and grime and baby yuck that's sticking to him. To be fair neither he nor Rose has felt much like being imitate lately. He wishes she would pick a nanny already. Sure, millions of people raise babies without help but those people aren't expected to run a country and lead a worldwide manhunt for traitors. Oh, lets not forget that Harrys fucking wife is still in their home which is a constant source of worry for Rose. Still unsure of Lucy's motives Rose has asked several times if they could move her somewhere else, a care facility or something.

He has refused though because he's certain that Harry will resurface for her; either because he knows she betrayed him and he wants revenge or because she didn't betray him and he wants his property back. His thoughts are straying and he pulls himself back to the topic at hand. Rose needs to pick a fucking nanny. Jon sat in with her for the first few weeks of interviews and there were several people who had applied and been vetted that he thought were perfect. Rose however said she wasn't comfortable leaving Keera-Aislin with any of them.

"What if Harry or Davros sent them," Rose asked, "How am I supposed to be able to tell who's good and who's bad?"

He eventually stopped sitting in on the interviews when it became apparent that no matter how many qualified people showed up, Rose was not going to hire any of them. So, Jon spent the last three weeks trying to find an answer to his dilemma. He needed Rose…not just for sex but to help with the everyday process of running this fucking country. She's supposed to be helping him and she's pushed all of her duties off on Susan or other council members stating that she was exhausted and Keera-Aislin needed her. They'd made it through the first few days after Keera-Aislin was born but Rose was a mess, crying and screaming or just blanking out entirely.

Martha had assured both of them that it would take a few weeks for her hormones to level out and by the time Keera-Aislin was out of the incubator her moods had leveled out substantially. Jon watched her very closely those first few days and for the 2 weeks after but eventually he had to get back to the business of running the country. Now he relied on Amy to keep a watchful but discreet eye on Rose.

Donna and Lee, Jack and Ianto, Clara and Matt and Jackie had all returned to London; they had lives back there that could not be ignored any longer. Jon had offered Martha a position as physician to the crown and at first she had declined. However, once she went back to London and spoke with her fiancé Tom everything had changed. He told her she should take the job. She shouldn't base her decision on him because he wasn't going to base his career decisions on her. A row later, a thrown ring and his rucksack out the door and Martha had given notice and called Jon to accept his offer. A few short weeks in the castle and then she had her own little house in the city and was ready to start her new life.

With Martha staying on and opening her own small practice it just made sense for Rory to stay on as well. It wasn't as if he or Amy had family waiting for them in London. Their family was here and Rose insisted they stay in the castle with them rather than finding their own house in the city. That was more than okay with Jon, the more of 'their people' that were around the more Rose relaxed. That's what he needed to do…Gods for a genius he can be so incredibly thick sometimes. Rose refuses to hire a nanny because they cant know with 100% certainty that they can be trusted with their daughter. She had become extremely protective of Keera-Aislin refused to let anyone but Jon, Amy, Rory and Martha hold her. So he needed to get someone she trusted implicitly who was good with kids. He needed Clara. This is why he loves showers he thinks, all of his best ideas happen in the shower.

Jon steps out and dries himself before pulling on his dressing gown and pushing the call button that will notify Toby he's needed. He steps over to the bed and examines his sleeping wife. Rose must have come back from her appointment while he was showering. She looks wrecked…pale and slightly gaunt…which now that he's thinking about it…she seems very small for a woman that gave birth 8 weeks ago. He sometimes misses when the bond was new, when he would just know what she was thinking and feeling without even trying. Eight months in and the bond is more like background noise. Amy and Matt had told them it would calm down over time and it had definitely done so. No more colors or sickness, no overwhelming emotional tidal wave from either side. He could still feel her but she had become more of a subtle constant presence...almost like his conscience. For day-to-day living that was great, but times like this he missed when it was out of control. Really taking the time to look at his wife he can't believe he let it get his bad. How has he not noticed? Thank the Gods Jackie is back in London, Jon can't even imagine the slapping he'd get of she were to look at Rose now.

"Maybe she has postpartum depression or more likely, I'm a selfish wanker too wrapped up in being a dad and this country to have noticed how ill my wife looks he thinks to himself." Slowly he slides in bed next to her and folds himself around his Rose. She begins to stir in his arms and he can tell she's awake now by her breathing.

"Where's Keera?" she asks almost frantically, struggling to get out of bed.

"She's with Amy. Come back to bed with me Love," he says, softly tugging her back towards him.

" I should go get her, she's not Amy's responsibility," she says trying again to squirm away from him. That's when he realizes it has nothing to so with Keera-Aislin, his Rose is trying to get way from him and using their daughter as an excuse to do so…and he's had enough.

"No, you're going to come back to bed and tell me what the hell is going on Rose. You've been avoiding me like I have the fucking bubonic plague and using Keera-Aislin to do it," he says, his tone authoritative.

Rose doesn't want to row, doesn't want to do this because he's right and she knows it. Yes, she hasn't hired a nanny yet and yes that is largely in part because she's in constant feat that whomever she hires will be some kind of Harold or Davros sycophant. She cannot deny that she's been avoiding him though. Rose isn't completely sure why either and that amazingly frustrating for her. "Jon, do we have to do this now? I'm so tired and I don't wanna fight with ya," she sighs, not making any attempt to move back towards him.

"Again…No," he says crossly, "Rose, please tell me what's going on or what he hell I've done to piss you off because I can't take this anymore. You're so distant and it's killing me. I miss you, us…I miss us."

(Deep breath in, deep breath out) "I'm scared all the time Jon. Scared that they're going to come for Keera or that they a re going to take you away from me and I can't make it stop Jon. I can't eat or sleep and I'm a fucking mess all of the time. Keera just keeps crying' no matter what I do. She hates me and I'm a shite mom just like I said Id be, and I miss my mum. I know that's crazy because I just got her back but I miss her and Jack and Clara. They were my family before you found me and I miss them all of the time. And then, there's the bond, its like it isn't workin' right or somethin', sometimes I cant feel you at all and I think you've locked me out but I know…I KNOW you wouldn't do that. Lucy Saxon is still here and in a fuckin' coma and you keep sayin' that Harry's gonna come for her…Well I don't want him to fuckin come here. Our daughter is here and you keepin' Lucy here is like an invite for these sadistic arseholes to take her and do Gods only knows what. Look what Davros did to you! Or Harry to me…how am I supposed to just calm down when they are always there lurking?! And you don't seem to give two fucks that they're out there just waiting to take our daughter or kill me to hurt you and sometimes…" she trails off not finishing her rant.

"Sometime what Rose? Say it…whatever it is just fucking say it. When did you become this person who hides from me…ME?! Weren't those your rules when we started this? Whatever the issue we just need to say it. Once it's out there it can be dealt with and we can move the fuck on. So just fucking say it," he snaps harshly at her.

"Fine…Sometimes I wish," (Deep breath in, deep breath out) "Sometimes I wish you'd never took my hand and run away with me," she lowers her eyes, cant look at him once she's said it because she knows its terrible…she's terrible.

He's not shocked by her admission, not even fazed really other than he wishes she'd have said this so much sooner. Jon sighs as he rolls from the bed and ambles over to his wife. He stands behind her and wraps her in his arms with is chin resting on her shoulder. "It's okay Rose…to feel like that. Overwhelmed and scared and frantic," he whispers against her neck, "I feel like that too occasionally, but its all just thoughts. Do you really wish you weren't with Keera-Aislin and me? Or is it just something that crawls into you when this life, our life becomes too much? You miss our family…of course you do. We can go visit yeah, or have them come back here to visit. But Rose, you look…awful. I love you but you've lost too much weight and you're so pale. What did Martha say at you checkup?"

She's not sure how he managed it but somehow he's gotten all her clothes off save for her knickers. It's the feel of his skin against hers and the electricity that always sparks when they touch that begins to calm her. "I've lost too much weight and I'm not eating or sleeping enough. I need to drink more water and she thinks that maybe I need to see a shrink for my stupid fuckin' Rose brain. Fuck…why cant I just get my shit together?" she says while tears run down her cheeks. She's missed him so much, missed his calming touch and the way he can make everything but them disappear.

"And what do you think my Rose? What do you think you need to be okay again?" Jon asks as he runs his hands down her sides and his lips across her back from one shoulder to the other. He's missed her so fucking much and being so close now the bond has kicked in and he can feel how much she wants him and he pushes his own arousal through the bond.

The force of it makes Rose gasp and Jon Lifts her too thin and frail body to the bed. He lays her down and covers her body with his, "Did Martha say this was alright?" he whispers against her skin. Please, please let this be okay he thinks as he makes his way down her body. He feels Rose tense beneath him and he sighs again. Jon lays his head on her once again flat stomach, "Rose, why don't you want me touching you? I know you want me…this. I can feel it…you, so what's holding you back? Have I done something?" he asks dejectedly.

"It's just…my…my body is different now. It feels strange and…I have these stretch marks in addition to the already awful scars and I'm just…I mean how can ya wanna shag me when I look like this? My stomachs flabby and…"

He's rubbish, a selfish prick of a husband. This whole time he thought Rose was avoiding being with him or close to him because of…well him. It hadn't even occurred to him that she would feel like that about herself because to him she is always, always perfect…in every way. To be honest he doesn't even see the scars or the stretch marks when he looks at her.

"I don't care about any of that Rose and I miss you…miss us. You're more beautiful now than when I first saw you. I know you think those things make you less but that's untrue. Every mark you have on your body whether from an accident as a child," he says placing a kiss to her knee where there's a scar from falling off her bike at 5 years old, "or from Jimmy," and he places kisses to as many of those scars as he can reach from this position, "or from giving me a daughter," and he trails his fingers behind his lips over her stomach where the stretch marks are most prominent, "All of them make you beautiful. They are a road map of how you became who you are Rose and I love who you are. Every inch of skin and every tiny imperfection makes you perfect for me," he says before covering her mouth with his. Just before she cards her fingers through his hair, he thinks Martha must have given her the all clear as she's made no attempt to stop him.

It's only a moment later that she allows the bond to open fully and suddenly he's awash in everything Rose. The emotional tidal wave he'd been mourning rushes through him and over him dragging him under in the most wonderful of ways. She runs her hands through his hair and down his back, her short nails barely scratching at his skin and he can feel how desperate she is for him to touch her. Jon wastes little time in kissing and nipping his way down her body until he's lying between her legs and he uses his hands to spread her open before him.

Her breathing starts coming in pants as her anticipation rises and he leans forward bumping her clit with is nose and running his tongue along her slit. Her taste explodes through his mouth and he can't help but release a small groan at how wonderful she tastes. How could he have forgotten that? One hand makes its way to her breast while the other slowly circles her opening and when her hand clenches in his hair he pushes one finger through her wetness and then inside of her. He wants to skip the foreplay (as much as he enjoys it) and plunge himself into his wife until they are both sweaty and sated and happy again, but its been so long since they've made love and he doesn't want to hurt her.

Rose begins squirming and thrusting against his mouth and hand and he can feel she's close to falling. Jon slips another finger into her trying to stretch her just a bit more and she groans with the additional stimulation pulling at his hair and tugging him up her body until…there…right there. As he slides into Rose he opens his

side of the bond fully as well and its pure bliss. The feeling of being inside her body and mind at he same time…this is exactly what they needed.

As the push and pull of their bodies become frantic against each other Jon reaches down and rubs at her clit with furious motions, "Rose…Rose love…I'm close, please cum, cum for me my Rose," he growls and bites down on her neck and shoulder at her pulse point and there…right there. He feels her muscles grip his length and she falls over the edge thrashing and screaming and crying and pulling his hair so fucking hard he may have a bald spot…and he doesn't give a fuck at all because it her and its him and he's missed this so much, loves her so much and when she says it, "I love you too Jon, so much," he can't hold back any longer. With a loud groan and a cry of her name he stills above her when his climax violently tears through him as spills into Rose.

"I've missed ya so much Jon," she whispers against his hair when he falls atop her and he knows she's crying, can hear it in her voice. It's the kind of crying one does when they feel guilt or shame.

"And I you my love," he whispers against her neck placing small light kisses to whatever skin he can reach without moving.

"It's been…it's like the whole world's off kilter just a bit yeah? Since havin' Keera I've jus' been scared of everythin' all the time and I didn't think you'd want me now, cuz I'm fuckin crazy again and my body…it doesn't feel like its mine. And I think she hates me Jon," Rose says so quietly he's not sure he heard her correctly.

"What?" He asks bringing his head up so he can see her face.

"All she does is cry no matter what I do. I don't think she likes me," Rose says, crying in earnest now.

"Oh Rose, she loves you…of course she does, you're her mum. I just…" and he trails off, thinking it's better if he doesn't finish that sentence.

"It's just what," Rose pushes.

(Deep breath in, deep breath out) "It's…I've been think these last few weeks about you and me and us…and what if…I mean…of course we cant know for sure but what if she's behaving this way because you've been so upset? We don't have any idea how the bond affects her or if it affects her at all. But what if it does and she can feel…well…you?" he stammers, knowing it's likely going to upset her again.

"You mean what if her screamin all the time is my fault? That's what you're sayin'? You're her fuckin dad and have this bond too…why's it all on me?" she says, a bit indignant that he's blamin' her.

"I clearly stated that wrong," Jon quickly back peddles, "Us…I should have said us. I meant us, I swear. Rose, I'm not blaming anything on you. I know you've been a wonderful mum to Keera; I have never thought anything but that. And watching you with her, watching you holding her or nursing her, singing to her…I didn't even know that kind of love existed. I've loved you from the first time I saw you yeah? But watching you with our daughter…seeing the life you've given me. I love you both so much and I just want you happy…safe and happy love. That's all, that why I mentioned it. Children are naturally receptive to their parents' emotions and that is without a mystical bond. What if…can you feel her sometimes? Like she's reaching out for you? Sometimes I think I can, but it's so faint that maybe I'm imagining it."

"Really?" Rose asks hesitantly, "I thought I was really going crazy Jon," she says through tears and broken sobs. "I can feel her too, like she's trying to grab me and pull me to her. But its faint yeah and I just kept dismissin' at as me going fuckin' nuts. She's…she's with Amy yeah? Get up," she says while pushing at his shoulder.

"Why, she's safe with Amy. Let's just stay here for a bit Rose," he says trying to pull her back down.

"No but…don't you get it? If she's part of this bond and we've been pushin' her away. Just dismissin' her attempts to connect…" She trails off, trying to calm herself, (Deep breath in, deep breath out) "Do ya remember what is was like when I locked you out? How scared you were and how much it hurt…physically

hurt Jon…what if…what if that's why she's crying all the time. She's been trying to connect with us and we've brushed it off as colic?!"

He jumps from the bed and throws his clothes back on, immediately grabbing Roses hand in his and rushes through the castle to the library where he left Amy with Keera-Aislin. Just outside the door Rose pulls him to a stop and when he turns to ask her why she places her finger over his lips and closes her eyes. Rose tries to focus on their daughter; the shape of her cupids bow mouth, her large dark brown, anime like eyes, the soft brown hair and the way it feels against her chest while Keera's nursing…and there…just there a tiny spark of recognition. She opens her eyes and stares in to Jon's, a duplicate set of the eyes she was just picturing in her head.

"Can ya feel tha'?" she stutters while gripping his hand so tight he may lose circulation. Before he can answer though, Rose is headed into the room and reaching over Amy to grab their daughter from her. "OH Gods, Keera I'm so sorry," she sobs clutching their daughter.

"What's going' on?" Amy asks looking nervously at Rose.

Jon rushes across the room to his wife and daughter, wraps his arms around Rose and says, "Keera-Aislin is linked with the bond and we think that's why she's been screaming. She's been trying to connect with us and we didn't realize it."

"What?" Amy asks trying to comprehend what he just said, "We've never come across anything in our research that even hinted that could happen. What makes you think that's happening Rose?"

"I don't think it, I know it. I can feel her Amy and…its like I can see her now that I'm lookin for it. Jon's like this blue color and she's…it's like a sparkly lilac color. Can't you feel her Jon?" Rose asks turning to him.

He reaches over and places his large hand against the small back of his baby girl and tries to focus…wants desperately to feel what Rose is feeling, that connection with their daughter. It's almost a state of meditation before he clutches onto what Rose so easily found, the small fragile tendril of consciousness that's reaching out to him. It's barely a whisper but its there and as he reaches out for the lilac colored strand that is their daughter something happens. He knows Rose felt it too as she gasped in elation or shock he's not sure which. They turn to see each other at the same time and when their eyes meet they see the others eyes flash gold for barely a second and then its gone.

"Holy Fucking Shite Rose! What the hell was that? I did just see that right, like that really just fuckin' happened?" Amy screeches, running around them and looking intensely at all of their faces.

"I…I don't know. I don't know what just happened," Rose says looking at Keera's eyes. "Did it happen to all 3 of us?"

"Yeah, it was super fuckin' cool. Jon grabbed you and put his hand on Keera and then it was like a circuit connectin' or somethin'. All of your eyes flashed gold for a moment and then it was gone. I need to call Martha and Rory," she shrieks excitedly, "What a bout Matt? Definitely Jack and Donna but do you want Matt back here?"

Jon knows…well he has an idea of what just happened…maybe…he hopes he's wrong. This all plays into exactly what Jon had wanted…all of their family back here with Rose. "Yeah, call everyone. They should come here while we try to figure this out," and once again thinks about what a selfish prick he is. He's going to uproot everyone they know and manipulate them into staying here…permanently. And he knows he's an arse for doing it but honestly he doesn't care anymore.

He's not sure how its possible for Rose, Keera-Aislin he supposes had a chance of having it passed on to her because she is his daughter, but Rose…he's not sure how that could have happened. And Gods, he hopes he's wrong about this, he had hoped he's never have to explain to anyone what he's been hiding since his escape from Davros. Jon doesn't even know what to call it and it took him years of practice to be able to will it away. These last 8 weeks with Rose have been so hard on both of them. Now, finding out that Keera-Aislin is linked to their bond she is going to need her family. Especially if Jon's right about what just happened.

It's sad for Jon, but he's come to realize since everyone left that he would be okay of it was just the 3 of them. He thought he needed all these people but he's coming to find he really only NEEDS Rose and now Keera-Aislin. He would miss the others, especially Donna and Jack but he'd be okay without them. He's coming to see that is not the case with Rose. Jon understands that she NEEDS her family, not just wants them around but she needs them around to be okay. Him and Keera-Aislin will never be enough for his Rose, she'll always need more than just the two of them could provider her; and that's good he thinks. He wants Keera-Aislin to have that compassion and capacity for love that Rose possesses.

Rose snapping her fingers in front of his face brings him back to reality and he gives her a sheepish smile, " I'm sorry love, what were you asking?"

"Are Donna and Lee back from their trip across the pond? What were you thinkin' bout'?" She asks eyeing him critically.

"Uh…no I don't think they're back until next week, but we still need to call them. Donna would be furious if we didn't tell her," Jon responds.

It didn't escape Roses attention that he failed to answer the rest of her question. Sometimes she wishes she could know what he was thinking as easily as he can with her. Like right now, Rose knows he's upset and worried but she doesn't know why and he won't say.

Jon pulls her close and leans down to her ear and whispers, "I am upset and I am worried and I will talk to you I promise."

Rose turns to see the smirk on his face and all at once she wants to slap and kiss it off him. "How…that was very precise," she says looking up at him through her lashes.

"For fucks sake," Amy groans in a tone that says Rose is an idiot, "You were talkin out loud."

"Oh," and she flushed crimson for a moment, " Do you hear how quiet she's bein' now? Oh Keera mummy's so, so sorry," Rose coos while lightly kissing her baby's downy hair.

"Well no sense it feeling guilty. It's not like you could have known…" Amy says trailing off.

"What is it? Jon asks seeing Amy's pensive face.

"Well I was just thinking, weren't both your parents Twin flames…the both of you right. They'd have to be for you to be. So wouldn't you have had the link with your parents? Do either of you remember that at all?" Amy asks looking between the two of them.

Jon cannot let on that he has a fairly good idea of what's happening; he needs to explain it to Rose first. "No, of course not. I'm fairly certain that's something we would have thought to bring up months ago Amy," Jon says snidely, "A telepathic link with ones parent isn't something one would just forget to mention I should think."

"Oooohh," Amy says smiling, "Look at you breakin' out your posh upper class grammar. Now I know you're worried. You know act like an arse when you're scared or hungry."

"Well of course I'm worried Amy. Look what Rose and I had to go through trying to figure out the bond and now there's something new happening again. This though, we don't even know what this is," he snipes, and technically not a lie. And, he's not certain that his affliction has been passed to Rose and their daughter; Keera-Aislin maybe but certainly not Rose. And if there's no way he could pass it to Rose then it's doubtful that's the issue at all. "Neither of us had a link with our parents so what if this has nothing to do at all with the bond? Where do we even begin to look then huh? There is nothing even remotely comical about this and yes I'm bloody terrified!" He shouts, spittle flying from his mouth as Keera-Aislin begins to work herself into a proper fit.

"Jon, I think you're scarin' her love. Try and calm down yeah," Rose says trying to soothe the now screaming baby. She closes her eyes and focuses on the threads that are Jon and Keera and tries to push calm through the bond. She's been practicing controlling this more and she's fairly chuffed when Keera stops screaming and

Jon's breaths returns to normal.

When she turns back to Jon he smiles at her and she gives him that smile. The one that first stole his heart and breath from his lungs. "Rose Tyler," he says softly, his forehead to hers, "You always bring me back, thank you."

"Christ you two are gross, worse than Rory and me by far," Amy says making vomit motions with her hand. "Alright I'll start with Rory and Martha, Rose you go and call your mum and Jon call Donna. Between Jackie and Donna they'll let everyone else know. Toby and Susan can take care of travel arrangements and everyone will be here by tomorrow, easy peasy," Amy says.

Where is Toby anyway? I called for him a long while ago now," Jon says frowning, "Its unusual for him to not respond," and Jon hits his speed dial for Toby.

"Hello Jon," Toby says. He had long since stopped calling him anything else save for in public or with the council.

"Where are you? I paged you hours ago now," Jon says exasperated.

"I did come by your room earlier, but you appeared to be indisposed. I figured neither you or Rose would appreciate the interruption," he responds, humor lacing his voice.

Toby and Jon had become quite close over the last eight months. The men spent a great deal of time together and Jon had come to trust Toby as a confident. He valued Toby's opinion because he didn't know Jon's history, he just knew this Jon…this incarnation. Because it was like that, like he'd been reborn and made new again because of Rose loving him and teaching him to love her and now Keera-Aislin.

"Did you hear me Jon?" Toby asks, "Hello, are you still there?"

"Yeah, yes I'm here…sorry," Jon stutters out, "I need you to make travel arrangements for our family. Everyone needs to come back as soon a possible."

"When you say everyone, who all do you mean?" Toby asks.

"Donna and maybe Lee, Jack and maybe Ianto, Clara and Matt…they need to be here that is not a request. Don't us…don't phrase it like that to Clara of course but she and Matt need to be here. And Jackie, she also need sot be here. If Jack and Donna and their respective partners don't want to come…Well no…I was going to say okay but we need all of them here right away," Jon says rambling his thoughts aloud.

"Okay we'll start making the calls now," Rose turns to him smiling, and he realizes its Susan's voice answering him.

Jon disconnects the phone, "When did that happen?" he asks Rose.

"It's been a while now. They're very cute together. I've called mum and left her a message. She's likely sleeping as its only 5 am," Rose says still cooing at Keera-Aislin, "Here ya wanna hold her for a bit? I need some coffee and a shower I think."

"No coffee," he says, "You need to sleep Rose, we need to sleep. Come on," he says taking Keera-Aislin and grabbing Roses hand in his.

Jon leads them all back to their room, places Keera- Aislin in her cot by their bed and guides Rose to their bed to lay down. He knows he needs to talk to her before everyone gets here and she knows she's going to be upset. So…sleep first. If she's not sleep deprived maybe she'll be less angry, more…understanding why he's a selfish arsehole who hadn't already talked to her about this. But how was he supposed to bring that up? "Oh Rose, by the way…forgot to mention that occasionally my eyes flash gold and I turn into a monster with super speed and strength that can kill someone before they can blink. Oh…and I may have somehow passed that on to you and our daughter...night love, sleep well?!" He's a fucking idiot. He didn't tell her when this started between them and now it's going to look like he was hiding it from her…because he was. How was he supposed to know it would pass to her, how is that even possible? Now he's going to have to tell everyone.

Not even Jack knows about this.

She'll be upset…angry even but she wont leave him right? She can't…can she? Would she take Keera-Aislin away from him? No…Rose would never. She said forever and he believes her. She'll be mad…maybe even for a long while but they'll make it through this, just like everything else that's happened. They'll figure it out with her hand in his, like always. He will keep Keera-Aislin and Rose safe and they will find their happily ever after Jon thinks as he holds Rose a little tighter…even if he has to kill to make it happen. Jon's eyes flash gold quickly with his protectiveness of Rose and Keera-Aislin…he'll protect them, their life together…no one will take that from him. He closes his eyes and focuses on the bond that now shimmers in shades of blue, pink and purple pushing all his love to his girls as he falls asleep.