Haru sat next to Rin on the couch like they were just friends and were not fucking each other behind everyone's backs. The lights were off as a movie buzzed from the large tv in Nagisa's den. Most of the guys were sprawled in the floor on their stomachs watching intently. Haru's attention was wavering and he was barely aware of what happened on screen. It was Rin's fault. It was like he was incapable of keeping his hands to himself. Haru could feel the tips of his fingers grazing back and forth on his lower back. It was endearing but also rather torturous and it made him want things.

Things he shouldn't want.

But it was becoming harder and harder to deny the ache in his chest that grew stronger day by day.

He wanted Rin Matsuoka. And it was more than just sex. Haru wanted everything. He may as well face it, he was completely and utterly hopelessly in love with Rin.

Checking to make sure no one was looking, Haru leaned over and pressed a quick kiss to Rin's cheek before resuming his upright position on the couch next to him. He sighed softly to himself because if they were alone watching this, they could cuddle. They could hold hands and kiss and Rin would be so close Haru could smell him and feel his warmth. His heart beating in his chest and the soft breath coming from his lips.

Haru rose needing a distraction from his racing thoughts. Rin consumed them far too much as of late. Hell as of always, since high school or maybe even before that. Maybe.

Walking into the kitchen, Haru pulled a bottle of water from the fridge and was soon leaning against the counter as he sipped from the bottle. He sat the bottle down gently and closed his eyes as a heavy sigh fell from his lips.

Were things really so complicated? Or was it all more simple than that? What would happen if he laid his feelings out on the table? Would it be worth it? Is it really a risk he can take? How does Rin feel? The way he looks at Haru at times feels like something. Something real. Something so right.

Like when they touch.

A creak in the doorway catches Haru's attention and his gaze floats towards the door where the object of his every thought stands and looks at him, seeming rather curious.

"Don't like the movie?" Rin hums out sounding amused.

"I don't know, I wasn't really paying attention to it." Haru said softly as his heart pounded in his chest with the realization that he should just say it. How hard are three words?

"Oh?" Rin sashayed across the room like he knew he was the reason. "Why is that?" He was literally purring out the words as he moved a lock of hair off Haru's forehead and was standing far too close.

So close it was hard to breath. "You." Haru muttered honestly as he closed the small gap unable to resist those lips.

Rin chuckled as he pressed his lips gently meeting Haru's. "What did I do?" He muttered against Haru's lips,biting the lower one and making Haru groan.

Haru didn't reply with words but simply locked eyes with Rin, trying to draw up his nerve as his fingers traced softly over Rin's cheek and his lower lip. I love you. He thought as he swore he could recognize a similar mutual feeling in Rin's sweet gaze.

Rin's eyes seemed to search his and his hands were soon cupping Haru's face as he placed a barrage of soft kisses over Haru's face. So much affection it was suffocating him sweetly. Haru felt desire rise up in him and a flutter at the pit of his gut soared up to his throat. He kissed Rin with slow deliberate determination and forgot where he was.

Rin pressed him into the counter and though it was hurting his back where it poked into it, Haru felt it was worth it to be this close to Rin. Like they were one soul. Meant to be.

Rin's hands slide down his sides and he was soon being lifted up off the floor and wrapping his legs around Rin waist as the kiss became more heated.

All Haru could hear was the tv faintly from the other room and their heated breaths. "I can't wait to get you back home." He muttered against Rin's lips. "Because if we don't stop," He panted softly against Rin's ear once the kiss ended. "I'll drag you into the bathroom and lock the door..."

Rin just chuckled. "Is that supposed to be a threat?" He raised a brow as he kissed Haru's cheek softly. "Or is it a promise?"

"Maybe both." Haru playfully replied as he kissed Rin again to shut him up and he could feel Rin starting to grind against him and a soft moan feel from his lips as he felt his body react. He could feel Rin's desire as his body slowly brushed against his over and over. "God, we have to stop..." Haru could barely speak and his words were halfhearted because he really wanted Rin. Right now.

So engrossed they were in each other...until Haru heard someone clear their throat and he pulled away from Rin and gazed over the redhead's shoulder. "Getting lucky Haru-chan!" Nagisa's oozed with amusement and Rin's face soon matched his hair as he quickly let Haru go and the interruption was enough to throw cold water over their passion.

God, Haru wished they were alone at this moment. He had Rin's taste on his lips and it was teasing him and his heart would not calm even with Nagisa and as he looked closer ...all of their friends it seems.

"The movie ended." Rei seemed to be explaining and Haru didn't miss how red his face was too.

Makoto was the only one who was not surprised but he already knew. Haru had confided in him after all.

"Are you a couple?" Nagisa asked, "Rin-chan and Haru-chan." He didn't sound the least bit surprised by it. "You two always noticed each other...a lot."

Makoto coughed, "I thought we were about to order pizza..."

"This is more interesting than pizza..." Nagisa insisted. "Why didn't you guys tell us?" He asked, and Haru groaned because of his inner worries of what they really were. He didn't know.

Rin spoke before Haru had a chance. "We're just sleeping together...that's all. Friends with benefits."

Haru bit into his lower lip, glad he had not said what he wanted to say as a new ache grew in him. God, he really needed to know if that was really all this was to Rin. Just sex.

"Rin-chan." Nagisa tsked at him. "Are you sure about that?"

Rin cleared his throat and avoided looking into Haru's eyes. "I-"

Makoto interrupted again. "Guys let's order the pizza. I have to get to my wife eventually." To Haru, it seemed as if he was trying to take the attention off of them. He knows how Haru really feels, most likely. Haru hadn't told him in so many words but the way Makoto responded, it was like he knew Haru was in love with Rin before Haru had realized it himself.

Or maybe Haru knew but he was finally ready to admit it to himself. Admitting it to Rin was what made him feel off.

"I'm going to go." Haru muttered softly. He needed to be alone.

"Haru-chan." Nagisa sounded rather sad as he watched his friend walk out the door.

Haru walked home, skipping taking the bus because this was a good way to think without distractions. This or maybe a swim would be good about now.

Changing his mind, he was soon headed towards the old swim club. He had a key because he sometimes helped out. Letting himself in, Haru stood next to the pool, staring at the clear blue water. Remember when it was what brought him the most joy. When he was young and things were so much simpler than now.

Before love crashed into him in the form of the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. No one should light up a room the way Rin can.

Haru recalls seeming him standing at the head of the classroom when he had first transferred. He looked so sure and so ...irritatingly cute. At the time, Haru didn't know what the strange feeling was that Rin caused in his stomach.

Stripping down to nothing, Haru dove into the deep end of the pool, the shock of the chilled water a good distraction. The water could still make him feel alive in a way but not the same way as Rin's touch or the way Rin looked at him.

Haru sighed. Keeping this all inside wasn't easy and if he avoided it. It would just fester and grow till he would end up bitter towards Rin. He had a bad feeling like a bag of rocks were in the pit of his stomach instead of the flutter that had been there only an hour before.

That feeling was like a drug. All the ways made him come alive were. Haru never wanted any of it to end. He wanted the friendship, the sex but he also needed more than that from Rin. Wanted it so badly, it was painful to think it would all end.

Sitting on the stairs that descended disappearing into the pool at the shallow end, shielding his body slightly under the water. Haru contemplated his options or rather beat them all like a dead horse.

He almost missed the whoosh and clasp of the door as someone else entered the room. He heard the footsteps but didn't look up to see who it was. It was most likely the coach, perhaps he forgot something.

But the coach didn't cause a blaze with his stare. Haru's eyes drifted across the large room and rested on the boy who held his heart but didn't seem to have a clue. "Rin..."

Rin walked over, slowly...cautiously. "Are you okay? Are...we okay? The way you left..."

Haru turned and looked at Rin, he was now standing behind him and rolling up the legs on his pants. He sat on the edge not far from a very naked Haru and placed his legs into the pool.

Rin's eyes drank him in, he could feel it. Even if he was feeling unsure, the desire between them would never ...go out. It was like some honeymoon phase. God, it was confusing. It was nothing but it was everything. But they acted as if it was something in between.

Haru cleared his throat, this is not the time to think of sex. Things needed to be said. "I...it was like you were telling them all we were nothing..." Haru couldn't look at Rin, so he stared into the water like it was the most interesting thing.

"Haru..." Rin's voice sounded pained and confused. "We never said we were more than ...we both agreed this was ...just casual..."

Haru sighed heavily. "Well, Rin..." His heart started thrumming hard in his chest as he swallowed. "I ...it just happened."

"What...happened?" Rin whispered and Haru almost didn't catch his words. "Tell me..."

Haru rose from the pool, needing a little more space. Rin was a little too close. He grabbed up a towel and wrapped his waist in it and took another smaller one to dry his hair as he spoke. "I can't help how I really feel about you. I don't want to lose you as a friend. But at the same time...I-"

Haru swallowed and stood with his back to Rin. His heart racing faster than ever before like he had just swam a marathon and gave it his all. "You what?" Rin sounded a little closer. Too close but Haru was frozen in his place. He couldn't move away.

He couldn't. He might as well say it. "I fell in love with you..." He whispered and time stood still as he waited for Rin to say something. Anything.

Warm lips were soon on his neck. Strong arms were soon on his bare waist and fingers grazed up and down on his stomach. Rin spoke against the back of his neck. "Haru. Haru. Haru." He muttered affectionately between gently bushes of his lips and Haru could feel his whole body shiver from head to toe. The rocks in his gut were growing lighter with each new kiss. "I love you too. I always have."

Haru turned around, still in Rin's arms and he stared at those eyes. Those honest eyes burned into him and he felt so damn light. So free. "Then you should be mine already..."

"I always was. I just needed to hear you say it." Rin chuckled and Haru felt his towel fall to the ground as Rin cupped his ass. "I've always wanted to do it in the pool..."

"That should be my line..." Haru smirked and kissed Rin.