A rather tall lanky man, with the beginnings of a more muscular body, grunted as he pulled himself up and over the ledge of the mountain, a quick gaze down confirmed he had climbed roughly 1000 metres, another quick look up also confirmed that he was not even halfway up yet. With yet another grunt, he started climbing again. All the while thoughts of why he was doing this.

You see this man's name is Bruce Wayne, he had been gone for almost a year now from his home back in Gotham. He was as elite as you could get over there. Money, he had it. Attention, he had it. Cars, he had it. Girls falling at his feet, he had it. However when he was eight his parents were killed right in front of his very eyes, by a common street thug. This caused a change in the normal happy boy. He started looking up criminal behaviour, and working out a lot more. He also started scouring for anything that could hint to a phenomenal teacher in the arts of hand to hand combat.

Then he had found it. A mention on the internet, about a man said to have unmatched skill in his form, said to have been able to tap a bullet in order to send it off course. Whilst he thought it a bit unbelievable and that there were no other mentions of this man, he set off to find any bit of information he could find on his location.

Day in, day out. Week after week, finding anything of everything he could to indicate where this man lived. Once again he stumbles across a highly isolated cabin. Isolated just like the man. Located in Japan just like the man. On Mount Tate, near where the man was seen. While he had no proof that there was a link between the two his gut told him to go for it.

With that in mind, he started to learn rock climbing, he upped his workout routine to get the maximum efficiency out of it, and now, he here was at 16 years old climbing a mountain.

He reached another ledge and once again pulled himself up, taking a small break which included a sip of water from his canteen before he started again. Just as he was about to set off he noticed a flicker of movement in his peripheral vision. Instantly on guard, he pulled out a hunting knife he brought on just in case he encountered something hostile on this mountain. It was not worth it however as before he could realise what was going on something has slapped the knife awake and he was out cold. The last thing he saw was a pair of lilac eyes with a repeated ripple pattern around the pupil.


Naruto stared at the young boy out cold at his feet curiously. He knew why the boy was here, as he had set up a genjutsu that would only allow those seeking him specifically through, then they were captured, interrogated and handled sensibly. Quickly making a shadow clone to pick the boy up and take him to his house before he got hypothermia, he gazed around the clearing to ensure everything was still working fine.

Then with a yellow flash, he was gone.


Bruce woke up it a groan, and tensed when he realised he could not rub his head, meaning his hands were tied behind his back, but it was not all lost as he could see all of his things laid out in front of him and that meant he was going to get them back.

He hoped.

Hearing footsteps he quickly looked towards the door where they were coming from, and then in stepped a blond haired, lilac eyed, whiskered man, standing at roughly 6"1 with a runners build wearing black trousers, an orange top, black sandals and a red trench coat with black flame licking the bottom.

"Hello. What are you doing half way up this mountain?" he of course already knew, but wanted to find out what the boy had to say.

"I … I was looking for someone. Someone to teach me."

That's good. He showed caution at the beginning.


"I want to learn all I can so when I go back, back to Gotham, I can change it, stopping violence and crime, from the shadows, to make sure no eight year old boy goes parentless again."

A tragic past then. Of course not the worst but he's actually doing something about it unlike most.

"What will you do with what you learnt?"

"I have thought about it a lot, and I decided I was going to be a vigilante. I have the dedication to start it, motivation to carry on with it, determination to finish it, money to fund it and a location to set everything up, the only thing I lack is the skills needed. That's why I'm here, so I can learn from the best to stop all threats."

He is right, those six points are the most needed things in order to carry out that mission.

"One last question. Will you kill?"

There we go. That should get him thi… "No." …nking for a bit and … wait "What?"

"No I won't kill."

Naruto blinked. Rubbed his eyes and stared at the boy and saw the absolute truth in them.

"Okay. You have proven yourself to be a worthy student however I need to cover a few things first. Ready?"

A hesitant nod from the shocked boy was all he needed before he focused on the boy looking at his chakra potential.

Hmm. Strong on the spiritual side, yet lacking on the physical side, however both can be brought up to a decent size and then he could utilise some ninjutsu very effectively.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki-Namekaze and I will be your new sensei. I like ramen, training, my past and peace. I dislike wars and most types of criminals. I have achieved my dream and hope to reunite with my family one day."

Understanding what was going on Bruce quickly followed suit.

"My name is Bruce Wayne and I am now your student. I like Alfred, the dark and peacefulness. I dislike all criminals and corruption. I hope to bring about a change in Gotham and rid the corruption from its roots."


Year 1

0600-1000 – Physical Exercise

1000-1030 – Breakfast and History

1030-1200 – Chakra Control

1200-1230 – Lunch and History

1230-1400 – Chakra Capacity

1430-1500 – History

1500-1630 – Beginner Taijutsu

1630-1700 – History

1700-1830 – Beginner Fuinjutsu

1830-1900 – Dinner and History

1900-2000 – Meditation

2000-2200 – Physical Exercise

Year 2

0600-1000 – Physical Exercise

1000-1030 – Breakfast and History

1030-1200 – Chakra Control

1200-1230 – Lunch and History

1230-1400 – Chakra Capacity

1430-1500 – Practice Shadow Clone

1500-1630 – Basic Taijutsu

1630-1700 – Practice Shadow Clone

1700-1830 – Basic Fuinjutsu

1830-1900 – Dinner and History

1900-2000 – Meditation

2000-2200 – Physical Exercise

Year 3 – Apply Resistance Seals

0600-1000 – Physical Exercise

1000-1030 – Breakfast and History

1030-1200 – Chakra Control and Capacity

1200-1230 – Lunch and History

1230-1500 – Self Study

1500-1630 – Intermediate Taijutsu

1630-1700 – Self Study

1700-1830 – Intermediate Fuinjutsu

1830-1900 – Dinner and History

1900-2000 – Meditation

2000-2200 – Physical Exercise

Year 4

0600-1000 – Physical Exercise

1000-1030 – Breakfast and History and Self Study with Shadow Clones

1030-1200 – Chakra Control and Capacity with Shadow Clones

1200-1230 – Lunch and History and Self Study with Shadow Clones

1230-1500 – Self Study with Shadow Clones

1500-1630 – Advanced Taijutsu with Shadow Clones

1630-1700 – Ninjutsu with Shadow Clones

1700-1830 – Advanced Fuinjutsu with Shadow Clones

1830-1900 – Dinner and History and Self Study with Shadow Clones

1900-2000 – Meditation and Self Study with Shadow Clones

2000-2200 – Physical Exercise

Year 5

0600-1000 – Physical Exercise

1000-1030 – Breakfast and History and Self Study with Shadow Clones

1030-1200 – Ninjutsu with Shadow Clones

1200-1230 – Lunch and History and Self Study with Shadow Clones

1230-1500 – Self Study with Shadow Clones

1500-1630 – Master Taijutsu with Shadow Clones

1630-1700 – Ninjutsu with Shadow Clones

1700-1830 – Master Fuinjutsu with Shadow Clones

1830-1900 – Dinner and History and Self Study with Shadow Clones

1900-2000 – Meditation and Self Study with Shadow Clones

2000-2200 – Physical Exercise

Year 6 – Give Gift depending on any Changes

0600-0800 – Physical Exercise

0800-1000 – Spar and Shadow Clone Self Study

1000-1030 – Breakfast

1030-1200 – Practice Gift and Shadow Clone Self Study

1200-1230 – Lunch

1230-1500 – Practice Gift and Shadow Clone Self Study

1500-1630 – Spar and Shadow Clone Self Study

1630-1830 – Practice Gift and Shadow Clone Self Study

1830-1900 – Dinner

1900-2000 – Meditation

2000-2200 – Physical Exercise

After Bruce saw his training schedule for the next six years only two thoughts popped into his head 'What's chakra?' and 'I'm going to die!' The sadistic grin his new sensei wore didn't help matters.

"Right then, let's get everything set up."


Bruce couldn't believe how far he had come, where he had started out as a tall admittedly lanky teenager he had started to fill out more, however the amount of exercise he had done throughout the year had nearly quadrupled the previous effects of his routine before. He was now much more muscular with the beginnings of a sic pack showing.

That wasn't all he had been doing. The chakra control exercises could be extremely helpful when he was in a bad situation, the exercise for increasing chakra capacity … enough said. His beginner taijutsu consisted of how to throw a proper punch with maximum effect and minimum effort, the same with kicks, all the basics had been hammered into his muscle memory until it as second nature, the hammered again.

His fuinjutsu was basic theory on what you could do and couldn't do. His meditation was also coming along nicely, well that's what his sensei said, he couldn't really tell, but he could tell that he was much more patient now, but he still had his outbursts.

All the while he was learning the history of the elemental nations, and he could not believe it. Ninjas, manipulating the elements, climbing up vertical surfaces and creating craters with a finger. However with that amazement came sorrow and disgust when he learnt of the wars and the other gritty details, such as Kiri's past genin exam.

But, if I know all this, only a better outcome can occur. I could prevent wars, possibly, but at least I'm understanding a lot about some of the criminal behaviour.


A blue eyed, black haired man stood in a slightly smaller than average field, he was wearing only a pair of sandals and black baggy trousers. He arms bulged slightly when they bent at the elbow, showing how much physical exercise he does. Across from him stood a blond haired lilac eyed man slightly shorter and much lither in build.

Sweat poured from the taller one, and small pants of breath could occasionally be heard due to the fatigue he felt.

"Again!" the same order barked again, for the nth time to day.

Horse, Tiger, Serpent, Ram, Monkey, Boar, Horse, Tiger.

"Katon: Great Fireball!" with a shout added in Bruce spat out a rather large fireball from his mouth, spanning 4 feet in diameter, it was a relatively large one compared to some back in the ninja days.

The fireball impacted against the tree in front of him and burnt it, causing it to collapse, charred edges on both the trunk and bottom part of the fallen tree.




Naruto stared at the man in front of him and couldn't help the small proud smile that made its way onto his face. No longer was he a tall lanky boy, now in his place stood a full grown man, standing at 6"4 he towered over most people, he had a very solid frame with the maximum amount of strength he could possess, but just small enough that it didn't hinder his flexibility all that much. His hair was short and black, eyes icy blue, and he had a very strong jawline.

That was just his physical appearance though. His skills in hand to hand or taijutsu as he had finally started to call it was unmatched by all, except Naruto, his skill in fuinjutsu was acceptable, able to make storage seals and what not quickly and precisely, his chakra capacity was enough to make up to 5 shadow clones, hi chakra control was very good, able to complete the senbon balancing whilst water walking. His stealth was also trained a little, no thanks to his chakra he could hide his presence much better, and his ninjutsu was at an acceptable level, able to fully use most ninjutsu's up to C rank.

He also progressed very well with his own studies, thanks to the shadow clones he is now proficient in many languages, studied most branches of the sciences, detective and law, criminal behaviour, and so forth. The only thing he was now lacking was experience. Which is what they were going to work on now.

"Bruce, for the past 5 years you have been a very dedicated student, showing promise in all areas. That's why I have a gift for you. I have watched your personality and behaviour throughout the years and have decided on suitable gift. Go into your room and lie on your bed, I'll be back with your gift in a moment."

Five minutes later Bruce heard the footsteps of his sensei reach the door before it was opened. He watched as his sensei stepped into the room holding a jar, and close the door. The last thing he remembered seeing was the needle as it injected the sedative into his bloodstream.

Naruto sighed as he got to work, uncapping the jar and preparing the operation.


Naruto watched from the side lines as Bruce quickly and efficiently decimated the last of his clones, all around ANBU level. His eyes spinning ever so slightly as he did so. It had been a year since the successful procedure of giving Bruce the Sharingan, and he had proven himself quite adept with it, using what he could to its best abilities, mostly to see and predict the movements of multiple projectiles and facing multiple enemies.

"Well done Bruce, you have grown more in the past year than I thought possible, though I bet those eyes had a major part to play in that. I have nothing more to teach, well actually that's lie, I have plenty more to teach you but that could take up to 50 years, time I am afraid you do not have. With that in mind, come let us have one last dinner together before we part ways as student and sensei."

With a small smile and a quick nod, Bruce quickly trotted off to have a shower and change, all the while thinking of the moment he revealed himself to the outside world, and hat the different reaction would be from the different groups of people.

After a quiet dinner with Naruto, Bruce returned to his room to start packing all of his things away, but as he was doing so he came across a sketch he had made about a year back, a body suit, made out of Kevlar with small amounts of titanium, a strong fabric as the cape, to 'horns' on the mask, and giant sharp bat symbol across the chest.

"You know, between that suit and your Sharingan, you won't have to worry too much about intimidation, those two things will do all the work for you." A small chuckle followed this statement, as Bruce turned round in surprise, not hearing him approach.

"Batman, it has a nice ring to it. Don't you agree?"

A smirk was the only reply he got.

So people, what do you think?

I've had this thought in my head since I watched Naruto for the first time, and couldn't help but think, how bad ass Batman would be with the use of chakra. I know there are some hard core Batman fans out there that will be like "batman isn't supposed to have any powers" and I agree, but this doesn't give him much else other than a boost when fighting metas.

Now then this story will contain the Arkham Origins, Arkham Asylum and Justice League, nothing else, I cannot incorporate Arkham City without Joker dying.

Anyway pleas review as I would like to know what people thought of it, and see you next time