Enjoy you guys, and please read the A/N at the bottom, I promise it's short. Based on the Tumblr post "A demon leaves messages on the bathroom mirror, but they're helpful messages like 'Don't forget you have Yoga at 6.'"

Lucy sighed as the hot water blasted her. Showers were always so relaxing. What more could a girl ask for than a long hot shower, some music, and orchid scented body wash?

Except, maybe, for someone to share the shower with.

The steam was building in the bathroom, and her music nearly drowned out the sound of the spray hitting the tub. She'd already shaved and washed; now she was simply wallowing in the hot water. She loved that the water heater was super-efficient, she'd yet to run out of hot water during a shower. Just one more thing she loved about her house.

She let the heat blast out the soreness of her muscles. She loved studying martial arts, it was a great way to focus and train her body. It made her feel strong and capable. She directed her life now, not her father. She'd met a lot of cool people too. Levy McGarden, for one. Levy was tiny, almost pixie-like in build, yet she could flip a two-hundred pound man over her shoulder. Her boyfriend, Gajeel, was often subject to her judo-flips when he made a smart comment about her height—he towered above her by feet.

Lucy wasn't ashamed of the fact that the first time she'd seen Gajeel, she'd very nearly whimpered. The man was brutal looking, tall, muscular but lanky, with piercings peppering his face, his arms. If you got past that though, you found a dork of man, who had an affection for cats and small, blue haired woman.

He also liked to sing.

Sighing, she turned the water off; she didn't know why she was lingering on thoughts of Gajeel and Levy. She'd just seen them at her martial arts lesson. She couldn't linger any longer in the water, though, no matter where her thoughts were drifting off to. Throwing back the shower curtain, she glanced at the mirror and had to swallow a scream.

"Dammit!" She yelled. Written in a sloppy scrawl in bright, bloody red, was a message:

Remember: You have yoga at 6!

She turned off her music, her towel wrapped around her, and she could swear she could hear a man's laughter echoing. After two years of living in this house, one would think she would be used to the random messages her resident demon left her.

Not long after she'd moved in, Lucy had discovered she wasn't exactly alone. Strange messages appeared on the fridge, written out of the alphabet magnets the previous tenant had left behind. What freaked her out the most though, was the red writing on her bathroom mirror.

Talk about a horror movie.

"Stupid ghost." She muttered loudly. The mirror vibrated, and in moments another message appeared on its shiny surface.

I'm not a ghost! I'm a demon. :)

"Yeah, yeah." She rolled her eyes. He was quite sensitive about that. He insisted on being called a demon. Scowling, passed the mirror, entered her bedroom and got dressed in her yoga attire. Sighing, she paused at the bathroom on her way out. "Thanks, I forgot about it until you told me." No more writing appeared on the mirror, and she could hear no echoes of a voice. She went in, and left her little present. She then grabbed her purse, put on her shoes and went to meet Levy at the yoga place.

Sitting on her couch, a demon grinned at her retreating figure. His 'roommate' of sorts was entertaining. The first few weeks of him leaving messages on her mirror—and rearranging the letter magnets on the fridge—had scared the absolute crap out of her. She'd nearly fainted when he'd first written on the mirror. It had been pretty funny.

Hey, he hadn't had much in the way of entertainment in years. If scaring the crap out of some girl distracted him from his fate, he'd take it.

She'd tried exorcising him, he remembered now with a wide grin, her and Levy. It hadn't worked—obviously—he rolled his eyes at nothing. As if some silly exorcising spell could make him go away. If only it was that simple.

He went into the bathroom—floating through walls would never fail to be cool to him—to clean off his message. She had long since made it his job to clean his 'mess' as she called it. He stared dumbfounded at the mirror.

Use a freakin' dry erase marker you moron, you don't have to kill a chicken every time I have an appointment!

He cleaned off his message—she'd left one, but hadn't erased his old one, which was totally unfair—and tested out the dry erase marker. It worked very well and it was easy to clean. Did she seriously think he used blood? She knew there was a leftover can of red paint in her garage, right? It washed off better than he'd planned—he'd forgotten that paint was not necessarily supposed to go on mirrors. He'd read the can though—it was like, meant not to stick to glass or somethin'. It had worked well, though he was running low and he couldn't exactly go to the store and get more.

He grinned; his Luce was smart, though he wondered why she waited so long to do something like this.

I don't kill chickens. And if I'm the moron, why did it take you so long to think of a dry erase marker?

He chuckled to himself; she'd be ticked when she saw that.

His work here was done.

For now.

So I saw the post on Tumblr and couldn't resist. A Tumbler user, Kisuua, sketched it out and I wasn't the only one who wrote a little drabble for it. Rivendell101 did as well. They're different and his/hers is great so if you have a Tumblr, look it up. ((I don't know if Rivendell has a fanfic account.)) I hope you enjoyed and if you want me to continue, please say so! I try to answer all of my reviews!