What Should Have Been
By: LeonSKennedy234
Summary: What if, Star Wars Rebels turn out a bit differently. What if, Kanan found Ezra first before any one else, and before meeting Hera on Grose. Well you are about to find out.
Author note: Got the idea one night while I was trying to sleep. See how much more time you have to think at night when you are not doing anything. Well I hope you like.
Chapter 1- News of the Thief
It was a busy day on the planted Lothal. On the streets of Lukel, the market place was booming with life as people were buying, selling, stealing...whatever it is done around this street. One lone figure was walking this same street that was booming with life. This lone figure wasn't going to buy anything from the market places or even head toward the bar. He was heading toward his work, like he always do, ever day that he had been living on this planted.
And on this day which was just as busy as many of the other days Kanan had walk this street from his apartments to his work. His work of transporting crystal to the star destroyer up in space. Kanan wasn't one for the Empire, but he needed the cash to fill his belly and put clothing on his back. He would take any jobs that were dangerous, like the one he have now.
It only took him about three minutes to walk from his apartment to his work. He checks in and headed toward the counter where he saw his boss Hank who was a blue skin Twi-lek
"Ah Kanan, your early this time."Remarked Hank.
"Funny, I thought that I was always early for work." smirk Kanan,
which what Kanan was saying was only haft true.
"Well most of the time you are. Now lets get at the job at hand here Kanan..." began Hank, and while he was talking, Kanan sighed, "What ya going to do, bore me to death with your little speech?" ask Kanan, who wasn't in the mood for any of this.
"Hey my little talk can't be that boring. Well is it?" ask Hank, giving Kanan this look of concered.
"Do you want the truth?" ask Kanan, giving him this questioning look.
"No not really, and oh I almost forgot. You can't go into the kichten to grab a small snake today." Added Hank.
"And why no?" ask Kanan.
"Well that because we've been robbed last night." replied Hank.
"Robed?" ask Kanan.
"Do I need to spell it out for ya?" ask Hank, which causes Kanan to give Hank that look that showed him that Kanan wasn't amuse. Hank chuckled and shrugged his shoulder, "Alright alright, but yeah. A thief got inside and pretty mush knock everything to the ground. I had that door close so that my wife can clean that room today before the rest of the workers get here." added Hank.
"What was this thief after?" ask Kanan.
"Trust me kid, you wouldn't believe me if I told you so." remark Hank.
"Try me." Kanan snarled, he never liked being called kid, ever. He had just turn 18 three days ago and he was no longer a kid.
"Alright, didn't say I warn ya. He just came in here and stole some food." added Hank.
Kanan wasn't excepting this. He wasn't sure if he should believe it or not, "What?" ask Kanan, in a disbelieving torn.
"I told ya you wouldn't believe me." Added Hank, Kanan was going to say something when the door behind them open and some of the other workers were coming in.
"We can talk about this later Kanan. As for right now, you got supply's to pick up from station six. Get moving before I decided to assign someone else" announce Hank.
"Alright alright I going!" snapped Kanan, as he turn and headed out the door where all of the other workers were coming in. Pushing pass them to get to the speeders, Kanan couldn't get his mind off the conversion that he had with Hank. A thief wouldn't come into this building to steal food. 'You have a better chance at getting food in the market than in this forgotten place.' Kanan thought, 'Who would be crazy enough to come into this place and steal?' He would soon find out that such crazy person.
End of Chapter 1 hope you like. Chapter 2 will be coming soon.