Okay so here it is: my RileyxCindy fanfic that isn't a one-shot! Yeah, it took me foreeeevver to finally get this started, but after really thinking about it, this just came to me and I went with it. This is mostly told from the perspective of Cindy, but I might add Riley's perspective as well. And, of course, there is some Juey in this, but it's not the main focus (:

Enjoy (:

When I was younger, my mama told me one rule, the golden rule: NEVER let a man hurt you, no matter what.

Mama lived by that rule always. She stepped on any man who ever came into our lives after dad left. She said love was for weaklings and weaklings only. I asked her why she had fallen in love and she said: "Because I was weak. Now I'm not. "

Mama never told me why dad left, but it wasn't hard to figure out why. After watching him sneak out of the house for over a year and running off with his girlfriend, some Chinese looking bitch with fake blonde hair and false eyelashes, I got the gist.

Dad finally left, but mama said she won because she got the house and all the money, while dad traded it all for that skanky home-wrecker.

I never saw dad again. Mama said it was because he forgot about me and didn't want to see me anymore. Mama said it was because that skank had him by the balls and wouldn't let him come see me. Mama said that it was because dad had another daughter and spent all his time with her. Mama said a lot of things, and I believed every bit of it.

Dad left when I was ten. Mama went on plenty of dates and long nights out, but she never brought a man home.

"No man is great enough for this, "She's say and laugh, waving her leg in the air while she sat down on a chair with a glass of wine in her hand at nine in the morning. I'd be sitting next to her, eating some cereal or something while she'd rant on and on about how dad was missing out on the action and had traded a diamond for a rock.

"But mama, if no man is good enough fo' you, then why did dad have ya? "I asked one day out of curiosity and sheer bravery.

Mama stared at me for a moment and then laughed. She stood up, taking the bottle of wine and her glass with her. Droplets of the red liquid spilled onto the hardwood floors as Maria, our maid, scurried to pick it up.

"Because Cindy darling, your father was lucky. But now he ain't, he threw away the best thing he ever had for a whore. "Mama sipped her wine and left me to think.

But some nights, I'd hear mama in her room crying. She'd be calling out dad's name and cursing him for running of with that skanky woman. She'd beg God for a second chance and she'd scream into her pillow out of anger. Maria told me mama was in a state of denial and depression, because dad had hurt her. Well, I didn't really know what that meant at the time. Maria said it was a kind of depression where a woman felt like she was worthless because she didn't have someone to love her.

"I love her, "I said. Maria shook her head, "Your mama needs a different kind of love, senorita, "She sighed, "Your mama is becoming angrier by the minute. "

"Well why doesn't she get th' love from those men she's always wit'? "I asked. Maria sighed.

"It's complicated, mija, "She said, "Very complicated. "

I was lucky. Mama had no one in the world to help her, to tell her everything was alright. No one besides me, that is, but mama never listened to me. Mama had no one but herself, and she'd spend the entire day in her room listening to old Blues music and drinking the pain away. Dad really did hurt her, but he didn't care enough to come back, not even for me. But it didn't matter, I didn't want to be around that cheater and his hoe-for-a-wife.

I had someone though. I had a few people; my friends.

Three of my closest friends were the Freeman boys and the Dubois girl, Jazmine. Huey Freeman was an old bastard, being a year older than me, and he was always flirting with Jazmine.

No, my best friend was Huey's younger brother, Riley Freeman.

He and I knew no boundaries.

Present day; five years after Cindy's father left.

"C'mon C-Murph! "Riley yelled. I heard his voice a mile away, although he was only a few feet in front of me. I clutched the medium sized duffel bag to my chest. Behind me were the panting noises of Ed Wuncler III and Gin Rummy, two of Riley's closest homeboys.

"Get along lil bit! "Rummy said from behind me, "Ain't nobody wanna get caught today! "

"Aight Rum, I gotchu, "I murmured, crawling under a pipe. Riley was already in the darkened street, lit only by a single lamplight. He was sweating, his black clothes were stained with mud.

I popped out next and rushed over to him, still holding the bag as tight as I could. Ed and Rummy were out behind me.

"Aye, you got it? "Ed asked me. He was panting and sweating, like the rest of us. He wore all black, the same as us, only he carried two handguns. Rummy carried three. Riley carried nothing while I hauled baseball bat around.

From his pocket, Ed pulled out a flask. He popped it open and took long swigs. I tossed the bag to Rummy, who opened it.

"Hmmm not bad lil bit, "He said, inspecting the loot Riley and I had stolen for them. It was a few pounds of weed.

Ed and Rummy had recruited the help of Riley and me a few days previous. They were talking about how they needed two little bodies to sneak inside a warehouse, since they were way too big. Riley offered up our services, and they promised a cash reward.

"Looks like everything's 'ere, "Rummy said. He fished into his pocket and produced a wad of cash. Ed did the same. They tossed the two wads towards us. I caught one and Riley caught the other, "Good job, Reezy an' C-Murder, "Ed nodded.

Suddenly, a wailing sound of police sirens echoed the barren street. It was a back street, which meant no witness mucking around to see us. But it also meant that the cops could maneuver around easier, with no one in the way.

"Let's bounce! "Riley said, grabbing my hand. I followed him away. Ed and Rummy hopped behind some bushed and were gone.

Riley and I ducked behind a similar grove of bushed and waited as the cop cars neared. The blue and red from the sirens lit the street. I backed up a little further, digging the wad of money as far into my pocket as I could. Riley crouched down low, and I did the same.

"They were here, "One officer said, getting out of his car. Another got out of the same car with a flashlight. Another cop car pulled up and two more cops jumped out, guns and flashlights ready.

"I don't see them, "One said.

"They must've ran down there, "Another pointed ahead of him, further down the street, "Or they took a car, "An older guy added.

They stood there and talked amongst themselves for a moment. I held my breath, watching from my crouched position behind the bushes with Riley. I could sense Riley itching to run off, but he held his position and waited.

Finally, the cops got into their cars and drove away.

After a few more minutes, I stood up slowly, cringing at the sounds of the leaves and twigs snapping under my weight. Riley stood up as well.

"Let's go, ma, "He said, brushing himself off, "Ed an' Rummy already left, "

"Aight Reezy, "I nodded.

We jogged down the opposite way, where the cars had come from. We hit an intersections and took a right. Soon, we were in the city lights.

"What'cha wanna do wit' all this money? "Riley asked, carefully pulling out his wad. I had just counted mine: a thousand and five hundred dollars. Riley had the same amount, "Dunno, let's wait fo' tomorrow doe, I'm tired as fuck, "I yawned. I pulled out my cell phone and looked at the clock; three in the morning.

"Damn, this took way too long Reezy, "I muttered.

We had left our homes and met up with Ed and Rummy at midnight. It took us three hours to steal a few pounds of weed! Unbelievable! But, the money was good; I was defiantly down to do this again.

"Yeah, you're right, "Riley yawned. We hailed a taxi and jumped in, "Manchester Street, "He said. The taxi driver nodded and took off.

After fifteen minutes, we pulled into my street. "There, "I said, pointing at my house, one of the biggest. I handed the guy a twenty dollar bill, "Keep the change, "I said. I hopped out. Riley scooted over and took my spot, "See ya tomorrow? "He asked, smiling.

I felt butterflies in my stomach, "Yeah, "I replied. We fist bumped, then he slammed the door and took off.

Inside, everything was quiet. I rushed into my room and hid the money in my vanity table, hoping that Maria wouldn't clean there. Then, I felt curious.

I tiptoed into mama's room. She was there, sleeping. A bottle of wine was on the floor, empty. A wine glass sat on her nightstand. I had never liked the stuff, but mama loved it. Said it was her own medicine.

I sighed and closed the door, "Sweet dreams, mama, "

Poor Cindy :c at least she's got Riley there, even if they do get into trouble.

R&R about what you think of this so far, Ciley stories aren't my strongest ones.

Xoxoxo, queen