Red In Mauve

Words= 351

Written for the Minefield Challenge. Prompt was the Color Mauve.

Ginny Weasley was dressed to impress. Her mauve dress draped her body effortlessly and Draco was not being able to keep his eyes of the redheaded chaser for his opposing team, the Holyhead Harpies.

Draco watched as the witch, politely excused herself from Jackson Beldovitch, a player for the Chudley Cannons, another opposing team and glided over to the open bar. Gulping down his firewhiskey he followed her there.

"Evening Red, that's a nice colour on you." Draco whispered into her ear. Ginny, had not seen him and jumped at the contact almost spilling her drink only to be saved by the blonde himself.

"Whoa, easy there Red, we wouldn't want to ruin your lovely dress now would we?" Draco said cheekily.

Recovering from her shock, Ginny returned his cheeky smile with one of her own, "Of course not Malfoy, this is a very important dress. It was a gift you see."

Draco fenced surprise, "Really a gift, from who might that be?"

"Oh, no one just a stalker of mine," Ginny answered smirking at the aristocrat.

A perfectly arched, blonde eyebrow rose, "Oh really?" Draco countered, his tone challenging and laced with authority.

Then again Ginny was never one for authority," Yeah... I keep trying to tell him that I am into someone else but he just doesn't get it."

"And who is this other person you are interested in?" Draco asked possessively, a growl building up in the back of his throat.

He hated it when she teased him like this.

"I was just talking to him, didn't you see? Jackson Beldovitch." Ginny said smugly, loving the reaction she was getting.

Draco let out his building growl and smashed his lips upon Ginny's roughly. "Well we'll just have to make you forget about him now, don't we. Come on we are leaving" Draco ordered dragging her towards the apparition point and not giving her the chance to respond.


The next week Ginny took the beautiful mauve dress to Madam Malkin's in the hopes of having the shreds put back together so that it could be worn again.

Hope its okay

Please Review

Ps the link to the dress Ginny is wearing is on my profile.